Last Video Game You Played?



  • Posts: 3,336
    Just started on Goldeneye Reloaded and its kinda like the same game as 007 Legends... Not impressed so far
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    I hope you weren't impressed by 007 Legends either.
  • I just re-played Red Dead Redemption and its such a great game. I think I enjoyed it even more playing it a second time than I did the first time, and when I first played it I really loved it. I hope that the big new project that Rockstar is secretly working on ends up being another Red Dead game. Only it shouldn't be a sequel. If anything it should be a prequel to see Marston's time as a part of a gang, but I also wouldn't mind a stand alone that just happens to be set earlier.
  • Posts: 3,336
    @Agent007391 No i wasn't. Considering it was 50th anniversary game and all. They were very lazy on that game.
  • QsAssistantQsAssistant All those moments lost in time... like tears in rain
    edited December 2014 Posts: 1,812
    I've been playing Dragon Age: Inquisition lately. I haven't played the first two so I wasn't sure how I would feel coming in on the third entry but I'm not lost on the story or lore so far. It's really a great game and I recommend it to anyone who wants to play an RPG fantasy game that reminds me of Mass Effect meets Lord of the Rings.
  • I finally gave Grand Theft Auto Online a try and NOW I'M ADDICTED.
    Damn this game is fun! I love making my own character and I got a car like the one I'd love to own in real life, and JAMES BOND'S ASTON MARTIN!!
    Back when I had GTA5 on the PS3, I saved my money and bought the Aston Martin, and was pissed when it got destroyed and that was that.
    Now in the Online version, you can get car insurance and a tracker so the car is yours

    It's not the most accurate color (that gets unlocked later) but it will do.


    And of course, the PS4 has first person- just look at that attention to detail!


    And here's my other car. It has blacklights under it :D

  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,381
    Playing as a rogue agent @Master_Dahark? ;)
  • Seven_Point_Six_FiveSeven_Point_Six_Five Southern California
    Posts: 1,257
    And of course, the PS4 has first person- just look at that attention to detail!


    Simply adding 1st person to the game made the game so much more fun, imo. I love hopping on a motorcycle in 1st person and zipping through traffic at full speed.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,111
    @Seven_Point_Six_Five, or cruising down the road at top speed, giving other drivers the finger while you run them off the road in first-person mode. I love it. I must've chased a guy halfway around the entire map doing that, ended up clipping a boat being transported by a truck and it smashed into the motorcycle driver, sending him flying.
  • Posts: 1,181
    Can't wait for PC version of GTAV! I hope its as good as its hyped up to be. Is there a face editor similar to what EA does in its sports games? Or is there just generic characters to choose from for online play?
  • No it's very detailed. Practically like The Sims
  • Posts: 3,336
    Just completed the campaign on Goldeneye reloaded and it was very dissapointing. I only did a maximum of 3 levels in a row as i got bored after that. 2/5
  • Posts: 1,181
    Thanks @Master_Dahark ! I'm really looking forward to this now!!
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,111
    'The Last Of Us' (PS4)

    Took a little break from the game because I didn't want to burn myself out on it or fly through it in a single day. Unfortunately, I managed to forget a few of the controls, but I picked them back up with ease and am having a blast. I just left:
    Bill's safehouse, and am now right outside the high school, where we plan to steal the battery from the military truck, so we can get a working car.

    The game is still frequent in its intensity and scavenging, which I absolutely love. I've also found myself trying to stick by Ellie, because there appears to be miscellaneous conversations you can have with her, like the one in the record store where she talks about it being a shame that all of that great music isn't being listened to. However, I sometimes worry that when I run around corners of the map and search for materials and collectibles, I'm going to miss out on dialogue, which would be a shame.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    Creasy47 wrote: »
    'The Last Of Us' (PS4)

    Took a little break from the game because I didn't want to burn myself out on it or fly through it in a single day. Unfortunately, I managed to forget a few of the controls, but I picked them back up with ease and am having a blast. I just left:
    Bill's safehouse, and am now right outside the high school, where we plan to steal the battery from the military truck, so we can get a working car.

    The game is still frequent in its intensity and scavenging, which I absolutely love. I've also found myself trying to stick by Ellie, because there appears to be miscellaneous conversations you can have with her, like the one in the record store where she talks about it being a shame that all of that great music isn't being listened to. However, I sometimes worry that when I run around corners of the map and search for materials and collectibles, I'm going to miss out on dialogue, which would be a shame.

    Enjoy that place. I mean it.

