Star Wars (1977 - present)



  • Posts: 486
    Reports are this is a re-run of the 77 original and some fans will no doubt be pleased to have 'more of the same' compared to the prequels but it strikes me as odd that by comparison the Bond franchise has just been lambasted for offering something a little more traditional in SPECTRE.

    One wonders how Star Wars pt 24 will be received!
  • edited December 2015 Posts: 4,813
    Jake Lloyd's cameo was off the hook!

    And I can't believe they shaved Chewie at the end! So that's who Daniel Craig was playing!

    And Luke was actually Leia's twin SISTER this whole time?? That sheds so much light on the original trilogy now!

    ...sigh. Actually I can't see it till Tuesday :(
  • Posts: 625
    MrBond wrote: »
    Oh how I loved Craig's cameo in the new film!
    I seem to be the only one who has yet to notice it.
    He is the Stormtrooper whom gets lured by Reys newly found Force-powers. He get some cocky lines

    I loved it, too.
    And you could tell it was him by the way he was moving around in the room.
    I saw the german dubbed version, and he even got his James Bond voice actor. So that's clearly him. And that scene is funny as hell.
  • TripAcesTripAces Universal Exports
    Posts: 4,627
    The basic plot for TFA is what SP should have been: the rise of a more powerful, more sinister organization, out of the ashes of the previous one. Hux and Ren = Blofeld and Hinx.
  • ThomasCrown76ThomasCrown76 Augusta, ks
    Posts: 757
    I saw a new hope. I've seen it enough times I don't need to see Abrams version of it
  • Posts: 3,285
    A droid lands in a desert carrying a hidden message. It is found by a teenager. And because of the droid it will take this teenager across the universe meeting various characters and finally saving the day from an evil empire and its sinister darkly dressed guy wearing a helmet and its a massive weapon that blows up planets.

    That was Star Wars Episode VI: A New Hope

    And that was what I saw today when watching Star Wars Episode VII.
  • SerialHitmanSerialHitman Plotting my revenge
    Posts: 45
    I'm rather ashamed to say I've never seen any of the movies but I got invited to see The Force Awakens today so I pretty much ruined any chance of the Star Wars franchise ever making sense to me. It was a good movie though, even if I didn't get a lot of it, I think Star Wars fans will enjoy it.
  • Posts: 12,604
    Seems like a lot of people really loved the movie. I'm going to see it sometime after opening weekend; for one I'll be busy with work, and I also don't want to deal with the crowds anyway.
  • edited December 2015 Posts: 3,334
    I've just seen it myself, I'm afraid it's not better than the original New Hope, even though it pretty much borrows the entire story wholesale. It's not bad, it's a servicable fan-made flick of how a Star Wars sequel should look, but ends up sadly being a clone in itself. Makes me wonder what George Lucas's story would've been like for these sequels - more original is my immediate thoughts. And for some strange reason Adam Driver reminds me of ultra-evil, ultra-dork Dark Helmet (Rick Moranis) from Spaceballs: The Movie. Hey, it's enjoyable enough, but just don't go expecting anything mind blowingly creative. I liked the ending though.
  • As many have said, it's literally "A New Hope" just with some fancier effects and swapping out one character for another.
  • TripAcesTripAces Universal Exports
    Posts: 4,627
    For those of us who were kids when the first Star Wars was released, we remember it as only "Star Wars." There was NO Episode IV: New Hope crud. It was simply Star Wars. And it will always be so. LOL
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    TripAces wrote: »
    For those of us who were kids when the first Star Wars was released, we remember it as only "Star Wars." There was NO Episode IV: New Hope crud. It was simply Star Wars. And it will always be so. LOL

    Quite. When The Empire Strikes Back came out it was labelled as Star Wars 2, but the title on the screen said "Episode V". I was wondering what I had been missing?
  • So let me get this straight (born in 1983)
    when you saw Star Wars in 77 it just said 'Star Wars' but when you saw Empire Strikes Back in 80, all of a sudden it says Episode V in the opening titles?
    I bet that was confusing!
  • edited December 2015 Posts: 6,432
    Just watched Force Awakens Daisy Riddly steals the show.

    I have very mixed feelings about the film,
  • Posts: 1,314
    Its basically what Spectre is to the James Bond Franchise... But wholly more satisfying than Spectre.

    Its really enjoyable. In parts amazing. The first hour is great. For me its overly self-referential, with a few leaps of logic and rather rushed in places, but the bits that work really do work. Its like the Original trilogy concentrated into 1 film. Whether thats good depends on how much you like easter eggs and not being challenged in the cinema.

    It felt like a pair of comfortable slippers. JJ Abrahams has probably done better than expected in, if nothing else, re establishing what made star wars entertaining in the first place. Clue, it wasn't characters talking walking slowly down CGI corridors endlessly.

    The 4 new leads are all very good characters though. And Kylo Ren is a very interesting conflicted bad guy. Whereas Darth maul was a scary faced 101 bad guy.

