"If I Were Prime Minister," by Ian Fleming (Full Article!)

edited November 2013 in Literary 007 Posts: 2,951
Many of you have probably read excerpts of Ian Fleming's article "If I Were Prime Minister." However, the full article has not appeared on the web--until now. Fresh from The Spectator's archives, here is the entire piece, originally published Oct. 9, 1959.

If I Were Prime Minister

By Ian Fleming

I am a totally non-political animal. I prefer the name of the Liberal Party to the name of any other and I vote Conservative rather than Labour, mainly because the Conservatives have bigger bottoms and I believe that big bottoms make for better government than scrawny ones. I only once attended a debate in the House of Commons. It was, I think, towards the end of 1938 when we were unattractively trying to cajole Mussolini away from Hitler. I found the hollowness and futility of the speeches degrading and infantile and the well-fed, deep-throated ‘Hear, hears’ for each mendacious platitude verging on the obscene. If this is politics, I reflected, I would much rather not see it happening and I swore never to re-enter the Chamber. I never have.

My own particular hero is Sir Alan Herbert, an independent-minded though admittedly think-shanked man, who swimming alone, stayed out of the muddy red and blue stream and more or less single-handed changed a section of our law for the benefit of the common man. And of course I have the affectionate reverence for Sir Winston Churchill that most of us share. But in general I regard politicians as a race apart and if the Bottle Imp were to offer me high office I would accept, and that with reluctance, nothing less than the Premiership.

On taking office, I would concentrate on small things.

The big things—the H-bomb, the conquest of outer space, the colour problem—these are too vast and confused for one man’s brain; I would leave them to my Ministers and to the wave of common sense, which, it seems to me, by a process of osmosis between peoples rather than between politicians, is taking a rapid and healthy control of the world.

My first ‘Action This Day,’ through my Minister of Transport, would be simple but significant: on the road signs displaying a diamond-studded black banana with the word ‘CURVE’ underneath, I would have the word ‘CURVE’ removed. By this and other small tokens, I would proclaim that the English people are no longer babies and that, after all these years of universal education, I propose to deal with the citizens as if they were in fact universally educated. All my education would start with this assumption.

Next, I would try and stop people being ashamed of themselves. In the United Kingdom we have a basically nonconformist conscience and the fact that taxation, controls and certain features of the Welfare State have turned the majority of us into petty criminals, liars and work-dodgers is, I am sure, having a very bad effect of the psyche of the kingdom. Tax-dodging in all its forms would have my attention and I would proceed to reduce income tax, surtax and death duties by the maximum amount possible in exchange for abolishing all expense accounts and other forms of fiscal chicanery. Motor-cars, whether Rolls-Royces or Fords, owned by a company, would have the name of that company displayed in half-inch letters in a prominent position so that if a company’s car was seen disgorging a load of mink and cigar smoke in theatreland in the evening, any of the company’s shareholders who happened to be a witness could, if he wanted, ask the company to justify the use of a company vehicle. But the real deterrent would be snobbery. I think everyone would gain morally by this legislation and no real harm would be done to anyone. To begin with, of course, the restaurants would suffer from the absence of the expense-account aristocracy who have ridiculously inflated the price of meals all over the world, while at the same time deflating the quality of the food. I would hope that the really good restaurants would survive, but that the hosts of bogus eating places with Algerian ‘Infuriator’ (otherwise known as ‘Instant’ Burgundy), described as Beaujolais selling at 15s. for half a carafe, would disappear.

Having looked after the moral fibre of the ‘Haves,’ I would next direct my attention to the work-shy ‘Have-nots,’ being convinced that the man who is not returning good work for good money is basically ashamed of himself. In consultation with the trade unions, I would devise a scheme of benevolent Stakhanovism. There would be a minimum wage in every industry, but rapidly mounting merit bonuses for real work in either quantity or quality. This would not abolish tea breaks or the games of whist but make them unpopular with the wives. I would also request the trade unions to re-examine the whole question of overtime. Having obtained an eight-hour day and a five-day week, it seems to me wrong that workers should use two extra days and many extra hours earning overtime double money when they should be enjoying the leisure and repose they have fought to obtain.

