007 Legends Announced



  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    Posts: 15,732
    Hey, DC007, you're back.

    hey mate :)
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    What'cha been up to?
  • 007 Legends was by far the biggest let-down in recent history. Neither was this story original nor was it well-connected together. By not even having DC provide a voice (not such a big deal) at least the makers could have made it more interesting by connecting the different sequences and having an ending that wasn't just a sudden curtain call showing Odd Job and the over-played Gold Finger music. This could have been an opportunity for the game makers to tie up any lose ends within the films for the 50th anniversary. Not much original music. Just random reenactments.

    This was a middle finger to the fans of Bloodstone.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    007 Legends was by far the biggest let-down in recent history. Neither was this story original nor was it well-connected together. By not even having DC provide a voice (not such a big deal) at least the makers could have made it more interesting by connecting the different sequences and having an ending that wasn't just a sudden curtain call showing Odd Job and the over-played Gold Finger music. This could have been an opportunity for the game makers to tie up any lose ends within the films for the 50th anniversary. Not much original music. Just random reenactments.

    This was a middle finger to the fans of Bloodstone.

    The planet Earth has known this since October of 2012. No offense, but, where the hell have you been?
  • edited February 2014 Posts: 1,778
    007 Legends was by far the biggest let-down in recent history. Neither was this story original nor was it well-connected together. By not even having DC provide a voice (not such a big deal) at least the makers could have made it more interesting by connecting the different sequences and having an ending that wasn't just a sudden curtain call showing Odd Job and the over-played Gold Finger music. This could have been an opportunity for the game makers to tie up any lose ends within the films for the 50th anniversary. Not much original music. Just random reenactments.

    This was a middle finger to the fans of Bloodstone.

    The planet Earth has known this since October of 2012. No offense, but, where the hell have you been?

    Don't be so harsh on him @Agent007391. He's a new member and hasn't had a chance to discuss it.

    @dramaticscenesofQOS 007 legends was nothing less than heartbreaking. The idea of being able to play thru the classic Bond films in a video game was something I'd been fantasizing about since the first time I played Goldeneye 64. But man oh man did they screw it up. I never even finished the game. I stopped at MR. It was just that bad. :-(
  • Thanks bro.s I've spaced out my time between films, books, and trying out games to help fill the gaps between movie releases. @Doubleohhseven, when I saw MR as a mission, I was wondering if that's the best idea they could come up with to remember an RM movie. I wonder if DC had any comments about this game because apparently he plays video games.
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    Posts: 13,369
    007 Legends was by far the biggest let-down in recent history. Neither was this story original nor was it well-connected together. By not even having DC provide a voice (not such a big deal) at least the makers could have made it more interesting by connecting the different sequences and having an ending that wasn't just a sudden curtain call showing Odd Job and the over-played Gold Finger music. This could have been an opportunity for the game makers to tie up any lose ends within the films for the 50th anniversary. Not much original music. Just random reenactments.

    This was a middle finger to the fans of Bloodstone.

    The planet Earth has known this since October of 2012. No offense, but, where the hell have you been?

    Don't be so harsh on him @Agent007391. He's a new member and hasn't had a chance to discuss it.

    @dramaticscenesofQOS 007 legends was nothing less than heartbreaking. The idea of being able to play thru the classic Bond films in a video game was something I'd been fantasizing about since the first time I played Goldeneye 64. But man oh man did they screw it up. I never even finished the game. I stopped at MR. It was just that bad. :-(

    That was the end of the game.
  • Samuel001 wrote:
    007 Legends was by far the biggest let-down in recent history. Neither was this story original nor was it well-connected together. By not even having DC provide a voice (not such a big deal) at least the makers could have made it more interesting by connecting the different sequences and having an ending that wasn't just a sudden curtain call showing Odd Job and the over-played Gold Finger music. This could have been an opportunity for the game makers to tie up any lose ends within the films for the 50th anniversary. Not much original music. Just random reenactments.

    This was a middle finger to the fans of Bloodstone.

    The planet Earth has known this since October of 2012. No offense, but, where the hell have you been?

    Don't be so harsh on him @Agent007391. He's a new member and hasn't had a chance to discuss it.

