"Dont blow it all at once ": Die Another Day Appreciation Thread



  • talos7talos7 New Orleans
    Posts: 8,408
    Agree with @GoldenGun, actually.

    Yes, pretty much on the money.

  • bondjamesbondjames You were expecting someone else?
    edited December 2015 Posts: 23,883
    GoldenGun wrote: »
    Although it's still dead last in my list, there are a few things to enjoy:

    - the PTS
    - Pierce is good when he's not given terrible dialogue
    - the sword fight!!!!
    - Hong Kong hotel scene
    - that Cuban ally (Emilio Echevarria?) cracks me up every time
    - Aston vs. Jag
    - the cinematography
    - the Ice Palace is actually an impressive set

    The dialogue, Jinx, Mr. Kil and that laser fight, the direction and the terrible last act make it the series' nadir however. A solid director, not even a brilliant one, could have made it quite acceptable.
    I agree personally, except for the following:

    -PTS post-surfing, which I didn't like (poor CGI & monotone colours during the hovercraft sequence & entire PTS which reminds me of something else I saw recently)
    -The hotel scene (which also had horrendous Hong Kong harbour CGI).
    -The Ice Palace looked good inside for sure, but I thought had a complete CGI / painted feel from the exterior.

    The Aston/Jag sequence looks like a classic & a series high for these two brands going up against each other, at least these days.
  • BondJasonBond006BondJasonBond006 on fb and ajb
    Posts: 9,020
    @TheWizardOfIce said:
    Had a spare afternoon the other day and was overcome by an insane whim to put DAD on and I was pleasantly surprised that it was packed (perhaps that’s an exaggeration – there were a few) with some great Bondian moments in amongst the dross. As someone who over the years has liked nothing more than to put the boot in to DAD I thought it was time to cut it some slack so people the question is:

    List your genuinely good things about DAD.

    And please no hackneyed gags like ‘the end’.

    1. The surfing is a stunt that doesn’t get the credit it deserves. Getting 3 people that close together on such a big wave is pretty impressive. (Whether Bond should ever surf at all is a different debate).

    2. The whole Bond being tortured thing (Pretending to myself I didn’t know what was to come I even found myself loving the segue into the credits and the opening bars until Madonna opened her mouth).

    3. I like the washed out look of the cinematography in the N Korea scenes.

    4. The look that nurse gives as Bond legs it from the hospital is class. A nice homage to that hotel receptionist in TB (or was it DN?).

    5. The Cuba scenes hark back to classic 60s Bond (well until Jinx turns up).

    6. Bond catching the revolver as it falls off the MRI scanner.

    7. Bond kicking the sword at the camera.

    8. John Cleese comes across as a decent Q and would prefer to see him back than have some young techno geek as we have in SF.

    9. Give Arnold some credit. Although his score his very derivative of Barry he comes up with some excellent moments. I like the Cuban music and the dramatic arrangement that comes in as The Clash fades out. The highlights though are two brassy bursts that echo the best of Barry. The first as the Aston drives towards the ice hotel and the second as the cars first come out onto the ice at the start of the chase with Zao.

    10. No couldn’t make it to 10. Lets say the Pikelet but that’s talking with my sexist, misogynist dinosaur hat on rather than my film critic one.

    Good luck finding some more. You'll need it.

    Well, that's priceless. I always suspected deep down inside you there is a DAD fan :))
  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,381
    Actually the Ice Palace was a miniature but not up to the standards of the late Derek Meddings.
  • BondJasonBond006BondJasonBond006 on fb and ajb
    Posts: 9,020
    Personally I love the ice palace and its surroundings.
    Especially the interior is unique and original and I think it looks real enough.

    The car chase in the palace, it melting etc. is bloody great and I'm always looking forward to those sequences. Not to mention one of the very best car chases ever with two stunningly beautiful cars on ice.
  • ClarkDevlinClarkDevlin Martinis, Girls and Guns
    Posts: 15,423
    @BondJasonBond006 If only we've had more people to think like you in this case. :D
  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,381
    I really enjoy DAD up until it's revealed Graves is actually Moon and Icarus is a massive solar death ray. Gene therapy in real life is not magic plastic surgery that can make you look and sound like a different person. And Icarus, no just no. Blofeld tried it once before, it's just too over the top and overpowered. It belongs in a Star Trek movie, not Bond. Aside from those two things destroying my suspension of disbelief, I enjoy everything else about the film.
  • BondJasonBond006BondJasonBond006 on fb and ajb
    Posts: 9,020
    I love the sci-fi almost comic book feel DAD turns into.

    The end-game in the plane really is a lot like the first Captain America movie. Think about it. They may even have been inspired by DAD, the similarities are there.

