SPECTRE: So who's going to play Ernst?



  • Posts: 15,409
    Here's a nice article from 007 Magazine: http://www.007magazine.co.uk/bond24/secrets_of_spectre1.htm. And in essence I think we can all agree on this quote from that article:
    The key unanswered question remains whether Waltz’s Oberhauser will definitely be revealed as Blofeld, and whether he will become a recurring villain in the series.

    Even if say Blofeld and Oberhauser are not the same person, nothing indicates that it is Denbigh. Even if what we have seen was an avalanche of red herrings: Oberhauser's clothes, the possible scar, the lines he says, his leadership position, the casting of Waltz, his resemblance with OHMSS Blofeld, etc. That still would not mean Denbigh is Blofeld.
  • doubleoegodoubleoego #LightWork
    Posts: 11,139

    Dr.No head of SP? Scott is really Blofeld? [-X

    Looks like some are too deep in the forest to see the trees. Let's not make too much of a meal of this.
  • Posts: 15,409
    doubleoego wrote: »
    Dr.No head of SP? Scott is really Blofeld? [-X

    Looks like some are too deep in the forest to see the trees. Let's not make too much of a meal of this.

    Like I said, I expect a Jekyll & Hyde or Dracula twist.
  • edited July 2015 Posts: 1,552
    RC7 wrote: »
    RC7 wrote: »
    RC7 wrote: »
    JCRendle wrote: »
    Maybe, but like Largo, Dr No was considered the lead villain of the film no?
    Lead villain, yes, but not SPECTRE #1
    Similarly I think Oberhauser will be the lead villain. But this time around he IS actually the head of S.P.E.C.T.R.E.
    Looks like it
    I firmly believe we might be in for a big surprise at the end of the film.....
    It's too much like Sherlock. In Sherlock, the BBC version, Andrew Scott's first appearance was as Molly's boyfriend at the lab, one of the "good" characters, it is later revealed that he is Moriarty - Would SPECTRE really do the same trick with the same actor?

    Well, look at some other arguments I made. I'm just not sure Christoph Waltz would stick himself to a multi-picture deal. Playing Blofeld several times. I think EON were looking for a relatively young, unknown actor for Blofeld. To make him the real good anti-Bond. Introduce him properly. Let the character develop over the course of several films.

    And if, at this stage, you are already certain that Blofeld comes back, you also need to have some practical certainty. You need to have an actor who's willing to commit himself for more films. Otherwise we get the same problem again: Blofeld played by various characters.

    By the way, Dr No says: "I'm a member of S.P.E.C.T.R.E." But since when are members never the No# 1 of a syndicate? You can not know that for sure either. For me it seems logical that a No# 1 of S.P.E.C.T.R.E. needs to be chosen, perhaps elected, thus being a member of the organisation foremost.

    Blofeld runs SPECTRE in the novels and films. Operatives are interchangeable. He is always no.1. Doctor No was never head of SPECTRE.

    Yeah, but for some reason they made the cinematic Dr No a member of S.P.E.C.T.R.E. whereas in the book he's merely an ex-member of the Chinese Tong. The cinematic Bond has been different on a few occassions as compared to the Bond from the novels.

    By the way, in all honestly, I always assumed that the cinematic Dr No was the head of S.P.E.C.T.R.E. Until today when I read that others think differently. Now I think about it, only FRWL gives us more explanation as what his role was. Yes, that of an "operative". Still, Blofeld in a way could be seen as the CO, chief operative, of S.P.E.C.T.R.E.

    Anyway, this discussion is besides the real point. Some think Christoph Waltz will play Blofeld. I think the cinematic Blofeld will be played by Andrew Scott. And I think Oberhauser, without name changes, being the first head of S.P.E.C.T.R.E. in "SPECTRE" could be a perfect way of slowly introduce us to the later head, Blofeld.

    The one constant in the novels and films is that Blofeld is head of SPECTRE. Waiting decades to use them both only to have Blofeld graduate to leader following the death of Oberhauser seems odd. A bland twist.

