Your favourite sets of the franchise

GoldenGunGoldenGun Per ora e per il momento che verrà
edited June 2011 in Bond Movies Posts: 7,364

My top 5:

1. Fort Knox (GF, Ken Adam)
2. Scaramanga's funhouse (TMWTGG, Peter Murton)
3. SPECTRE conference room (TB, Ken Adam)
4. Chess room (FRWL, Syd Cain)
5. Whyte's penthouse (DAF, Ken Adam)


  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    edited June 2011 Posts: 15,732
    1 - Inside the tipped boat in Bangkok harbour (TMWTGG)
    2 - Scaramanga's Fun House (TMWTGG)
    3 - SPECTRE Conference Room (TB)
    4 - Volcano Base (YOLT)
    5 - Inside Piz Gloria (OHMSS)
  • NicNacNicNac Administrator, Moderator
    Posts: 7,587
    This will take some consideration, but a good idea nontheless.
    Definitely the volcano base and Dr No's dining area. After that, the old thinking hat has to be put on.
  • PrinceKamalKhanPrinceKamalKhan Monsoon Palace, Udaipur
    Posts: 3,262
    Several good ones:

    The Amazon jungle launching pad in MR,
    Drax's space station,
    Blofeld's Japanese volcano base,
    and Fort Knox come to mind.
  • 1. The YOLT volcano
    2. The Liparus
    3. SPECTRE conference room
    4. Goldfinger's special room (the one with the trick pool table/poison gas)
    5. Fort Knox
    6. M's office
  • edited June 2011 Posts: 562
    - Dr. No's interrogation room in Dr. No
    - Drax's control room in Moonraker
    - Q Branch in Goldfinger
    - The Arkangelsk Dam facility in GoldenEye
    - The Ice Palace in Die Another Day (Awful movie, brilliant production design by Peter Lamont!)
  • GoldenGunGoldenGun Per ora e per il momento che verrà
    Posts: 7,364
    - The Arkangelsk Dam facility in GoldenEye
    Yeh, indeed. That would be somewhere in my top 10 as well!
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    edited June 2011 Posts: 13,369
    This will take some consideration, but a good idea nontheless.
    Definitely the volcano base and Dr No's dining area. After that, the old thinking hat has to be put on.
    I quite agree @NicNac. Of the top of my head I have no idea.

    I think I'll have to rank the sets when I watch the films again and see where they all land. What I think I love, may not even make the top five!
  • KerimKerim Istanbul Not Constantinople
    Posts: 2,629
    My Top 10 in Particular Order

    1. Piz Gloria
    2. Fort Knox
    3. Blofeld's Volcano
    4. Casino Royale
    5. Scaramanga's Fun House
    6. GoldenEye Satelite compound
    7. Amazon Launch Site
    8. Sanchez's Mediation Retreat
    9. Crab Key
    10. Zorin's French Chateau
  • HASEROTHASEROT has returned like the tedious inevitability of an unloved season---
    Posts: 4,399
    these are in no particular order of favorites - just films...

    1.) inside Fort Knox
    2.) SPECTRE Conference Room in TB
    3.) Volcano Lair in YOLT
    4.) Scaramanga's Fun House
    5.) Inside the Liparus in TSWLM
    6.) Sanchez' Drug Facility in LTK
    7.) the Satellite Dish in GE
    8.) Ice Palace in DAD
    9.) Casino Royale in CR
    11.) Bond's hotel room in QOS
    10.) Perla De Las Lunas in QOS
  • Posts: 1,856
    In No orderly order...

    The Volcano, The Liparus, The Piz Gloria Lab, The SPECTER conference room, Plaza de Titanic (CR),The Stealth Ship, Octopus Base (FRWL-VG) , Fort Knox, Goldeneye mission control & the ice palace
  • QBranchQBranch Always have an escape plan. Mine is watching James Bond films.
    Posts: 14,876
    This is a hard one- so many choices!

    Dr. No's reactor room
    Blofeld's volcano lair
    Kananga's underground monorail
    Drax conference room/shuttle exhaust chamber
    Soviet meeting room from Octopussy
    Meditation Institute from LTK
    Trevelyan's satellite dish control station
    Graves' Ice Palace

    But they're all fantastic.
  • in no particular order

    strongbergs atlantis base

    drax space station

    piz gloria

    meditation instute (LTK)

    fort knox

    ice palace

    largos yacht

    casino royale

    blofelds volcanoe lair

    blofelds oil rig
  • All Bond sets have been impressive one way or another.

    My top 5 sets include

    1 Volcano lair - simply a classic idea and perhaps could actually work these days (not the plot) I often wonder about extinct craters if some could be open to the general public to explore ie Iceland, Japan etc.

