The brand new guess the character



  • edited February 2013 Posts: 183
    Not Mathis

    As we're on a new page, I'll put the clues up again...

    Existing Clues:

    1/ What I bring to the table isn't to everyone's liking
    2/ I already possessed what was pointed out to me
    3/ I made myself heard without speaking
    4/ I inadvertently found myself on the wrong side of the law
    5/ I relate more to the tortoise than I do the hare

    New Clues:

    6/ You might say that there was something fishy about me
    7/ I just minded my own business despite the chaos that Bond was causing

    Wrong guesses so far are: Jaws, Kamal Khan, Vesper, Dimitrios, Le Chiffre, Gobinda, Oddjob, Bullion, Solitaire, Dr No, Red Grant, Elektra King, Goldfinger, Honey Ryder, Largo, JW Pepper, Dominic Greene, Jack Wade, Stromberg, Tatiana Romanova, Kara Milovy, Octopussy, Tiffany Case, Scaramanga, Vargas, Rosie Carver and Mathis
  • Mr. White?
  • Not Mr. White
  • It's not that man driving the Oyster vehicle in Live and Let Die during the boatchase scene
  • edited February 2013 Posts: 183
    It's not that man driving the Oyster vehicle in Live and Let Die during the boatchase scene

    We have a winner! *applause*


    1/ What I bring to the table isn't to everyone's liking (Oysters of course - not everybody is a lover of those)

    2/ I already possessed what was pointed out to me (JW Pepper yelled at him about getting a licence, but he was already driving so probably had one)

    3/ I made myself heard without speaking (The oyster guy used his horn to make himself heard when he got to the boat/car pile-up)

    4/ I inadvertently found myself on the wrong side of the law (He got on the wrong side of JW Pepper for driving so slowly)

    5/ I relate more to the tortoise than I do the hare (Slow, slow, slow)

    6/ You might say that there was something fishy about me (Another Oyster reference)

    7/ I just minded my own business despite the chaos that Bond was causing (He just carried on driving whilst the police cars were in pursuit and the boat chase was going on)

    Hearty congrats @Signed_By_RogerMoore - I'm happy that you've solved it and pass the next round onto you :)

  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,501
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694

    It has been solved...
  • that was awesome. kudos kudos
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,501
    Congrats! (When I typed my try, I just turned off the computer, to hurry to work; I didn't see it was solved). That lasted a good while. :)

    Your turn, @Signed_By_RogerMoore; looking forward to it.
  • Come on @Signed_By_RogerMoore, you can't just guess and wonder off. You've won, congrats, but now you're responsible for keeping this thing going...
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    Come on @Signed_By_RogerMoore, you can't just guess and wonder off. You've won, congrats, but now you're responsible for keeping this thing going...

    Patience, patience.
  • 'Man in oyster vehicle'

    I would never have got that in that it was such an obscure character and I was thinking along the lines of someone more substantial, but have to give applause to Signed By Roger Moore in getting that. These rounds have really got better in recent weeks, despite a decrease in participation, so hurry back and keep his moving etc
  • That was an obscure one! haha, nice job @signed_By_RogerMoore, but let's get the next one going!
  • MaidenDeth wrote:
    That was an obscure one! haha, nice job @signed_By_RogerMoore, but let's get the next one going!

    I was watching LALD a couple of weeks back and mused that if I ever got control of this game, then the Oyster guy would be my chosen character.

    I enjoyed having control for a little while, but I think I'm more comfortable guessing then giving out the clues. Less pressure!

    Looking forward to seeing what @signed_By_RogerMoore comes up with next...

  • Is Signed by Roger Moore on vacation ? What's going on. This is one of my favorite things on these pages. Please come back soon

    It's imperative I think, these rounds are kept busy and underway
  • Alright, it's been a week. We should come up with some sort of rule where if the winner does not return to claim their prize by coming up with a new set of clues, then they are passed over and the previous winner would go again. Would most of us here be amenable to these terms? Because I want to get cracking on this thread once again and a week without it is too long...
  • I'm cool with that rule. The thread needs to be kept alive, so if this is the way to do it then so be it. I'll get thinking of another character just incase I have to go again...

