New Daniel Craig interview — Bond 23 will be a "classic Bond film"



  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    Posts: 15,732

    Brosnan had the gunbarrel at the start, Bond theme during action sequences, Q, Moneypenny... Dare I say Brosnan's outings have more Bondisms than the Craig movies.
    That is about all some of the Brosnan films had, a bunch of cliches.

    I prefer the cliches than an absence of traditional elements... But I admit I prefer original ways of playing with these cliches over the 'too much' Brosnan era and the 'too little' Craig era.

  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 24,515
    That's idea, @DC. You said it well, sir.

    In the wrong hands, Q and MP are played by dumb formula, reduced to one of many elements on a check list. In too insecure hands, Q and MP are absent entirely, playing it safe (or being lazy?) rather than spending some effort on giving them good scenes too. However, when you bring back Q and MP yet with a few surprisingly fresh and original twists, the strictly formulaic or their complete absence will be outmatched.
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    edited September 2011 Posts: 15,732
    Craig films are like a big, tasty hamburger... But with only the bun and the meat... Best meat and bun in the world... but the absence of mustard, ketchup, lettuce, tomatoes, onions and pickles leaves a lot to desire. Yes the meat and bun are good, but that's just the bare bones of the hamburger... Now don't go take cheap mustard and ketchup you find in the supermarket, but make your own fresh ketchup and mustard, go take some fresh tomatoes and lettuce from the garden...
  • Posts: 9,913
    I now want a hamburger thanks Dalton
  • Posts: 5,745
    Damn, time for lunch. :P

    But @DC is right. I'm worried that if they do bring back Q, it will ruin the memory of DL. Its hard to think of a way Q will fit in with Craig's Bond. And if Bond keeps his rogue antics up, we'll never see him and MP in the same room, let alone same country.

    We haven't even seen M's office in Craig's Bond yet (her home doesn't count)!

    IMO a classic bond contains the following:

    exotic location(s)
    hot female costar(s)
    Q briefing scene
    M briefing scene
    car chase(s)
    villain (obv)

    Let only movie I'll let slip is CR, was good enough without all of the following.
    *Reasoning for leaving out gadgets:

    Plenty of the films have been VERY good with little to no gadgets. FRWL and CR are the best examples. DAD is an example of gadgets gone horrid. The opening of TWINE bond has an explosive gun, which is a simple gadget, and that pre credit scene, imo, has one of the most spy-ish vibes to it.
  • Posts: 2,599
    "That's a jump cut. Peter Hunt helped popularise the technique in the early Bond pics. In his own words:"

    I think Hamilton should have had a cut away shot of the island. This jump cut doesn't harmonise with the rest of the film as it is without them and not as fast paced.
  • CommanderRossCommanderRoss The bottom of a pitch lake in Eastern Trinidad, place called La Brea
    Posts: 8,591
    Damn, time for lunch. :P

    But @DC is right. I'm worried that if they do bring back Q, it will ruin the memory of DL. Its hard to think of a way Q will fit in with Craig's Bond. And if Bond keeps his rogue antics up, we'll never see him and MP in the same room, let alone same country.

    We haven't even seen M's office in Craig's Bond yet (her home doesn't count)!

    IMO a classic bond contains the following:

    exotic location(s)
    hot female costar(s)
    Q briefing scene
    M briefing scene
    car chase(s)
    villain (obv)

    Let only movie I'll let slip is CR, was good enough without all of the following.
    *Reasoning for leaving out gadgets:

    Plenty of the films have been VERY good with little to no gadgets. FRWL and CR are the best examples. DAD is an example of gadgets gone horrid. The opening of TWINE bond has an explosive gun, which is a simple gadget, and that pre credit scene, imo, has one of the most spy-ish vibes to it.
    TBH I'm not really in need of lettuce and tomato. Yes, it can be a good addition, but it's hard getting the right stuff. For me, i.e. there are only two M's: Bernard Lee and Judi Dench. But M is inevitalbe part of the Bond universe. Q and MP aren't. There's also only one MP for me, I've never warmed to Samantha Bond, nor to the one from Dalton's era, and obviously one Q. I did like Jhn Cleese in DAD, it worked for that (terrible) film, but I don't think it would work for Craig. Q has been too much of a gadget-sideshow-act instead of a real Quartermaster.