And while on the subject of leisure, I would certainly consider appointing a Minister of Leisure, with a small staff, to make every effort to enhance the pleasure people get from their increasing spare time.

Having observed at close quarters the great waste of money on paint and canvases in one of our art schools, I am not convinced that the Welfare ‘artist,’ copying as he usually does, one or another, or very often several, of the modern theories of painting, is worth encouraging any farther. Instead, therefore, of spending larger sums on the arts, I would spend them on the crafts. I would encourage the fine metal workers, enamellers, binders, printers, woodworkers, etc., in a most lavish fashion and attempt to arrest at once the decline of the craftsman, even down to the lowly thatcher.

To give the craftsman, the designer and, of course, the artist an outlet for his capabilities, I would take the Rolls-Royce motor-car as an example and persuade all manufacturers that, let us say, 5 per cent. of output should consist of an absolutely top-grade, luxury product in which price is an entirely secondary consideration. Every firm would then be producing, perhaps only in small quantities, the Rolls-Royce of its particular line of manufacture—real grain whisky and gin, quintessentially distilled, ice-cream made with real strawberries and real cream, lavatory paper as luxurious as a peach skin, scissors that actually cut your nails, and so on through the list of all our products. By this means I would make quality goods available to those here and abroad who like these things and can afford them and I would hope to educate the admass to eschew the shoddy. Coincidentally, in the world’s markets, ‘British made’ would go back to the place where it used to belong.

Next I should proceed to a complete reform of our sex and gambling laws and endeavour to cleanse the country of the hypocrisy with which we so unattractively clothe our vices. To deal only with my most far-reaching proposal, I would consult with my Minister of Leisure about the possibility of turning the Isle of Wight into one vast pleasuredome (cf. Fr. Baisodrome) which would be a mixture of Monte Carlo, Las Vegas, pre-war Paris and Macao. Here there would be casinos (they are building one on Gibraltar and they have one in Nassau; why not one on the Isle of Wight?) and the most luxurious maisons de tolérance in the world. Bingo, poker, faro, fan-tan, craps—even whist drives with money prizes! This would be a world where the frustrated citizen of every class could give full rein to those basic instincts for sex and gambling which have been crushed through the ages. At last our cliff-girt libido would have an outlet and the sleazy strip-tease joints, rump-sprung street-walkers and backroom card games would be out of business forever. Since it is impossible to suppress the weaknesses of mankind, I would at least put an honest face on the problem and do something to release the homme moyen sensuel, or femme for the matter of that, from some of their burden of shame and sin.

After dealing with the spiritual comfort of the electorate, I would proceed to his physical state, and my first step would be the abatement of noise, carbon-monoxide gas and exasperation caused by the traffic problem in our big towns. I would solve these with the help of Mr. Francis Bacon’s recently invented, much-publicized battery. Our present internal-combustion engine is a ridiculous steam-age contraption which turns only a modest proportion of fuel into energy and spews the rest out in the form of petrol vapour of a more or less solid consistency. When there is no wind, this lies in a dense layer in our streets and we breathe it in day and night. It then rises into the upper atmosphere, where I am told, it forms a kind of envelope round the world which has the effect of interfering with the beneficial rays of the sun. Whether that is so or not, the petrol engine is obviously a noxious and noisy machine, and I would gradually abolish and replace it by some form of electric motor. This would take some time, but I would hope that, within three years of assuming office, I could have converted the whole of central London to electric transport. Very cheap, State-owned garages would be built at the point of entry into London of our main roads and drives would there transfer into electric buses or the Underground and later into cheap, State-run electric taxis. There would be quiet, no smell and no parking problems. Gradually I would extend this system to our other great towns and in due course the problem would be solved for the whole country.