  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,379
    I'm hoping to see it tomorrow with my friends, but sadly thanks to some jackass on facebook I had something big spoiled for me and I'm livid about it. #-o
  • doubleoegodoubleoego #LightWork
    Posts: 11,139
    That's why I'm not on Facebook anymore. Too many a-holes.
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    So let me get this straight (born in 1983)
    when you saw Star Wars in 77 it just said 'Star Wars' but when you saw Empire Strikes Back in 80, all of a sudden it says Episode V in the opening titles?
    I bet that was confusing!

    It was, and it was much later that I learned the reason. It was planned as three trilogies from the start, but the film company wanted to test the waters with what was meant to be ep. 4 first, as it had the most commercial appeal.

    When the success was a fact, the series was greenlit.
  • Had a hour to process the film, on reflection J.J. has made a good set up movie and re established a universe... In the safest way possible I might had. Left cinema really wanting to watch episode 8, last thirty mins were very good.
  • Crazy- I always figured the whole "Episode IV, V & VI" didn't show up till the big VHS release in the 90's (which was my introduction to the whole series- I got a late start!)
    , since that was when it looked like they would be making more movies.

    It seems like an eternity before I see TFA on Tuesday- Facebook and the internet in general is like a minefield!

  • Posts: 1,407
    Fun fact- "Episode IV-A New Hope" was added to the film during a re release even before Empire Strikes Back came out. At least I believe that to be the case.

    I understand why "original" fans are still calling that film "Star Wars", but it's definitely "Episode IV" to me.
  • Posts: 11,216
    Watching Revenge of the Sith again on Sky at the moment. The whole romance between Anikin and Padime :-& :-& :-&
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,105
    So 'The Force Awakens' has broken Fandango's record for most tickets sold for a film during its entire theatrical run, and the movie hasn't even officially opened yet. Anyone still believe this movie isn't going to completely shatter lots and lots of B.O. records?
  • Crazy- I always figured the whole "Episode IV, V & VI" didn't show up till the big VHS release in the 90's (which was my introduction to the whole series- I got a late start!)
    , since that was when it looked like they would be making more movies.

    It seems like an eternity before I see TFA on Tuesday- Facebook and the internet in general is like a minefield!

    Back in the day I had the cinematic versions of the original trilogy on VHS, alas now they are a lost Jedi artifact. I cringe at some of the things I threw away over the years thinking back.
  • Posts: 1,098
    Here's an interesting article, about the SW franchise.

    It's interesting to note, that even if SW7 makes a ton of money, it still will be no where near the galactic gross of the original SW film.
  • edited December 2015 Posts: 5,767
    I saw it today and I loved it! I don´t care how much Episode IV is in there. The film is amazingly well made! I was close to tears for half the time, because I just couldn´t believe what an amazingly great adventure this is. Five minutes into the film I had completely forgotten about the prequels, and an old magic was there that I hadn´t felt for 30 years. I was far from a big SW fan, but right now I just want to see this film over and over again. Perhaps it has to do with this film being very successful at telling the story in a very emotional way, whereas the prequels all appeared very sterile on that level.

    It´s true that a lot of old story and stuff is in there, but it´s so well-told that it felt more like a working formula than a re-hash or re-boot. I´d take this kind of excitement, however unoriginal it might be (actually it isn´t that unoriginal), any day over the much more original yet lame prequels.

    I noticed some hommages to old SW films, and I´m sure there are lots more in the film, but I saw nothing that came across as clunky or forced (no pun intended), it all was very slick humor or almost unnoticable, and the big ones (like the remnants of star destroyers lying in the desert, which everyone saw in the trailers) make a lot of sense, given their history.
    The way old characters (including the Falcon) are introduced is amazingly flowing, nothing cheesy there, I didn´t even mind the re-appearance of two droids.

    Adam Driver was very good. Domnhall Gleeson´s war speech is epic, amazingly well-done, totally over the top, yet not ridiculous at all.
    BB-8 is cutest Disney cute, but Daisy Ridley, wow, I´m so in love with her, she´s absolutely worth building a series of films on.

    J.J. is obviously growing. I found his ST films cool but a little annoying here and there. This however is a whole different league. Perhaps it´s more due to John Williams than Abrams, but I´ll happily research that deeper in the next few viewings.

    Creasy47 wrote: »
    So 'The Force Awakens' has broken Fandango's record for most tickets sold for a film during its entire theatrical run, and the movie hasn't even officially opened yet. Anyone still believe this movie isn't going to completely shatter lots and lots of B.O. records?
    I was a bit confused today. True, I went to an afternoon screening, but still, there were not more than ten people in the cinema. Before going, I wasn´t even sure I´d get a ticket on the first day.

  • doubleoegodoubleoego #LightWork
    Posts: 11,139
    This is the film that SP should have been for the Bond series.
  • Posts: 5,767
    Yes, definitely!
  • ThomasCrown76ThomasCrown76 Augusta, ks
    Posts: 757
    I liked spectre:)
  • Posts: 3,334
    Folk on other sites are claiming Daniel Craig's cameo as the Stormtrooper in Awakes is obvious. He's the one who is Jedi mind tricked into releasing Rey's handcuffs. They claim if you watch carefully you can see his swagger when he leaves, Bond is underneath that, and that's his voice too. Anyone else see this... or believe it? I'm not confirming this, just passing it on.
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