Nudity in The Living Daylights



  • edited May 2013 Posts: 15,409
    More than one people saw bigfoot Jarrod, it does not mean he exists. I think people are making fun of you because of your lack of intellectual honesty: we showed you why your ''bare breasts theory'' is improbable to the point now of being ridiculous, you still wouldn't let go.
  • Posts: 232
    And just because you didn't see bigfoot, doesn't mean he/ she doesn't exist, and if it does not exist, it still hasn't stopped the speculation of existence. I believe millions have been spent recently on massive programs concerning this very mystery. How exactly do I lack intellectual honesty? You want me to bury a memory on the account of some naysayers who had zero presence in what I've observed. The difference between the Moonraker "braces" mystery, is that it can easily be disproven by simply watching the film, and knowing CGI was not in existence in 1979. My case is different, in that I knew immediately that a shot was covered when viewing the VHS. And the scene simply appears awkward in it's editing. I'm sorry, but I wish I could be as easily swayed by a one sentence quote. but this is not to say you need to be swayed by me either. I started this thread to see if others remember as I do, and others do. The rest have come on board to disprove this entire thread. Take what you want from this, but don't get annoyed if I don't jump to the same conclusions.
  • Posts: 1,143
    I see a bust up here, someone has made a real boob and its all gone t**ts up. I will keep reading this post however to keep a breast of the situation.
  • TheWizardOfIceTheWizardOfIce 'One of the Internet's more toxic individuals'
    Posts: 9,117
    Jarrod wrote:
    by putting myself on the ledge.

    If only.
  • Posts: 232
    You know, your comments are making me not like Vladek Sheybal, which is really not fair to Vladek Sheybal. I thought you were done with this thread? Can't resist can you.
  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,379
  • I see a bust up here, someone has made a real boob and its all gone t**ts up. I will keep reading this post however to keep a breast of the situation.

    You're really racking up the puns in that post.
    Jarrod wrote:
    And just because you didn't see bigfoot, doesn't mean he/ she doesn't exist

    I guess that just about sums it up.
  • Posts: 232
    Nice to see you can take a quote out of context, and I'm to use your quote from Glover as gospel? Let me be clear, I'm not suggesting that bigfoot exists. I'm suggesting that because one does not see it for themselves, does not mean it doesn't exist. It means it debatable, which bigfoot is. If it wasn't debatable there wouldn't be a slew of shows dedicated to debating it's existence. I personally do not believe in bigfoot, just as you do not believe my claim. But then I don't spend my time disproving bigfoot, because I'm secure in my belief that it doesn't exist.
  • edited May 2013 Posts: 388
    Jarrod wrote:
    Nice to see you can take a quote out of context, and I'm to use your quote from Glover as gospel? Let me be clear, I'm not suggesting that bigfoot exists. I'm suggesting that because one does not see it for themselves, does not mean it doesn't exist. It means it debatable, which bigfoot is. If it wasn't debatable there wouldn't be a slew of shows dedicated to debating it's existence. I personally do not believe in bigfoot, just as you do not believe my claim. But then I don't spend my time disproving bigfoot, because I'm secure in my belief that it doesn't exist.

    Well, exactly, it just about sums it up.

    You're in much the same situation as those individuals who spend their time trying to prove Bigfoot or the Loch Ness Monster or the Celestial Teapot or the Flying Spaghetti Monster exists inasmuch as, because of the way you're approaching it, you'll go on searching forever. You can never disprove a negative so if you don't find what you're looking for in all the different formatted versions of the film you're looking at, it won't dissuade you (after all, the shot could have been "censored" before then.) So you'll check the PAL video version of the film and if you don't find what you're looking for there, it still won't dissuade you. So maybe you could get your hands on an original 35mm print of the film and if it's not there, it still won't dissuade you (after all, you saw it in a particular place). So maybe you find an original print which screened in Sacremento and.... etc. you get the idea.
    Jarrod wrote:
    and I'm to use your quote from Glover as gospel?

