How Will You Tackle Bond 25?



  • Posts: 2,483
    Birdleson wrote:
    I'll probably watch all trailers, but I don't want to read anything that gives away too many plot points. . I'm actually thinking of flying to London to see it opening night (two weeks earlier than it will open in the US, where I am). I'm pretty set on the idea. Trying to get a friend to go with me who's not such a big Bond fan, but he's never been to England and that's the hook.

    That's the helluva expensive Bond ticket!

  • Posts: 2,483
    MartinBond wrote:
    I'd love to go in to B24 without any knowledge at all, but as I run a James Bond website/facebook page that's quite impossible ;) The things that bothered me was the spoilering of M's imminent death etc. things I díd like were the spyshots made by bystanders of the DB5 racing through the streets. stuff like that really gets you pumped up. Anyway, I think I'll just watch trailers, not even listen to the song, and get my colleagues to do the breaking B24 plot news ;)

    Fortunately, I was ignorant of this when viewing SF for the first time. But it hardly surprised me. Anybody could see that Dench's time as M was drawing to a close, and that having her die in Bond's arms would be a fitting denouement.

  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,106
    I think I'll limit myself with the trailer. I dissected the trailers for SF and found out a lot from that, as well.
  • M_BaljeM_Balje Amsterdam, Netherlands
    edited March 2014 Posts: 4,572
    The biggest problem be is that somebody in front of me in the cinema spoil the thing with the dog. With Skyfall the there spoil to much things who not should be done. M Death be discus before and predict also, so not knowing it going to be dificult. 2 trailers next time insteed of 3 be better and be more carefull in what at in it. Inspecialy because the story and Bond girl whas weak. There did nothing with card and those agents. For someone who claim to be fan of LALD i am disapointed Sam Mendes not show how one or two of those agents be kild.

    Fact i must go fast to the movie not make it easier. 3 weeks after the release be to soon for my feeling. It whas not possible to wait longer with fame the movie get with the fact i must see the movie after 10.00 PM.
  • LicencedToKilt69007LicencedToKilt69007 Belgium, Wallonia
    Posts: 523
    I'll certainly watch the trailers and will listen to the theme song as I did before (since 2006)
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,106
    See, I didn't listen to SF whatsoever (not even a snippet) until I saw it in theaters and I loved it. Granted me one little surprise out of everything that was spoiled for the full film.
  • Posts: 381
    I'm eager to see the preview, but that's about it. I want to avoid spoilers.
  • I will spend every waking moment madly hitting F5 on every single Bond site out there to catch glimpses of blurry pictures featuring Daniel Craig doing nothing and news segments, which I will procceed to read over and over until my eyes turn blood red and I lose consciousness due to severe dehydration and lack of any body activity, ending up comatosed in the hospital and missing the actual premiere. I'm an optimist at heart.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,106
    I'm eager to see the preview, but that's about it. I want to avoid spoilers.

    I would love to do the same thing this time around, just not sure how to go about it exactly. Avoiding the forums entirely would help, but at the same time, there's nothing better than sharing the excitement, news, and rumors with you lot.
  • The trailer was darker than the film itself although SF had dark themes, aside from Odd Job picking up just the right weapon, getting dragged by a kamodo dragon and Bond jumping off its back, using cheesy lines, getting credit for having appeared in any 20 films before CR and QoS while denying the latter two, saying cheesy one-liners (isn't that what contributed partly to Brosnan's movie demise?), and taking advantage of a human trafficked person and reacting in a Connery-Moore way when she gets killed.
  • Posts: 7,653
    After the last two attempt in the 007 franchise I do not keep my hope up too much, I will be happily surprised if the next one is halfway decent. But with Mendes running the show I expect more facade over content. For me since CR the movies have become somewhat poor.
    So I will keep half an eye on what develops but keep in mind how fanboys can create a big hoopla out of nothing.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,106
    I know Mendes will make the film run beautifully and it'll be aesthetically pleasing, I just hope he can manage to make the action better this time around and focus on who the characters really are, not what he wants them to be.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,106
    And with my worries about B24, it also makes me question how I want to tackle the film, because while I want everything to be a surprise, I would also like to know about details like that to have an understanding of what I'm in for.
  • I'll watch the teasers and trailers and stuff as they become available. I'll certainly get the soundtrack album (I have them all) - maybe a book about it if there is an interesting looking one about. That's pretty much it really.
  • Posts: 12,555
    ChickenStu wrote:
    I'll watch the teasers and trailers and stuff as they become available. I'll certainly get the soundtrack album (I have them all) - maybe a book about it if there is an interesting looking one about. That's pretty much it really.

    Do be careful of the soundtrack albums, as sometimes the title of the music can on occasions be a spoiler for the movie!
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,106
    RogueAgent wrote:
    ChickenStu wrote:
    I'll watch the teasers and trailers and stuff as they become available. I'll certainly get the soundtrack album (I have them all) - maybe a book about it if there is an interesting looking one about. That's pretty much it really.

    Do be careful of the soundtrack albums, as sometimes the title of the music can on occasions be a spoiler for the movie!

    I've seen this happen a good bit, unfortunately, so yes, do be careful. I think it was the Star Wars prequels that had a few deaths and spoilers bluntly plastered in the album tracks as titles.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    I will definitely be staying away from any news that features plot details. I hate myself for reading too much about Skyfall, especially all the news about a house being use as Bond's childhood home, which would have been a brilliant surprise to me if I had went in fresh. I wish I could go back in time and soccer punch myself in the face, because if I didn't see a few things coming I would have no doubt loved Skyfall even more.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,106
    I was talking to my friend about this last night, and we were just speaking of finding one film that we both are incredibly excited for, and avoiding any and all footage from it. I honestly think I'm going to try and do this for 'Bond 24.' I'll read casting details and the plot, but that's about it. I really would love to go into it with no clue what to expect.
  • edited April 2014 Posts: 7,653
    RogueAgent wrote:
    ChickenStu wrote:
    I'll watch the teasers and trailers and stuff as they become available. I'll certainly get the soundtrack album (I have them all) - maybe a book about it if there is an interesting looking one about. That's pretty much it really.