    I love Graves' suit, the catfight in the plane, the solar death ray is great and those special effects belong to the best the series has to offer.

    The comic relief also works very well in my opinion. The sports cars landing in the rice fields is priceless.

    Personally I am very glad there was another totally OTT Bond after Moonraker.
  • ClarkDevlinClarkDevlin Martinis, Girls and Guns
    edited April 2016 Posts: 15,423
    I love the sci-fi almost comic book feel DAD turns into.

    The end-game in the plane really is a lot like the first Captain America movie. Think about it. They may even have been inspired by DAD, the similarities are there.

    I love Graves' suit, the catfight in the plane, the solar death ray is great and those special effects belong to the best the series has to offer.

    The comic relief also works very well in my opinion. The sports cars landing in the rice fields is priceless.

    Personally I am very glad there was another totally OTT Bond after Moonraker.
    I've nothing more to add. I loved everything in the film except for the main title sequence and the idea of Bond getting imprisoned and tortured disgracefully. That'd be my only complaint from it. As for the sci-fi elements, I'd welcome more of them in the future entries with open arms. And my dream would be if they give us a relic-like seasoned Bond who handles the villain like any other assignment.
  • mcdonbbmcdonbb deep in the Heart of Texas
    Posts: 4,116
    I love the sci-fi almost comic book feel DAD turns into.

    The end-game in the plane really is a lot like the first Captain America movie. Think about it. They may even have been inspired by DAD, the similarities are there.

    I love Graves' suit, the catfight in the plane, the solar death ray is great and those special effects belong to the best the series has to offer.

    The comic relief also works very well in my opinion. The sports cars landing in the rice fields is priceless.

    Personally I am very glad there was another totally OTT Bond after Moonraker.

    Agreed. DAD is best remembered in the post 911 context it first existed. We didn't want real and serious then.

  • TheWizardOfIceTheWizardOfIce 'One of the Internet's more toxic individuals'
    Posts: 9,117
    I love the sci-fi almost comic book feel DAD turns into.

    The end-game in the plane really is a lot like the first Captain America movie. Think about it. They may even have been inspired by DAD, the similarities are there.

    I love Graves' suit, the catfight in the plane, the solar death ray is great and those special effects belong to the best the series has to offer.

    Jesus Christ.
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,995
    I love the sci-fi almost comic book feel DAD turns into.

    The end-game in the plane really is a lot like the first Captain America movie. Think about it. They may even have been inspired by DAD, the similarities are there.

    I love Graves' suit, the catfight in the plane, the solar death ray is great and those special effects belong to the best the series has to offer.

    Jesus Christ.
    He never had to face gravity...

  • Posts: 16,398
    Bond theme during the gun barrel is triumphant and bad-as$. The PTS as with all 4 of Pierce's openings was great. Pierce looks great in DAD. IMO, his Bond look got better with each film and by his final outing he was at his peak. The Cuba scenes do remind me of DR NO and FRWL.
    The Blades sequence is classic Bond.
    John Cleese's Q scene is a throwback to the classic GF, and an improvement over his bit in TWINE.
    The Ice-Palace is a Peter Lamont set that I think Ken Adam would approve of. An underrated and truly Bondian set
    Zao as a henchman has more to do than, say Gombinda , Dario or Stamper. Actually next to Onatopp probably the best 2nd villain in a Brosnan film.
    The score by David Arnold is reliably good.
    Lots to love about DAD.
  • bondjamesbondjames You were expecting someone else?
    edited April 2016 Posts: 23,883
    Blades swordfight is a serious highlight for me. Despite the pouting (almost sexually charged) glances between the two combatants, it's a top notch sequence.

    The opening surf sequence at dawn is quite impressive.
    Moon's anger management therapy in the pretitles always gets a laugh out of me.
    London Calling and Grave's parachute entrance is impressive.
    Roger Moore's daughter as an air hostess too.
    Rosamund Pike as Miranda Frost of course.

    That's about it. I could leave the rest.
  • mcdonbbmcdonbb deep in the Heart of Texas
    edited April 2016 Posts: 4,116
    The break in into the secret corridors has a Moonraker film vibe to me. I like that scene ..plus the pre -Craig Craig brutal shock scene of pushing that thug in the wheelchair..

    I like most of the Cuba scenes.
  • BMW_with_missilesBMW_with_missiles All the usual refinements.
    Posts: 3,000
    DAD vanquish replica;

    And the one feature it was missing, invisibility
  • SzonanaSzonana Mexico
    Posts: 1,130
    I loved Die Another day since the first time i watched it in theaters.
    Its the film which got me into Bond and since that i never missed a new Bond film in theaters.