    I don't agree. I think it could be quite a formidable introduction to the character.

    By the way....do you think Christoph Waltz will return in upcoming Bond films?

    I think it would an almighty damp squib. Once your 'amazing twist' plays out, you're left with Moriarty as your recurring Uber villain. I don't see it. Craig has one, maybe two films left. I love Andrew Scott, but the thought of Waltz returning to face off with Craig and seeing out his tenure is mouthwatering.

    We'll find out....November 6th.......who will be right ;-).

    Well, I'll be watching October 26th, but I won't spoil/discuss/disappoint you until you've watched it.
  • Posts: 15,409
    Let's say for argument's sake that Waltz is not Blofeld. Which is not impossible, but unlikely. Any evidence it is anybody else at the moment? You can imagine a twist for the sake of it, but we have no evidence, not a piece of clue that may lead to anyone else. Unless Blofeld is a tag they want to give to just anyone. And somehow I don't think that's what they are looking for. Because that would be beyond lazy. Like the butler turns out to be the murderer in a whodunit.
  • Posts: 1,552
    Unless there's an unannounced actor, who's contracted for a multiple film contract whose just as strong, as regarded as Waltz who've they've kept close to their chests and is sitting on the other end of the table from Waltz in the SPECTRE meeting who is always in shadow until the end and who will be Bond 25's antagonist - but I find that unlikely. Yes they managed it with
    Matt Damon in Interstellar
    Johnny Depp in 21 Jump Street
    S. L. Jackson in Iron Man
    but with the leaks with SPECTRE? It would have got out by now.
  • bond_azoozbondbond_azoozbond Portland,OR
    Posts: 97

    I am still not convinced that EON Productions/Sony Pictures/MGM would give away so incredibly much, by revealing S.P.E.C.T.R.E. anddd Ernst Stavro Blofeld in just one Bond film. It's too simple. Therefore, I'm also not convinced (just yet) that Christoph Waltz will play Blofeld.

    First of all, there are some plain logical casting reasons to think off when strengthening my theory that Waltz isn't Blofeld: Schedule conflicts over a course of several Bond films. Obviously, re-introducing Blofeld would mean that a recurring character is back. And given the expensive A-List status of actor Christoph Waltz, I can't believe that he will be lured into the franchise for a multi-picture deal. I think it wouldn't be exactly appealing either for him.

    Also, don't forget that Daniel Craig at the start of his tenure wasn't a famous actor. When it comes to the leading character, James Bond, EON Productions is always opting for very good actors, just not already firmly established famous ones. It was the case with Connery, Lazenby, Dalton, Brosnan and...Craig. Perhaps only Roger Moore was more famous when he became James Bond-007.

    We know James Bond-007 is a pivotal recurring character. But so is Ernst Stavro Blofeld. He's the arch-antagonist of Bond, heading some kind of anti-MI6 that's operating in the shadows, creating havoc between countries. Now I believe EON Productions this time around want to do the casting right, as opposed to the 1960's and 1970's when so many actors played the role, basically violating the continuity of the franchise during its first decade of existence. To do that you need to have a relatively young actor who isn't A-listed; an actor who isn't well-established in Hollywood just yet.

    Thirdly, I don't believe that, like with Star Trek and Khan, Franz Oberhauser is simply a fake name. There's an historical connection to the name Oberhauser from the novels and I don't see how a man who's grounded in so much personal background history with the Bond family simply.....changes his name into....Ernst Stavro Blofeld. Making the name 'Oberhauser' a mere throw-away name. I call that, indeed, a slightly lame name change.

    One could do this much smarter. Just look at the Bond film "On Her Majesty's Secret Service". In that film Blofeld started to become a true snob, by trying to adopt a new name and let his title of 'count' being recognized by the London College Of Arms: Comte Balthazar de Bleuchamp.

