Last Bond Movie You Watched



  • Mendes4LyfeMendes4Lyfe The long road ahead
    Posts: 8,714
    Just finished TLD. I'll starts by saying this: Timothy Dalton is one of the biggest legends in movie history! The guy rocks my world from the moment his face appears on screen. As soon as he turns towards the camera, I know this new Bond is the real deal. I do love Moore but after 7 films it was time to change. Dalton is intense like no other. This is my 2nd favorite Bond intro after Connery in DN. Dalton doesn't even speak until after the action sequence is over, and he didn't need to say a word for me to completely accept him as Bond. The guy is utterly suave, has acting talent in the bucket loads (just look at his eyes when he blows up the balloon after Saunders dies), and is one proper badass. The definitive Bond moment for Dalton is a collection of 2 moments - the sniper scene and the Pushkin interrogation scene. Barry leaves on an all time high, with one of my favorite soundtracks, and not only for the Bond franchise, but for any movie. The plot is amongst my favorite in the franchise, the closest any outing has been to FRWL - a pure cold war spy thriller. This movie really excites me because I find Dalton to be even better in LTK, where he lets his badass self go full throttle.

    This is it for me today, I'll continue tomorrow with LTK and the Brosnan films.

    Woah!! Another great review!! Yes, Mister Timothy Dalton is indeed a legend of the screen. I have to Agree, although TLD is my preferred Dalton outing, I think his greater performance comes in LTK, where he isn't living in the shadow of Moore. There are some moments in TLD where he says things that feel very unnatural for him.

    Your reviews are so amazing!! They never disappoint in making me want to watch more bond!! Thanks to your reviews I now have a burning desire to rewatch half the series again :D keep up the good work ;)
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,995
    This is it for me today, I'll continue tomorrow with LTK and the Brosnan films.
    Lovin' these man, just great.
  • edited April 2015 Posts: 1,604

    Yeah, I still love this one. For me, even if I didn't enjoy the rest of it (I do), two words would forever keep it from the bottom of the barrel:

    Ken. Adam. And my god Barry's music, Tournier's cinematography. Sure, there's hardly any Fleming here, and I can understand/respect why that would rankle some, but I legitimately think this is a very good (cinematic) Bond movie.

    I'll potentially follow this post up with a more thorough write-up at some point.

  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489

    Rosebutt... :(

    Rosebutt... :-S
  • Mendes4LyfeMendes4Lyfe The long road ahead
    edited April 2015 Posts: 8,714

    Rosebutt... :(

    Rosebutt... :-S

  • Posts: 1,604
    He's not a fan of the Brosnan movies.
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    Posts: 15,732
    Just finished LTK. I will start by commenting on Dalton, who totally blew my socks off for the last 2 hours. Dalton was very suave in TLD, where he gave a brilliant classical performance. In LTK, however, he plays the most brutal, ruthless, badass Bond in the franchise. He is the polar opposite of Moore here, needing some short scenes of humour with Q and some romance to remind us that this is James Bond. But, I didn't need reminding, this is a 007 I absolutely adore and who rocks my world. Dalton is cool as ice, yet you can see the anger burning inside him. Dalton should have gotten awards or something for this, as he makes Matt Damon as Bourne look like a little girl ( and I do like Damon as Bourne). Even Liam Neeson in Taken looks soft compared to the Daltonator. Also, what makes Bond an absolute badass in this, is how smart he is, the smartest Bond in the franchise, being able to turn Sanchez against his own crew. Moore is my fav Bond, but I sure do love some Dalton, and I could watch LTK twice a day for 1 month, and never get bored of his magnificent performance from him. I don't mind the soundtack, which I find is my favorite non Barry score, nor the Bond girls, nor Q in the field.. because Dalton just towers over all of these aspects. This film also features my favorite M scene. Wonderful piece of acting by Robert Brown. This is firmly in my top 3 Bond films!
  • suavejmfsuavejmf Harrogate, North Yorkshire, England
    Posts: 5,131
    Good taste. LTK is not in my top 5. But it is the best 007 film of the 80's.
  • Mendes4LyfeMendes4Lyfe The long road ahead
    Posts: 8,714
    Just finished LTK. I will start by commenting on Dalton, who totally blew my socks off for the last 2 hours. Dalton was very suave in TLD, where he gave a brilliant classical performance. In LTK, however, he plays the most brutal, ruthless, badass Bond in the franchise. He is the polar opposite of Moore here, needing some short scenes of humour with Q and some romance to remind us that this is James Bond. But, I didn't need reminding, this is a 007 I absolutely adore and who rocks my world. Dalton is cool as ice, yet you can see the anger burning inside him. Dalton should have gotten awards or something for this, as he makes Matt Damon as Bourne look like a little girl ( and I do like Damon as Bourne). Even Liam Neeson in Taken looks soft compared to the Daltonator. Also, what makes Bond an absolute badass in this, is how smart he is, the smartest Bond in the franchise, being able to turn Sanchez against his own crew. Moore is my fav Bond, but I sure do love some Dalton, and I could watch LTK twice a day for 1 month, and never get bored of his magnificent performance from him. I don't mind the soundtack, which I find is my favorite non Barry score, nor the Bond girls, nor Q in the field.. because Dalton just towers over all of these aspects. This film also features my favorite M scene. Wonderful piece of acting by Robert Brown. This is firmly in my top 3 Bond films!

