The World Is Not Enough appreciation thread

edited February 2014 in Bond Movies Posts: 12,837
if there's already a thread buried somewhere then please direct me to it.

a few days ago, I watched the world is not enough. up until then it had been 9th on my ranking, nothing special.

but when I watched it afew days ago I really enjoyed it, infact, I decided it was one of the best bond films ever.

it has shot up to my top 5 and brosnan has tied connery at no 2 on my list of the best bonds/

This film has everything, a cool villian who can't die, exotic locations, a hot villianess, cool car, skii chase, great PTS and theme, I could go on.

of course, like every bond film it has its flaws (cough, denise richards, cough), but it was still awesome.

please post what you like about the film here


  • QBranchQBranch Always have an escape plan. Mine is watching James Bond films.
    Posts: 14,883
    Yeah, TWINE was my fave Brosnan outing for a while. Now I like all of his about equal. Things I love about TWINE are:

    - Extended PTS. This is one of my favourites.

    - How Bond drops from the balloon and lands in the title sequence.

    - the title sequence oil effects and colours.

    - The fact that half of the gadgets are a surprise. We don't know they're coming (explosive gun, watch rappel wire).

    - The line "I came prepared for a cold reception", just before they hit the slopes.

    - Something we haven't seen for a while- a good chase through the snow.

    - Brosnan now feels most comfortable as Bond. Some of his acting in Baku is top notch.

    - The return of Valentin!

    - The whole pipeline scene.

    - Getting M involved in the story.

    - The part with Brosnan swimming underwater next to the sub.

    Oh, and everything else about the film!
  • edited October 2011 Posts: 268
    They made Denise Richards a scientist.

    Let that sink in.

    Otherwhise, Rob Carlyle is awesome, and Sophie Marceau stunning :)
  • They made Denise Richards a scientist.

    Let that sink in.

    Otherwhise, Rob Carlyle is awesome, and Sophie Marceau stunning :)
    richards being cast as a scientist was a big mistake, but other than that its a sick movie.
  • - The return of Valentin!
    i loved that character, i hated the new goldeneye game for killing him of and not even using coltranes likeness
  • marketto007marketto007 Brazil
    Posts: 3,277
    The best movie in my opinion.

  • Valentin, Richards (i thought she was the right bit of fluff and light relief in contrast to the french bird) was cast correctly but we should have had the nips in the vest on the sub. PTS cracking. Cigar girl awesome. Carlyle rubbish though. M, too much M.

    And of course, the last appearance of the great Q, on screen and in life. Truly tragic loss.
  • Valentin, Richards (i thought she was the right bit of fluff and light relief in contrast to the french bird) was cast correctly but we should have had the nips in the vest on the sub. PTS cracking. Cigar girl awesome. Carlyle rubbish though. M, too much M.

    And of course, the last appearance of the great Q, on screen and in life. Truly tragic loss.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    Fighting... urge... to... state... opinion... about... sh*tiness... of movie...
  • Fighting... urge... to... state... opinion... about... sh*tiness... of movie...
    'i' don't agree Agent987e75985089468430986-34869q8590735-74807-7590539759

    It was a good romp - take the skiing scene out of it - and I think it might be PB's finest moment then again you have the first 30 mins of DAD and that was good.
  • edited August 2013 Posts: 12,837
    Valentin, Richards (i thought she was the right bit of fluff and light relief in contrast to the french bird) was cast correctly but we should have had the nips in the vest on the sub. PTS cracking. Cigar girl awesome. Carlyle rubbish though. M, too much M.

    And of course, the last appearance of the great Q, on screen and in life. Truly tragic loss.
    i think eccleston (who auditioned for the part) would've been a better choice as renard but carlyle wasn't too bad. good actor, just wasted in this.

    and yes its really sad about the original Q, nobody could ever fill his shoes (although john cleese wasn't bad)
  • edited October 2011 Posts: 12,837
    Fighting... urge... to... state... opinion... about... sh*tiness... of movie...
    dont like the film, dont come on its appreciation thread dumb arse. n whats really what not to like???
  • Sorry to interrupt but Roger, jumping of snow cliff, union jack parachute on in 10 on itv4.

