Controversial opinons about the Bond Games

edited December 2013 in 007 Gaming Posts: 9,915
we have one for films and books so I figured it was only a matter of time.

James Bond the Duel was extremely fun for a Sega Genesis Game
Each Bond deserves a video game
Craig has come close to having his Goldeneye (n64) but even though I love his games he has not gotten there
The games have FAR TOO FEW LEVELS!!!
Goldeneye 64 is by far the best bond game
Blood Stone is a close second
The next developer needs to take more risks (seriously Colonel Sun the Game there is your biggest selling bond game.)

your thoughts


  • edited December 2013 Posts: 12,837
    Here's mine: Goldeneye 64 has aged badly, the single player isn't great and Nightfire improves massively on everything it bought to the table multiplayer wise.
  • edited December 2013 Posts: 6,396
    Goldeneye64 is grossly overrated. It's best remembered for it's multiplayer but the single player campaign is average.

    Everything Or Nothing is the best Bond game (single player mode).
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,111
    I haven't played GE64 so I can't really comment.

    TWINE on the N64 is in my Top 3 favorite Bond games.
  • edited December 2013 Posts: 12,837
    I think Goldeneye Wii/Reloaded was shit. It was a piss poor Call Of Duty clone and a cash grab on the GE name.

    I don't see how people can bash Legends but then call this game great. They're exactly the same (both are shite), the only difference is that the GE remake butchers one film while Legends butchered six.
  • Posts: 6,396
    I see it like this, Goldeneye Reloaded is not very good. 007 Legends is an abomination.
  • Posts: 2,101
    Everything or nothing is the best game. Its a real shame they focused all the effort into making that story a game and not a movie. That would have been a great send off for Brosnan as Bond
  • Posts: 34
    I see it like this, Goldeneye Reloaded is not very good. 007 Legends is an abomination.

    i totally agree.... i have not enjoyed any bond game since everything or nothing. but have to get them as it's a "bond" game only to feel disappointed and somehow cheated. the game franchise should match the film franchise, how could 50 years of James Bond come and go without a Game to end all games??????
  • Posts: 4,762
    I first off agree that 007 Legends is pretty cringe-worthy and is heavily lacking; not only does it completely butcher and make a mockery of the six Bond movies it contains, but it also fails to deliver what was expected for Bond's Big Five-O. What did we expect? Something a lot bigger than Legends had to offer, that's for sure. I mean come on, if you had to mess with the plotlines of the movies for the single player, could you not at least beef up the multiplayer in return? The multiplayer leaves little to be desired, other than playing as previously un-playable characters, like Franz Sanchez, Dario, Gustav Graves, Zao, etc.

    Secondly, I agree that each Bond deserves a video game- yes, even George Lazenby, though I wince at saying it, hahaha. For Roger, there's plenty of good material- The Spy Who Loved Me, anyone? It would make for an epic video game, as would For Your Eyes Only, and Octopussy, if given the chance. As for Dalton, The Living Daylights would be equally worthy for a video game.
  • edited December 2013 Posts: 1,310
    Please read as politely as possible:

    I'm preparing for a lot of GoldenEye 64 overrated nonsense on this board. Completely unfounded, that is. GE64 is not only a landmark first person shooter, but a landmark video game in general. No James Bond game released since has come close to the popularity GoldenEye 64 carried, nor have any of them been as good. That I stand by.

    That being said, there are a handful of other very good Bond games. The World Is Not Enough (for the N64, NOT FOR THE PS1) is very underrated. The multiplayer features in TWINE 64 were excellent, and the single player was pretty good, too. Nightfire was very good, as was Everything or Nothing (though EON's deathmatch multiplayer was awful, co-op mode was fun). I don't even mind Quantum of Solace for the XB360/PS3 - it was pretty much Call of Duty with the ability to hide and shoot around corners. And surprisingly, though very short, Quantum of Solace for PS2 was pretty fun, too.