In an attempt to make government more honest, I would face up to the fact that my Exchequer battens fatly on the vices and follies of the electorate and I would have HM Stationery Office publish quarterly a periodical entitled Hazard. Hazard would give, without comment, the very latest information obtainable anywhere in the world on the ill-effects of smoking too much, drinking too much and consuming white bread, TT tested milk, refined sugar, foods too long frozen, etc. Hazard would also give the correct odds for football pools and Premium Bonds and, from time to time, publish the annual accounts of the bookmaking firms throughout the country. Road accident figures would be given in detail, and in cases where mechanical failure (those shattering windscreens, for instance) attributable to faulty manufacture was involved, the name of the manufacturer would be published. There would, as I say, be no editorial comment in the magazine, but I should be able to face with a clear conscience the fact, from the Exchequer’s point of view, the most valuable citizen is the man who drinks or smokes himself to death.

There are other various small matters I would attend to, such as men’s clothing, which I regard as out-of-date, unhygienic and rather ridiculous; press reform—we have the grimiest press in the world; the matter of titles—I would greatly reinforce the Orders of Chivalry and, if a Lord or a Baron or an Earl did not behave as a lord or a baron or an earl should, he would lose his title after the third offense (as is more or less the case with Service rank); rich State prizes for all inventions or innovations that were even of remote benefit to the Commonwealth; enthusiastic encouragement of emigration, but more particularly of a constant flow of peoples within the Commonwealth; a Commonwealth super-Parliament; and less fried food for the constipated masses.

All these, as I have said, are small, workaday things—too small, alas, for the attention of either Mr. Harold Macmillan or Mr. Gaitskell. So I look forward, with squared shoulders and glazed resignation, to five years of Summitry, pensions and the 11-plus.


  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    Posts: 13,369
    What a lovely surprise! Thank you for posting this.
  • edited November 2013 Posts: 2,599
    Nice article. Thanks for posting.

    Was he talking about all the various people from the countries of the Commonwealth leaving (he did mention 'emigration') or entering the UK or flowing in and out:

    "...but more particularly of a constant flow of peoples within the Commonwealth..."
  • Posts: 2,951
    I think--I could be wrong--that Fleming meant for the British to emigrate and circulate within other commonwealth countries, as a means of keeping the British empire alive. This would dovetail with his call for a Commonwealth super-Parliament.

    In any case, the article shows that Fleming's politics were definitely those of an individual, not an ideologue easily slotted into a conservative or liberal category. Though he voted Tory, his ideas on the environment are progressive, alongside his benevolent Stakhanovism, while his plans for the Isle of Wight are anarcho-libertarian and still daring.
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    edited November 2013 Posts: 17,995
    Leftist nonsense from a Neo-socialista deeply entrenched in 'individual' excess and resistance to common sense morality. Fleming was a closet Commie, and his books demonstrated a clear lack of respect for authority. Celebrating this man or his fictional creation is like waving a banner that reads "I Hate Order". He was a fascist Liberal, and a Right wing terrier. And a punk to boot.*

    *Just kidding. :))
    Is warped dogmatic political stuff crap or what?
  • TheWizardOfIceTheWizardOfIce 'One of the Internet's more toxic individuals'
    Posts: 9,117
    Great find - Dear old Ian gets my vote (although the electric car stuff is a bit dubious - Bond in a Prius? I think not).

    Can't wait to visit the Isle of Wight - 'What happens in Ventnor stays in Ventor.'
  • Posts: 15,432
    It was a great read. And very funny too.
  • SandySandy Somewhere in Europe
    Posts: 4,012
    This was a fascinating read.
  • Posts: 11,216
    Just skimming through the article. Looks great
    Great find - Dear old Ian gets my vote (although the electric car stuff is a bit dubious - Bond in a Prius? I think not).

    It could have been "adaptive camouflage" cars.

