Bond's Gaming Future(News, Speculation, Discussion)



  • Posts: 9,913
    no I would prefer the film bond M etc but based on the post Fleming novels wouldn't it be amazing to play Colonel Sun the game
  • ClarkDevlinClarkDevlin Martinis, Girls and Guns
    Posts: 15,423
    If the film M has to be there, then the film universe will always be connected to the game universe, which would hurt the quality of the product.
  • Posts: 9,913
    no it wouldn't Daniel Craig as ian fleming's James bond 007 in Colonel Sun the Video game.. such a product would be quality beyond anyone's wildest dreams.
  • Posts: 553
    They couldn't even get his voice for the last video game - leading to a really jarring effect. There's more creative freedom in moving away from the films
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    edited June 2015 Posts: 15,732
    @Risico007 will be disappointed when Colonel Sun video game will get the '007 Legends' treatment in terms of respect to the original source. ;)
  • Posts: 9,913
    lol to be fair I don't think that would happen but due to a lack of spy games I almost would gladly take 007 legends part 2 or Goldeneye Rogue agent part 2 lol
  • ClarkDevlinClarkDevlin Martinis, Girls and Guns
    Posts: 15,423
    Well, that's where we disagree, old chap. Movie tie-ins, like many of the participants up there or on the previous page have mentioned, are worthless products. It will be better if they let the developers and publishers insert their creativity with all freedom, dodging licensing issues (such as using the likenesses of any actor) as well as copyright infringements. If they give birth to another Activision-inspired entry, then that surely will confirm the death of the gaming franchise.
  • Posts: 39
    I am considering purchasing 007 Racing for PS1 for my 7 years nephew. I saw it in a local second hand shop for about 15 dollars. Do you think he will enjoy it and is it suitable for kids.
  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,379
    In my honest opinion, probably not. It is a rather difficult game.
  • Posts: 352
    I don't understand why Bond games can't be like this. Future developers - or whoever purchases the gaming rights - should look at games like this. The Uncharted series is great. Here is a short video of the first level's gameplay from the first mission, which debuted at E3 a few days ago.

    Bond games need to be like this. I literally got chills watching this. The action, the humor, the side banter. The graphics are beautiful and on-par to a Bond adventure. Even the part where Drake is swinging from the rope over the water has that "A View To A Kill" vibe to it, when Roger Moore is hanging from the blimp.

    If Bond franchise want's the video game sector to be successful, this is a great example to follow. I would go a step further and say to employ the development and story writing team of the Uncharted franchise and have them pen a script and make a game.

    Any thoughts on the video/my opinion?
  • HASEROTHASEROT has returned like the tedious inevitability of an unloved season---
    Posts: 4,399
    loved the action - definitely on par with how i picture a Bond game being

    the side banter - for a Bond game, eh, not so much.. a little witticism sprinkled in is fine - but not as much as was in this game.. the banter in the game reminds me more of Indiana Jones than James Bond (an Indiana Jones played by Chris Pratt lol).

    i would love to see what Naughty Dog would do with a Bond game - between the Uncharted Series and The Last Of Us, they've made quite a name for themselves with high quality games... i just wouldn't want to wait the 4-5 years between Bond games... ideally, i would like a Bond game in between when films are released - that way we get new gaming adventures while we bide our time for the next film.
  • Posts: 352
    I definitely agree! Naughty Dog would be great. I've even thought about the prospects that Rockstar Games would have, with their success with GTA.

    Do you have any guesses as to when the gaming license might be picked up again?

    The guy who created the Walking Dead game series has voiced interest in picking up the series, but I don't think that would work out too well. The Walking Dead games look like comic books. I'd rather it look more realistic and capitalize on the current next-gen graphic technology, like Uncharted, The Last of Us, GTA, etc.
  • HASEROTHASEROT has returned like the tedious inevitability of an unloved season---
    edited July 2015 Posts: 4,399
    no i don't know when/if the gaming license will ever be picked back up... with the floundering sales behind Blood Stone, Goldeneye Reloaded and 007 Legends - the property could be viewed as toxic and game developers might be wary of investing a lot of money when there is no guarantee on a big return... i wouldn't be shocked if we dont see another Bond (console) game at least for the next 5-10 years..

    if anyone were to do it, it would have to be a relatively small company willing to gamble - like how Rocksteady did with Batman: Arkham Asylum... i think major players have ruled themselves out, or else i imagine it would've been picked up by now.
  • Posts: 352
    Why do you think Activision slacked on it, though? They've made some great games. They just tried to make the Bond games a cash cow, and messed it up. It's a shame that they massacred the reputation of the series.

    Can you imagine if, following GoldenEye 007 for N64, that the Bond series got to the level of Call of Duty? Becoming a huge, worldwide phenomenon with each game release. I hope that we can see that sometime in the future - a revival and explosion of the Bond game franchise.
  • HASEROTHASEROT has returned like the tedious inevitability of an unloved season---
    edited July 2015 Posts: 4,399
    Why do you think Activision slacked on it, though? They've made some great games. They just tried to make the Bond games a cash cow, and messed it up. It's a shame that they massacred the reputation of the series.

    i just don't think they knew what to do with the product... much of Bond's gaming history on consoles has pretty much gave him a Rambo/Terminator style of gameplay, where you can run into a room with a machine gun and just blow away 40 people in a minute... thats not Bond... I don't think they fully got that, or even cared - while I (and others) didn't mind games like QOS or even GE:RL, to me, they felt like COD betas... Blood Stone was really the one game I felt Activision got right (thanks to Bizarre Creations as well) - it was an original story set in the Craig timeline of films that featured the mysterious Quantum organization (or something like it) - it was original, and it was fun to play from a gaming standpoint.. but they never followed up on it - the sales were poor, but the reviews were good.. i think if they would've stuck with that formula and spent another 2-3 years on a new game like that, it would've made more money.. but instead they packed it in and shoveled out a useless and pathetic 007 Legends game..
  • Posts: 39
    NIce to see i have kicked off a bit of a discussion here about the Bond franchise.

