Purvis & Wade out - John Logan in for Bond 24



  • Jazz007Jazz007 Minnesota
    Posts: 257
    Although it's been 10 years after The Time Machine and Star Trek Nemesis, Logan still makes me nervous flying solo.
  • Jazz007 wrote:
    Although it's been 10 years after The Time Machine and Star Trek Nemesis, Logan still makes me nervous flying solo.

    Well he wasn't solo on Nemesis, and if anything I think he made some more adjustments in terms of adaptation with Sweeney Todd, Coriolanus and Hugo. If anything, his scripts will probably be helped on with Mendes previously (if he's directing) and there's no reason to think why another writer could be brought in for a script check/re-write in the future.
  • edited January 2013 Posts: 203
    one of the good things about the success of SF is EON is less likely to go into bond 24 'half cocked' so to speak. as with what happened with QOS destroying the momentum of CR. BTW, i like QOS but the public didn't. QOS would have been SF if the script had been better. letting P&W go is a step in the right direction. if they need to they will bring in a script doctor for bond 24.

    on the other hand, do we know what Logan is doing? coming up with a story or the screenplay? Regarding Logan ... he has gotten better with age/time. Hopefully he won't force some gay reference into the bond 24 script.
  • JWESTBROOK wrote:
    bondsum wrote:
    But that other fraternity of villains could easily be SPECTRE with QUANTUM as a sort of subterfuge - a front to a much larger governing body. The fact is that QUANTUM is simply a pale imitation of The Bohemian Grove Club and could come from the pages of a Dan Brown novel. Unlike you, @RogueAgent, I'm not sure I'd want 007 pursuing conspiracy Illuminati-like behavior when there's a much better option open to them.

    Someone brought up having SPECTRE take over Quantum, perhaps a 'gang war' style or whatever.
    That'd be interesting.

    I like this idea. It's a good way of reintroducing Blofeld and SPECTRE without ditching Quantum.

    Saying that though I'm not too fussed about SPECTRE. I just want Blofeld back.
  • StrelikStrelik Spectre Island
    edited January 2013 Posts: 109
    I just want Mendes to come back. He knows what he's doing. Best Bond director yet.
    I agree. Although John Logan is a talented screenwriter, Sam Mendes was the creative force responsible for Skyfall's best segments. According to several podcasts, the Shanghai and Macau interludes were based on Mendes' ideas. If Mendes and Logan would collaborate on the next film from the very start, the results should be spectacular.
    I just watched the premiere footage. Theres a priceless moment when Ralph Fiennes is interviewed on the red carpet and says 'well John Logan wrote a terrific script' as if P&W didnt even exist.

    I suspect these two were something of a laughing stock between Mendes, DC and the distinguished cast and as far as anyone on the film was concerned it was Logans work.

    I love to imagine Mendes, Dan, Javier, Ralph and Judi in a trailer one day ripping the piss out of how clueless P&W were and Babs walked past and overheard and finally saw the light that these clowns were just amateurs holding the series back. She realised if she didnt sack them sharpish they would be laughing at her next.
    I am still confused why the producers continually re-hired Purvis and Wade for each new Bond film. The best moments in Casino Royale were due to Fleming's novel and Haggis' rewrite while the most entertaining segments of Skyfall were contributed by Logan and Mendes. I never understood what was so special about Purvis and Wade.

    Overall, I'm glad that Purvis and Wade are finally gone for good and that Logan is writing both Bond 24 and Bond 25. The franchise needed new blood with fresh perspectives.

  • Posts: 414
    Personally (and I can tell I'm in the minority here) I'm going to miss Purvis and Wade.

    I liked The World Is Not Enough a lot. I've always felt it's underappreciated. And most of the complaints I've read about it are based on casting, not the writing.

    Die Another Day has Broccoli and Wilson, and Tamahori, to blame more than P & W. It's a result of the need at the time for Bond to constantly be "bigger and better", meaning the producers were signing off on drafts of the script with the over-the-top material, possibly even requesting some of it. In a recent podcast, P & W mentioned how they wanted the car to camoflauge as that technology is being developed, but never to be "invisible." "We went for 5 or 6. Lee Tamahori wanted to go 11."

    And then they take all the blame for those but none of the credit for Casino Royale or Craig's other entries. Sure, Paul Haggis did some polishing, but he's even said in interviews that his edits were minimal. Through the reboot, I think it was Dench, David Arnold, and P & W keeping some of the classic Bond feel alive while so much was drastically altered. And while Haggis no doubt did contribute some great stuff, I'm pretty sure the classic one-liners belonged to P &W and the sickening "No armor left" speach is Haggis'.