    @dramaticscenesofQOS 007 legends was nothing less than heartbreaking. The idea of being able to play thru the classic Bond films in a video game was something I'd been fantasizing about since the first time I played Goldeneye 64. But man oh man did they screw it up. I never even finished the game. I stopped at MR. It was just that bad. :-(

    That was the end of the game.

    I didn't make it past the first MR level. To my understanding there were two. Aswell as Skyfall being downloadable content. I suppose I'll finish it one of these days but back in October of 2012 I was too disappointed.
  • Posts: 2,107
    No. It stops abruptly after you finish Drax. No big grand finish. I never played the downloadable Skyfall mission. But what I've seen from youtube, the final Skyfall mission doesn't add much.
  • Well, if you ever get to the end of the Moonraker mission you'll blow your own brains out with frustration, the Skyfall mission isn't much easier either. The game is stupidly hard because the terrible mechanics.
  • edited February 2014 Posts: 12,837
    007 Legends managed to make Die Another Day even worse. That should show you just how bad a game it was. I didn't finish it either, I got stuck at the end of Moonraker.
  • I made myself finish it because it is a Bond game afterall, but I'm pretty darn sure I'm not replaying to get all those achievements and intel I missed.
  • WalecsWalecs On Her Majesty's Secret Service
    edited March 2014 Posts: 3,157
    007 Legends managed to make Die Another Day even worse. That should show you just how bad a game it was. I didn't finish it either, I got stuck at the end of Moonraker.
    Funny thing, Die Another Day could make a great game, thanks to all that exaggeration they put in the movie.
  • Posts: 1,407
    I'll just never understand how with the Skyfall DLC, they included the worst sections to adapt into a game. I mean, the finale had machine guns, henchmen, and a helicopter crash! But no, let's adapt Bond's stealthy fight with Patrice instead. The game was already disappointing but when that DLC was released, I realized just how utterly insane some of these people at Activision were. And I usually defend Eurocom saying that they made the best game they could have made with the resources and money they had...but they just lost it on this game. Too bad they closed because of it. They'll always have a soft spot with me for TWINE, Nightfire, and Batman Begins.
  • JamesPageJamesPage Administrator, Moderator, Director
    Posts: 1,380
    bondbat007 wrote:
    I'll just never understand how with the Skyfall DLC, they included the worst sections to adapt into a game. I mean, the finale had machine guns, henchmen, and a helicopter crash! But no, let's adapt Bond's stealthy fight with Patrice instead.

    The developers probably weren't given access to the 3rd act of the film.

    Trust me, I'm not trying to make excuses for Activision and Eurocom (they made a total turd of a game), but that's probably the reason why they used those sequences.
  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,381
    I read somewhere that the developers made the Skyfall portion based on the footage from the teaser trailer. Not sure how true it is, but It makes some sense.
  • WalecsWalecs On Her Majesty's Secret Service
    Posts: 3,157
    Still, the lack of resources doesn't justify the bad game, especially the linear COD-style (run, shoot, cutscene, run, shoot cutscene... so annoying) and the bad plot.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    Walecs wrote:
    Still, the lack of resources doesn't justify the bad game, especially the linear COD-style (run, shoot, cutscene, run, shoot cutscene... so annoying) and the bad plot.

    Nothing justifies the game. Eurocom created a fantastic movie-based game in The World is Not Enough, and everything good they did in that game has effectively been erased with 007 Legends. It's the game that actually makes GoldenEye: Rogue Agent look like a worthy addition to the James Bond franchise.
  • I don't know about that, I actually made it all the way through this game, Rogue Agent, I couldn't make it past like the third level. I couldn't get used to the controls and ended up dying a ton.
  • WalecsWalecs On Her Majesty's Secret Service
    edited February 2014 Posts: 3,157
    Walecs wrote:
    Still, the lack of resources doesn't justify the bad game, especially the linear COD-style (run, shoot, cutscene, run, shoot cutscene... so annoying) and the bad plot.

    Nothing justifies the game. Eurocom created a fantastic movie-based game in The World is Not Enough, and everything good they did in that game has effectively been erased with 007 Legends. It's the game that actually makes GoldenEye: Rogue Agent look like a worthy addition to the James Bond franchise.

