The hair thread



  • edited April 2012 Posts: 6,601
    As a woman and his fan, I say - he LOOKS better with longer hair à la CR or so, but this short look just enhances that incredible masculin coolness he has and that is even better - in my book. This might be partly the reason, they didn't go with softening his features.
  • RC7RC7
    Posts: 10,512
    This is like a thread in Marie-Claire forum.
  • SuperintendentSuperintendent A separate pool. For sharks, no less.
    Posts: 871
    Here's a brief history of Bond's hair colour and style. I found this on another forum.

    1. Sean Connery
    Began losing his hair at age 17. By age 21 Sean had a receeding hair-line. By age 27 he was beginning to bald on top. Sean wears a toupee in all of his films from 1958 onward, including all 7 of his Bond movies. Sean had two seperate toupees for the Bond movies.

    One was a dry toupee, the other a wet toupee, for his many underwater scenes, or scenes with wet hair during the Bond movies. Also, Sean had two sets of toupees. One black, and one brown. So he had each a black and brown of each of the dry and wet toupees. Apparently in the films DN and GF Connery regulary swtiched back and forth from black to brown, and this is visble if you look closely, which I haven't, but will next time I see one of those movies. Also, Sean's hair was partially dyed in YOLT and DAF, and was dyed in NSNA, yet in half of the movie he didn't have it dyed.

    2. George Lazenby
    As George was only 29 at the time, he had all of his own hair, and had no gray hair.

    3. Roger Moore
    Moore's hair was dyed in all 7 of his Bond movies. In some like LALD, and TMWGG it was dyed a darker brown, while in others like MR and FYEO it was a regular brown.

    In TSWLM Rogers hair was both dark brown, and light brown at various times in the movie, not due to being wet, but due to different dye colors. In AVTAK Moore's hair was light brown throughout. In OP he also has various shades of highlited brown thoughout the movie.

    Roger had a receeding hairline throughout his Bond career, and his hair was cut shorter at the sides all the way back to the hair-line, so it appeared to not be receeding. He also had a small bald-spot on his left side, which was covered up with a very small hair-piece in all of his Bond movies.

    4. Timothy Dalton
    Dalton had a prominent receeding hair-line by the time he was cast in TLD. In TLD his hair is worn longer at the top, and combed downward and to the side. This effectively hides his receeding hair-line. However, in some scenes it is visible when his hair blows in the wind to one side.

    In LTK, Dalton's receeding hair-line was not hidden. In some scenes it was shown, and in some scenes his hair was longer on top, combed down and to the sides, and then cut shorter on the sides like Moore's was. In these scenes he appears to have a full head of hair. In the casino scene, rather than show or hide the hair-line, the hairdressers, combed Dalton's hair straight-back, and fluffed it up. This reveals the hair line to be high, but contours to Dalton's face, and makes the hair appear much thicker, thus taking all focus off the receeding hair-line.

    Dalton's hair was dyed in both Bonds, as he had some gray lines by the TLD, and a streak by LTK.

    5. Pierce Brosnan
    Brosnan's hair was dyed in GE, and TND for grey lines. It was dyed in TWINE and DAD, for his natural hair being apparently nearly all grey by TWINE, and completely grey by DAD.

    In DAD, Brosnan wears a small toupee in some scenes to hide a bald spot that is beginning to appear, in other scenes he does not, and it can be seen from certain angles.

    Yea, Bond really is old.
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    Posts: 13,369
    That was interesting and taught me a great deal @Superintendent. I wonder if Craig has got the dye out yet. If so, why not try brown instead of blond? ;)
  • Posts: 6,432
    best hair cut's for each bond.