    And now the other games.

    Tomorrow Never Dies for the PS1 was EON's precursor, but I don't blame EA for giving up 3rd person Bond games for a little while after this one. It was just not a very control friendly game - incredibly clunky.

    Agent Under Fire was alright, I suppose - but I don't care very much for the 'Bond' they used in the game. When compared to Nightfire, Agent Under Fire almost feels too frenetic. I think it was Nightfire that perfected EA's first person mechanics.

    GoldenEye: Rogue Agent was a good concept, but I think the problems of this game have been mentioned plenty of times. Fun for about a week, and that was it.

    From Russia With Love is the best of the "decent" Bond games. In some ways I almost like it better than Everything or Nothing, although I really wish it had co-op like EON. Sean Connery's presence was super cool. Perhaps they took a little too much artistic liberty in the story mode - too many "video game" situations that had absolutely nothing to do with the film. I guess I can't blame them too much. A level of Bond walking around probably wouldn't have been very exciting.

    The GoldenEye remake was really fun for about a week, and then I just grew tired of it. I can't play it anymore - I don't know what it is. Maybe too repetitive, too bland? I mean, it's a finely made game, but every time I try to play it again, I'm bored to tears by the 5th minute of gameplay.

    I actually have never played Bloodstone. I've heard that the game is totally average from some people, and others have told me it's great. I'll have to try that one...

    And then....

    007: Legends. Easily the worst James Bond game ever to hit a console - a complete and utter embarrassment not only to the James Bond video game franchise, but the film franchise as well. Cringe-worthy all the way through. See-yah, Activision.
  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,381
    GoldenEye 64: is a perfect game. The graphics don't bother me. It's a product of the time. Hell I still play Duke Nukem 3D daily.

    Tomorrow Never Dies: Aside from the good music the game was pretty bad. Probably Worst Bond game ever.

    TWINE: (N64) Pretty good successor to GoldenEye 64. Some of the level designs were bland but all in all pretty good. (PS1) Mediocre.

    Agent Under Fire: It's okay. The levels are too short and the AI's are too awkard. (They run really fast and have the worst voice actors to be in a Bond game.) The music is fantastic though.

    Nightfire: Also a perfect game. The true successor to GoldenEye 64. I wish it had more missions in it and I wish they got Brosnan to voice his character model.

    Rogue Agent: It's a weird game. But the best way I can put it is it's 007 Legends for villains.

    Everything or Nothing: The perfect 3rd Person Bond game. It feels just like a movie, wish it was to be honest even though the story is Die Another Dayish. but at least the villain was Willem Dafoe.

    FRWL: The controls feel off and the Melee combat that made EoN a great game was sorely missed. It's story was really warped to fit a videogame. The final level feels like the YOLT volcano. I don't know why they didn't make that a game instead.

    Quantum of Solace: (PS2) I've heard it's more accurate to the film but I got to admit, I didn't like it. It was too short and very bland. (Wii, PS3, 360) Much better.

    GE Wii/Reloaded. Okay first off GoldenEye Reloaded isn't a remake of the Wii remake. It's an HD Port. Second. It was just okay.

    Blood Stone: It was pretty good. Wish it got it's sequel.

    007 Legends: Same as GoldenEye Reloaded. Just okay. Though I did get enjoyment out of it. I liked being able to visit re-imagined locations. Heck I was happy to hear covers of classic Bond music. OHMSS Theme/Space Lazer Battle/ The Laser Beam. It was fun. It's not great, but It isn't the worst Bond game ever.
  • QBranchQBranch Always have an escape plan. Mine is watching James Bond films.
    Posts: 14,900
    The often overlooked 'James Bond 007' for Gameboy was 1) a great top-down adventure; and 2) had a few ideas/locations that could be shown on film, including:

    - Bond's mission to Kurdistan to find a fellow 00 agent, who is M.I.A after being sent to dismantle a smuggling operation. Also, Bond finding the MI6 agent alive.

