James Bond Jr

Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
edited July 2014 in Bond Movies Posts: 13,369
It's great to see MI6 now tackling the TV Series <i>James Bond Jr</i>. Looking this one up it's quite big at 65 episodes.

I'd watch it if it was ever released on DVD, so it's nice to see what it's all about from the world's best Bond site.



  • MajorDSmytheMajorDSmythe "I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it."Moderator
    edited August 2011 Posts: 14,084
    I have to say that I do remember this, vaguely. Somewhere up in the attic, i have the figures of JBjr (casual version), IQ & Dr Derange. I'm surprised I remembered the names.

    And Sam, i'm sure i've seen JBjr DVD's on Ebay. :-? Then again, it may have been the VHS tapes.
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    Posts: 13,369
    Probably some kind of "home made" DVD set then. I may look into it though this year would have been a great time to release it. Maybe next year? That's another good time...

    Are there any episodes you remember or really liked @MajorDSmythe?
  • MajorDSmytheMajorDSmythe "I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it."Moderator
    Posts: 14,084
    I can't remember any specific episodes, but I do remember the theme tune / opening credits.
  • edited August 2011 Posts: 2,107
    I remember watching this and the Connery and Moore films as a wee lad. Saw couple of episodes on youtube this year. Isn't that great now that I've seen it as an adult. They had to censor this, so whenever someone's shooting, they're shooting lasers. But this of course was before we got BTAS, which had criminals with real guns.

    I prefer the newer Young Bond to this.
  • Posts: 1,856
    I Managed 1;36 on youtube before turning off..
  • Posts: 102
    yeah I couldn't get past 2 minutes. horrible.
  • edited August 2011 Posts: 4,813
    lol wow, saying it wasn't as good as I remember is an understatement! Good god, those over the top voices! When IQ snorted, the hair on my arms stood up- and WTH is with Bond's voice??? Is it a girl???

    Talk about a missed opportunity. They should have made a JAMES BOND cartoon for older kids
  • MajorDSmytheMajorDSmythe "I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it."Moderator
    Posts: 14,084
    Not to mention that looking back, it doesn't really make sense. The lead character is supposed to be James Bond's nephew, why then, is the show called James Bond jr? If that were the case, he would either have to be Bonds son, or James had a brother also called James.
  • Posts: 1,856
    it's called the 90's
  • edited August 2011 Posts: 4,813
    Yep- it was a time when lots of 'adult' movies were being made into kids cartoons. I remember Conan, Rambo, RoboCop and then of course James Bond Jr.
    Bond was probably the most tame out of the ones I mentioned, but still- it's about a government agent who drinks heavily, kills people, and has a TON of sex! lol
    They were different times, that's for sure! I remember being a little 7 year old kid watching the RoboCop cartoon, and then being horrified when I saw the movie :D
  • edited August 2011 Posts: 2,107
    I saw the movie before the cartoon. I must've thought ; how lame. I was pretty young when I was allowed to watch movies like Robocop... and I'm still not a twisted psychopath.
  • Posts: 5,745
    I made it through the intro.. but an aston martin turned to a flying machine.. propeller powered no less?
  • Posts: 6,087
    I preferred the version writtend by Mascott myself. Still have the french translation.
  • edited February 2014 Posts: 12,837
    even as a kid I thought this was shite

    bond kills baddies, sleeps with girls, saves the world and drinks martinis. It was always gonna be a terrible kids cartoon, but good god, james bond jr was awful. And the theme tune was the worst thing ever, they found away to degrade jaws even when the character was completely dead, and james bond jr sounded like a posh little sh*t that i wanted to punch in the face.

    And didnt they make dr no an alien or something?
  • Just got up to speed on this. Looks like it was the same team behind Captain Planet. Yes there is an issue with the naming convention. If it's James Bond Jr - then firstly it would mean Bond has to have a son, and as Bond is British then it should be James Bond Jnr - but as it's supposed to be Bond's nephew that would mean Bond had a brother also called James.

    Also in the cartoon Dr. No is green.
  • jka12002jka12002 Banned
    Posts: 188
    This is what introduced me to the Bond franchise, since everyone is on the subject of the character's appearances. The only one out of the film villians that looked the same way he did in the movies was Goldfinger

  • edited February 2013 Posts: 4,813
    Not sure if anyone noticed but the guy who did the 'My Weekly Bond' series has now done James Bond Jr. Pretty funny stuff!
  • SandySandy Somewhere in Europe
    Posts: 4,012
    Not sure if anyone noticed but the guy who did the 'My Weekly Bond' series has now done James Bond Jr. Pretty funny stuff!