    Similarly, I wouldn't be too much surprised that such a better explained name change will be executed in the upcoming Bond-film "SPECTRE". May I remind everyone that the Old-English word 'denbigh' is closer related to the French form 'bleuchamp'? It basically means 'small fortress or small fortified field'.

    And lastly, may I remind everyone that in the history of the Bond films the first head of S.P.E.C.T.R.E. wasn't Blofeld....but Doctor Julius No, played by Joseph Wiseman, wearing a white nehru jacket? He was the first No# 1 of the crime syndicate. We know he got killed near the end of the film "Doctor No". And then in the film "From Russia With Love" a new shady No# 1 is being introduced. He, and his henchmen are openly talking about avenging the death of his predecessor, Dr. No. Later in the end title credits we know the man is named "Blofeld", but we don't know who's playing the man, merely using a "?" in the field of the actor's name.


    Christoph Waltz is indeed playing the head, the No# 1, of crime syndicate S.P.E.C.T.R.E. (SPecial Executive for Counter-intelligence, Terrorism, Revenge & Extortion). He's named Franz Oberhauser and he has a firm personal/historical connection with the Bond family. BUT he stays Franz Oberhauser and will perhaps be killed near the end of the film. Which was also the case with Doctor Julius No.

    British actor Andrew Scott plays Max Denbigh. Denbigh is a devoted member of S.P.E.C.T.R.E, who is not the No# 1 head of the syndicate.....just...not yet. When Oberhauser gets killed at the end of the film (he even gets injured before that, hence the CGI-markers on Waltz' face that were used on set), Max Denbigh gets away. He flees and at the very end of "SPECTRE" we get to know that Max Denbigh IS Ernst Stavro Blofeld. Or, his name won't be revealed just yet in this film, but will be revealed in the 25th Bond film when Andrew Scott returns. This time as Blofeld.

    Many Bond fans declared me crazy for this theory. But for me personally Christoph Waltz being revealed as Blofeld in just one Bond film is too lame.....way too simple really. James Bond is not Star Trek. EON Productions must have discussed this in great detail, as opposed to the rather lame approach executed by J.J Abrahms in Star Trek.

    And on top of that, when Waltz is simply revealed as Blofeld, how on Earth could future Bond films made believable and realistic?? It would mean that Bond film after Bond film agent 007 is going to fight the same childhood friend. It's not going to happen. So, Christoph Waltz is Franz Oberhauser. And Andrew Scott is Ernst Stavro Blofeld.

    I like your theroy Gustav , and it did shock me indeed .
    If this happens at the end of SP I wouldn't be surprised to be honest ..
    One thing I wanna mention and I think it will support your theroy .. In Skyfall we saw the death of the old M and then Fiennes became the new M .. He was in the story from the beginning .. But the development of the story leaded him to become M ..
    So this could work out with Oberhauser and Denbigh but this time on the villains side .. Waltz is a perfect actor for no doubts but this doesn't mean he is definitely Blofeld .. In this matter Craig our bond himself wasnt famous in CR .. Andrew Scott is famous already from Sherlock .. He will even be soo famous if he turns to be Blofeld after SP ..
  • Posts: 15,409
    There's one gigantic problem with this analogy: Blofeld is NOT a title or a codename.

    And what piece of evidence do we have that Denbigh is Blofeld?
  • bond_azoozbondbond_azoozbond Portland,OR
    Posts: 97
    Ludovico wrote: »
    There's one gigantic problem with this analogy: Blofeld is NOT a title or a codename.

    And what piece of evidence do we have that Denbigh is Blofeld?

    I guess no evidence just a prediction.. But then I noticed they didnt include any pics or footage of Denbigh until the trailer and they were so briefly.. I have a feeling they want us to assume Blofeld is Waltz but then he is not ..
  • Posts: 15,409
    So I guess M could be Blofeld. Or Hinx. Or Bond's evil long lost twin brother... there's no evidence on them either.

