Goofs/Mistakes in the Bond Movies



  • Posts: 1,856
    Just watching OHMSS in the pre-titles when bond is following Tracy into the sea theres a ship in the distance. When they come out seconds later it's gone!!!
  • Just watching OHMSS in the pre-titles when bond is following Tracy into the sea theres a ship in the distance. When they come out seconds later it's gone!!!
    Oh, that scene's full of continuity mistakes, I just try to ignore them. There's the car screeching on sand, there's how Bond's fighting someone on the beach and a second later they're in the middle of the Atlantic...

    The one that annoyed me most there was when Bond was in his car looking at Tracy through his telescope. Tracy and everything around her are seen at the same level of zoom, even though he's only pointing the scope at her. So the scope's not actually enlarging anything whatsoever? He might as well look at her through a hollow tube.
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    edited September 2011 Posts: 13,369
    there's how Bond's fighting someone on the beach and a second later they're in the middle of the Atlantic...
    That one I think is meant to be more of a big jump cut, the others I agree with though. Maybe the 'new style' for coming Bond films with Lazenby that never happened, apart from this one, was trying to be made known as quickly as possible in the PTS?
  • How about the fight scene in DAF when Bond chcuks a guy across the room and he slides along the floor and his forehead pushes up against a railing or wall. Looked so ridiculous (but funny at the same time). b-(

    Then there are the endless speeding up of the film to make an action shot, like pushing the guy off the boat in FRWL (this had to be done, because Bond only taps him and he wildly dives off the side lol :-j )

    When Bond runs Tilly off the road in GF and the film is speeded up to make it look like she nearly smashed herself on the steering wheel. :-q

    And for Goofs, Blofeld in drag (DAF) @-) , Bond surfing (DAD) X_X and 'Hiss off!' 'Sit!' the leach, the tarzan shout (all Octopussy) are the one's that stick out. :)

    On a positive note \:D/ I know that 'this never happened to the other fellar' in OHMSS gets alot of peoples eyes rolling 8-| . But if he had not looked towards the camera and broke the 4th wall, and instead just said it to himself as he was walking back to his car after picking up Tracy's shoes, it would have been ok. :)
  • Posts: 4,762
    @Geo_Bay: Hahaha! Those first three are epic! I've always thought those were extremely obvious and "stick out like a sore thumb", as they say. If you also notice in the mistake with Tilly, when the DB5 slashes her tires, you can clearly see the actress smiling and laughing as if it were some kind of hilarious joke! It's really obvious, you can't miss it.
  • Posts: 1,497
    Lest we forget...the rollaway Moonbuggy wheel: blooper of the series
  • edited September 2011 Posts: 44
    The rocket in YOLT coming down to earth via retro rockets instead of parachutes. Do you know how much fuel that would take? Where does it get stored in a tiny thing like that?

    Then there's the fact that it can take off and come back inside the crater without completely obliterating everything/one inside, same goes for MR, have you seen a shutle take off? You need to be about 3 miles away minimum LOL :)

    Then there is the whole artificial gravity on the space station in MR caused by it spinning :-))

    All it would do is throw everyone out to the edges (if it spun fast enough). Gravity comes from mass, not spinning, it would need to be a 3D circle shape with you standing around the outsides to get the effect of the outward force :)

    Or the size of the Earth for it to have a mass equal to earth's and therefore gravity equal to earth's ;)
  • Lest we forget...the rollaway Moonbuggy wheel: blooper of the series
    How about the policeman getting out the car thats just been wrecked and standing limp kneed like a cowboy ready to draw his gun :-)) :-))

    I thought that was hilarious :)
  • I'm sure if memory serves that in FRWL Connery was clearly heard to say 'Once when I was with M in Tokyo', and four years later in You Only Live Twice Connery was asked 'You've never been to Japan before have you mister Bond" (or something to that effect) and Connery answers 'No'

    anyone else ever spotted this
  • Posts: 4,762
    @Baltimore_007: Yeah, I remember that now! So much for consistency...
  • I've always had issues with the languages in GE. I can understand having "foreign" dialogue spoken in English, that's a fairly common thing for the benefit of the target market. But why are the computer screens in the Severnaya facility all in English as well? And do the Russians also have a slang term for breasts that coincides with the word for a door knocker?