    Sean - FRWL
    George - OHMSS (Attack on Piz Gloria.)
    Roger - LALD
    Timothy - TLD
    Pierce - TND
    Daniel son - QOS
  • Posts: 6,786
    Boy oh boy does Bond have bad hair... I guess Craig will be, alongside Laz, the only Bond that didn´t have a toupee. Still, his hair is not that great and he has a receeding hairline - see flashbacks of a fool to see what I mean. Brosnan wearing a toupee was kind of a shocker, so was Moore´s. Oh well, long live my own hair, may it have a long life ahead (got it? a-head? ok, I´ll shut up now). I still stand by the cool factor. Fact is, Connery, Tim and Dan are so cool they didn´t/don´t need a toupee, really. Although I´m glad Connery had one. Oh boy, you´re right, this is turning into a Men´s Health Mag kind of thread.
  • Posts: 6,601
    But its you guys talking about it - so don't complain... B-)
  • SuperintendentSuperintendent A separate pool. For sharks, no less.
    Posts: 871
    Samuel001 wrote:
    That was interesting and taught me a great deal @Superintendent. I wonder if Craig has got the dye out yet. If so, why not try brown instead of blond? ;)

    I dont't think Craig dyed his hair yet, maybe just the gray lines.
    His beard is getting grayer, though, so I guess the same thing will happen to his hair in the next few years.

  • Posts: 6,786
    Germanlady wrote:
    But its you guys talking about it - so don't complain... B-)
    Well, Men´s Health is meant for men. And I suppose we can discuss hair styles without being stereotyped as metrosexual. The times of silent spitting cowboys and Jane Austin marriage driven damsels are over right? Although I do like my damsel and, though I never spit, a gun and a hat are always cool to wear ;) I know, I know...grow up, right?

  • edited April 2012 Posts: 6,432
    Can see where they got the inspiration for the title of the 20th bond movie now, Dye another toupe.
  • edited May 2012 Posts: 4,813
    Thanks for that post, @Superintendent !
    I learned some new things too- I had no idea so many of them dyed their hair.

    Now-- my pics for best hair (I'm excluding Lazenby):

    Connery: Dr.No-- the slicked back look suits him
    Moore: LALD. though there were times that it looked good in FYEO as well (when it was messed up a bit and not too 'perfect'
    Dalton: TLD no doubt. Though I never had issues with LTK- not even the 'Dracula style'. Though that would be better suited for Batman, lol
    Brosnan: TWINE. I typically have my own haircut like that. GE isn't bad but like what I said about Moore- it looked better messed up a bit
    Craig: I guess CR- like someone else mentioned, it makes perfect sense for a 'man of action' to have shorter hair. It makes this Bond feel more grounded in reality. You remember all the old spoofs (and some actual Bond films) were he's in an explosion, or gets wet or something- yet his hair remains perfect? It's a bit dumb. Superman's guilty of that too (but he's Superman, lol)
  • imranbecksimranbecks Singapore
    Posts: 991
    Here is Daniel's hair throughout his Bond movies... I think the worse would be his hair in QoS.. It looked really flat and weird. I think his hair in CR looks the best, whereas his hair in SF is more of a closed cropped hairdo which looks good too which I doubt would not get really messy like how his hair was in CR and QoS..

  • Posts: 5,745
    ^Agreed, CR is the best. I do like SF's though.

    The third looks like a new man, if I'm honest. Or at least a brother from the first two. Really skinny face all of a sudden.
  • imranbecksimranbecks Singapore
    Posts: 991
    I think the biggest mystery is to what went wrong with his hair in QoS... What were the hairstylist thinking? It looks really ridiculous.. It looked ok when it was messy, but once it was combed, it looked really awkward..
  • edited April 2012 Posts: 135
    Craig's hair is perfect for a spy like Bond. Else I'd like to go with Tom Cruise's look in the MI-II. That was very useful and can be used to deceit others in many ways. I'm surprised to see that people are commenting on how the hair style looks good on the 'actor playing bond' and not what is required by a spy.

    Agree with imanbecks though. CR is the best DC hair style.
  • edited May 2012 Posts: 12,837
    His new hair makes him look older I think.
  • JWESTBROOK wrote:
    ^Agreed, CR is the best. I do like SF's though.

    The third looks like a new man, if I'm honest. Or at least a brother from the first two. Really skinny face all of a sudden.