    So what if Denbigh is little seen? Maybe because he's secondary character.
  • DannyBoy1994DannyBoy1994 Wales
    Posts: 21
    Blofeld hasn't been on the big screen since Never Say Never Again, if I'm remembering correctly. Therefore, we can assume the average movie goer isn't going to know who he is, unless you point out its the guy Dr Evil parodies. Have a line up of Darth Vader, the Joker, Blofeld, Marvels version of SPECTRE, Hydra, and any other famous villain and we would probably find that Blofeld rates pretty low, unless of course you have FYEO Blofeld, then he would do slightly better because of his image.
    So let's imagine we are the Bond producers, trying to select the new Blofeld, whom will (hopefully) reintroduce the arch nemesis of James Bond for a new generation and hopefully excite and terrify them in equal measure. Do we, A) go with 2 time academy award winner Cristoph Waltz, who we know played a very sinister, original villain in the form of Hans Landa and has buckets full of charisma? Or do we go with B), Andrew Scott, the bloke who played Moriarty in BBC Sherlock by doing a Heath Ledger Joker impersonation because that was the thing at the time?
    I'm not trying to do down Scott's acting ability (although I'm really not a fan of his Moriarty), but you don't just employ Waltz to play a secondary villain.
    What happens if Waltz' Oberhauser becomes more famous/ is more successful than a Blofeld played by Scott? Do you kill off Blofeld?
  • Posts: 15,409
    I put the Andrew Scott as Blofeld theory at the same level as the Mark Strong as Blofeld theory. Not very plausible and more akin to wishful thinking.
  • Posts: 46
    Dont forget that only in thunderball spectre and it's agents was the enemy of Bond, and blofeld was never shown his face. So maybe this time the head of spectre is Oberhauser and also the main villain, when Bond uncovers Spectre and kills Oberhauser, a sectret member of uncovered now spectre becomes the head and seeking for revenge and his name is Blofeld. So in the next movie the enemy is More Blofeld that spectre it's shelf like in the novels OHMSS and YOLT in which you saw Blofeld but you dont see meatings with other spectre agents and Blofeld is the main enemy and we see his face!
  • Posts: 15,409
    vasilismf wrote: »
    Dont forget that only in thunderball spectre and it's agents was the enemy of Bond, and blofeld was never shown his face. So maybe this time the head of spectre is Oberhauser and also the main villain, when Bond uncovers Spectre and kills Oberhauser, a sectret member of uncovered now spectre becomes the head and seeking for revenge and his name is Blofeld. So in the next movie the enemy is More Blofeld that spectre it's shelf like in the novels OHMSS and YOLT in which you saw Blofeld but you dont see meatings with other spectre agents and Blofeld is the main enemy and we see his face!

    You got it wrong. In the movies SPECTRE was the enemy from DN until DAF inclusively, with the exception of GF of course. In the novels yes, it starts with TB, but in TB Blofeld is indeed shown his face from the chapter introducing the organization (and Blofeld), with an extensive description of his appearance and an extensive account of his life. Furthermore, Blofeld has always been, both in novels and movies, the founder of SPECTRE and its leader.
  • DrunkIrishPoetDrunkIrishPoet The Amber Coast
    Posts: 156
    We see in the trailer Waltz wearing a Nehru jacket. Ergo, Waltz is Blofeld. Q.E.D.
  • Posts: 11,119
    We see in the trailer Waltz wearing a Nehru jacket. Ergo, Waltz is Blofeld. Q.E.D.

    Dr No wore a nehru jacket. Karl Stromberg wore a nehry jacket, Elliot Carver wore one. Even Bond wore a nehru jacket, back in DN.
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    We see in the trailer Waltz wearing a Nehru jacket. Ergo, Waltz is Blofeld. Q.E.D.

    Dr No wore a nehru jacket. Karl Stromberg wore a nehry jacket, Elliot Carver wore one. Even Bond wore a nehru jacket, back in DN.