    I'm not much further than you, honestly. I'm
    in the basement of a hotel, about to be assaulted by infected whenever it is I choose to reload the save.
  • Posts: 38
    I have been a fan and playing the Assassin's Creed series. I just upgraded my computer and started playing Blackflag. Graphics are tremendous. I can use max settings.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,111
    Okay, so one of the greatest shootouts I've ever taken part in on a video game happened last night on 'The Last Of Us: Remastered.' I saved the video (thankfully), and want to describe what happened. It was intense and very realistic, so feel free to avoid the spoiler tags if you don't want to see a nerdgasm over a simple fight. Spoiler tag one will contain spoilers (where I'm at, because I don't want to spoil this masterpiece for anyone who hasn't played it), and spoiler tag two will contain what happened in the fight.
    I just got into Pittsburgh, and the fight in question is when you're attacked by the hunters, crash into the store, and they rush you.
    So Joel takes cover and you take over for him. I'm holding the revolver with three shots left. I pop up, fire once, and miss the closest hunter to me. He goes to take cover behind the truck, I fire the second shot and hit him in the gut, but I don't kill him. He stands back up and I fire a third shot at him - it misses him, whizzing past his shoulder and hits a guy behind him in the skull, killing him instantly.

    I cut it left around the shelves and go to flank around, so the passenger side of the truck is facing me. I whip out my Colt in preparation for the guy rushing me, when out of nowhere, I get nailed with a bat by another hunter that I didn't see had followed me.I aim, and all I get is click click (didn't throw in a fresh magazine), and one of the hunters yells out "He's out of bullets!", so the guy with the bat rushes me and hits me more (I thought this was so cool and realistic).

    I punch the guy holding the bat a few times, and as I start backpedalling to reload my Colt, I get grabbed from behind. I press Square, turn around and punch him (just as I'm getting hit by the bat again), and I book it through the middle of the store and go around the far shelves at the front of the store (and I get shot once here, so I'm getting low on health.)

    As I round the shelves (heading to the corner of the store), I see an enemy running away. I chase after him, turn, and he is gone, but another enemy is there, charging me. I immediately aim and fire one shot into his chest, blowing him backwards and killing him (I guess I did reload before I was grabbed). I then run back to the first set of shelves I passed in the beginning, I hear grunting, and turn around to my last location and see a guy running for Ellie, but he turns the corner and runs off.

    I crouch and collect myself, reloading so I have a fully-loaded Colt ready. I start aiming and peeling the corner (which I would now be looking at the driver's side of the truck, and where I first started this mission). I listen and notice an enemy is taking cover on the side of the truck, so I peel the corner very slowly. He and his buddies are regrouping, and as I aim through the window, they split up to find me, so I engage in listening again. I notice an enemy is coming up behind me, so I spin around, aim, and as soon as he turns the corner, I blow his brains out with one shot.

    I start listening again and see an enemy now flanking me on my right. Ellie is closer to him, and when he starts to make a move, I put myself up against the shelves, aim, and pop him once in the sternum. The body count is rising. Another enemy is in the opposite far back corner, and he charges me with a melee weapon. I fire once, hit him, fire again and miss, and the third shot connects and kills him. I reload.

    I listen once again and see an enemy behind me, running down the length of shelves. He takes cover behind an overturned fridge or something, so I hit him three times and kill him.

    I reload and notice only one enemy remains. I move up to the fridge the previous enemy was taking cover in, and I notice the last guy is behind the shelves closest to the front of the store, so I move up to flank him. He's gone, so I listen again and see that he is now at the fridge. I want to save my ammo, so I pull out a molotov to spice things up and I approach the corner. I see him walking down the row of shelves towards me, so I slowly back up, aim, and whip the molotov at him as soon as he turns. Boom. Last guy is down and crispy.

    If you read that (and enjoyed it), thank you, because I had a blast playing it. I know people have rated this game 10/10, but I never imagined it would be THIS good. It blows me away more and more the further it progresses. I will say that I enjoy fighting the hunters more than the infected guys (not only are the infected guys tough, but I just get more entertainment out of hunters shooting back at me and fighting covertly like I do). This game is a blast. Time to sink my teeth back into it!!
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    I'm loving your excitement, @Creasy. And let me tell you, you ain't seen nothing yet. There's so many sequences in that game that make me have to jump start my heart again after I've played them.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,111
    I'm glad, Brady! Wow, I haven't reached the height of the excitement yet? I'm in for a treat, then!
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    Creasy47 wrote: »
    I'm glad, Brady! Wow, I haven't reached the height of the excitement yet? I'm in for a treat, then!
    You sure are. So many different emotions will ravage you by the time you're done with the game, but that's one of the best things about it. It's gripping or sad one moment then beautifully calm and loving the next, always keeping you on your toes. It's got a strong core, focusing on Joel and Ellie's dynamic and how it keeps changing as time goes on, which is just astounding. I can't remember the last time I loved and cared for a game character so strongly as I do Ellie whenever I replay the game. Not since Red Dead Redemption have I experienced a game with so many characters that I can't help but fall in love with and who I would risk anything for.
  • You two are really making me want to play The Last Of Us :P Shame I don't have a ps4. Out of interest @Brady, because I know you're a big Uncharted fan, which would you say is better? Uncharted or The Last Of Us?