    Yes, I agree. Did they change the staff between the two games? Totally possible, I guess, since there's at least a ten years gap between TWINE (which I loved and was very similar to GE64) and 007 Legends.
    I don't know about that, I actually made it all the way through this game, Rogue Agent, I couldn't make it past like the third level. I couldn't get used to the controls and ended up dying a ton.

    First time I played 007 Legends was fun as hell. But playing it a second and third time to get all the remaining collectibles was such a pain!
  • Yea, I haven't made another playthrough and not planning too, I have spent my time on the multiplayer however, daily usually, the multiplayer is so darn fun to me still. If buggy.
  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,381
    It's not that bad. I had a fun time exploring the levels and reliving classic Bond moments. I don't care that It was Craig's Bond in the role. People seem to forget that in GoldenEye 64 Brosnan's Bond visited locations from Moonraker and The Spy Who Loved Me. My favorite levels were Piz Gloria and the Moonraker Space Station. It's not the best Bond game but it's certainly not the worst. See Tomorrow Never Dies.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    Murdock wrote:
    It's not that bad. I had a fun time exploring the levels and reliving classic Bond moments. I don't care that It was Craig's Bond in the role. People seem to forget that in GoldenEye 64 Brosnan's Bond visited locations from Moonraker and The Spy Who Loved Me. My favorite levels were Piz Gloria and the Moonraker Space Station. It's not the best Bond game but it's certainly not the worst. See Tomorrow Never Dies.

    I don't know as people really forget that. One: Those were bonus missions, not the entire game. Two: You also forgot that said TSWLM mission also includes a villain from Live and Let Die. I'm certain that a lot of people's problem with the game is how it modernizes the films. I, personally, have no problem with modernizing the films. GoldenEye 007 Reloaded did it just fine, not really losing much in the translation from 1995 to 2010 (save turning Trevelyan's ridiculous "WWII revenge for my parents" plan into a "Grrr, damn the bankers!" plan, equally ridiculous).
  • WalecsWalecs On Her Majesty's Secret Service
    edited March 2014 Posts: 3,157
    Murdock wrote:
    I don't care that It was Craig's Bond in the role.

    I personally don't get all the hate about Craig in the role.

    1. First, the whole game - including 90% of the cutscenes! - is in first person, therefore, you don't even see his face.
    2. Is it so hard for people to understand that paying the rights of six different faces would be too much expensive.
    3. It helps the story (which one?, you may say) cohesion, that would be ridicolous to see the face changing. On the other hand, though, it'd be really cool if you could choose which actor to play as.
    I, personally, have no problem with modernizing the films.
    Me neither. After all, Casino Royale is a reboot, thus Craig's Bond never lived all these adventures. The thing that I hated though, is how the story is so rushed and confusing, it's like they just picked a piece of the movie without contextualizing it.
  • Posts: 4,762
    In all honesty, I forgot I even had this game, if that tells you anything. Clearly this has been re-stated over and over again, but attempting to "modernize" and expand upon already stellar movies is just not a good route to take. The developers of Legends should have taken a look at EA's From Russia with Love to figure that out- it was a decent game, but ultimately, was nothing like the movie, and therefore led to a lackluster 007 experience. The action sequences in FRWL were cheesy additions that, frankly, did nothing for the story except confuse me. The same was true for all the additional sequences in Legends.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    Walecs wrote:
    Murdock wrote:
    I don't care that It was Craig's Bond in the role.

    I personally don't get all the hate about Craig in the role.

    1. First, the whole game - including 90% of the cutscenes! - is in first person, therefore, you don't even see his face.
    2. Is it so hard for people to understand that paying the rights of six different faces would be too much expensive.
    3. It helps the story (which one?, you may say) cohesion, that would be ridicolous to see the face changing. On the other hand, though, it'd be really cool if you could choose which actor to play as.

    It's not that people hated Craig in the role, it's that people hated the casting of a single Bond in six different Bonds' movies. If it had been Brosnan, they'd still have been pissed. If it had been Connery, they'd still have been pissed.

    Plus, story cohesion? 007 Legends had no story cohesion.
    00Beast wrote:
    In all honesty, I forgot I even had this game, if that tells you anything. Clearly this has been re-stated over and over again, but attempting to "modernize" and expand upon already stellar movies is just not a good route to take.