    Anyone else want to add their thoughts?
  • I feel as though the decision ought to be up to @Baltimore_007 seeing as he's the unofficial patriarch of this game. What say you Lord Baltimore?
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    I don't think we would need rules in the first place if people who knew they weren't going to be here on a consistent basis quite participating.
  • I can't spare much time but Signed By Roger Moore hasn't even realized he's won most likely. People often have a guess then go away for days unaware what their response may bring. It would be unfair to just leap in and take over when someone did so well to get the last round, so I guess we'll wait a little longer for the return and with it, new round. Someone jumped in before when I had control and was unable to participate, and it's not nice, so from that experience, I suggest the only thing to do is wait for Signed By Roger Moore to return

    We don't know what the (his) circumstances are, so we'll wait some more for his return. I can appreciate peoples frustrations. I want to get this moving as much as the next person, but let's be fair about this
  • I can't spare much time but Signed By Roger Moore hasn't even realized he's won most likely. People often have a guess then go away for days unaware what their response may bring. It would be unfair to just leap in and take over when someone did so well to get the last round, so I guess we'll wait a little longer for the return and with it, new round. Someone jumped in before when I had control and was unable to participate, and it's not nice, so from that experience, I suggest the only thing to do is wait for Signed By Roger Moore to return

    We don't know what the (his) circumstances are, so we'll wait some more for his return. I can appreciate peoples frustrations. I want to get this moving as much as the next person, but let's be fair about this

    I appreciate you're humble defense of @Signed_By_Roger_Moor here Lord Baltimore, especially because I understand how much you want to get back to playing this game. However, I do want to be practical here. I propose that if the winner in question has not returned within another week that we move on without him. We will still honor his victory whenever he does return by canceling the previous guess-givers new round and allowing him to start his own.

    This is how I envision that this hypothetical would work: If in one weeks's time @Signed_By_Roger_moore isn't back to claim his victory, the responsibility of a new guessing round will fall to @Rogertheclown, the previous winner. Then, if Mr. Signed_By gets back before Mr. Clown's 2nd round is answered, then Mr. Signed_By takes over and the Mr. Clown's round ends immediately, and without anyone getting the chance to answer. However, if Mr. Clown's 2nd round is completed before Mr. Signed_By returns, then he will be passed-over and the thread will go to whomever the new winner is. Is that something that people feel is fare?
  • MrcogginsMrcoggins Following in the footsteps of Quentin Quigley.
    Posts: 3,144
    Let's not wait around for to long on this I have just looked at his time line and untill he dropped in to win the last round the previous contestant had been away for about four months ! I have sent him a PM requesting his return Regards Coggins .
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    I can't spare much time but Signed By Roger Moore hasn't even realized he's won most likely. People often have a guess then go away for days unaware what their response may bring. It would be unfair to just leap in and take over when someone did so well to get the last round, so I guess we'll wait a little longer for the return and with it, new round. Someone jumped in before when I had control and was unable to participate, and it's not nice, so from that experience, I suggest the only thing to do is wait for Signed By Roger Moore to return

    We don't know what the (his) circumstances are, so we'll wait some more for his return. I can appreciate peoples frustrations. I want to get this moving as much as the next person, but let's be fair about this

    I appreciate you're humble defense of @Signed_By_Roger_Moor here Lord Baltimore, especially because I understand how much you want to get back to playing this game. However, I do want to be practical here. I propose that if the winner in question has not returned within another week that we move on without him. We will still honor his victory whenever he does return by canceling the previous guess-givers new round and allowing him to start his own.

