Jobe's Fan Art (November 03: SkyFall logotype)

edited November 2011 in Fan Creations Posts: 107
Hello, I'm Jobe. I create James Bond fan art. In a way, appreciate the clean slate the forum upheaval has provided; it gives me a reason to reevaluate my work. I like to take down pieces I've made that no longer meet my standards as time goes on; keeps things nice and trim. So this isn't everything, but it's the stuff I'm still fond of, at least to a point. Enjoy!

<b>February, 2005 • <i>Casino Royale</i> "Never Lose" teaser one sheet series (concept)</b>
<a href="">Part 1</a> | <a href="">Part 2</a> | <a href="">Part 3</a> | <a href="">Part 4</a>

<b>November, 2005 • <a href=""><i>Oil & Water</i> fan fiction cover</a></b>

<b>December, 2005 • <a href=""><i>Tomorrow Never Lies</i> one sheet</a></b>

<b>April, 2006 • <a href=""><i>Quantum of Solace</i> one sheet (concept)</a></b>

<b>July, 2006 • <a href="">"Bond 17" Special Edition artwork</a></b>

<b>October, 2007 • <a href="">"Bond 22" teaser one sheet</a></b>

<b>November 2007 • James Bond Ultimate Edition DVD redesigns (samples)</b>
<b><i>Dr. No</i> •</b> <a href="">Preview (JPG)</a> | <a href="">Full-size (PDF)</a>
<b><i>Octopussy</i> •</b> <a href="">Preview (JPG)</a> | <a href="">Full-size (PDF)</a>

<b>April, 2008 • <i>Quantum of Solace</i> teaser</b>
<a href="">One sheet</a> | <a href="">Wallpaper</a>;

<b>July, 2008 • <a href=""><i>You Only Live Twice</i> teaser quad (anachronism)</a></b>

<b>June, 2009 • <i>Property Of A Lady</i> "Quantum Is Everywhere" teasers (concept)</b>
<a href="">"Ring"; one sheet</a> | <a href="">"Eye"; one sheet</a>

<b>September, 2009 • <a href=""><i>Sunbreaker</i>; fan fiction cover</a></b>

<b>May, 2010 • <i>Moonraker</i> novel covers</b>
<a href="">"Card Contrail"</a> | <a href="">"Bond & Brand"</a>

<b>January, 2011 • <a href=""><i>Carte Blanche</i> novel cover</a></b>

<b>November, 2011 • <a href=""><i>SkyFall</i>; logotype (EPS)</a></b>


  • nick_007nick_007 Ville Marie
    edited March 2011 Posts: 443
    @JobeGDG Until the admins figure out if and how they tweak the editing features send me a PM and I'd be happy to do it for you.

    Very glad you're posting your fan art. :)
  • Posts: 110
    Some of these are spectacular. Great work @JobeGDG!
  • marketto007marketto007 Brazil
    Posts: 3,277
    Amazing as always @JobeGDG. Keep up the outstanding and professional work.

  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    Posts: 13,369
    @JobeGDG you show some fine talent here, keep it up.
  • Hello there Jobe GDG, my name's Rob. Your posters are awesome. great style. I especially like the Moonraker card contrail and the Bond 22 teaser. My favorite is the Property of a Lady poster with the ring.

    I am in the process of writing a fan-fic novel set in the Pathfinder roleplaying game (D&D essentially) that is a Bond homage, titled "From Oppara with Love" yeah...truly original I know...but as a Bond and fantasy novel fan, I thought mixing the two might be fun.

    I was curious if you might do a cover for me. The art would be featured along with the story at (this is a fan-fic site that actually publishes work with the permission of the IP copyright holder) My "Bond" (named Purvis Wade for that brilliant pair of writers) is physically closer to Lazenby in age and stature, with the colder attitude and brutality of Craig-mixed into a fantasy world of goblins, wizards, and devil women. A giant shark features in the novel. Platinum bars also feature.

    Don't know if you have the time, but over at you can find the serial novel in progress along with some art I have done for the book. I'd appreciate the help immensely and this way your work is out in more places.

    Thanks for the time,
    Robert Gresham
  • Posts: 2,495
    wow cant wait to see others.
    wow really great i really like this (btw what is anachronism) and i think yours Carte Blanche is much more better than the real one
  • edited March 2011 Posts: 107
    @nick_007, @Bartleby, @marketto007, @Samuel001: Thanks!

    @Purvis_Wade: You've appealed to my nostalgia for my own D&D days. I'll find time this weekend to read over your story and see what images come rolling out.

    @dragonsky: I'm glad you like them. An anachronism is a thing that's out of place because it belongs in another time period. The anachronism in the You Only Live Twice Japanese flag/gun barrel teaser is that, while it's a poster for a 1967 Sean Connery film with Sean Connery in the crosshairs, the gun barrel is based on 2006's Casino Royale. (Lightening the original gun barrel made the image lose some dimension, so I used a newer edition.)
  • Posts: 91
    Jobe, it's wonderful to have your work archived here on the new forums. I've been a long-time fan of your work art - here's to many more years of wonderful pieces! :)
  • Posts: 144
    One of the best pieces of fan art I’ve ever seen.

    It's my favorite of all you posters.
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    Posts: 13,369
    @JobeGDG Do you have any timetable for your next DVD cover release? I'd love to see more from this particular set.
  • Posts: 11
    @JobeGDG ^:)^ That is all.

    Keep them coming; I've missed your work in my MI6 hiatus
  • Posts: 107
    I've been absent for some time, as I have been wont to do for the past couple years, it seems. However, just as I did for Quantum of Solace, I come bearing an vector file (specifically an EPS) of the SkyFall logotype.

    November, 2011 • SkyFall logotype (EPS)

    You may notice that the grunge texture present in all official treatments of the logo is missing here. There are three reasons for this:
    • The grunge look in the actual logotype appears to be produced by texture brushes in Photoshop rather than an integral part of the original vector file (this would certainly be the most efficient way to produce the effect).
    • A textureless resource allows fan artists to use the official logotype without feeling locked in to designing towards an aesthetic that accompanies said texture.
    • Finding grunge brushes that mimic the official logotype's precisely would be an awful lot of work with a minimal amount of payoff. I may seek a close facsimile in the future for the sake of verisimilitude, however.

    Also, I've taken down most of my Ultimate Edition DVD covers. I suffered a harddrive failure some months back, and the backups of my Bond-related work were not especially thorough. Because of this, and because I've grown increasingly displeased with most of those covers over time, I've decided to leave the best of the best of them up and discard the rest.
  • Posts: 4,762
    I like those two Ultimate Edition DVD covers, @JobeGDG! Very good, very good!
  • nick_007nick_007 Ville Marie
    Posts: 443
    @JobeGDG Thank you so much for that! It'll come in handy if I decide to do some fan art. :)
  • QBranchQBranch Always have an escape plan. Mine is watching James Bond films.
    edited November 2011 Posts: 14,884
    Excellent work @JobeGDG. The POAL cover (ring and shadow) is nothing short of superb. Looking forward to seeing some SkyFall art from you when you have the time.
  • Posts: 645
    @JobeGDG you do have some good work here, I've been a designer for years and a Bond fan all my life but I just created my first Bond fan artwork this week. I just designed a few versions of the new Skyfall Poster here: you'll see on the top left. Thanks for sharing!
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    These are absolutely amazing!
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