    Yes, he reviewed the first episode. The stuff nightmares are made of, I'm glad I never watched it.
  • Posts: 15,434
    I was a teenager when I watched it, I had already watched a few Bond movies, so I hated it. Like people here said the 90s were full of cartoons that were tamed adaptations of very adult movies or fictional works. The one I was watching weekly to hate it was the King Arthur cartoon. It was so bad.
  • Posts: 140
    I remember the King Arthur cartoon. Arthur and his knights were time traveling football players who used gadgets in battle. There was even one who could fly with a pair metal wings on his armor.

    I was aware of James Bond Jr. at the time, but I never watched it. Just couldn't seem to find it on the television schedule. I did, however, manage to pick up an issue or two of the comic book.
  • Posts: 194
    jka12002 wrote:
    This is what introduced me to the Bond franchise, since everyone is on the subject of the character's appearances. The only one out of the film villians that looked the same way he did in the movies was Goldfinger


    Same for me. IIRC it came out when I was in first grade (1991ish) and I was hooked on the show, had the figures, the whole nine. One day my dad asked me something along the lines of "James Bond Jr? Do you even like James Bond?" and I said something like, "There's a James Bond?" and we went to the video store and rented a bunch of them and I've been hooked on the series since.

    I tried watching James Bond Jr on YT some time back for nostalgia's sake, but it was rough to watch. Weird thinking that it was my favorite show at one time.
  • James Bond Jr. was similar to other cartoons of the time, like TMNT. It wasn't great, by any means, but I'd still like to see an official release. Given that the series is at an all-time-high, you'd think that a release would be considered.
  • edited July 2014 Posts: 10
    Is the World Ready For an Animated James Bond?

    I have thought that after Daniel Craig concludes his cycle as James Bond, it would be interesting to create a new series of James Bond animate films (3D, perhaps) produced by Eon Production (obviously, putting end to what I would call the Live-Action era), which would show characters, objects and settings (possibly, stylized... similar to The Adventures of Tintin (2011)) generated in computer.

    The advantage of this turn will be the opportunity to shape the image of James Bond to the same one imagined by Ian Fleming and to incorporate a voice, which would be convincing both in action and in conversations... yes... the possible voice actor for the next animated James Bond would the 7th actor in the official series technically. Also, the fact that there is a series of spy animated films can distinguish it from other Live-Action spy movies avoiding comparisons; personally, I think that the concept of James Bond in Live-Action will be staler yet for the next films.

    Another advantage would be the possibility of establishing the character in any period either in the 50s (like in Ian Fleming novels) or at present (as another reboot possibly... not dark / serious, not camp / goofy). Also, the films would not be intended for kids for the fact of being computer animate; they would be the same like the other films: for teenagers-adults or just adults.

    I already know that there was a cartoon series called James Bond Jr., but the real problem with that show was that it was intended for a wrong audience: kids; so the original 007 concept (from the film franchise & the books) was lost completely. Also, it hadn't some specific value added for standing out over another kids shows.

    Personally, I feel that it's pointless already to hire a new actor, especially if the producers want to maintain their eternal fans, who are still used to love the classic tone from Sean Connery & George Lazenby, the happy/light-hearted tone from Roger Moore, the modern/glamorous tone from Pierce Brosnan or the intense tone/dark/serious from Timothy Dalton & Daniel Craig. Making animated 007 films will allow to mix all these properties, which the 007 actors have left for the franchise's mainstream, and transform Bond girls, 007 Allies and classic 007 Villains (stale for the future world) into cooler and attractive characters for the fact of being computer animated completely, more faithful to the Ian Fleming's novels (adapted to the present).

    Even this new animated film series would go back to tell the story of how a terrorist organization (like SPECTRE from the Connery era) is shut down up to its leader in order to establish one chronology and not to be a generic kids cartoon series where you know what is going to happen (good vs evil) and the episodes don't have any chronological order. This new series is not going to be about character development from 007 (that belongs to Daniel Craig)and would be animated for contrasting the Connery era and the Craig era avoiding nitpicking comparisions, since comparing Live-Action with Animation is completely pointless; so this animated film series would be different and unique in the same way that the Daniel Craig movies are since the reboot from Casino Royale.