    A good game with characters you really care about (which makes the decisions really hard) is Telltale's The Walking Dead game. It doesn't look like much I know (I was pretty unimpressed when I watched trailers and stuff for it but I bought it because of good reviews) but it is mind blowingly good. The game itself is just dialouge choices, quick time events and the odd puzzle but the writing and the hard decisions you have to make help make the game something really special. I think it's better than the show and it's dirt cheap too.

    Anyway I got Assassin's Creed Rogue for Christmas and I'm loving it so far. Unity shook my faith in the series but Rogue is so far redeeming it.

    The graphics aren't as good as Unity (it is an Xbox 360 game) but it's still a great looking game and the enviroments are really stunning at times. The world seems huge (it's even bigger than AC IV's), and there's a ton of variety in the locations too.

    Not that far into it yet (I've just got up to the bit where you escape the homestead) and the story is great so far. Shay has good reason for switching sides and he isn't the merciless cold blooded killer that the trailers make out. His accent isn't great but it's explained by him being born in New York and travelling a lot with his father (a sailor).

    The music is good too. The main menu theme is sort of a dark remix of the AC 2 theme which sounds really cool. The game is very similar to AC IV, you can tell it wasn't meant to be the main game this year, but it's a lot of fun and I'm really enjoying it so far.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    @thelivingroyale, I love both of them. Both have fresh elements to offer, but each contain a solid core of great character driven storylines that are beyond powerful. Uncharted is a balls to the walls action juggernaut that truly feels like you're playing a film, and The Last of Us is a very human tale that contains elements of survival with a focus on tense enemy encounters and exploration. Both the Uncharted games and The Last of Us are prime examples of why video games can be an art form when their development is driven by such a great studio as NaughtyDog. If you've never played The Last of Us, @thelivingroyale, I would highly advise it. I know from your commentary about Assassin's Creed that you love really interesting characters and strong stories, which the game offers like mad. It's such a powerful game that completely captivates you as you follow the various characters around. It's not an experience to be missed.

    Since we're already talking, @thelivingroyale, I have an Assassin's Creed related question. I've got $50 to burn on the Playstation network, and was trying to decide what game to download. I saw that Black Flag was listed under a holiday sale and is available for just $15 on the PSN store, but I don't know anything about the series apart from watching a few gameplay videos of it through the years and don't own a single game in the series. I saw that Black Flag does have some Abstergo Industries gameplay that I would be completely lost during as I know nothing about any of that, so I wanted to know if it is a game that a novice to the series could just pick up and play and still enjoy? Black Flag has interested me for a while, as I like a lot of the gameplay of it I've seen and just how much of the game world there is to explore, but I didn't want to risk purchasing it if it wasn't to my liking. I love cinematic gameplay, interesting characters, immersive sandbox titles and an overall game world that I will get my money's worth out of, so what do you think? At $15 it's kind of a steal regardless, but I'm just not sure if I should get it.

    I am also debating getting Spec. Ops: The Line, as that has interested me for a long time ever since I played its game demo a few years ago. Does anyone have any thoughts on this, or suggestions as to how I should proceed?
  • I highly recommend Black Flag, it's a fantastic open world game and you'll probably understand it fine.

    Since it really is a new chapter for the franchise it sort of starts again anyway. Basically the only background you need to know is this: Assassin's and Templars are two groups that have been fighting for thousands of years, often over artifacts left behind by a race that existed before humans. They both fight for peace but Templars believe in order through control while Assassin's believe in freedom. Abstergo is a front for the modern day Templars.

    The race that came before is made up of these weird, God like aliens which appear throughout the series (although Black Flag is really light on this aspect). One of these, Juno, is all pissed off because her husband was killed or something and she wants revenge on humanity but the rest of these Gods trapped her in this prison. Desmond Miles, a modern day Assassin who you play as in all the games prior to Black Flag, essentially had to choose between releasing her or letting the apocalypse happen. He chose to release her (because at least there, there's hope humanity will fight back) and sacrificed his own life in the process.

