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Ha ha! That's brilliant! I'd love to have a brutal death in a Bond flick!
Yes, I'm back in Jax after living in Nashville for 14 years.
You're welcome, ya fanatic! Ponte Vedra's a nice area! B-)
Still friends with anyone in the city's film office? Mr. Roobin and I go back a ways
I notice in the last photo where TD is laughing, someone is filming him? Do you know who that is?
@NicNac Probably someone from NBC, he's wearing a NBC t shirt
The guy in the Stunt baseball cap looks to be Simon Crane having had some medical attention!
Amazing quality shots, and in the pre-DSLR days. I'll make sure I look out for you next time I watch the film!
The photos are of such great quality, like they were taken just yesterday, and have such personality to them in every frame. You were lucky enough to be on a Bond set when the series was at a very interesting point in its cycle, going a drastically different tonal route after over a decade of camp, and it was of course one of Cubby's last productions besides being the last film shot before the infamous hiatus. It must have been a truly exciting time seeing all these legends in one space at one time, and judging by your comments, it still remains that way in memory almost three decades afterwards. How spectacular.
Cheers, mate!
Thanks for the kind words. Glad you enjoyed them. It makes it worth the time to have scanned all these negatives.
As a kid I used to play James Bond with friends in the neighborhood. In 1988, it was as if we were invited to come and play in the REAL James Bond universe for a few days - intersecting our mundane lives with the canonical world of 007 - however briefly. Yes, it does remain a highlight memory for the three of us.
The fact that some pics I took on set more than half my lifetime ago are still relevant, and valued by viewers is a testament to the longevity, and awesomeness of James Bond and the family that makes them. The films seem as immortal as Bond himself.
With all the fantastic locales featured in the Bond films over the decades, can you imagine what it must have been like for the owners of those stilt homes to have gotten a knock on the door by EON saying "We'd like to film an exciting 007 PTS action sequence in your front yard??"
Imagine seeing YOUR house in a Bond film - in the line of fire of Bond shooting his gun. Theoretically if he missed the jeep, he could've hit your satellite dish. :-O
If you watch the trailer for TLD she's not dubbed, Sounds okay to me, don't know why the dubbed her.
This bottom picture was taken at Daytona (Spring Break, 1989) where there was a promotional display of this black helicopter. We had seen it flying around in Key West, (above photo) but were not sure what it was used for. (We assumed it would be the villain's copter) But it must have been used for camera work. Note the "revised" title decal subsequently placed on it.
Just look at the upper right poster. That...that design has been used completely for the final "GoldenEye" poster. Even Lupe Lamora's clothes were later worn by Xenia Onatopp.
And then the poster on the bottom left. Can you see the 007-logo? That's....that's the redesigned logo that would later appear on the poster art for "GoldenEye".....and is until today still the same!
Here are more poster designs from early 1988:
By the way, I think this is my favourite final poster from "Licence To Kill". Just compare it with the "Casino Royale" teaser poster. And look in the eyes of both Daniel Craig and Timothy Dalton: Both ruthless, deadly asassins:
Or supply a mini-dictionary with every ticket purchase made in the United States. ;)