    And last, but not least-Nehru wore a Nehru jacket.
  • RC7RC7
    Posts: 10,512
    We see in the trailer Waltz wearing a Nehru jacket. Ergo, Waltz is Blofeld. Q.E.D.

    Dr No wore a nehru jacket. Karl Stromberg wore a nehry jacket, Elliot Carver wore one. Even Bond wore a nehru jacket, back in DN.

    You have to admit there's as about as much evidence linking Scott with Blofeld as there is, Fiennes, or Kinnear, or even Mark Strong, after that bizarre rumour. In other words, none. With Waltz there is plenty of circumstantial evidence. Whether he is revealed as Blofeld in SP, who knows, but many things point to him being Blofeld in either this film, or beyond. Having the opportunity to cast Waltz as Blofeld and not doing it for the sake of twist is, quite frankly, ridiculous.
  • edited July 2015 Posts: 46
    Ludovico wrote: »
    vasilismf wrote: »
    Dont forget that only in thunderball spectre and it's agents was the enemy of Bond, and blofeld was never shown his face. So maybe this time the head of spectre is Oberhauser and also the main villain, when Bond uncovers Spectre and kills Oberhauser, a sectret member of uncovered now spectre becomes the head and seeking for revenge and his name is Blofeld. So in the next movie the enemy is More Blofeld that spectre it's shelf like in the novels OHMSS and YOLT in which you saw Blofeld but you dont see meatings with other spectre agents and Blofeld is the main enemy and we see his face!

    You got it wrong. In the movies SPECTRE was the enemy from DN until DAF inclusively, with the exception of GF of course. In the novels yes, it starts with TB, but in TB Blofeld is indeed shown his face from the chapter introducing the organization (and Blofeld), with an extensive description of his appearance and an extensive account of his life. Furthermore, Blofeld has always been, both in novels and movies, the founder of SPECTRE and its leader.

    I speak for the novels, that is the real bond history, in the movies they did the best to fit the history into the era that the movie was filmed, so we cant see what spectre was, throught the movies! Also in the YOLT movie we have number in the agents but i think no mention about spectre as a word (maybe because they had the legal trouble after TB) also in OHMSS we only see the octapus ring but on DAF we have only Blofeld, nothing else!
  • Posts: 15,409
    vasilismf wrote: »
    Ludovico wrote: »
    vasilismf wrote: »
    Dont forget that only in thunderball spectre and it's agents was the enemy of Bond, and blofeld was never shown his face. So maybe this time the head of spectre is Oberhauser and also the main villain, when Bond uncovers Spectre and kills Oberhauser, a sectret member of uncovered now spectre becomes the head and seeking for revenge and his name is Blofeld. So in the next movie the enemy is More Blofeld that spectre it's shelf like in the novels OHMSS and YOLT in which you saw Blofeld but you dont see meatings with other spectre agents and Blofeld is the main enemy and we see his face!

    You got it wrong. In the movies SPECTRE was the enemy from DN until DAF inclusively, with the exception of GF of course. In the novels yes, it starts with TB, but in TB Blofeld is indeed shown his face from the chapter introducing the organization (and Blofeld), with an extensive description of his appearance and an extensive account of his life. Furthermore, Blofeld has always been, both in novels and movies, the founder of SPECTRE and its leader.

    I speak for the novels, that is the real bond history, in the movies they did the best to fit the history into the era that the movie was filmed, so we cant see what spectre was, throught the movies! Also in the YOLT movie we have number in the agents but i think no mention about spectre as a word (maybe because they had the legal trouble after TB) also in OHMSS we only see the octapus ring but on DAF we have only Blofeld, nothing else!

    Hence what I said: Blofeld is the founder and leader of Blofeld, his heart, mind and soul. Whether or not the organization is explicitly mentioned is a moot point (it is in both OHMSS novel and movie), Blofeld is the founder and leader. Not some schmo.
    RC7 wrote: »
    We see in the trailer Waltz wearing a Nehru jacket. Ergo, Waltz is Blofeld. Q.E.D.