    Black Flag also introduces something called Sage's. The game doesn't do a great job explaining what they are but basically they're reincarnations of Juno's husband and they want to find the temple she's imprisoned in and release her.

    That all sounds really complicated but Black Flag is pretty light on this aspect. The modern day stuff is never very good and thankfully in Black Flag it makes up a really tiny portion of the game. And even though the plot gets a little complex at times, the characters are all really fleshed out and well written (the dialouge is great).

    And the game itself is fantastic. The open world is huge and the side content is all fun and rewarding. You can hunt animals on land and sea to craft upgrades for Edward (like armour or holsters), you can plunder ships to gain money and resources to improve your own ship, etc. You can take forts, do assasination missions, harpoon sharks and whales, explore underwater shipwrecks, rob plantations, etc. The open world and all the fun stuff you can do make the game more than worth buying imo.

    The story missions can be a bit repetitive and overly linear at times though (which is a shame as the rest of the game affords you so much freedom) but there are some great ones. There are some cool set piece moments and the story has some really powerful moments, the characters are great.

    I'd say since it's so cheap then it's worth buying even though you might find the plot hard to follow at times. It's a really fantastic game imo.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    Thanks for your quick response and in-depth post, @thelivingroyale; it's immeasurably helpful. I think I'm sold. I'll download it tonight and get into it through the early morning.

  • No problem, hope you enjoy it :)
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    edited December 2014 Posts: 28,694
    Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag

    Holy crap. I'm glad I took @thelivingroyale's astute recommendation and purchased this game off the PSN store. I've hardly ever had this much fun with an open-world game before. When I first got into it I was understandably overwhelmed by just how much there is to do in the massive sandbox Ubisoft presents you with, but after a while you take in the brilliance and immersive atmosphere of the game and enjoy the ride.

    I can always tell when I love an open-world game because I will often focus wholly on side quests, exploration and general screwing around instead of focusing only on the main campaign missions. Black Flag presents you with so many great activities to do and so many things to explore in the game world that you are more than happily preoccupied. However, when you choose to jump into the campaign the game doesn't disappoint either. I've only just gotten to Havana so far, but I've loved the story and characters I've met along the way, as well as the amazingly epic gameplay.

    It is so satisfying to swing onto a ship, sword fight a dozen enemies and free the prisoners for your own crew, or assassinate a Templar and hit the roofs of Havana dodging guard after guard as your fight your way to escape. The combat is exhilarating, the sailing responsive and challenging, and the overall open-world sandbox one of the best I've ever experienced. I've given my PS3 some time to cool off, but I can't wait to jump right back into the action later tonight.
  • QsAssistantQsAssistant All those moments lost in time... like tears in rain
    edited December 2014 Posts: 1,812
    I beat Batman Arkham City for the second time. I've never played Harley Quinn's revenge so I got to play that for the first time yesterday, it was pretty fun but was way too short for my liking.
    I'm debating picking up Arkham Origins. I played it a little when it first came out but was feeling underwhelmed by it, so I returned it. Now that I know it's more or less a clone of Arkham City I wonder if I'll enjoy it more the second time around.
    I've also been thinking about picking up the Deadpool game.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    I love Arkham Origins, and think it's well worth trying again @QsAssistant. I recently replayed it myself to get into the holiday mood, and wasn't disappointed. A lot of people hate it for some reason, though I still fail to see why. Probably because it's not developed by Rocksteady.
  • QsAssistantQsAssistant All those moments lost in time... like tears in rain
    Posts: 1,812
    @0BradyM0Bondfanatic7, I'm trying to hold off getting it because there's rumor of a Game of the Year Edition coming out sometime, it'll have all the DLC with it. At the same time I don't want to wait for it.
    I think a lot of people had the same issue with Arkham Origins as I did. It felt more like it was just one big DLC to Arkham City. Aside from the story (beside Joker being the villain again), just about everything was similar to City. Which isn't a bad thing at all, if it works use it. I was just expecting something more, which is why I'm excited for Arkham Knight, taller buildings and the freaking Batmobile!
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    QsAssistant, Arkham Knight is going to be indescribable. Not only will it be the best Batman simulator ever created, it'll also be one of the greatest games of all time. Every time I see gameplay from it I honestly have to fight off tears. It's such a grand time to be a Batman fan, and it's about time that the character is getting games worthy of him and his universe. Rocksteady are just amazing.
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