    Well, as I've said several times, there's nothing stopping you speaking to any of these people yourself. I daresay it would take less time than checking the edits across several versions of the film and tracking down the PAL copy. It took me 10 mins to find John Grover's contact details and get in touch. I daresay it would be easy enough for you to do the same with him or John Glen or Alec Mills. You could do the same with Virginia Hey in seconds as she has a contact page on her website. It would also have the advantage that you'd receive a definitive answer. As I already have done from John Grover.
  • AgentJamesBond007AgentJamesBond007 Vesper’s grave
    edited May 2013 Posts: 2,637
    Interesting development. I have sent Ms. Hey an email to see if this is true.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,501
    I woke up today to 50 new posts on this thread. Hmmm.
    So my amusement now is - How many new posts on this particular thread will there be every morning? For some members this is obviously a titillating topic.
    (yeah, even I couldn't resist a pun ...)
  • Posts: 232
    A photo speaks a thousand words, a video I imagine speaks even more. I think I'd be a little more satisfied (as I'm sure you would) if I found actual proof. So I think I'd prefer to search out the many edits and see what I find. I would assume this would be far more satisfactory for others as well. Like I said, I have the U.S. VHS and Laserdisc due to arrive (both of which I have a means to record onto a DVD-R and upload to youtube), a PAL VHS and player will be trickier to get, but I'll give it a try. When I manage to get all this in order, I'll be back on this thread. Otherwise, I'm gonna have to give this all a break, because I too, am tiring of debating all of this all of the time. I wouldn't imagine Ms. Hey is gonna be beaming with pride to admit a full frontal shot, but who knows.
  • Posts: 232
    And by the way, the bigfoot analogy is Ludovico's, not mine. I'm merely responding to the allegory suggested.
  • Side boob!
  • TheWizardOfIceTheWizardOfIce 'One of the Internet's more toxic individuals'
    Posts: 9,117
    More boobiegate shenanigans!!

    I just watched FYEO on bluray for the first time and I swear that theres a bit of nippleage I've never noticed before.

    As Bond is sneaking through Gonzalez's grounds theres a shot of one of his 'hostesses' making out with a guy who looks like Murray from Flight Of The Conchords.

    On 00.20.28 is that a nipple, only clear as day because of bluray? Or is it just a shadow?

    If proven this would surely make FYEO the most nipple heavy Bond film, given the well known Cassandra Harris nipslip later on.

    How many more hidden nips are out there in Bond waiting to be uncovered by us intrepid nudity Indys?
  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,379
    No offence, but this thread seems to have gotten useless. Pointless bickering over what? A Millisecond of footage of a woman's breasts? Who cares? This is borderline sexist.
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,989
    even as we speak, Mr Grover is urgently calling through to Eon HQ, "Mike? Babs? This is JG. We have a Code Red. They're on to us. Repeat: they're on to us...."
    BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! Thanks, Sir James, for both the definitive word, AND the LOL of the day.
  • Jarrod wrote:
    The difference between the Moonraker "braces" mystery, is that it can easily be disproven by simply watching the film, and knowing CGI was not in existence in 1979.

    Not so fast. Someone really convinced Dolly had braces (and remember, many different persons think so...), could say that two copies exist : one with the braces, the original one, and one without, when it was reported to EON that psychologists were concerned that braces shown in a jokingly way would be a harm to kids having them in the audience. And there you have some reason for censorship. Note how the shot of her smile is a shot that is independent from the others, etc...
    Jarrod wrote:
    And the scene simply appears awkward in it's editing.

    John Glen is a very didactic director (even though TLD was hopefully less problematic in this way than with Roger's last movies), so well here we've got a split second to understand that the guard is surprised. I don't think he intended something "arty" as the split second freeze edit in QoS (unless you think we had a shot of a naked Mr White there in some copies :) ).

    Also don't be fooled by the fact that this edit is a weird coincidence with your confidence over what some think they saw in the theater. It's rather that without this edit, you wouldn't be so confident IMO.
    Jarrod wrote:
    The rest have come on board to disprove this entire thread. Take what you want from this, but don't get annoyed if I don't jump to the same conclusions.

    And don't use the fact that many answers have been ridiculous and/or arrogant indeed, to strengthen your idea you''re right ! You should rather read how other persons first though like you, and then changed mind.

    Also, for the anecdote, I've seen several times the myth that "Ian Fleming has a cameo in FRWL" popping back alive over twenty years. It's part of things that come and go, many people are sure despite all the evidence etc.

  • Posts: 1,143
    Jarrod wrote:
    Nice to see you can take a quote out of context, and I'm to use your quote from Glover as gospel? Let me be clear, I'm not suggesting that bigfoot exists. I'm suggesting that because one does not see it for themselves, does not mean it doesn't exist. It means it debatable, which bigfoot is. If it wasn't debatable there wouldn't be a slew of shows dedicated to debating it's existence. I personally do not believe in bigfoot, just as you do not believe my claim. But then I don't spend my time disproving bigfoot, because I'm secure in my belief that it doesn't exist.