    2 Brad's place - Just a nice house and the simple atmosphere and surrounding views across to Gibraltar are amazing. I just wish we got to see more of the house inside upstairs etc. And a longer pool shot with those girls.

    3 - Drax's Pyramid - Again similar with the volcano the area around the place was so beautiful & don't forget that fantastic waterfall. All thos TV screens you could watch multiple fav shows all at one time!

    4 Kristatos old monastry was basic but still had that wow factor to the sheer dizzy location. Not one for heights but again a fav of mine.

    5 Zorins airship meeting room version. great idea especially with desposing of pesky guests. I want one for Christmas. and with home cinema too.
  • When I was a kid I loved Stromberg's Atlantis base and remember the first time I saw all those paintings around his room slide away to reveal windows of the surrounding seascape. I decided then I wanted a house that does that. .....Will let you know when I it happens. I love the other sets around that base too.

    Liked the Moonraker space station sets too.

    The sets these days are certainly more realistic, but I miss these old bold set pieces. While possibly 'over' designed by modern standards, they had style.

    This thread has just reminded me, I have Ken Adam's book some where and I keep meaning to read it.

  • There was a unique house that could fit a Bond film location. the house was recently on a TV show that featured Tara Palmer Tompkinson looking for a new pad. The house was built like oval shaped globes. Located in southern France.

    I wish I could find a pic of it & can anyone remember the programme?
  • Posts: 2,341
    Fort Knox -- GOLDFINGER
    Stromberg's Tanker---TSWLM
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 24,511
    1) Blofeld's Whyte House Upper Floor room
    2) Scaramanga's Fun House
    3) Piz Gloria
    4) Trevelyan's Cuba Dish
    5) Carver's Party room
  • Posts: 4,762
    -Willard Whyte/Blofeld's penthouse
    -The Liparus
    -Blofeld's Volcano
    -Scaramanga's Island
    -The Stealth Boat
    -Janus' Cuban Base
    -Fort Knox
    -Drax's Aztec Temple Base
    -Sanchez's Lab
    -Perla de las Dunas hotel
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    Easily Blofeld's HQ in YOLT, and the conference room in TB where all the 00 agents meet is just too epic for words. Like I've said, at that moment TB makes you feel the stakes of Bond's mission, and that is why I rank it so highly.
  • Posts: 4,762
    Easily Blofeld's HQ in YOLT, and the conference room in TB where all the 00 agents meet is just too epic for words. Like I've said, at that moment TB makes you feel the stakes of Bond's mission, and that is why I rank it so highly.

    And just a few moments prior to that scene, Bond undermines the entire operation by saying that the Prime Minister's wife "probably lost her dog". Haha, that was great!
  • Posts: 5,745
    I love the ninja camp in YOLT (that beautiful Japanese.. castle?), as well as the surgery room.

    Fort Knox is pretty cool.

    The Opera sequence in Quantum...

    The rejuvenation hospital in Casino Royale....

    TB conference room..

    Fun house in TMWTGG.....

  • Posts: 5,634
    Dimi mentioned 'Carvers Party Room', that's surely the one in Hamburg where Brosnan is a Banker for the night and sneaks in on a Carver broadcast and causes mayhem

    Point being, it just got my attention. I would never call it a 'favorite Bond set', I mean it was all just too many people, strobe lighting, difficult to tell what was going on, or what was being said sometimes, too many closeups of Brosnan and Hatcher, and there was an air of claustrophobia even, despite it taking place in a seemingly large room. You simply couldn't tell what was going on sometimes due to the mass of people and the dark lighting conditions, unless people like that kind of thing
  • edited January 2013 Posts: 546
    1.Fort Knox (Ken Adams)
    2.Volcano (You Only Live Twice)
    3.Scaramanga Island
    4.Dr. No's Liar
    5.Control Center (Goldeneye)
    6.Ice Palace
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,986
    Carver's stealth boat.
    Anything Ken Adam even breathed on.
  • The Ice Palace and any of Ken Adams sets.
  • edited January 2013 Posts: 135
    Top 10 in no particular order:
    Fort Knox
    Ice Palace
    Crab Key
    Volcano Lair
    Whyte's Penthouse
    Silva's Island
    Drax's Temple
    Scaramanga's Island
    Bregenz Opera
    SPECTRE conference hall

    Honorary Mentions:
    Perla de las Dunas
    Janus Cuban Base
    Piz Gloria

    Actually, now that I think about it, Fort Knox and Silva's Island are probably tied for my top 2. Crab Key comes in 3rd.
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