    - Bond going to Marrakech, where he visits catacombs and plays blackjack at the casino. To my knowledge, the only time Bond plays blackjack on film is in LTK.

    - Bond going to Tibet, another location he has not yet been in the films.
  • Posts: 4,762
    Agent Under Fire: not awful, but not fantastic either; simply mediocre. I'm not impressed with the AI, and the weapons are kind of foolish, with the exception of the P2K, the shotgun, and the sniper rifle. Other than that, the rest of the weapons are either inaccurate or not very well handled. Also, the actual "gun fight missions" are somewhat basic and annoying, since all you do is stand and shoot AI bots that barely move out of their position. However, the driving levels are extremely fun!

    007 Nightfire: The greatest game that was ever created- hands down, no doubt about it, and no questions asked.

    Everything or Nothing: Excellent hand-to-hand combat, mixed with an outstanding cover-shoot system, makes for a terrific Bond game! My only qualms are with the AI and the driving levels- something about the AI is ridiculously bothersome, and the driving levels are an incredible step down from AUF and NF, in my opinion. I just don't feel like I have control of the vehicles as well as I do in EoN's predecessors.

    GoldenEye: Rogue Agent: in spite of all the criticism it receives, I actually really like this game! The AI system is really commendable, and the dual-wield weapon system, along with the hostage taking system, make for some very nice touches. My only complaints are that the levels are entirely too long, and the checkpoints really stink. There have been times where I am almost to the checkpoint (which typically mark the halfway part of the levels), and I've died right before I reach it, so I'm sent all the way back to the level's beginning. It's exceptionally annoying! Other than that, I actually enjoy this game a great deal!

    From Russia with Love: The gameplay itself is fine, mixing decent gunplay with some fairly nice melee takedowns, but there's little to be desired in the content of the levels. Aside from some occasional nifty gadget use and some frequent use of cover during firefights, the levels are basically bland and uninspired. The biggest drawback is the fact that the classic FRWL story is absolutely butchered- you're essentially playing a re-telling of the movie, with very little taken from the actual film itself. However, much like AUF, the big highlight here is, again, the vehicle levels, which are exciting!

    Quantum of Solace: Despite the negative reviews, and claims of a Call of Duty rip-off (which is partially true), I actually love playing this game! The shoot and cover system in QoS is quite exhilirating during firefights, and the graphics, at least for the 360, are spot on. I suppose my only complaint here would be on the brevity of the game; unlike FRWL, what is added on to this CR-QoS mash up is actually pretty interesting, and not completely illogical- for instance, the train level and the dockyard level might as well be deleted scenes, and the first Madagascar level could have happened in the movie, if Mollaka had reinforcements with him. As for the Miami Science Center and Airport levels, I suppose the same applies- if Dimitrios and Carlos had reinforcements with them, it wouldn't be implausible! They definitely did a better job at expanding the game in a realistic fashion than what was done to FRWL.

    Blood Stone: Amazing! My second favorite overall, right after Nightfire. The graphics are incredible, the shoot and cover system is phenomenal, the melee takedowns are brutally lethal, and the vehicle levels might be the best in the series. All in all, a real winner!

    GoldenEye Re-Make Ehhhhh......decent gameplay and graphics overall, but a pitiful re-telling of my favorite Bond movie, so that drops it WAY down the list.....

    007 Legends: As I saw another user put it, it's one thing to ruin one Bond movie, like the FRWL and GE re-makes did, but to ruin 6 in one? That's quite an achievement.....and not a good one. The gameplay is fine, generally, and the concept is nice, but wow, it falls short of a whole lot.
  • TheWizardOfIceTheWizardOfIce 'One of the Internet's more toxic individuals'
    Posts: 9,117
    Creasy47 wrote:
    I haven't played GE64 so I can't really comment.