    Also, there could be better 007 videogames based on these animated films, since the gameplay, level design and art style from the 007 videogames would be based on a digital format already turning them into AUTHENTIC 007 videogames.

    In the future, I think that it will be more difficult to satisfy all generations, which have seen James Bond, therefore it would be interesting to plan how to extend the franchise's existence in accordance with the taste of future generations (animated innovation), instead of observing how to satisfy all generations. I would like to see a faithful adaptation of the novels Live & Let Die, Moonraker and Diamonds Are Forever with the animated format, which I propose. What do you think? Do you prefer this kind of 007, a black 007 or Robert Pattison as 007? Do you prefer the most obvious choices: Henry Cavill or Michael Fassbender? Do you prefer Christopher Nolan controlling & directing the franchise's fate?

    I INSIST... If someone meets Michael G. Wilson or Barbara Broccoli, it would be great that someone tells them this idea so that they should consider it in the future.
  • Is the World Ready For an Animated James Bond?

    I have thought that after Daniel Craig concludes his cycle as James Bond, it would be interesting to create a new series of James Bond animate films (3D, perhaps) produced by Eon Production (obviously, putting end to what I would call the Live-Action era), which would show characters, objects and settings (possibly, stylized... similar to The Adventures of Tintin (2011)) generated in computer.

    The advantage of this turn will be the opportunity to shape the image of James Bond to the same one imagined by Ian Fleming and to incorporate a voice, which would be convincing both in action and in conversations... yes... the possible voice actor for the next animated James Bond would the 7th actor in the official series technically. Also, the fact that there is a series of spy animated films can distinguish it from other Live-Action spy movies avoiding comparisons; personally, I think that the concept of James Bond in Live-Action will be staler yet for the next films.

    Another advantage would be the possibility of establishing the character in any period either in the 50s (like in Ian Fleming novels) or at present (as another reboot possibly... not dark / serious, not camp / goofy). Also, the films would not be intended for kids for the fact of being computer animate; they would be the same like the other films: for teenagers-adults or just adults.

    I already know that there was a cartoon series called James Bond Jr., but the real problem with that show was that it was intended for a wrong audience: kids; so the original 007 concept (from the film franchise & the books) was lost completely. Also, it hadn't some specific value added for standing out over another kids shows.

    Personally, I feel that it's pointless already to hire a new actor, especially if the producers want to maintain their eternal fans, who are still used to love the classic tone from Sean Connery & George Lazenby, the happy/light-hearted tone from Roger Moore, the modern/glamorous tone from Pierce Brosnan or the intense tone/dark/serious from Timothy Dalton & Daniel Craig. Making animated 007 films will allow to mix all these properties, which the 007 actors have left for the franchise's mainstream, and transform Bond girls, 007 Allies and classic 007 Villains (stale for the future world) into cooler and attractive characters for the fact of being computer animated completely, more faithful to the Ian Fleming's novels (adapted to the present).

    Even this new animated film series would go back to tell the story of how a terrorist organization (like SPECTRE from the Connery era) is shut down up to its leader in order to establish one chronology and not to be a generic kids cartoon series where you know what is going to happen (good vs evil) and the episodes don't have any chronological order. This new series is not going to be about character development from 007 (that belongs to Daniel Craig)and would be animated for contrasting the Connery era and the Craig era avoiding nitpicking comparisions, since comparing Live-Action with Animation is completely pointless; so this animated film series would be different and unique in the same way that the Daniel Craig movies are since the reboot from Casino Royale.

    Also, there could be better 007 videogames based on these animated films, since the gameplay, level design and art style from the 007 videogames would be based on a digital format already turning them into AUTHENTIC 007 videogames.

    In the future, I think that it will be more difficult to satisfy all generations, which have seen James Bond, therefore it would be interesting to plan how to extend the franchise's existence in accordance with the taste of future generations (animated innovation), instead of observing how to satisfy all generations. I would like to see a faithful adaptation of the novels Live & Let Die, Moonraker and Diamonds Are Forever with the animated format, which I propose. What do you think? Do you prefer this kind of 007, a black 007 or Robert Pattison as 007? Do you prefer the most obvious choices: Henry Cavill or Michael Fassbender? Do you prefer Christopher Nolan controlling & directing the franchise's fate?

    I INSIST... If someone meets Michael G. Wilson or Barbara Broccoli, it would be great that someone tells them this idea so that they should consider it in the future.