    Most people when they see a Bond on the shelves game they think cheap. This is how i feel.
  • HASEROTHASEROT has returned like the tedious inevitability of an unloved season---
    edited July 2015 Posts: 4,399
    SirBilli wrote: »
    NIce to see i have kicked off a bit of a discussion here about the Bond franchise.

    Most people when they see a Bond on the shelves game they think cheap. This is how i feel.

    IMO, thats a stereotype (most of the time accurate) about most movie tie-in games.. you'll find the occasional diamond in the rough, but they are few and far between - because their sole purpose for being made is to cash in on the success of the film it's associated with... thats why stand alone games, when it comes to Bond, are the way to go for the future.
  • Posts: 38
    I totally agree with you on Bloodstone and Legends. Spectre would be a great follow-up to Bloodstone and writers could go in another direction or prequel to Spectre
  • Posts: 352
    I'd love to see a Bond game where the ending is similar to the short story "The Most Dangerous Game." Bond is captured on a plane, a struggle for a gun ensues, the gun goes off and blows out a window, the cabin depressurizes, Goldfinger style. The villain and Bond parachute out - the villain has an assault rifle and is a marksman, Bond only has a sig Sauer P226 with 3 rounds. They land in separate parts of a jungle island, and it's a stealthy game of cat and mouse in the jungle and huts.
  • OK so I'm thinks of a game that is fully open world, like Skyrim, that mixes in a game like Alpha Protocal, and has a Weapon Customization part that is similar to ghost recon future soldier, or crysis 3.

    I know that this will never happen but think of how cool it would be, the could even make it where you can play as the villain and have it like GTA where you can kill everyone and then escape the cops.
  • ClarkDevlinClarkDevlin Martinis, Girls and Guns
    Posts: 15,423
    I'd love to see a Bond game where the ending is similar to the short story "The Most Dangerous Game." Bond is captured on a plane, a struggle for a gun ensues, the gun goes off and blows out a window, the cabin depressurizes, Goldfinger style. The villain and Bond parachute out - the villain has an assault rifle and is a marksman, Bond only has a sig Sauer P226 with 3 rounds. They land in separate parts of a jungle island, and it's a stealthy game of cat and mouse in the jungle and huts.
    That could work for a level or two, but Bond isn't essentially made to be a survival thriller like 2013's Tomb Raider reboot. We sort of had two of the elements you mentioned in Blood Stone.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    Not to mention "The Most Dangerous Game" was used for a sequence in Octopussy. And it's just overused in general.
  • ClarkDevlinClarkDevlin Martinis, Girls and Guns
    Posts: 15,423
    I do agree with that.
  • HASEROTHASEROT has returned like the tedious inevitability of an unloved season---
    edited July 2015 Posts: 4,399
    an Open World would be amazing for a Bond game - but if, and only IF, they handle it in the way that Assassin's Creed handles their open world... it would be nice if you (as Bond) had to travel between cities - whatever ones they may be - and upon getting there, you could pretty much go anywhere, but you'd have the waypoint icon to let you know where your supposed to go to continue the mission.. this would leave options open to drive around in your brand spanking new Aston Martin - or perhaps partake in some casino action while your killing time... as far as missions, we've seen what AC has done when it comes to open world espionage - like following someone at a distance to listen in on a conversation - but not getting too close to raise attention.. imagine something similar, but in a dense casino atmosphere, where you have to tail someone through a busy casino... or follow someone in your car around the streets of a big city..

    see, now i did it - whenever i get thinking of the possibilities of what you could do with a Bond game, I start thinking of level ideas..

    imagine a part in the game where you have to go undercover and disguise yourself as a window washer of a tall skyscraper - just so you could listen in on conversations without drawing attention.. you sneak your way to the roof, lower yourself down to the right floor - and start your spying... but in the process, your cover gets blown - you try to ride that little platform back up to the top of the building as quickly as it goes while dodging gunfire coming from inside - maybe one of the guards jumps onto the platform with you - so you engage in some fisticuffs, in which you can dispatch of him(them) by throwing them over the side - so they plummet to their death... the guards manage to shoot out the cables on the lift, but you jump and grab a hold of the cable just as the platform falls.. you shoot the remaining guards with your gun, then use the cable to swing into the building... not sure where else to go from there other than having to fight your way back down to the ground floor so you can get back to your car and gtfo...... just a thought. lol.
  • ClarkDevlinClarkDevlin Martinis, Girls and Guns
    Posts: 15,423
    It looks like we have an alternative for a Bond Game this year, as The Man from UNCLE: Mission Berlin will come out soon. A Third Person Shooter with two playable characters along with racing elements! 1960s Cold War Bond-style video game!
  • Looks worse than original Xbox this supposed to be for phones or something?
  • marketto007marketto007 Brazil
    Posts: 3,277
    Looks worse than original Xbox this supposed to be for phones or something?

    Web based game @YouHaveAnOddJob

  • Looks worse than original Xbox this supposed to be for phones or something?

    Web based game @YouHaveAnOddJob

    Ah ok, not really that interested in it then, will probably also have tons of micro-transactions.

  • marketto007marketto007 Brazil
    Posts: 3,277
    Have you seen this s**t from GLU Mobile? :(

    James Bond World Of Espionage

  • jake24jake24 Sitting at your desk, kissing your lover, eating supper with your familyModerator
    edited July 2015 Posts: 10,592
    What the bloody hell did I just watch? X_X I set my expectations way too high it seems.
    Must be some sort of prank.
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