    TWINE on the N64 is in my Top 3 favorite Bond games.

    So if I get this right you are a Bond fan, had an N64 but you never played GE64? What other reason was there to buy an N64?

    Don't you just love it on here? People astound me on a daily basis - there's really no other walk of life in which this happens.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    Creasy47 wrote:
    I haven't played GE64 so I can't really comment.

    TWINE on the N64 is in my Top 3 favorite Bond games.

    So if I get this right you are a Bond fan, had an N64 but you never played GE64? What other reason was there to buy an N64?

    Don't you just love it on here? People astound me on a daily basis - there's really no other walk of life in which this happens.

    You're acting like he punched a baby or thought Europe was a state or something. No need to smite him for not playing a game for Fleming's sake; there's a lot more salient things to hold against someone.
  • RC7RC7
    Posts: 10,512
    Creasy47 wrote:
    I haven't played GE64 so I can't really comment.

    TWINE on the N64 is in my Top 3 favorite Bond games.

    So if I get this right you are a Bond fan, had an N64 but you never played GE64? What other reason was there to buy an N64?

    Don't you just love it on here? People astound me on a daily basis - there's really no other walk of life in which this happens.

    You're acting like he punched a baby or thought Europe was a state or something. No need to smite him for not playing a game for Fleming's sake; there's a lot more salient things to hold against someone.

    Being a Bond fan, owning an N64, yet not playing/owning GE64 = incomprehensible.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    edited December 2013 Posts: 28,694
    RC7 wrote:
    Creasy47 wrote:
    I haven't played GE64 so I can't really comment.

    TWINE on the N64 is in my Top 3 favorite Bond games.

    So if I get this right you are a Bond fan, had an N64 but you never played GE64? What other reason was there to buy an N64?

    Don't you just love it on here? People astound me on a daily basis - there's really no other walk of life in which this happens.

    You're acting like he punched a baby or thought Europe was a state or something. No need to smite him for not playing a game for Fleming's sake; there's a lot more salient things to hold against someone.

    Being a Bond fan, owning an N64, yet not playing/owning GE64 = incomprehensible.

    I've never played it either, yet in my defense, I was only three bloody years old when it was released.
  • RC7RC7
    Posts: 10,512
    I can understand the younger generation having not played it. It's the idea of owning an N64 and not. Come to think of it, I don't know of any 64 owner who hasn't, Bond fan or not.
  • TheWizardOfIceTheWizardOfIce 'One of the Internet's more toxic individuals'
    Posts: 9,117
    RC7 wrote:
    I can understand the younger generation having not played it. It's the idea of owning an N64 and not. Come to think of it, I don't know of any 64 owner who hasn't, Bond fan or not.

    Exactly apart from Mario 64 there was only one other game on the N64 at that was GE. It's literally the only reason I bought one as the PS was console king by some distance.
  • Posts: 6,396
    RC7 wrote:
    I can understand the younger generation having not played it. It's the idea of owning an N64 and not. Come to think of it, I don't know of any 64 owner who hasn't, Bond fan or not.

    Exactly apart from Mario 64 there was only one other game on the N64 at that was GE. It's literally the only reason I bought one as the PS was console king by some distance.

    I think you can also include The Legend of Zelda to that. Those were the only 3 games which made people want an N64.
  • Posts: 15,422
    Here's a controversial opinion: I never played one and never saw the interest of them.
  • I didn't rate Everything or Nothing very highly when it first came out (I preferred the excellent Nightfire). But after seeing the amount of praise for it on here, perhaps a re-visit is in order!

    Controversial opinion; I would love to see a modern Bond game more akin to James Bond 007 on the Gameboy than the generic first person shooters we seem to have been blessed with in recent years.
  • QBranchQBranch Always have an escape plan. Mine is watching James Bond films.
    edited December 2013 Posts: 14,900
    Creasy47 wrote:
    I haven't played GE64 so I can't really comment.