    Well, exactly, it just about sums it up.

    You're in much the same situation as those individuals who spend their time trying to prove Bigfoot or the Loch Ness Monster or the Celestial Teapot or the Flying Spaghetti Monster exists inasmuch as, because of the way you're approaching it, you'll go on searching forever. You can never disprove a negative so if you don't find what you're looking for in all the different formatted versions of the film you're looking at, it won't dissuade you (after all, the shot could have been "censored" before then.) So you'll check the PAL video version of the film and if you don't find what you're looking for there, it still won't dissuade you. So maybe you could get your hands on an original 35mm print of the film and if it's not there, it still won't dissuade you (after all, you saw it in a particular place). So maybe you find an original print which screened in Sacremento and.... etc. you get the idea.
    Jarrod wrote:
    and I'm to use your quote from Glover as gospel?

    Well, as I've said several times, there's nothing stopping you speaking to any of these people yourself. I daresay it would take less time than checking the edits across several versions of the film and tracking down the PAL copy. It took me 10 mins to find John Grover's contact details and get in touch. I daresay it would be easy enough for you to do the same with him or John Glen or Alec Mills. You could do the same with Virginia Hey in seconds as she has a contact page on her website. It would also have the advantage that you'd receive a definitive answer. As I already have done from John Grover.

    "Flying Spaghetti Monster". Bigfoot is a ridiculous notion but I genuingly want to believe in this! Native to Italy I presume? ;-)

    In respect to the topless did she or didn't she, who cares? The question should be is whether the Spagahetti monster is made of it or just looks like it?
  • "Flying Spaghetti Monster". Bigfoot is a ridiculous notion but I genuingly want to believe in this! Native to Italy I presume? ;-)

    In respect to the topless did she or didn't she, who cares? The question should be is whether the Spagahetti monster is made of it or just looks like it?

    Good question. The religion that follows the FSM is called Pastafarianism (really!) so I think it is made out of pasta (and meatballs apparently)
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,989
    I disavow the FSM due to it's use of meatballs (I'm a *mostly* vegetarian).
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    When a thread about female nudity starts delving into conversation about spaghetti, you know its time has come. When shall this beauty be locked up and the key quite literally thrown away?
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,989
    I agree, this train has run its course & wrecked. ;)
  • Posts: 232
    Yeah, close the one thread that has garnered more attention then any other current thread in the last couple of days.
  • Posts: 232
    Nobody is forcing anyone from participating in a thread, but as soon as all the boobie jokes dry up, half the people that help derail my thread say that this has run it's course. Too funny.
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,989
    Jarrod wrote:
    Yeah, close the one thread that has garnered more attention then any other current thread in the last couple of days.
    A meteor burns bright, then disintegrates, dude.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    Jarrod wrote:
    Yeah, close the one thread that has garnered more attention then any other current thread in the last couple of days.

    Much like Virginia Hey's breasts, you seem to have also imagined all this so called amazing attention this thread has received.
  • Posts: 232
    I guess I also imagine your six posts on my thread in the last few days. Sorry your sick of my thread, I guess you could always stop posting on it if you're tired of it. Oh, wait that would just be too easy.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    Jarrod wrote:
    I guess I also imagine your six posts on my thread in the last few days. Sorry your sick of my thread, I guess you could always stop posting on it if you're tired of it. Oh, wait that would just be too easy.
    This is a train wreck and I love to be on the sidelines to watch it crash. In addition, numerous members have been running over your argument left and right until they are nothing, and I enjoy seeing the suffering of others who are so set int their own daydreams they don't consider applying logic on their situation. In this case, it is a 25 year old daydream. :))
  • Posts: 232
    Seven posts don't make you an observer on the "sidelines" it makes you a participant. Maybe this is a 25 year old daydream to you, so what if it is? With the amount of nonsense I see discussed on this forum, I don't see you rallying to shut down "Anybody here wished they could play a Bond villain?" or any other fantasy based threads. Who are you to dictate what has run it's course? Especially when you consistently participate. If I'm stuck in a 25 year fantasy, why do you care so much? But your laughing faces are real cute, but also a dead giveaway that you shouldn't be taken too serious anyways
This discussion has been closed.