    Do be careful of the soundtrack albums, as sometimes the title of the music can on occasions be a spoiler for the movie!

    That depends on the composer, if it is DA there is no danger of me getting neer the album or actually be interestes in it. Would it be Newman I am sure that I will look into the album later.

    A new composer would make me very interested and would be worth the spoilers.
  • Posts: 2,483
    SaintMark wrote:
    RogueAgent wrote:
    ChickenStu wrote:
    I'll watch the teasers and trailers and stuff as they become available. I'll certainly get the soundtrack album (I have them all) - maybe a book about it if there is an interesting looking one about. That's pretty much it really.

    Do be careful of the soundtrack albums, as sometimes the title of the music can on occasions be a spoiler for the movie!

    That depends on the composer, if it is DA there is no danger of me getting neer the album or actually be interestes in it. Would it be Newman I am sure that I will look into the album later.

    A new composer would make me very interested and would be worth the spoilers.

    Totally OT, but with my last viewing of SF a couple of weeks ago, I came to appreciate Newman's score all the more. There is an exotic, slightly menacing oriental motif running through the score that I find quite compelling. I'd never really noticed it before, but it really adds something crucial to the film.

  • Posts: 6,396
    SaintMark wrote:
    RogueAgent wrote:
    ChickenStu wrote:
    I'll watch the teasers and trailers and stuff as they become available. I'll certainly get the soundtrack album (I have them all) - maybe a book about it if there is an interesting looking one about. That's pretty much it really.

    Do be careful of the soundtrack albums, as sometimes the title of the music can on occasions be a spoiler for the movie!

    That depends on the composer, if it is DA there is no danger of me getting neer the album or actually be interestes in it. Would it be Newman I am sure that I will look into the album later.

    A new composer would make me very interested and would be worth the spoilers.

    Totally OT, but with my last viewing of SF a couple of weeks ago, I came to appreciate Newman's score all the more. There is an exotic, slightly menacing oriental motif running through the score that I find quite compelling. I'd never really noticed it before, but it really adds something crucial to the film.

    As someone who loves Newman's score is nice to hear of your newly acquainted appreciation of it. :-bd
  • edited August 2014 Posts: 503
    i'll go in with an open mind and hope we don't get another Quantum Of Solace i.e a big disappointment on the back of a big hit.
  • Posts: 6,601
    I'll grab evverything apart from stuff like clapperboards. I did ver well with that. On a whole, the process of making the film is more enjoyable for me - almost - then the film. Even though they let us participate much more for QOS then for SF. That was a bit disappointing. They had all those lovely little featurettes for QOS. That was a real treat.
  • Posts: 12,555
    With stealth and my eyes wide open to avoid anything that will spoil the film!
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,106
    I haven't read through the Production Timeline in a few weeks, and it'll stay that way for the next year, more than likely. As the film gets closer and closer to a release date, then I'll start stepping away from more and more threads, and once it's released overseas, I think I'll be avoiding the Internet in general for two weeks.
  • MooseWithFleasMooseWithFleas Philadelphia
    Posts: 3,375
    There are two extremes:

    1. Avoiding everything Bond 24 related and watching the movie without knowing anything about it. Upside: the movie will be a complete surprise. Downside: you can't enjoy the about 18 month long ride leading up to the movie. (This ride starts with the first serious rumours and ends with theatrical release.)
    2. Read every spoiler, watch every clip, consume every Bond 24 related news. Downside: you willl now a lot about the movie before watching it. Upside: you get to enjow the ride.

    Ideally I want to be somewhere around the middle between these two extremes but I always and up closer tho the latter extreme. Which I don't really mind since you can enjoy the benfits of the first scenario for only less than 3 hours!

    Going back to this post from March. I would agree with this mentality but there is one problem. If reading the spoilers and watching every preview/teaser built the film up so much and then it didn't live up to expectations, you're first impression of the film would be more negative than if you had remained spoiler free. And those impressions could last a lifetime for that particular film!

    I'm going to keep in tune with casting/locations/etc. Once filming starts I will likely go dormant. I might watch the teaser trailer, but anytime the full length trailer comes on the tv, I will try (no matter how hard!) to cover my eyes.

    One part of Skyfall that I wasn't as shocked and in awe of was the subway crash. I knew it was coming and saw 75% of what was in the movie for this scene.
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 24,520
    Same as usual. I will read articles, watch teasers and trailers, listen to the theme song, follow updates on our main site, discuss things with the lot of you, ... Where I do draw the line is when entire script portions leak. I don't mind knowing the ingredients but I refuse to taste the goods before they are officially served.
  • As an aficionado my friends expect me to have all the information about each film before it comes out, and claiming ignorance to better enjoy the film makes me seem a fraud!
  • I would wait to see the film. In 1958, I read a few Bond novels beginning with DN, and that was because they were written by Fleming, and read about DN-not much interest then among the film goers, or the public then, except us who read those novels.
  • Posts: 151
    I try my best to avoid spoilers..i love the build up to the release date be it with newspaper articles official facebook/twitter updates..part of the fun for me with skyfalls release was trying to figure out what exactly was going on in the teaser trailers etc it looks set to be a interesting year!
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