  • Sorry to interrupt but Roger, jumping of snow cliff, union jack parachute on in 10 on itv4.

    cool, thanks for tellin me. just put on ITV 4, lucky for me i missed jaws 4
  • Loved TWINE the first time I saw it, and it continues to be my favorite Bond film. It has the right balance of sadism and humor, the action is great, the plot is unique and full of twists. There are a few things that stand out that make this such a favorite of mine. I love the torture sequence at the end and when Bond shoots Elektra. It's great to see Valentin again and Q's final appearance is great. Overall, to me,TWINE is the most complete Bond film that encapsulates everything Bond is about: A perfect blend of grittiness and humor, a unique plot with personal ramifications for the characters, great villains and allies, really gorgeous women, cool and useful gadgets, and a great performance by Bond. It is a perfectly polished Bond film.
  • Posts: 42
    The World is Not Enough, actually not in my Top 10 ranking. Nevertheless, I also like this 19th Bond film. TWINE revives woman as a villain, since From Russia with Love. Sophie Marceau really did her best here. Brosnan, as Bond, also has done very well here. The presence of Q (Desmond Llwellyn) and R (John Cleese) is actually the moment I like. Another one, is when Bond had to shoot Electra in the castle after saving M. Another good Bond Kills Moment.
  • Posts: 1,894
    TWINE is one of my favourite films, for simple virtue of the fact that it was the first Bond film I saw on the big screen. Despite the mauling it regularly receives, there are some excellent elements about it - for example, the film manages a very original take on the theft of a nuclear device; rather than the stereotypical hold-the-world-to-ransom plot, I think Elektra's plan to stage a nuclear accident in Istanbul is the same kind of genuis that gave birth to Orlov's plan to force a withdrawal of NATO forces in West Germany.

    If the original script, playing up the mystery behind who was ultimately responsible for the plot was filmed (instead of the rewrites by Michael Apted's wife, which focused on Bond's relationship with Elektra), then I think TWINE would have been a much, much stronger film.
  • It was very unique IMO - very personal focused, themes of revenge, betrayal, etc. reminded me a lot about OHMSS.

    If anything, Elektra's death under the hands of Bond was one of the better scenes in the series. Great acting by Brosnan there.

  • Posts: 251
    You can add me on the list of love for TWINE!
    Often WRONGLY called out as "crap" or "not very good" or "Brosnans worst",
    it is infact classic Bond from start to finish including the terribly good Christmas joke!
    Richards as a nuclear scientist is no more unbelievable than a woman called Pussy, or Brit Ekland as an agent, its fantasy folks, and Fleming would have loved it. This is Bond you know.....and this film doesn`t let you forget it.
    The PTS remains one of the best ever, and for those who think it too long, stick with your video games, and get out of this thread.
    Brosnans killing of Elektra remains one of his best moments.
    There is so much to like.....
    PTS, Q, Cleese, skiing, submarines, nuclear bombs, Denise Richards bombs (!), cool suits, martinis, cool theme tune, shall I go on? And I loved the gadgets in this film.
    The only negative was we didn`t get to see the z8 in action.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    Fighting... urge... to... state... opinion... about... sh*tiness... of movie...
    dont like the film, dont come on its appreciation thread dumb arse. n whats really what not to like???
    The general plot. I didn't find Electra to be an effective villain, and Renard's inability to feel pain felt too... wrong. And Brosnan did not make a very good vulnerable Bond in that film. He did better in Die Another Day, but that could have been because of his Jesus-like beard obscuring his face.

    And, well, too much M. I would have rather had Bernard Lee in the "rescue M" role.
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    edited October 2011 Posts: 13,369
    And, well, too much M. I would have rather had Bernard Lee in the "rescue M" role.
    For this film only it would have worked well. It was M's overuse in the films that followed that tainted this I feel.

    I love the story of this film. It's very good with the execution but the action scenes let it down. Very middle of the road.
  • Posts: 7,653
    M had a personal stake in this affair which is why it works in the movie, indeed her presence is needed. I do not understand the complains about the use of Dench for M, she is an excellent actress who is needed in the movie. I think it is the personal fear of female authority by certain members that drives them to condemn Lady Dench's M. Sure the M from the SC period is excellent but after a while there needs to be change, which was a good choice.
    They will undoubtely revert to a male M in the near future, and then there will be complains about him as well.