    Also, in the PTS of TMWTGG, the thug's gun has a silencer but makes the usual olde-tyme "roar" sound.
  • Posts: 19,339
    I'm sure if memory serves that in FRWL Connery was clearly heard to say 'Once when I was with M in Tokyo', and four years later in You Only Live Twice Connery was asked 'You've never been to Japan before have you mister Bond" (or something to that effect) and Connery answers 'No'

    anyone else ever spotted this
    Yes that's correct.

  • Posts: 4,762
    In LALD, around the time that the real Baron Samedi comes out of the ground, look in the background, and you'll see Dambala, the "high priest" wearing the goat-headress. What's funny about this is that he had already been shot dead by Bond just a minute before!
  • You have to be quick to spot this.

    I actually went to the trouble of putting this particular bit on from the film and it only took me until the second time that I was aware of this character standing in the crowd apparently none the worse for wear.

    Either Moore was shooting blanks, was a poor shot, or it's someone else in similar attire holding up a snake, could just be a deliberate error by the film makers

    It seems clear the 'snake' that gets near to Seymour while tied to the stake is just an imitation and back to 'alive' when further away.

    oh and I'm just in the process of watching 'the dumbest Bond villain demise in the franchise history'


    Paul McCartney and Wings theme music should offer some relief
  • edited September 2011 Posts: 1,856
    Is it just me or dose Piz Gloria use the same tech as the TARDIS??? its bigger on the inside!!

    Also when Bond hits the skier with his ski and flips him over the cliff. When bond hits him and he falls it's night. When he flips it's day.
  • Posts: 6,079
    Speaking of OHMSS: at the end of the movie, when Bond and Tracy go on their honeymoon, Bond drives on the left side of the road, and is overtaken by the jalopy by the right side of his car. In Portugal, just as in every continental european country, cars drive on the right side of the road.
  • edited September 2011 Posts: 11,216
    Was watching this clip last night.

    At around the 0.15 mark you can see the camera crew in the mirror when it tilts back.
  • Posts: 1,856
    ^ They had a chance to take it out for the ultimate edition didn't really look, did they?
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    edited September 2011 Posts: 13,369
    ^ They had a chance to take it out for the ultimate edition didn't really look, did they?
    It's still in the UE, thank God. Otherwise we'd be going into Star Wars mode.
  • Don't know if it's been mentioned but when you watch the start of Daylights in Gibraltar there's this other M16 guy who starts to climb a rock face at the bottom, the rogue agent is above and kills one of the SAS soldiers behind him, next moment he turns back and cuts the safety cord and the M16 guy who had climbed about six feet in the time given is seen falling about a 100 to his death :-??

    also there was no way Dalton/Bond could possibly have kept up with that speeding truck on foot and caught it in time before the rogue agent took off
  • edited September 2011 Posts: 1,310
    The pre-titles during Octopussy: the Aerostar magically gains a pole underneath it as it flies into the hangar! I always focus on the plane intensely when that scene pops up so I force myself not to see the pole holding it up lol

    And the thing about that is I never knew it was there until I watched the behind the scenes thing on the DVD. They played that scene frame by frame, and even said it was held up by a pole...why would they admit that while doing a frame by frame replay????? I could never un-see it after that!!!! :-))
  • Posts: 19,339
    That's one of the reasons i wont watch any 'behind the scenes' footage with Bond or other programmes/films i like..
  • MajorDSmytheMajorDSmythe "I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it."Moderator
    Posts: 14,075
    I think it was Glen (?) who said that they cut the roof of a Jaguar for that sequence. Waste of a Jaguar, if you ask me.
  • lol yeah I remember hearing that too- why did they HAVE to use a Jaguar??
  • Posts: 2,341
    Heres a couple of funs ones:
    Thunderball during the chase thru the festival. We see a dog with raised leg urinating in the street. realism or just an edit goof?

    OHMSS When Bond is being interviewed by the real Hilary Bray, and he says, "tactfully tailored to look like me" (or words to that effect) Problem is they used the dubbed George Baker's voice for this line instead of Lazenby's. (whoops!)