    There are times when it works and there are times when it doesn't. The films themselves were modernizations for their times, dating back all the way to that painting that Dr. No had that had been recently stolen. There's just a certain time when modernizations are wrong, and certain types of modernizations are wrong. GoldenEye 007 Reloaded wasn't one of them, 007 Legends was.
    00Beast wrote:
    The developers of Legends should have taken a look at EA's From Russia with Love to figure that out- it was a decent game, but ultimately, was nothing like the movie, and therefore led to a lackluster 007 experience.

    FRWL was, however, a decent seller, thanks largely to the fact that Connery was brought back to do the role. Their problem was picking the wrong film to adapt. FRWL had a good bit of action, it was just the wrong action for a video game. To be honest, I don't really feel that FRWL was a bad game, but my one disappointment with it was that Bond and Grant's train fight scene wasn't in a train cabin. That would have been a great fight sequence for a game.

  • Posts: 127
    Walecs wrote:
    Still, the lack of resources doesn't justify the bad game, especially the linear COD-style (run, shoot, cutscene, run, shoot cutscene... so annoying) and the bad plot.

    Nothing justifies the game. Eurocom created a fantastic movie-based game in The World is Not Enough, and everything good they did in that game has effectively been erased with 007 Legends. It's the game that actually makes GoldenEye: Rogue Agent look like a worthy addition to the James Bond franchise.

    I thought Rogue Agent was fantastic and it stands as one of my all time favorite bond games. It strayed away from being an actual bond game which pissed people off but the game was awesome in its own right. It offered a lot of variety and some really cool ideas. Id be all for a remastered Rogue Agent for XB1.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    YELARAKA wrote:
    Walecs wrote:
    Still, the lack of resources doesn't justify the bad game, especially the linear COD-style (run, shoot, cutscene, run, shoot cutscene... so annoying) and the bad plot.

    Nothing justifies the game. Eurocom created a fantastic movie-based game in The World is Not Enough, and everything good they did in that game has effectively been erased with 007 Legends. It's the game that actually makes GoldenEye: Rogue Agent look like a worthy addition to the James Bond franchise.

    I thought Rogue Agent was fantastic and it stands as one of my all time favorite bond games. It strayed away from being an actual bond game which pissed people off but the game was awesome in its own right. It offered a lot of variety and some really cool ideas. Id be all for a remastered Rogue Agent for XB1.

    No, what pissed people off was EA using the GoldenEye name to dump sh*t off of their shovel and onto us. If it had just been called something like "MI6: Rogue Agent", and claimed ties to the Bond franchise, it would have been okay. People could have even accepted the fact that he goes by "GoldenEye" as a nod to the film and the game, but the game was marketed as a return to the roots of the Bond first-person shooter by claiming connection to GoldenEye on the N64, and it had nothing to do with it. I like to play the game, I like all the connections. Its story plays out like the sh*ttiest fanfic ever written (Dr. No and Goldfinger facing off against one another? When they both died in the 60s!), but I can semi-excuse that because one of my absolute favorite Bond games, James Bond 007 on the GameBoy, could also be considered a bad fanfic, as well.

    Remastered on the Xbox One... no. We don't need that in any way.
  • edited March 2014 Posts: 127
    Again, like many, you are caught up with it "disrespecting" the bond franchise and not judging the game for what it is. If it was called something else like you mentioned you'd be fine with it. I didnt let that get to me emotionally like many other bond fans did. Its was a game. A game with an original storyline that I thought played out just fine. Most the nock on Rogue agent is for issues not even related to how fun the game was, how it played, etc... Its all criticism of how bond characters were killed off, how it wasnt even about James Bond, and that it used the title "Goldeneye" to trick people into buying it. Well I like the aspect of evil vs evil. The killing off of several key bond characters didnt bother me at all. And the original story line and all it brought was damn good imo. And the Goldeneye thing was because he was given a golden eye so whats the problem there? The game wasnt titled "Goldeneye Part 2". Do a little research before you buy a game so you know it isnt a Goldeneye 64 remake. IDK man I just take the game for what it is, and it was fun to play. It was actually supposed to have a sequel but all the butthurt bond fans that didnt like the things I just mentioned kinda put an end to that.

    MK2 Detonator

    Come on the weapon selection alone was EPIC!
  • There are bad games. There are awful games. There are absolutely unforgivably SHITE games... and then there is 007 Legends.

    That is all.
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