    Dr No wore a nehru jacket. Karl Stromberg wore a nehry jacket, Elliot Carver wore one. Even Bond wore a nehru jacket, back in DN.

    You have to admit there's as about as much evidence linking Scott with Blofeld as there is, Fiennes, or Kinnear, or even Mark Strong, after that bizarre rumour. In other words, none. With Waltz there is plenty of circumstantial evidence. Whether he is revealed as Blofeld in SP, who knows, but many things point to him being Blofeld in either this film, or beyond. Having the opportunity to cast Waltz as Blofeld and not doing it for the sake of twist is, quite frankly, ridiculous.

    And here's the crux of the Andrew Scott is Blofeld thesis: there is no evidence whatsoever backing it up. The only thing going for them is that maybe Waltz is not Blofeld. Well, maybe the trailer is sending us an avalanche of red herrings (because it's not like the Nehru jacket is the only thing that makes us believe Waltz plays Blofeld). Still, even of Oberhauser is a strawman... What evidence do we have that Denbigh is truly Blofeld in disguise? Andrew Scott played Moriarty? And Ralph Fiennes played Voldemort.
  • Posts: 11,119
    Ludovico wrote: »
    vasilismf wrote: »
    Ludovico wrote: »
    vasilismf wrote: »
    Dont forget that only in thunderball spectre and it's agents was the enemy of Bond, and blofeld was never shown his face. So maybe this time the head of spectre is Oberhauser and also the main villain, when Bond uncovers Spectre and kills Oberhauser, a sectret member of uncovered now spectre becomes the head and seeking for revenge and his name is Blofeld. So in the next movie the enemy is More Blofeld that spectre it's shelf like in the novels OHMSS and YOLT in which you saw Blofeld but you dont see meatings with other spectre agents and Blofeld is the main enemy and we see his face!

    You got it wrong. In the movies SPECTRE was the enemy from DN until DAF inclusively, with the exception of GF of course. In the novels yes, it starts with TB, but in TB Blofeld is indeed shown his face from the chapter introducing the organization (and Blofeld), with an extensive description of his appearance and an extensive account of his life. Furthermore, Blofeld has always been, both in novels and movies, the founder of SPECTRE and its leader.

    I speak for the novels, that is the real bond history, in the movies they did the best to fit the history into the era that the movie was filmed, so we cant see what spectre was, throught the movies! Also in the YOLT movie we have number in the agents but i think no mention about spectre as a word (maybe because they had the legal trouble after TB) also in OHMSS we only see the octapus ring but on DAF we have only Blofeld, nothing else!

    Hence what I said: Blofeld is the founder and leader of Blofeld, his heart, mind and soul. Whether or not the organization is explicitly mentioned is a moot point (it is in both OHMSS novel and movie), Blofeld is the founder and leader. Not some schmo.
    RC7 wrote: »
    We see in the trailer Waltz wearing a Nehru jacket. Ergo, Waltz is Blofeld. Q.E.D.

    Dr No wore a nehru jacket. Karl Stromberg wore a nehry jacket, Elliot Carver wore one. Even Bond wore a nehru jacket, back in DN.

    You have to admit there's as about as much evidence linking Scott with Blofeld as there is, Fiennes, or Kinnear, or even Mark Strong, after that bizarre rumour. In other words, none. With Waltz there is plenty of circumstantial evidence. Whether he is revealed as Blofeld in SP, who knows, but many things point to him being Blofeld in either this film, or beyond. Having the opportunity to cast Waltz as Blofeld and not doing it for the sake of twist is, quite frankly, ridiculous.

    And here's the crux of the Andrew Scott is Blofeld thesis: there is no evidence whatsoever backing it up. The only thing going for them is that maybe Waltz is not Blofeld. Well, maybe the trailer is sending us an avalanche of red herrings (because it's not like the Nehru jacket is the only thing that makes us believe Waltz plays Blofeld). Still, even of Oberhauser is a strawman... What evidence do we have that Denbigh is truly Blofeld in disguise? Andrew Scott played Moriarty? And Ralph Fiennes played Voldemort.

