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I'm scratching my head wondering if Lazenby did. I know I've seen him posing with one but I can't seem to remember if he used one in the actual movie. I'm getting old :D
-Never ordered a Vodka Martini (Shaken not Stirred).
-Never drove an Aston Martin
-Never used a silenced PPK.
-Never smoked a cigarette.
I'm sure it was all part of the filmmaker's attempt to distance his Bond from Connery's.
In Cinefantastique magazine, there was a very short piece about FYEO before it came out and Moore is pictured with a lit cigarette in hand at the casino in the b-t-s pic, listening to Glen I think. So I'm guessing they did have him with cigarette (not cigar) but cut it for some reason. Either that or Moore was just smoking cigarettes between takes.
True but at the time both Connery and Lazenby had frequently smoked cigarettes as Bond.
That was during an interview. There's a funny story behind that. Tony Curtis had made Moore promise to quite smoking cigarettes as Curtis was an avid non-smoker. And it was this interview that proved that Moore wasn't completely true to his word.
That's a P99 not a PPK.
Craig doesn't use a PPK until QOS and he's stuck with it ever since.
Silenced PPK.
There's a huge difference between a silenced PPK and a silenced P99. The PPK is Bond's weapon. Pure and simple. The P99 is just some gun Bond used for a few movies. The PPK is such a huge part of the iconography of James Bond that seeing the current 007 posing the P99 just felt wrong. I'm clearly not the only one who felt that way as a conscious decision was made to go back to the PPK in recent films.
That's why I'm kind of dismissive of the premise of Craig with a "Silenced PPK" since they gave him one to use, but it was without the iconic piece to match. Though, on second thought, I may have been a bit too dismissive of the impact it has on the tone of the Craig films. When Bond confronts Yusef in the conclusion of Quantum Of Solace, that's precisely the moment when he would desire a silencer and he didn't have it with his PPK. That could show intent not to pull the trigger and speaks volumes to the maturity he experiences over the course of the film.
Apparently, in the deleted footage from the ending of Quantum of Solace, where Bond assaults Mr. White and Guy Haines in their safehouse, Bond had a silenced PPK, while Mr. White has a Sig Sauer P226 with a silencer (there are photos of Mr. White holding his pistol in this deleted scene, but none of Bond.)
You beat me to it!
A PPK is only seen twice in Casino Royale. The only time Bond carries one is in the PTS fight with Dryden's contact. Another PPK is later seen carried by one of Obanno's men in the stairway fight. Neither of which are silenced.
In Quantum of Solace, the PPK returns as Bond's primary sidearm though it is never silenced. However, in the deleted scene where Bond confronts White and Haines, he uses a silenced PPK. See the photos I posted above. Apparently the same resin prop gun he used in that scene was used for the cover of Empire magazine earlier this year:
...but then it's clearly photoshopped...too bad really.
OH MY GOSH, YESSS!!!! I've never seen this before. Thanks so much for sharing!!
I'm fairly certain that the PPK seen in the poster is the same prop seen on the Empire cover, so it's possible that it is only being used for photo shoots.
On the other hand, there is a particular scene in the trailer that makes me believe we may see a suppressed PPK in the film.
Which scene from the trailer do you think it would be in? The part where Lucia Sciarra is about to be shot from behind?
Yep, that's the one.