    If M gets a new secretary, she might as well get another name, not MP.
  • SharkShark Banned
    edited September 2011 Posts: 348
    "That's a jump cut. Peter Hunt helped popularise the technique in the early Bond pics. In his own words:"

    I think Hamilton should have had a cut away shot of the island.
    Why? Bond and Scaramanga are in the Funhouse. That's where the danger lies.

    The whole suspense of that final 30 seconds is based around the viewer seeing the maze through Scaramanga's perspective. Bond disguised as a mannequin should have an element of surprise. Foreshadow that earlier on, and you lose a lot of the tension.
  • Posts: 2,599
    I thought that it would show an interesting contrast between the peacefulness outside to the fast approaching turmoil inside but perhaps you're right.
  • "That's a jump cut. Peter Hunt helped popularise the technique in the early Bond pics. In his own words:"

    I think Hamilton should have had a cut away shot of the island.
    Why? Bond and Scaramanga are in the Funhouse. That's where the danger lies.

    The whole suspense of that final 30 seconds is based around the viewer seeing the maze through Scaramanga's perspective. Bond disguised as a mannequin should have an element of surprise. Foreshadow that earlier on, and you lose a lot of the tension.
    If I remember that scene correctly there's a lovely tease when we see Scaramanga enter the centre of the maze - the camera is positioned behind Bond and you can see his left arm and hand, with fingers intact. The same fingers which, on the mannequin, Scaramanga had shot away earlier in the film. So, for a brief second, we know it's Bond before Scaramanga does. I think it's a well handled scene and you can put together in your head quite easily the idea that Bond has lost his gun but remembers the one in the mannequin's hand.
  • Posts: 30
    I found a Spanish movies site with an interview that Craig made during Aliens & Cowboys promo. He talked a bit about Bond, too....maybe someone can translate this part:

    "Usted declaró que estar en forma era una obsesión.
    Es que tiene que serlo: no hay otra manera de conseguirlo. Es muy duro. Por suerte, para encarnar a Mikael Blomkvist no tengo que estar en forma... Y es una delicia. Puedo comer y beber lo que quiera. Pero esta licencia física tiene fecha de caducidad. En breve volveré de nuevo al gimnasio para prepararme para el nuevo Bond.

    Hablando de Bond, suponemos que no nos puede confirmar nada pero, ¿será Javier Bardem su próximo enemigo?
    Me encantaría, pero no puedo decir nada. Ojalá. Javier Bardem es uno de mis actores favoritos. Solo puedo decir un par de cosas: hoy no lo sé al cien por 100. Y la segunda: no quiero decir nada que pueda poner en peligro su participación. Si lo ves, háblale bien de mí y del proyecto (risas).

    ¿Y cómo será el nuevo Bond? ¿Da por finiquitada la trama que explotaron en 007: Casino Royale y 007 Quantum of Solace?
    Han pasado más de dos años, tenemos que ir a buscar algo nuevo. Estos días he estado con Sam (Mendes, el director de la 23ª entrega de 007), y el guión va tomando forma. El plan es rodar una entrega autónoma, una cinta tan bondiana como sea posible: con la pirotecnia y recursos habituales de la saga y el regreso de algunos personajes conocidos...

    Tras El ultimátum de Bourne (Paul Greengrass, 2007), Matt Damon dijo que Bond era un icono misógino, fascista y al servicio del poder...
    ¡Qué tío más rencoroso! (risas).

    ... pero eso lo dijo antes del estreno de 007: Casino Royale y asistir a la nueva versión que usted representó. ¿Qué le respondería?
    Que Matt Damon es un tipo muy gracioso.... Y que yo no traje ninguna nueva versión a la saga. Me dieron libertad para recrear la imagen que se traza de Bond en sus primeras novelas. Me contrataron para encarnar una visión determinada. Nunca me propuse actualizar a James Bond. ¿Cómo se actualiza un símbolo?"

    The link with the full interview
  • gt007gt007 Station G
    Posts: 1,182
    A rough translation using Google Translator:
    Much has been said about the training that led him to become the most physical Bond saga. How have you prepared to play Jake Lonergan?
    I just my usual dose of gym to stay and, above all, a Spartan diet. I had to stay in the bones. Jake wanted to be thin to get away from my image as James Bond.