    Strictly spoken, from a journalist point of view, it's not 'fact' yet that Waltz is Blofeld. Yes, it has the biggest amount of evidence backing up this view. Chance is perhaps big he's Blofeld. But other theories should not be washed away with such a firm statement "there's no evidence!". It's a bit more nuanced that that.
  • Posts: 15,409
    Ludovico wrote: »
    vasilismf wrote: »
    Ludovico wrote: »
    vasilismf wrote: »
    Dont forget that only in thunderball spectre and it's agents was the enemy of Bond, and blofeld was never shown his face. So maybe this time the head of spectre is Oberhauser and also the main villain, when Bond uncovers Spectre and kills Oberhauser, a sectret member of uncovered now spectre becomes the head and seeking for revenge and his name is Blofeld. So in the next movie the enemy is More Blofeld that spectre it's shelf like in the novels OHMSS and YOLT in which you saw Blofeld but you dont see meatings with other spectre agents and Blofeld is the main enemy and we see his face!

    You got it wrong. In the movies SPECTRE was the enemy from DN until DAF inclusively, with the exception of GF of course. In the novels yes, it starts with TB, but in TB Blofeld is indeed shown his face from the chapter introducing the organization (and Blofeld), with an extensive description of his appearance and an extensive account of his life. Furthermore, Blofeld has always been, both in novels and movies, the founder of SPECTRE and its leader.

    I speak for the novels, that is the real bond history, in the movies they did the best to fit the history into the era that the movie was filmed, so we cant see what spectre was, throught the movies! Also in the YOLT movie we have number in the agents but i think no mention about spectre as a word (maybe because they had the legal trouble after TB) also in OHMSS we only see the octapus ring but on DAF we have only Blofeld, nothing else!

    Hence what I said: Blofeld is the founder and leader of Blofeld, his heart, mind and soul. Whether or not the organization is explicitly mentioned is a moot point (it is in both OHMSS novel and movie), Blofeld is the founder and leader. Not some schmo.
    RC7 wrote: »
    We see in the trailer Waltz wearing a Nehru jacket. Ergo, Waltz is Blofeld. Q.E.D.

    Dr No wore a nehru jacket. Karl Stromberg wore a nehry jacket, Elliot Carver wore one. Even Bond wore a nehru jacket, back in DN.

    You have to admit there's as about as much evidence linking Scott with Blofeld as there is, Fiennes, or Kinnear, or even Mark Strong, after that bizarre rumour. In other words, none. With Waltz there is plenty of circumstantial evidence. Whether he is revealed as Blofeld in SP, who knows, but many things point to him being Blofeld in either this film, or beyond. Having the opportunity to cast Waltz as Blofeld and not doing it for the sake of twist is, quite frankly, ridiculous.

    And here's the crux of the Andrew Scott is Blofeld thesis: there is no evidence whatsoever backing it up. The only thing going for them is that maybe Waltz is not Blofeld. Well, maybe the trailer is sending us an avalanche of red herrings (because it's not like the Nehru jacket is the only thing that makes us believe Waltz plays Blofeld). Still, even of Oberhauser is a strawman... What evidence do we have that Denbigh is truly Blofeld in disguise? Andrew Scott played Moriarty? And Ralph Fiennes played Voldemort.

    Strictly spoken, from a journalist point of view, it's not 'fact' yet that Waltz is Blofeld. Yes, it has the biggest amount of evidence backing up this view. Chance is perhaps big he's Blofeld. But other theories should not be washed away with such a firm statement "there's no evidence!". It's a bit more nuanced that that.