    This is how I envision that this hypothetical would work: If in one weeks's time @Signed_By_Roger_moore isn't back to claim his victory, the responsibility of a new guessing round will fall to @Rogertheclown, the previous winner. Then, if Mr. Signed_By gets back before Mr. Clown's 2nd round is answered, then Mr. Signed_By takes over and the Mr. Clown's round ends immediately, and without anyone getting the chance to answer. However, if Mr. Clown's 2nd round is completed before Mr. Signed_By returns, then he will be passed-over and the thread will go to whomever the new winner is. Is that something that people feel is fare?

    That isn't fair at all. If @Rogertheclown has a great round going and then all of a sudden has it ended for him, that is just as rude as moving on without @Signed_By_Roger_Moore. As I said, all these problems could be resolved if people would stop participating if they knew they were going to be away from the site most of the time. That saves all the waiting and frustration we would otherwise have to endure.
  • I have to agree Brady. It would seem a bit pointless to start a new round and then end it immediately once @Signed_By_Roger_Moore comes back. If we start a new round, then it should be seen through to the end.

    If @Mrcoggins has PMed him, then maybe we'll hear back shortly. Question is, how long do we sit around waiting...? It's only fair that it is his go, but we shouldn't wait forever
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    And he has never been a consistent member. He pops in and out at unpredictable moments, sometimes every few months, sometimes less. Nothing against him; we all have lives after all. Just an observation.
  • I pop in and out myself but whenever I'm involved here I can't help but check it constantly. This game really sucks you in and I just hope that we can get back to it soon...
  • Posts: 5,634
    Please come back Signed By Roger Moore, it's been about a week now, if not more

    I would PM him but it's already been done by some participants for sure. How long do we give this for a return although I'm sticking by the idea that it's simply not fair to just carry on without him and he did do very well in winning the last round

    It's just frustration above all else, as this is one of my favorite things on MI6 and I'm merely eager to see this in motion again you understand
  • I say we give it the weekend and he's his not back by Monday, then we push on. I have a character in mind if I have to go again. I do hope he comes back's only right that he takes his shot at this.

  • Posts: 2,189
    I say we give it the weekend and he's his not back by Monday, then we push on. I have a character in mind if I have to go again. I do hope he comes back's only right that he takes his shot at this.

    I agree. By Monday if he hasn't turned up you go again @Rogertheclown. I still think though that if he comes back on say Wednesday and your new round hasn't been finished, then we hand it over to him and you just reveal your character because after all this is an extra go for you so if you don't get to see it through then you didn't lose anything. If your game is solved though before he returns then I @Signed_By_Roger_Moore has had it, and we skip over him. If he comes back well after wanting his owed turn, we can negotiate something out then when he returns. Sound fair? Someone second me on this motion?
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    edited March 2013 Posts: 28,694
    I say we give it the weekend and he's his not back by Monday, then we push on. I have a character in mind if I have to go again. I do hope he comes back's only right that he takes his shot at this.

    I agree. By Monday if he hasn't turned up you go again @Rogertheclown. I still think though that if he comes back on say Wednesday and your new round hasn't been finished, then we hand it over to him and you just reveal your character because after all this is an extra go for you so if you don't get to see it through then you didn't lose anything. If your game is solved though before he returns then I @Signed_By_Roger_Moore has had it, and we skip over him. If he comes back well after wanting his owed turn, we can negotiate something out then when he returns. Sound fair? Someone second me on this motion?

    I said it once and I will repeat it again: Not the best idea. If @Rogertheclown goes again he deserves the great pleasure of retaining his mystery character come what may, no matter when @Signed_By_Roger_Moore returns. It is just as rude to simply push @Rogertheclown's riddles away and make him reveal his character as it would be if we went on without giving @Signed_By_Roger_Moore his well deserved position as next in line in this thread. I feel the only fair thing to do would be to play the waiting game. It is the only true way that all parties can remain happy and no toes are stepped upon.
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