    You stated that fitness was an obsession.
    It has to be: there is no other way to go. It is very hard. Fortunately, Mikael Blomkvist to portray not I have to be fit ... It is a delight. I can eat and drink what you want. But the physical license has an expiration date. Soon back again to the gym to prepare for the new Bond.

    Speaking of Bond, we assume that we can not confirm anything but what will be their next enemy Javier Bardem?
    I'd love to, but I can not say anything. I wish. Javier Bardem is one of my favorite actors. I can only say two things: today I do not know one hundred per 100. And the second: I'm not saying anything that might jeopardize their participation. If you see him, speak well of me and the project (laughs).

    And how will the new Bond? Does clinched the frame on that exploded in 007: Casino Royale and 007 Quantum of Solace?
    been more than two years, we have to go find something new. These days I have been with Sam (Mendes, the director of the 23 th delivery of 007), and the script is taking shape. The plan is to run an autonomous delivery, so bondiana tape as possible: with the usual fireworks and resources of the series and the return of some familiar characters ...

    After Bourne Ultimatum (Paul Greengrass, 2007), Matt Damon said that Bond was an icon misogynist, fascist and the service of power ...
    What more spiteful uncle! (laughs).

    ... but that said before the release of 007: Casino Royale and assist the new version that you represent. What do you say?
    That Matt Damon is a very funny .... And I did not bring any new version of the saga. They gave me freedom to re-trace the image of Bond in his early novels. They hired me to embody a particular view. I never set out to upgrade to James Bond. How do I update a symbol?

    So, as we expected, Bond 23 will be a stand alone film. And it seems Q and/or Miss Moneypenny will return.

    Both great news if you ask me.
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    Posts: 13,369
    Well done for the interviewer tackling head-on the Bardem question. Clearly Craig wants him but he himself may not know yet.

    And, yes a separate film could be nice, we may be taking the Goldfinger route in that case, with Quantum returning in Bond 24. This also means Moneypenny and others may will be returning. Craig seems to be letting out more as time gets on. :-D

    I also like Craig's answer on the Damon issue. B-)
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    With Bond 23 being a stand alone film, the writers and Mendes can really focus on giving us a golden nugget. No Quantum to deal with, just a one film adventure. I AM SO EXCITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTED!!!
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    edited September 2011 Posts: 13,369
    And having Bond track Quantum down in Bond 24 post-Vesper is an exciting prospect. Craig's best film (and work) is yet to come. I really believe that.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    Indeed @Samuel. Hopefully Bond 24 will see Bond dismantling the evil Quantum piece by bloody piece. :-D

    I like the title 'Quantum Disbanded' for it.
  • Posts: 1,856
    And having Bond track Quantum down in Bond 24 post-Vesper is an exciting prospect. Craig's best film (and work) is yet to come. I really believe that.
    May we quote (forgive the pun) that
  • @Samuel001 I wouldn't say that, not yet anyway. What I would say is that the foundations have been laid that make the way for the quite of adventures that you refer to. And that is an exciting prospect.

    I hate to use the word "revenge", but a revenge story done well. Not a-la LTK or DAF. Or QOS (If it counts).
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    DAF COULD have been a revenge tale. It failed miserably. Lazenby was needed in the part additionally.
  • Too true. Too true. :-<

    I'm not the biggest Lazenby fan by any means, but had they done it properly, with him - it could have been great!
  • Posts: 4,619
    From CNN reporter Andrea Mineo's twitter account (she is the reporter who had an interview with Craig 2 days ago):

    Daniel Craig told me "We have an amazing script this time I’m incredibly excited about it. Its fun its gonna be a proper James Bond movie."

  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    edited September 2011 Posts: 13,369
    Nothing new but great to have Craig reaffirm this.

    Any idea if or when we'll be able to watch this interview in either written or video form?
  • Posts: 4,619

    Any idea if or when we'll be able to watch this interview in either written or video form?
    She wrote that "Interview coincides with another film Daniel Craig was talking about that releases later in the year!"
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    Posts: 13,369

    Any idea if or when we'll be able to watch this interview in either written or video form?
    She wrote that "Interview coincides with another film Daniel Craig was talking about that releases later in the year!"
    Dragon Tattoo! It can't be, not that early. If it was Dream House she would have said so...

    It'll be a bit outdated upon relase then.
  • Posts: 4,619

    Dragon Tattoo! It can't be, not that early. If it was Dream House she would have said so...