    This would never ever work... How did you come up with this?
  • Posts: 1,817

    I INSIST... If someone meets Michael G. Wilson or Barbara Broccoli, it would be great that someone tells them this idea so that they should consider it in the future.

    If I had a chance to talk with Michael Wilson and Barbara Broccoli I would use my time to ask them a lot of questions about their long term history of working on Bond. And then I would hit on Babs...
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,501
    And she would appreciate it, I'm sure. :)
  • Posts: 1,817
    Thank you, @4EverBonded, that's comforting!
  • Is the World Ready For an Animated James Bond?

    I have thought that after Daniel Craig concludes his cycle as James Bond, it would be interesting to create a new series of James Bond animate films (3D, perhaps) produced by Eon Production (obviously, putting end to what I would call the Live-Action era), which would show characters, objects and settings (possibly, stylized... similar to The Adventures of Tintin (2011)) generated in computer.

    The advantage of this turn will be the opportunity to shape the image of James Bond to the same one imagined by Ian Fleming and to incorporate a voice, which would be convincing both in action and in conversations... yes... the possible voice actor for the next animated James Bond would the 7th actor in the official series technically. Also, the fact that there is a series of spy animated films can distinguish it from other Live-Action spy movies avoiding comparisons; personally, I think that the concept of James Bond in Live-Action will be staler yet for the next films.

    Another advantage would be the possibility of establishing the character in any period either in the 50s (like in Ian Fleming novels) or at present (as another reboot possibly... not dark / serious, not camp / goofy). Also, the films would not be intended for kids for the fact of being computer animate; they would be the same like the other films: for teenagers-adults or just adults.

    I already know that there was a cartoon series called James Bond Jr., but the real problem with that show was that it was intended for a wrong audience: kids; so the original 007 concept (from the film franchise & the books) was lost completely. Also, it hadn't some specific value added for standing out over another kids shows.

    Personally, I feel that it's pointless already to hire a new actor, especially if the producers want to maintain their eternal fans, who are still used to love the classic tone from Sean Connery & George Lazenby, the happy/light-hearted tone from Roger Moore, the modern/glamorous tone from Pierce Brosnan or the intense tone/dark/serious from Timothy Dalton & Daniel Craig. Making animated 007 films will allow to mix all these properties, which the 007 actors have left for the franchise's mainstream, and transform Bond girls, 007 Allies and classic 007 Villains (stale for the future world) into cooler and attractive characters for the fact of being computer animated completely, more faithful to the Ian Fleming's novels (adapted to the present).

    Even this new animated film series would go back to tell the story of how a terrorist organization (like SPECTRE from the Connery era) is shut down up to its leader in order to establish one chronology and not to be a generic kids cartoon series where you know what is going to happen (good vs evil) and the episodes don't have any chronological order. This new series is not going to be about character development from 007 (that belongs to Daniel Craig)and would be animated for contrasting the Connery era and the Craig era avoiding nitpicking comparisions, since comparing Live-Action with Animation is completely pointless; so this animated film series would be different and unique in the same way that the Daniel Craig movies are since the reboot from Casino Royale.

    Also, there could be better 007 videogames based on these animated films, since the gameplay, level design and art style from the 007 videogames would be based on a digital format already turning them into AUTHENTIC 007 videogames.

    In the future, I think that it will be more difficult to satisfy all generations, which have seen James Bond, therefore it would be interesting to plan how to extend the franchise's existence in accordance with the taste of future generations (animated innovation), instead of observing how to satisfy all generations. I would like to see a faithful adaptation of the novels Live & Let Die, Moonraker and Diamonds Are Forever with the animated format, which I propose. What do you think? Do you prefer this kind of 007, a black 007 or Robert Pattison as 007? Do you prefer the most obvious choices: Henry Cavill or Michael Fassbender? Do you prefer Christopher Nolan controlling & directing the franchise's fate?

    I INSIST... If someone meets Michael G. Wilson or Barbara Broccoli, it would be great that someone tells them this idea so that they should consider it in the future.

    This would never ever work... How did you come up with this?

    Because I think the 007 should be open-minded to new & different ideas... just like the reboot of Casino Royale (2006).

    Why do you think it wouldn't work? What's wrong with the animation? Don't you trust the advantages from animation?

    I'd want to know your answer & opinion.

  • Is a bootleg collection available?
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    There's probably a thousand places you can watch it online. You could make a bootleg yourself if all else fails.
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