    Haggis, Purvis, and Wade collaborated again on Quantum of Solace, but then the writer strike happened and Craig and Mendes had to do a lot of the "writing" themselves, making it harder to figure out who contributed what.

    There were several drafts of Skyfall, with Logan polishing and refining what P & W had written, with several of their ideas from rejected drafts of previous scripts making it into the final cut. Also, listening to that podcast, P & W reveal they were very careful about having the script be consistent with the recent movies (such as Bond's Aston Martin being written as the same one he won from Dimitrios in CR) before Mendes decided to connect with the older movies instead (such as making that same car the one from Goldfinger.)

    As for Logan, he deserves a lot of credit for Skyfall being so different from its predecessors. But Bond scripts have always been group efforts. If not P & W, I hope they bring new screenwriters in to back Logan up with the script, bringing real fresh blood to the project.
  • JamesPageJamesPage Administrator, Moderator, Director
    edited January 2013 Posts: 1,380
    For QoS, practically the only thing carried over from P&W was the opening sequence. Haggis' first draft threw everything out and was a story about Bond searching for Vesper's child. Yeap. Second draft brought in Greene and the water plot, and the the writer's strike kicked in.
  • Posts: 414
    JamesPage wrote:
    For QoS, practically the only thing carried over from P&W was the opening sequence. Haggis' first draft threw everything out and was a story about Bond searching for Vesper's child. Yeap. Second draft brought in Greene and the water plot, and the the writer's strike kicked in.

    Interesting. Can you get me a link or something to the source that showed who contributed what to the QoS script?

    The whole Vesper's child thing just goes to show not every bad idea is Purvis and Wade's fault.
  • MrBondMrBond Station S
    Posts: 2,044
    I would like to hear some more details on the first draft by Purvis and Wade, which supposedly wasn't so much of a follow up to CR as QoS finally became.
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    Posts: 13,369
    Going by the Bond archives book, it included stolen antiquities, arms dealing, precious metals, nerve gas, the CIA and QUANTUM. It was to be a much closer sequel to Casino Royale and Eva Green was contracted for two films. This meant she could reappear as a ghost. The plan was to release it in November 2007, one year after Casino Royale.

    As it stands our finished Quantum Of Solace uses script number three. No wonder it didn't work out all that well!
  • MrBondMrBond Station S
    Posts: 2,044
    Samuel001 wrote:
    Going by the Bond archives book, it included stolen antiquities, arms dealing, precious metals, nerve gas, the CIA and QUANTUM. It was to be a much closer sequel to Casino Royale and Eva Green was contracted for two films. This meant she could reappear as a ghost. The plan was to release it in November 2007, one year after Casino Royale.

    As it stands our finished Quantum Of Solace uses script number three. No wonder it didn't work out all that well!

    Oh, that is completely new information! I wonder how that film would have turned out.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,111
    I knew absolutely nothing about the initial drafts of the QoS script. Very, very interesting. I know wonder what could have been.
  • Posts: 414
    Interesting article I found, pointing out the contradictions in Craig's, Forster's, and Haggis' stories about the script's progress before, during, and after shooting on QoS.


    There's also a P & W "appreciation" on the same site:
  • DoctorKaufmannDoctorKaufmann Can shoot you from Stuttgart and still make it look like suicide.
    Posts: 1,261
    Quantum07 wrote:
    I could see a scenario where Quantum regroups and goes back into "the shadows", so to speak. All of Quantum's members that were exposed by Bond at the opera, including Mr. White, could turn up assassinated by Quantum in order to maintain secrecy. This isn't too far fetched considering that SPECTRE killed its incompetent members in practically every movie. I think Quantum needs to become more menacing anyway if it is going to have any more presence in the films.

    In the PTS of Bond 24, 007 could be investigating an unrelated mission, only to discover some sort of computer document indicating that Quantum is involved.

    OMG, Quantum already started infiltrating this forum board! :-t :-??
  • DoctorKaufmannDoctorKaufmann Can shoot you from Stuttgart and still make it look like suicide.
    edited January 2013 Posts: 1,261
    SlyFox007 wrote:

    Haggis, Purvis, and Wade collaborated again on Quantum of Solace, but then the writer strike happened and Craig and Mendes had to do a lot of the "writing" themselves, making it harder to figure out who contributed what.

    Ermmmm, sell Mendes and buy Forster... But I also would like to know, what P & W's original script looked like. And how much was contrbuted by the mysterious Joshua Zetumer...
  • Posts: 414
    SlyFox007 wrote:

    Haggis, Purvis, and Wade collaborated again on Quantum of Solace, but then the writer strike happened and Craig and Mendes had to do a lot of the "writing" themselves, making it harder to figure out who contributed what.