  • edited November 2013 Posts: 11,216
    Double post
  • Revelator wrote:
    In any case, the article shows that Fleming's politics were definitely those of an individual, not an ideologue easily slotted into a conservative or liberal category. Though he voted Tory, his ideas on the environment are progressive, alongside his benevolent Stakhanovism, while his plans for the Isle of Wight are anarcho-libertarian and still daring.
    I'm afraid that won't prevent the right-wing from recruiting Fleming post-mortem : they will argue the society he describes was not dissolving into oblivion because of the invasion of the low-IQs, and they will explain Fleming would have use the "common sense" to fight that, etc, etc...
  • DragonpolDragonpol https://thebondologistblog.blogspot.com
    edited November 2013 Posts: 18,522
    I actually sent away for a copy of this article as part of my blog research. I think I may have mislaid it though, so it's great that it's been posted here. I think that it's safe to say that like me Old Ian was a One Nation Tory. It's interesting to note that piece was timed to appear just after the October 1959 General Election where Harold Macmillan's Tories won by an 100 seat majority.
  • edited November 2013 Posts: 2,599
    Ludovico wrote:
    It was a great read. And very funny too.

    Yeah. Fleming was funny. His brand of humour has always cracked me up. It's one of the many reasons why I love his Bond books. He truly was a unique individual.
  • Posts: 15,432
    Now with Ian Fleming as prime minister and say Anthony Burgess as deputy prime minister, we might have had a decent government. Burgess would probably have made opium legal, which would have at least been entertaining.
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 24,534
    Great article, @Revelator!

    Thank you.
  • Posts: 2,599
    Ludovico wrote:
    Now with Ian Fleming as prime minister and say Anthony Burgess as deputy prime minister, we might have had a decent government. Burgess would probably have made opium legal, which would have at least been entertaining.

    Mmm, opium to accompany some good old fashioned orgies would be just the ticket. :)
  • Revelator wrote:
    In any case, the article shows that Fleming's politics were definitely those of an individual, not an ideologue easily slotted into a conservative or liberal category. Though he voted Tory, his ideas on the environment are progressive, alongside his benevolent Stakhanovism, while his plans for the Isle of Wight are anarcho-libertarian and still daring.
    I'm afraid that won't prevent the right-wing from recruiting Fleming post-mortem : they will argue the society he describes was not dissolving into oblivion because of the invasion of the low-IQs, and they will explain Fleming would have use the "common sense" to fight that, etc, etc...

    On the contrary. Fleming was a Leftist. After all, he was a racist. Remember?

    And before anybody jumps on my case, let it here be noted that Suivez fired the first shot. I'm merely the respondent.

  • Posts: 2,599
    Leave it out.
  • Bounine wrote:
    Leave it out.

    To whom are you referring?

  • Posts: 7,653
    A great article, now less sure than ever if Fleming was a leftie or rightie.

    And could not care less since I enjoy his writing on 007.
  • And before anybody jumps on my case, let it here be noted that Suivez fired the first shot.

    So? It doesn't mean you have to respond to him, and it definitely doesn't mean you need to bring up the racist thread again.

    Instead of having this debate again, why don't we all just agree that Fleming's Isle Of Wight sounds brilliant?
  • edited November 2013 Posts: 7,653
    why don't we all just agree that Fleming's Isle Of Wight sounds brilliant?

    I would think that the original inhabitants of the Isle of Wight might have slightly different thoughts about turning their island in Sodom and Gomora. ;)

  • And before anybody jumps on my case, let it here be noted that Suivez fired the first shot.

    So? It doesn't mean you have to respond to him, and it definitely doesn't mean you need to bring up the racist thread again.

    Instead of having this debate again, why don't we all just agree that Fleming's Isle Of Wight sounds brilliant?

    When one side serves as a punching bag and doesn't respond, that side loses.

    That said, if there are no more pointed remarks about "right wingers" and "low IQ immigrants," I will maintain a dignified silence. But if provoked, I will respond disproportionately.

  • Posts: 6,396
    SaintMark wrote:
    why don't we all just agree that Fleming's Isle Of Wight sounds brilliant?