    TWINE is probably my favorite Brosnan movie, it is fun and adventurious which is necessary for an 007 movie. If I want to see dark espionage I will watch Spooks on BBC.
    Great cast and indeed a great scene for Q.

    The ladies where excellently cast, sure an older actress for the role of Christmas Jones would have been nice but Richards did okay.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    I never said I didn't like Judy Dench's M. I absolute like Judy Dench's M. She was just so... under done in this film.

    I'm not saying I hate the whole film. I loved the chase on the Thames (probably my favorite chase in the franchise), I loved R's introduction and Q's exit (it was very respectful) and every scene with Valentin is pure gold; but I just didn't like the main plot of the film.
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    Posts: 15,732
    TWINE is not the worst Bond film... Only beaten in mediocrity by CR and QOS. Only nice thing about TWINE I will say.
  • gt007gt007 Station G
    Posts: 1,182
    TWINE is the first Bond film I ever saw on the big screen too and I love it.
    i think eccleston (who auditioned for the part) would've been a better choice as renard but carlyle wasn't too bad.
    You mean Christopher Eccleston? I didn't know he auditioned for the part of Renard. I like Robert Carlyle very much, but I think Eccleston would be great too. He's a wonderful actor. Actually, it's not too late for him to be a Bond villain...
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    I prefer Robert Carlyle as an actor, but I don't mind Christopher Eccleston. They both played good bad guys in the 28 [time period] Later movies.
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    Posts: 13,369
    Moat Loaf got the role to begin with, then blurted it out to the press and EON washed their hands of him. Robert Carlyle was a great replacement but could Moat Loaf have done more with such an average character?
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    Posts: 15,732
    Robert Carlyle was completly wasted in TWINE. It seems that after the GE fiasco where Brosnan was totally outshined by the entire cast, EON were forced to write 1-dimensional characters so that Brosnan would no longer be out of his league. Because Brosnan's acting in TWINE was abysmal, painfully corny, farcical, so they had to give Carlyle and Marceau rubbish roles and cast the talentless hack that is Richards, so Brosnan would not be outshined. TWINE is a farce, a travesty. I can't understand how EON managed to bring in such talents as Carlyle right into the acting bin.
  • Robert Carlyle was completly wasted in TWINE. It seems that after the GE fiasco where Brosnan was totally outshined by the entire cast, EON were forced to write 1-dimensional characters so that Brosnan would no longer be out of his league. Because Brosnan's acting in TWINE was abysmal, painfully corny, farcical, so they had to give Carlyle and Marceau rubbish roles and cast the talentless hack that is Richards, so Brosnan would not be outshined. TWINE is a farce, a travesty. I can't understand how EON managed to bring in such talents as Carlyle right into the acting bin.
    So I get the feeling you didn't like it...surprisingly I quite like it. Richards was a great foil to Mareau...fluff and seriousness - the two characters gave two different textures to the film and to be honest I yearn for another fluffy Bond girl. Someone pleasing to the eye and in the background.

    TND is the worst PB movie - even worse that DAD - and that's saying something. TWINE is his best.
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    Posts: 15,732
    Sorry forgormyusername, but TWINE is just horrible. I much prefer TND and DAD.
  • I have a hard time understanding why participants see The World Is Not Enough as the worst Brosnan effort, every time I see it it rises above his other three entries as the most plausible Bond and focused, target driven etc

    Carlyle has done better work before this and after, wasn't really intimidating as Renard, the 'impervious to pain' angle seemed a bit out of place, he was playing a Bond villain not the Terminator or anything such, the submarine in a Turkish harbor finale was a bit dull, you don';t get to see much apart from Brosnan swimming around and getting saturated, the Richards character was at times belligerent, and the nuclear physicist role was too far fetched, she looked at times as if she'd have a job getting out of a wet paper bag never mind the job she was supposed to do but a slight improvement on some girls that came before her and even thereafter

    Probably the best bond teaser ever, at least in terms of duration, one issue I had was Bond rolling off the Millenium Dome to an awful drum roll as the credits approached as up to then it was a good opening, also the last appearance of the long standing Llewellyn actor which was a pity but everybody realized he couldn't go on forever, he and Brosnan seemed to have developed some level of camaraderie in their times on screen together
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