    I actually think his whole physique has changed for Skyfall, judging by the swimming pool shot I reckon they've gone for less bulk, more of an athletic look, I reckon he's a good few pounds lighter than CR and probably carrying even less body fat.

  • Posts: 6,601
    From what I have seen, he seems somwhere in the middle between CR and QOS. Definitely at least QOS bod. Just see the topless pic from the trailer.
  • Posts: 1,310
    That pic from CR is one scary pic of Craig...
  • Posts: 6,786
    Craig can look as he pleases, the thing is, he´ll always sell the part right, he´ll always be Bond, That´s the man´s magic.
  • Posts: 18
    Best And Worst For Each Actor

    Best: FRWL
    Worst: GF
    Best: LALD
    Worst: OP
    Best: TLD
    Worst: LTK
    Best: GE
    Worst: DAD
    Best: QOS
    Worst: SF
  • Posts: 101
    I am a hair stylist & this subjects holds a lot of intrigue for me. Thoughts?

    Sean: wore a wig from day one, but the best wig IMHO is TB (very realistic, straightforward masculine & not too fussy) and the worst YOLT (too blonde and sun-kissed)

    George: a bit long but it WAS 1969! Love the sideburns

    Roger: had best hair in his Guy Hamilton movies. Not sure if he wore a hairpiece or "weave" after that but it looks VERY suspicious. Swooped back and hairsprayed into place to cover a bald patch? Looks dry and stiff like timber. Just awful

    Timothy: dreadful in LTK. Looks like Dracula in some scenes

    Pierce: i prefer the businesslike TWINE style to the flowing luscious GE TND style. A bit too whitebread wall street 1% though?

    Daniel: looks like a punk teenager in CR, too much of mummys hair gel! Better and sleeker in SF but he looks unhealthy

    So best? Connery in TB

    WORST? R. Moore in OP or T. Dalton in LTK
    Posts: 14
    Connery - Thunderball is the best example of wig/applied hair he wore as 007 as it actually looks rather realistic. (Far better than that truly awful 'quiff' toupee he had in GF or at least in the main part of the film as he seems to be wearing a better one on the pre title sequence).
    Moore - Live and let Die
    Dalton - The Living Daylights (he looks a bit like Dracula in Licence to Kill)
    Craig - SF
  • I liked his SF hair, even though it was slightly surprising at first to see Bond with shaved sides.

    I prefer it to his CR hair though, it just looked a little messy in that film and he had an odd quiff that looked like his mum did it before school for him.

    I'm not a fan of the overly spikey quiff:

    Often in CR his hair wasn't that bad and was mostly agreeable.

    He looked best in QOS.
  • Posts: 151
    Another great entry to the bond experience must watch for those looking to get the perfect skyfall haircut.
  • Connery in by far.
    PB in TWINE love it
    Dalton both films so Bond
    Moore...his first Bond film lovely
    GL is just Connery style
    DC looks like a Lego head.

    Now what about the chest hair, that's more Bond?
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,501
    I think for Bond's hair, I prefer:

    Connery - Dr. No or FRWL
    Moore - The Spy Who Loved Me
    Dalton - The Living Daylights
    Brosnan - Tomorrow Never Dies (TWINE on, it just look like a boring businessman's haircut to me)
    Craig - Casino Royale (Skyfall's was too short for my tastes; hoping for a bit longer in Bond 24)

    And I just want to say this thread's title is one of my favorites. ;) Always makes me smile.
  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,379
    Connery: Thunderball. I thought his hair looked best in it.
    Moore: Moonraker. Nice to see it disheveled abit.
    Dalton: The Living Daylights. It just looked wrong in LTK
    Brosnan: GoldenEye not too long, not too short. Just right.
    Craig: CR. Perfect.
  • Connery - GF
    Moore- TSWLM & MR
    Dalton - TLD. I agree with @Murdock about LTK, especially in the casino in Isthmus
    Brosnan - TND
    Craig - CR
  • Dalton's hair in LTK is fab....l like the swept back look in the casino....fits the south American flavour.
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