    Its a film that should be seen as an Homage film to the franchise than just your typical Bond Adventure.
    Its nice seeing all the references to the old films which are not that many but i enjoyed very very much this very Glamorous and fun Bond flick witha feel which is just watch and enjoy.

    Pierce was great and definitely at this most confident with the Hotel scene in Honk Kong, the clinic scene in Cuba and the sword fight vlub scene being standout moments.
    I also liked very much the battle of the cars and the presentation of the Vanquish.

    Its one of my all time favorite Bond flicks but i can see why many fans hate this. Its always these more outlandish Bond films which are the most Polarizing like Moonraker. diamonds are forever, Spectre and Die another day

    These are love or hate films and all the fans of any these movies should accept both sides.
  • ClarkDevlinClarkDevlin Martinis, Girls and Guns
    Posts: 15,423
    Die Another Day was a birthday party movie for Bond. And just for that I can love it.
  • SzonanaSzonana Mexico
    Posts: 1,130
    Die Another Day was a birthday party movie for Bond. And just for that I can love it.

    That's exactly how i see it thanks for explaing it better than i did and yes thats the main reason to love it just like Spectre its just that spectre made that birthday party two years latter than actual anniversary.

    Maybe Mendez felt Skyfall as being the third Craig Bond film wasn't appropriate for a film like die Another day so when he came back he decided it was time for it.

    Meanwhile Tamahory went all big in his first chance he had.

  • TheWizardOfIceTheWizardOfIce 'One of the Internet's more toxic individuals'
    Posts: 9,117
    Die Another Day was a birthday party movie for Bond. And just for that I can love it.

    Like one of those birthday parties some mug puts on Facebook and 5000 pissed twats turn up and trash the house.
  • BondJasonBond006BondJasonBond006 on fb and ajb
    Posts: 9,020
    Die Another Day was a birthday party movie for Bond. And just for that I can love it.

    Like one of those birthday parties some mug puts on Facebook and 5000 pissed twats turn up and trash the house.

    That was Skyfall actually.
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,995
    Die Another Day was a birthday party movie for Bond. And just for that I can love it.

    Like one of those birthday parties some mug puts on Facebook and 5000 pissed twats turn up and trash the house.

    That was Skyfall actually.
    Skyfall just wasn't much fun is all.
    On the polar opposite, DAD was nothing BUT fun.
    I like a middle ground better, but given the choice I'll pick fun over dire most any day.
  • ClarkDevlinClarkDevlin Martinis, Girls and Guns
    Posts: 15,423
    chrisisall wrote: »
    Die Another Day was a birthday party movie for Bond. And just for that I can love it.

    Like one of those birthday parties some mug puts on Facebook and 5000 pissed twats turn up and trash the house.

    That was Skyfall actually.
    Skyfall just wasn't much fun is all.
    On the polar opposite, DAD was nothing BUT fun.
    I like a middle ground better, but given the choice I'll pick fun over dire most any day.
    My thoughts exactly, to tell you the truth.
  • talos7talos7 New Orleans
    Posts: 8,408
    I watched it a while back and while it has major faults, I enjoyed it much more than I thought I would. Also, Brosnan looked great; he definitely had a film or two left in him. It's a shame he wasn't given his "For Your Eyes Only" as was Rog following Moonraker .
  • talos7talos7 New Orleans
    Posts: 8,408
    Birdleson wrote: »
    Bronsan as older Bond in a one off. That's what we need for BOND 25.

    And once again Judi Dench could play M.

  • w2bondw2bond is indeed a very rare breed
    Posts: 2,252
    DAD feels like a bad Bond movie, whereas Spectre feels like someone dusted off the Bond vault and decided to make a movie based on what's in the archives
  • DAD probably isn't even the worst of the canon... It at least sort of succeeds at being fun. TMWTGG can't decide if it's trying to be fun and cheeky or grim and confrontational.
    Birdleson wrote: »
    Bronsan as older Bond in a one off. That's what we need for BOND 25.

    Brosnan's official NSNA, basically?
  • bondjamesbondjames You were expecting someone else?
    Posts: 23,883
    TMWTGG can't decide if it's trying to be fun and cheeky or grim and confrontational.
    I think it's all of those things and quirky as well.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,111
    Birdleson wrote: »
    I love THE MAN WITH THE GOLDEN GUN. I think it's Roger's best performance (though LIVE AND LET DIE is close).

    I constantly dog TMWTGG, but I can agree with that: Roger's performance in that film is amazing.
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,995
    Birdleson wrote: »
    I love THE MAN WITH THE GOLDEN GUN. I think it's Roger's best performance (though LIVE AND LET DIE is close).
    TMWTGG is one I absolutely never tire of.

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