    Ermmmm, sell Mendes and buy Forster... But I alos would like to know, what P & W's original script looked like. And how much was contrbuted to the mysterious Joshua Zetumer...

    Sorry. Typo. I guess the last few movies started blurring together during my rant.
  • Posts: 9,915
    Mendes wrote Quantum of solace and Skyfall and Bond 24 ;)
  • Posts: 2,202
    Risico007 wrote:
    Mendes wrote Quantum of solace and Skyfall and Bond 24 ;)

    Conspiracy Alert!

    Mendes purposefully wrote QoS poorly so Skyfall would seem excellent by comparison.

    Seems legit.

  • edited January 2013 Posts: 8
    Why are so many people hating on Purvis and Wade? I found this news to be very sad.

    In terms of storylines and plots, you can't tell me they weren't creative, intriguing and smart. The only true blemish they had was Quantum of Solace, but that was due in large part to the writer's strike. And as others have said, they shouldn't receive the blame for DAD when it was the producers and director who wanted to reinvent Bond, so to speak. Despite that, they still gave us a great story with DAD. They also delivered us one of the greatest Bond films of all time: Casino Royale.

    And for everyone giving all the Skyfall credit to John Logan, remember it was Peter Morgan's story initially.

    I hope it doesn't come to this, but you guys may soon realize how great of a pair of 007 writers they actually were.
  • ShardlakeShardlake Leeds, West Yorkshire, England
    edited January 2013 Posts: 4,043
    Chris Evans was interviewing Charlie Higson on his Friday breakfast program on Friday. He started asking him about Skyfall and then went on to talk about Bond 24, it was quite embarrassing, he really should have researched what he was talking about.

    He said that Sam Mendes already had a written an idea for Bond 24.

    To be honest I can't stand Evans he's a multi millionaire doing a job another less privileged person could be doing, he constantly talks about being rich and goes on about his bloody children, also when he's asking us to donate to charity I just want to scream.
  • doubleoegodoubleoego #LightWork
    Posts: 11,139
    He's just overcompensating because he got dumped by Billie Piper.
  • StrelikStrelik Spectre Island
    edited January 2013 Posts: 109
    SlyFox007 wrote:
    Interesting article I found, pointing out the contradictions in Craig's, Forster's, and Haggis' stories about the script's progress before, during, and after shooting on QoS.

    That was a very interesting article. I was completely unaware that Haggis' earlier script featured Bond searching for Vesper's child. That would have been quite bizarre.
    RollTide15 wrote:
    And for everyone giving all the Skyfall credit to John Logan, remember it was Peter Morgan's story initially.
    Although I am glad that Purvis and Wade are gone, I am a bit uncertain about John Logan. Logan's work seems to greatly depend upon the director with whom he collaborates.
  • Posts: 3,334
    Looks like Purvis and Wade have been drafted in to write the TV series adaptation of Barbarella. The show is an adaptation of the 1968 sci-fi movie of the same name starring Jane Fonda, and Refn is currently working with producer Martha De Laurentis on the project. The Drive director will take the helm once the script and casting is completed, but no firm timetable is given for when we should expect Barbarella on the small screen. Hit the jump to watch the trailer for the original in the meantime.

  • Posts: 2,341
    I hope you not kidding. Purvis and Wade finally gone. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
  • How on earth were Neal Purvis and Robert Wade not fired after 'Die Another Day'?!

  • Posts: 9,915
    007InVT wrote:
    How on earth were Neal Purvis and Robert Wade not fired after 'Die Another Day'?!

  • TheWizardOfIceTheWizardOfIce 'One of the Internet's more toxic individuals'
    Posts: 9,117
    Risico007 wrote:
    007InVT wrote:
    How on earth were Neal Purvis and Robert Wade not fired after 'Die Another Day'?!


    And they were cheap.
  • Posts: 9,915
    and the brought in donuts on friday and good donuts too
  • Risico007 wrote:
    and the brought in donuts on friday and good donuts too

    That must have been it :)

  • edited April 2013 Posts: 7,653
    Risico007 wrote:
    007InVT wrote:
    How on earth were Neal Purvis and Robert Wade not fired after 'Die Another Day'?!


    And they were cheap.

    The same applies as well to David Arnold, bargain basement that got his value due to the EON connection mostly.

    And they seem to no longer shoot on location mostly, something I always enjoyed in the 007 movies. Also a cheap solutionj.

    It makes wonder where the expense is that that the movies apparently seem to cost?

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