  • Posts: 1,856

    Q dosn't recognize the sound of a dial phone when James put it down after q told him franks escaped....
  • edited October 2011 Posts: 42
    The most noticeable goofs in Bond film is in 1974 The Man With the Golden Gun. First, when Bond was fighting in dancer's dressing room, there's a revealing mistakes. A pad which is used to absorb the punch can be noticed in the back of the goon (the fat and the bald one) covered by the jacket. Second, Also in the dancer's dressing room, when Bond was fighting, some crew members can be seen clearly on the mirror filming the scene. Another crew members also can be seen in a mirror when Bond handed Andrea Anders a robe in hotel the bathroom.
  • Posts: 42
    Don't know if it's been mentioned but when you watch the start of Daylights in Gibraltar there's this other M16 guy who starts to climb a rock face at the bottom, the rogue agent is above and kills one of the SAS soldiers behind him, next moment he turns back and cuts the safety cord and the M16 guy who had climbed about six feet in the time given is seen falling about a 100 to his death :-??

    also there was no way Dalton/Bond could possibly have kept up with that speeding truck on foot and caught it in time before the rogue agent took off
    Another one is a plot hole goof, when Kara and Bond are being chase in Icy lake, Kara accidentally quips Bond's name by saying "James", even though Bond is yet to reveal his name or any identity to Kara, How could Kara know Bond's name?
  • edited October 2011 Posts: 42
    I'm sure if memory serves that in FRWL Connery was clearly heard to say 'Once when I was with M in Tokyo', and four years later in You Only Live Twice Connery was asked 'You've never been to Japan before have you mister Bond" (or something to that effect) and Connery answers 'No'

    anyone else ever spotted this
    Ya I spot that, it's a kind of plot hole goof. FRWL contains some noticeable goofs actually. First, the hand of a crew member can be seen when Rosa Klebb closes the door after letting Tatiana Romanova in. Second, when the expoding helicopter falls down, a wire can be seen in the propeller,lowering the chopper down, also it's very obvious that the chopper is a miniature. Third, after the chopper falls down and explodes, you can see two "Bond" emerge in a scene, the first one is Sean Connery, and the other one who can be seen ducking is a stunt. Fourth, when Bond is being chased by Morzeny's boat squad, there's a reflection of waving hand in the windscreen of Bond's boat (Possibly the Director). Fifth, is when the Morzeny's squad firing at Bond's boat, the bullets hit the fuel barrel, the shot mostly hit the back side, but there's one shot that hits the left side of the fuel barrel, yet in the corresponding scene, no shooter firing from the left side of Bond's boat.

  • I'm sure if memory serves that in FRWL Connery was clearly heard to say 'Once when I was with M in Tokyo', and four years later in You Only Live Twice Connery was asked 'You've never been to Japan before have you mister Bond" (or something to that effect) and Connery answers 'No'

    anyone else ever spotted this
    Ya I spot that, it's a kind of plot hole goof. FRWL contains some noticeable goofs actually. First, the hand of a crew member can be seen when Rosa Klebb closes the door after letting Tatiana Romanova in. Second, when the expoding helicopter falls down, a wire can be seen in the propeller,lowering the chopper down, also it's very obvious that the chopper is a miniature. Third, after the chopper falls down and explodes, you can see two "Bond" emerge in a scene, the first one is Sean Connery, and the other one who can be seen ducking is a stunt. Fourth, when Bond is being chased by Morzeny's boat squad, there's a reflection of waving hand in the windscreen of Bond's boat (Possibly the Director). Fifth, is when the Morzeny's squad firing at Bond's boat, the bullets hit the fuel barrel, the shot mostly hit the back side, but there's one shot that hits the left side of the fuel barrel, yet in the corresponding scene, no shooter firing from the left side of Bond's boat.

    Oh come on, you don't see them unless you're watching it in slow-motion. Mistakes like that are basically unnoticable, it's only things like blindingly obvious stunt doubles - see the ginger Bond during the CR crane fight - that make any difference to the viewing experience.

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