    I would think that the original inhabitants of the Isle of Wight might have slightly different thoughts about turning their island in Sodom and Gomora. ;)

    You've clearly never been there! ;-)
  • edited November 2013 Posts: 2,599
    If Fleming was referring to the fact that Commonwealth citizens should be welcome to live in the UK and UK citizens should be able to reside in other Commonwealth countries for as long as they want then I'm all for it. With the advent of the EU, the UK has pretty much turned their backs on the Commonwealth.

  • Posts: 7,653
    SaintMark wrote:
    why don't we all just agree that Fleming's Isle Of Wight sounds brilliant?

    I would think that the original inhabitants of the Isle of Wight might have slightly different thoughts about turning their island in Sodom and Gomora. ;)

    You've clearly never been there! ;-)

    Yes I had a romantic outing there once, nice island.
  • edited November 2013 Posts: 15,432
    SaintMark wrote:
    A great article, now less sure than ever if Fleming was a leftie or rightie.

    And could not care less since I enjoy his writing on 007.

    This is why I mentioned Burgess, who had the same agent as Fleming and was politically all over the map.
    Bounine wrote:
    If Fleming was referring to the fact that Commonwealth citizens should be welcome to live in the UK and UK citizens should be able to reside in other Commonwealth countries for as long as they want then I'm all for it. With the advent of the EU, the UK has pretty much turned their backs on the Commonwealth.

    Tell me about it. I am Canadian and married a British woman and had to go through so many loops to immigrate in the UK, while someone from a EU country can come here and is entitled to work without knowing much if any English.
  • Posts: 2,951
    Great find - Dear old Ian gets my vote (although the electric car stuff is a bit dubious - Bond in a Prius? I think not).

    No, but I can definitely imagine Bond in a Fisker Karma or the latest Tesla.
    Dragonpol wrote:
    I actually sent away for a copy of this article as part of my blog research. I think I may have mislaid it though, so it's great that it's been posted here.

    It's actually online at the Spectator archive, but rather hard to find unless you know the exact issue. The search function is almost useless because the magazine isn't done using OCR scanning on the archive.
  • DragonpolDragonpol https://thebondologistblog.blogspot.com
    Posts: 18,522
    Revelator wrote:
    Great find - Dear old Ian gets my vote (although the electric car stuff is a bit dubious - Bond in a Prius? I think not).

    No, but I can definitely imagine Bond in a Fisker Karma or the latest Tesla.
    Dragonpol wrote:
    I actually sent away for a copy of this article as part of my blog research. I think I may have mislaid it though, so it's great that it's been posted here.

    It's actually online at the Spectator archive, but rather hard to find unless you know the exact issue. The search function is almost useless because the magazine isn't done using OCR scanning on the archive.

    I will have to check the online Spectator out. Another great article is The Tory Leadership by Iain McLeod on the selection of Sir Alec Douglas-Home as the successor to Harold Macmillan in October 1963. This article from January 1964 deals with the so-called "Magic Circle" of the Tory Party which led to Lord Home becoming prime minister. I have a copy of that one too, and it's well worth a read, @Revelator.
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,995
    When one side
    Sorry, thought we were all on the same 'side' here. Am I in error? b-(
  • edited November 2013 Posts: 2,599
    Ludovico wrote:
    SaintMark wrote:
    A great article, now less sure than ever if Fleming was a leftie or rightie.

    And could not care less since I enjoy his writing on 007.

    This is why I mentioned Burgess, who had the same agent as Fleming and was politically all over the map.
    Bounine wrote:
    If Fleming was referring to the fact that Commonwealth citizens should be welcome to live in the UK and UK citizens should be able to reside in other Commonwealth countries for as long as they want then I'm all for it. With the advent of the EU, the UK has pretty much turned their backs on the Commonwealth.

    Tell me about it. I am Canadian and married a British woman and had to go through so many loops to immigrate in the UK, while someone from a EU country can come here and is entitled to work without knowing much if any English.

    Yeah, it's rubbish. The Commonwealth countries might as well become independent republics as it means very little anymore.

    I wonder what Fleming would make of the EU.

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