    It'll be a bit outdated upon relase then.
    A few other reporters also wrote on twitter that they had an interview with Craig this week. One of them wrote that it was about Tintin. Tintin will come out in the US in December. Craig will be probably busy shooting Bond at that time, so he won't have time to do interviews then. I think that's the reason why he did the interviews this week.

  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    Posts: 13,369

    Dragon Tattoo! It can't be, not that early. If it was Dream House she would have said so...

    It'll be a bit outdated upon relase then.
    A few other reporters also wrote on twitter that they had an interview with Craig this week. One of them wrote that it was about Tintin. Tintin will come out in the US in December. Craig will be probably busy shooting Bond at that time, so he won't have time to do interviews then. I think that's the reason why he did the interviews this week.

    That makes sense, of course it does, it's just annoying not getting to see anything Craig said and getting all these bites second hand as it were. How much more hasn't be asked about that Craig revealed?

    I take it Craig may be doing The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo interviews as well? That also has a December release.
  • QsAssistantQsAssistant All those moments lost in time... like tears in rain
    Posts: 1,812
    I'm happy to hear that Bond is going alittle more classic with the next flick. I want Money Penny and Q back! I would also love to see the return of the "Bond car". Nothing to crazy though.
  • Posts: 5,745
    I'm happy to hear that Bond is going alittle more classic with the next flick. I want Money Penny and Q back! I would also love to see the return of the "Bond car". Nothing to crazy though.
    How about a rail gun that comes out of the hood.
    I mean how much could they do? Radar/map system. My civic essentially comes with that. The realistic "Bond Car" is outdated, unless you could give me an example of something realistic. No rockets, lasers, submarine capabilities, sledgehammer-proof, jax, crap. I mean, resealable tires (runflats), light light light armor, bullet resistant glass, and hidden compartments. What else could their be in a Craig Bond film?
  • Posts: 1,894
    Caltrops (the pointy things deployed from the bumper in TND). Oil slicks. Smokescreens. Mines. Pretty much anything that could be dropped out of the boot.

    Maybe some kind of cooling system in the engine bay that would made the car difficult to detect or target by thermal imaging by pumping liquid nitrogen through pipes set into the chassis.

    A protective film over the windows that would negate the effects of glare. It would be useful if a villain tried to blind Bond with some kind of flash-bang weapon while he was driving.

    A GPS-like device that would connect to a spy satellite rather than a GPS satellite, enabling Bond to watch the villains.

    A biometric keyless entry system that would allow Bond - and only Bond - to unlock and start the car in a hurry by simply approaching it, and disables the car if someone other than Bond tries it.
  • edited September 2011 Posts: 5,745
    Caltrops (the pointy things deployed from the bumper in TND). Oil slicks. Smokescreens. Mines. Pretty much anything that could be dropped out of the boot..
    IMO, its kind of gimmicky.

    Maybe some kind of cooling system in the engine bay that would made the car difficult to detect or target by thermal imaging by pumping liquid nitrogen through pipes set into the chassis.
    Would be cool (LOL), but only commits to a specific thing, which I hate in certain bond movies. Like in TND, when the bmw symbol rises to cut the cord. WHY ON EARTH would someone think of that. Way too coincidental.

    A protective film over the windows that would negate the effects of glare. It would be useful if a villain tried to blind Bond with some kind of flash-bang weapon while he was driving.
    Minor, but a reasonable application to a spy's supercar.

    A GPS-like device that would connect to a spy satellite rather than a GPS satellite, enabling Bond to watch the villains.
    That would be cool. Speaking of the boot and watching people, what about a remote mini-UAV that could be deployed from the trunk of some sort. Like a record-sized flight camera.

    I could also see maybe focused EMP pulses, not necessarily a car application. Also, there is this relatively new creation that focuses sound to disable enemies, called "Acoustic Energy." There is also an "Active Denial System" than essentially shoots rays of energy to deter people. The video linked below contain both of these. The first, at around 2min, is the ray gun. The other video embedded is the LRAD, the sound gun:

    Both of these could be applied to a car, and aren't completely ridiculous. The emp pulse would be interesting, not quite sure how you could effectively aim with it. Well.. same with the other two. Wouldn't be applicable if Bond had to point the car in a direction.
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