    TWINE on the N64 is in my Top 3 favorite Bond games.
    TWINE64 (while not as great as GE) was surprisingly good.

    Grab yourself a copy of GE. I guarantee you'll spend hours blowing things up instead of doing the actual missions. :))
    Ludovico wrote:
    Here's a controversial opinion: I never played one and never saw the interest of them.
    Someone who has no interest in video games- I don't see that as controversial.
    Blackfriar wrote:
    Controversial opinion; I would love to see a modern Bond game more akin to James Bond 007 on the Gameboy than the generic first person shooters we seem to have been blessed with in recent years.
    Good to see JB007 for Gameboy get some love. I completed the game a couple of times, and really enjoyed the element of trading items. I wouldn't mind seeing more games in this style, but I doubt we'll ever get anything official.
  • Posts: 15,422
    It can be controversial, if one thinks it is a negligible aspect of Bond.
  • AliAli
    Posts: 319

    I think you can also include The Legend of Zelda to that. Those were the only 3 games which made people want an N64.

    Don't forget Pilotwings 64, Waverace 64, F Zero X, Starwing/Lylat Wars, Body Harvest (the prototype Grand Theft Auto!), Rogue Squadron and all the Rare games such as Banjoo Kazooie ,Donkey Kong 64 etc. It didn't have the most numerous classics, but what classics it did have were brilliant!
  • Posts: 6,396
    Ali wrote:

    I think you can also include The Legend of Zelda to that. Those were the only 3 games which made people want an N64.

    Don't forget Pilotwings 64, Waverace 64, F Zero X, Starwing/Lylat Wars, Body Harvest (the prototype Grand Theft Auto!), Rogue Squadron and all the Rare games such as Banjoo Kazooie ,Donkey Kong 64 etc. It didn't have the most numerous classics, but what classics it did have were brilliant!

    I'm sure they were good games, but they weren't the reason people bought an N64. Zelda, Bond and Mario were the main reasons why that console sold so many. Overall, the N64 was a bit of a flop. Truly great games were ten a penny.
  • RC7RC7
    edited December 2013 Posts: 10,512
    Ludovico wrote:
    It can be controversial, if one thinks it is a negligible aspect of Bond.

    Most of the games are negligible in the wider Bond world, unless you're a gamer, in which case they all have their pros and cons. Outside of those is GE64 which was a cultural phenomenon and something Bond fans should be proud of. There isn't a single game spawned from a film franchise that has even come close to the impact of GE.

    It's your duty as a Bond fan to seek it out.
  • Posts: 15,422
    As a Bond fan I select what I want and find relevant to my enjoyment of the Bond universe. I read the original novels, but find little interest in the continuators for instance.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,111
    Wow. Apologies, I'm not perfect like some of you.

    I haven't played GE64 IN A LONG TIME, so I can't comment. I've had games where I thought "Yeah, that game was perfection," then I return to it and hate it and wonder what made me love it.

    So yes, I haven't played GE64 since I was a kid. Didn't know I'd turn the tides of discussion off of one error. Jesus.
  • edited December 2013 Posts: 12,837
    RC7 wrote:
    I can understand the younger generation having not played it. It's the idea of owning an N64 and not. Come to think of it, I don't know of any 64 owner who hasn't, Bond fan or not.

    Exactly apart from Mario 64 there was only one other game on the N64 at that was GE. It's literally the only reason I bought one as the PS was console king by some distance.

    I think you can also include The Legend of Zelda to that. Those were the only 3 games which made people want an N64.

    If it wasn't for GE I'd have never got an n64. Which would've been terrible because I'd have never been introduced to the Zelda series.

    I never played Mario 64 but I'd add Mario Kart to the list of reasons to own one, that was great fun.
  • RC7RC7
    Posts: 10,512
    Creasy47 wrote:
    Wow. Apologies, I'm not perfect like some of you.

    You need to up your game mate.
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