    I never said it was a fact, I am saying it is the most plausible conclusion so far, unless we have new evidence/information that leads to another theory. it is not that such theories are washed away, it is that you go where the evidence is, not where you think maybe it could lead. And by the way, the Andrew Scott as Blofeld claim is not a theory. It's an hypothesis. A rather poor one. Until and unless there is something, anything, to back it up, then it remains as pointless defending it as saying that Moneypenny is in fact Blofeld in disguise.
  • Posts: 11,119
    Okay, then again. IF Waltz is Blofeld. Then which name is the fake one here?! Franz Oberhauser? Or Ernst Stavro Blofeld?

    We know Franz Oberhauser and James Bond were some kind of foster brothers. They became related when Andrew and Monique Bond died. So, I assume Hannes Oberhauser is Franz' Oberhauser's faster and perhaps legal adoptive father of James Bond.

    But....IF this Oberhauser has so much childhood history and background information, then HOW can he become Ernst Stavro Blofeld? Did he just go to the city council a few years ago and said: "Hey, I wanna change my name into Ernst Stavro Blofeld!" Or is the entire Oberhauser family....actually the Blofeld family?? Did they change their last names due to the Blofeld's being involved with the Nazi's of some kind??

    There MUST be a better explanation on how Oberhauser turns into Blofeld. It still mystifies me.

    Or is there a chance that we actually never get a return of Blofeld, and instead Oberhauser sticks to his name.....and becomes the new arch villain of 007?
  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,379
    Spoilers GG spoilers....
  • Posts: 11,119
    Murdock wrote: »
    Spoilers GG spoilers....

    In all honesty, I am really guessing. based on the information from the "Octopussy" novel and the trailers from "SPECTRE". For all we know, there is no Hannes Oberhauser at all in the cinematic Bond universe.
  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,379
    Murdock wrote: »
    Spoilers GG spoilers....

    In all honesty, I am really guessing. based on the information from the "Octopussy" novel and the trailers from "SPECTRE". For all we know, there is no Hannes Oberhauser at all in the cinematic Bond universe.
    I would still tag it. You never know. You do have some clairvoyance it seems, correctly guessing SPECTRE's return. If you would please. :)
  • Posts: 11,119
    Murdock wrote: »
    Murdock wrote: »
    Spoilers GG spoilers....

    In all honesty, I am really guessing. based on the information from the "Octopussy" novel and the trailers from "SPECTRE". For all we know, there is no Hannes Oberhauser at all in the cinematic Bond universe.
    I would still tag it. You never know. You do have some clairvoyance it seems, correctly guessing SPECTRE's return. If you would please. :)

    Well, uhm, I am very honest if I say that I have never looked into the SonyLeaks. It's not my kind of stuff....reading illegally obtained early drafts. Yuk.

    Regarding the return of "SPECTRE"......it was an easy guess after Barbara Broccoli and Michael Wilson obtained all the rights from the McGlory estate. I never believed a word from "Cubby" when he said "Oooowh, we can do perfectly without SPECTRE and Blofeld". Hence Blofeld killed by dropping him in a chimney....

    The novel "Casino Royale", the "SPECTRE"-organization and "Blofeld" did re-inspire the Bond producers completely. As if Ian Fleming is talking via an angel to the producers.
  • Waltz will absolutely be playing Blofeld, that is something I know for sure thanks to information I got from the same source that told me about the trailer
  • Posts: 11,119
    Waltz will absolutely be playing Blofeld, that is something I know for sure thanks to information I got from the same source that told me about the trailer

    I just asked a lot of questions in my previous post. Pity you did not address one of them.
  • edited July 2015 Posts: 1,552
    Waltz will absolutely be playing Blofeld, that is something I know for sure thanks to information I got from the same source that told me about the trailer

    I just asked a lot of questions in my previous post. Pity you did not address one of them.
    would you really want your questions answered by someone who claims to be in the know? At the moment, the discussion is conjective and based on theory, if someone answered your question with information gleaned from other sources, wouldn't it spoil your enjoyment when you actually see the movie? (Unless you've read the script and you're just stringing us along ;) )
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