    If only this film felt a bit less American, I would agree. Unfortunately it feels to me like a american cop film about druglords with James Bond in it. I also find the fight at the Barrelhead Bar and the scenes with Q to be at odds with the tone of the rest of the film.
  • edited April 2015 Posts: 1,604

    First Bond film I ever saw, and I maintain that it's one of the best. Martin Campbell comes in and kicks the series in the ass. Brosnan's performance is better than I remembered - I like the restraint he shows here. In fact, I just plain like him as Bond (aside from TWINE, where I think he's ass, but his other 3 performances convince me that blame falls on Apted more so than the Brozinator).

    Along with a few other entries (LALD, FRWL, and TB come immediately to mind) this has one of the best supporting casts. Famke as Xenia will always be one of my favorite villains (hence the username), Ourumov is eternally overlooked. I always have a laugh at him taking gulps of booze during the tank chase.

    The infantile dialogue is largely absent from this Brosnan installment as well. Huge plus there. Sure, there's a few clunkers, but it is nothing compared to subsequent entries.

    I love the atmosphere (Meheux's cinematography is awesome. I adore how the entire film seems coated in perpetual fogginess and haziness). It's real industrial, real murky post-Cold War atmosphere.

    Also, Eric Serra's score is probably my pick for the best non-Barry score in the entire canon, alongside Martin's work on LALD. Controversial, I know, but it's unique, and fits the film and its tone like a glove. I like the originality of it. Real evocative, industrial, and masculine. Better than many of David Arnold's "John Barry-lite" scores (although I do really like the balls out feel of TND's music and QOS sounds lovely as well).

    I have more to say, as always, but there's a bit of a "brain dump." tl;dr - I love GE. Far and away the best of the Brosnan era. It's not even close, really.

  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,995
    Just finished LTK. I will start by commenting on Dalton, who totally blew my socks off for the last 2 hours. Dalton was very suave in TLD, where he gave a brilliant classical performance. In LTK, however, he plays the most brutal, ruthless, badass Bond in the franchise.
    This is firmly in my top 3 Bond films!
    "Don't you want to know why?"
    THIS is why.
  • Posts: 9,916
    Quantum of Solace and half of Skyfall

    Where to begin ... I still don't get why people hate Quantum of Solace it's brilliant fun exciting and has such amazing one liners
    "I believe she has handcuffs" Mathis
    "I do hope so" Bond
    Etc I mean it's a brilliant film Forester is a great director the film is just amazing Skyfall is still just ok mind you I only watched half of it. The PTS is amazing I still can't believe that we are already on the 4th Craig film.

    In two weeks I do plan on rewatching the whole series in order starting with I figure if I watch a film while my wife is away I will be up to Spectre by the time it is released.
  • Posts: 1,604
    That is one of the film's good lines. Craig's deadpan is evocative of Connery.
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,995
    That is one of the film's good lines. Craig's deadpan is evocative of Connery.
    Yes. It was awesome.
  • Posts: 12,610
    I watched Casino Royale the other night, and I still feel good about it being my favorite Bond film of all. Craig's performance is great, the action is great, the soundtrack is great, the story is great, the Bond girl is great, and the villains are great. I've seen it more than any other Bond film, but I never tire of it. I have been a big fan of Craig's tenure so far, and I'm really looking forward to Spectre.
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    Posts: 15,732
    Last night I saw GE and TND.

    GE: The first Bond film I ever saw, and I never get tired of it. I kept reading here that Brosnan was trying too hard in this film. I can see that in a few moment,but as a whole I must say I love his performance. When I think of James Bond, Brosnan is the first that comes to mind. This film has a very strong supporting cast, and the soundtrack is pretty good IMO (but I know this is an unpopular thing to say). The PTS is amongst the best in the series, and I love the tank chase just as much as the first time I saw it. The plot moves along at a great pace, and there is always a classic moment or scene to look forward to.

    TND: Very good film. Brosnan is a proper badass in this, as he demonstrates in the PTS. He seems more sure of himself here. I love the scene in the hotel when he drinks the vodka - the man I wanted to be as a kid. The plot is very interesting and ahead of it's time. Although the films is more a shoot-them-up in the second half, I can not hate it when Brosnan acts like a total legend. The soundtrack is good, although my least favorite of the Arnold scores (he tries too much to be Barry here, in his next 4 he gradually finds his own style IMO). I see a lot of member have a problem with the humour in the Brosnan films, IMO i don't mind it. Actually I quite like it, it looks like Brosnan is having a ton of fun in this outing, like when he smiles during the car chase.

    Next up: TWINE and DAD this afternoon.
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,995
    More great reviews! Thanks.
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    Posts: 15,732
    Just finished TWINE. I read a lot of complaints about this film, some I can understand but this films is a guilty pleasure of mind. Brosnan over-acts a bit it certain scenes, but he looks his best in this outing, and I just find him utter cool. The look of the film is a bit bland, but strangely enough, I like it. I have no problem with Denise Richards, and Marceau is pure eye candy. Arnold greatly improved here, some cues are very good. M starts to be very active in the field, but it's Judi Dench, I can't hate her. The PTS is very long, but it's so spectacular, with a wonderful chase sequence on the Thames. So yes, maybe not the best of the outings, but a real guilty pleasure of mine. I think it's one of the Bond films I've watched the most.
  • edited April 2015 Posts: 1,604
    There's a really good movie in there somewhere. It shares many similarities with SF. What I think it really needed was a stronger director and better script to better execute said kernel of good story. I like TWINE as an idea, but not so much these days in its finished form. It wants to have its cake and eat it too, in regards to Fleming and the OTT elements (dialogue, set piece, and otherwise) of the Brosnan era.

    Nice write-up as always, @DaltonCraig007.
  • edited April 2015 Posts: 372
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    Posts: 15,732
    DAD. A huge guilty pleasure for me. Brosnan is on top form, giving his best performance as Bond. The soundtrack sounds like Arnold had a blast composing and recording it. The first half of the film, until the Virtual MI6 scene is brilliant, my favorite of the Brosnan era. What comes next is pure dumb, stupid, corny, OTT stuff, but damn is it entertaining. The film goes full throttle and never slows down, which IMO is good because you don't have time to think 'WTF did I just see' before the next scene starts. Jinx is annoying but she's so gorgeous I forgive all else about her. Stephens hams it up to the point of no return, but somehow it makes him hilarious and very entertaining to watch, so I kind of like him as a villain. I'd probably rank it at the bottom in terms of 'best Bond film', but in terms of pure, mindless entertainement value, it'd be in my top 10, or just outside of it.
  • Posts: 1,604
    The first half I would rank high in terms of both quality and entertainment, and the second half just the opposite.
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    Posts: 15,732
    The first half I would rank high in terms of both quality and entertainment, and the second half just the opposite.

    I agree that quality wise the 2nd half is very bad, however IMO the film moves at such a pace it remains entertaining. Never a dull moment, especially from the moment Bond goes underwater to the end of the car chase, it's just 20 minutes of flat out action. And then the Antonov sequence is only about 10 minutes away.

  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,995
    DAD isn't very good, but it's damn entertaining. Broz OTOH is great IN it.
  • Posts: 1,604
    @DaltonCraig007 Yeah, one of my biggest praises for Tamahori is his ability for energy and quick pacing. He paces things very thrillingly. Not a great Bond director, but he has his moments.
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    Posts: 15,732
    Last night I watched CR and QOS.

    CR is amongst my favorite outings, I never tire of watching it. I love Brosnan as Bond, but it was time for a change after DAD. Craig owns the part from his first line of dialogue, and is a proper badass the entire film. The first hour, until they reach Montenegro is fantastic, it really flows well. And the cinematography and sets are breathtaking to look at. The whole sequence in the casino is fantastic, I love how daring they were with the way they filmed and edited the texas hold'em scenes, taking time to have a lot of close ups of Bond's and Le Chiffre's faces. Arnold fully finds his style in this outing, great soundtrack.

    QOS is also one of my favorite outings. Craig is absolutely legendary in this one. The fights are brutal, especially the Mr Slate fight. I love the crazy globe trotting, it gives the film an epic scope. In terms of pace alone, I'd rank this outing as #1, I am astonished every time at how fast the film is over. This is by far the best soundtrack for Arnold. The movie is also extremely lush in the quiet scenes. I didn't like the film the first time I saw it, but it has grown on me immensly. This is really a film that improves with each rewatch.
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    Enjoy your reviews, the love just flows from the screen every time.
  • suavejmfsuavejmf Harrogate, North Yorkshire, England
    Posts: 5,131
    @DaltonCraig007 Yeah, one of my biggest praises for Tamahori is his ability for energy and quick pacing. He paces things very thrillingly. Not a great Bond director, but he has his moments.

    He also manages to make a film made on a large budget, look cheap (in a bad way). DaltonCraig007 I agree with your CR review, nice one.
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    edited April 2015 Posts: 15,732
    Just finished SF, which means my Bondathon is now over.

    This films get a lot of flack recently here. While I agree there are several faults in it, I don't know of any Bond film without any. This film is extreme fun, starting with a bombastic PTS. The cinematography is lush and gorgeous to look at, Craig is a lot more relaxed and seems to enjoy himself a lot in some of the scenes. Again, the first hour is excellent, dies down a bit in the middle and picks up pace during the tube chase and the Scotland scenes (these seem to take the most complaints, but I just love the atmosphere and look of this segment. Really unique in the entire franchise). The soundtrack is quite good, but I hope Newman will improve for SP. All in all I think that despite some flaws in the plot and it's execution, this is a highly entertaining and epic film. A solid top 10 outing for me.
  • edited April 2015 Posts: 3,336
    @DaltonCraig007 Congratz on finishing your Bondathon! And thanks for the good reviews. Feel free to add your viewings to the Bond Movie Meter 2015 thread.
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