The Next American President Thread (2016)



  • Well, lads, one thing to look forward to (the only thing really) is at the very least watching Hillary destroy him in the debates and pummel his many areas of ignorance into a snortable pile of ash. A sect of the public and many media outlets have already treated this entire election as more of a boxing match than a bid for aiding America, and that's exactly what they'll be getting now. Insults will be waved and witch hunts signaled on both sides, network ratings will spike, the people will get their bread and circuses, and it'll feel like the Greek way never left. What a pathetic state we're in.

    Yes, that's right, keep underestimating Trump, that's worked well so far.

    If anything I overestimated the intelligence of a simple minded voting public charmed by a snake oil salesman who they think, for whatever reason, is vastly different in his actions and big mouth than any big Joe Washington type up at Capitol Hill.

    If I have to hear someone on Trump's ticket refer to him as the "people's champion" again, I may just choke on my own upchuck harder than he has choked on that silver spoon of his since the day he was born.

    Its a shame that a few more of them don't believe in sharia law, then you might be more sympathetic.

    Lunacy is what it is whether it comes from someone giving themself up in sacrifice to Allah, another who believes a man in the sky has a special plan for all of us, or a group supporting an orange geriatric as their presidential savior. I wouldn't support objectification, violence, tyranny or any other values expressed in a religious text or world government, as that is beyond imbecilic, yet you act like I and others would do just that to prove some hollow point of yours that I think you've lost the plot of.

    How you see me or anyone else here as a poster boy for Islam is beyond me, as none of us would ever support any kind of behavior that endangers of belittles people in any way (we're anti-Trump, aren't we). We hear stupid and short-sighted proposals and call them out for what they are, whether they involve the suggestion that we need databases for everyone worldwide who follows a specific religion, that a massive wall needs to be built to save us from scary terrorism, when most is coming from within, not without, and more. We respect human beings and believe in an innocent until proven guilty mentality, where nobody is written off out of the gate based on generalizations. What we don't do, however, is isolate and categorize a group of any sort, look at one or two bad eggs amongst them, and use them to represent the character, outlooks and beliefs of the vast majority. To do so is foolish, and disgraces and belittles those of the group that aren't the exceptions of a rule, but that represent an overwhelming majority, dwarfing those who seek to do bad.

    At this point, Trump may as well run with the campaign slogan "Ignorance is Bliss," as he and his followers sure do prove it, waving around the flags of a country many of them seem to have no true concept of, degrading immigrants everywhere when that's how we all got our start in this "great" nation. The only people that truly had ownership of this land from the beginning are the natives, not a bunch of colonialists dead set on conquest, so the sooner everyone on that ticket quits acting like the world is ours and ours alone to shape, the better off we'll all be.

    Our melting pot nation of checks and balances wasn't founded so some jackass could use his daddy's "small loan" of a million dollars to buy his way into prestige and spout his bullshit in front of a public in what has been the most loud and unsophisticated campaign I have seen unfold. And yet some want to support a man who bullies instead of debates with nuance, deflects questions instead of responding to them with knowledge, and generalizes entire peoples at the drop of a hat instead of looking at the facts and treating each person he ridicules for what they are; one of many complex and layered individuals who aren't spoken for by a few bad eggs here and there.

    Trump logic is this:

    1 ISIS bomber practicing radical Islamic beliefs= All Muslims everywhere are terrorists in the making

    1 Mexican rapes a woman while across the border in America= All Mexicans are rapists/murders that need to be pushed out

    But of course this is all coming from a man whose main response to the horrific events in Orlando (committed by a domestic shooter no less) was an I told you so. He must be expressing that hardcore compassion that liberals everywhere are just incapable of relating, if the almighty wisdom of Mendes is to be believed.

    @Mendes4Lyfe, to be as straight up as possible here, as I and others tire of being polite with you, if all your responses to us from onward are going to be nothing but empty-and if I'm perfectly honest-tired old attacks on our character as you use your crystal ball to look into the depths of our souls to who we really are, then you can quite politely let the door hit you on the way out. You add nothing to discussions here when you resort to sharing your leftist conspiracy theories and target people with easy insults, the same ad hominem tactics your Grandpa Donald has been practicing for over a year now. Was it really that easy for his rhetoric to rub off on you?

    If you leave this thread now in peace, imagine all the possibilities and good you could finally do to this community that you've tortured for so long. For one, the majority of the people in this thread sick of hearing you would suddenly feel relaxed and at ease now that a pestering child has gone out of earshot. Number two, I'm sure you have other forums to troll for easy gratification online where you can spread your gospel about your savior, the aforemetioned Grandpa Donald in relative peace, until they kick you out too, of course. And three, you could save up all the time and text characters you'd use up on here trying to call us radical sympathizers while avoiding our posts to make comments in our threads on this forum spreading your equally loony gospel about your other savior, Aidan Turner. Man, I'd love it if Aidan was an American Democrat running for president against Trump just to see your reaction; I'm sure your heart would leap out of your chest in agony at the thought of having to pick just one of them.

    With no due respect.

    Ditto. (C) Rush Limbaugh, used with as much permission as Trump has to use "We Are the Champions" by Queen. =D>
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    Posts: 15,732
  • bondjamesbondjames You were expecting someone else?
    edited July 2016 Posts: 23,883
    McClane himself. Just another American who saw too many movies as a child? Another orphan of a bankrupt culture who thinks he's John Wayne? Rambo? Marshal Dillon? A cowboy? Roy Rogers? A reluctant warrior even? A fitting metaphor for this campaign?

    Or are we dealing with Hitler reincarnate? Mussolini?

    This is the debate it would seem.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    @bondjames, I don't think anything quite so interesting. Poor old Bruce has been put out to pasture in some important sects of the film industry for his antics, and since he gets set off when people won't pay him $4 million for two days of shooting on a set, it's only logical to presume he has a child's tantrum about everything. It's only just that he's found himself a grown up baby to support politically.
  • edited July 2016 Posts: 3,566
    Now that all the balloons have dropped, my impression of the Republican convention: what a bunch of angry, over-privileged jerks. The crowd chanting "Jail her! Jail her!" needed a few torches and pitchforks to really complete the mood. Special points to the guy who wanted to flat-out shoot Hillary for, what? Having her own email server? (I understand the Secret Service takes a dim view of that sort of suggestion...) And I really liked the Trump princeling railing against the elites, hypocrisy is always in style at a Republican soiree. The Melania speech was a nice little distraction, basically prefacing the point made by Trump's triumphal entrance to the vocal stylings of Freddie Mercury: "We don't care who owns this creation, we'll just use it anyway because FUCK YOU." Squeezed between those twin acts of usurpation, Ted Cruz stoked the anger of the angry mass quite nicely, but the Donald was of course the star of his show, oozing anger at the point that, what? The world overall is in one large mess primarily because Bush the Younger took some very unwise actions in the middle east back at the beginning of this century and the repercussions are still being felt. So somehow that means America isn't great anymore? It's great enough to let a clown like Trumpo have a free ride very nearly to the top of the heap and as far as millions of us are concerned America is STILL pretty great despite a year's worth of his ravings to the contrary. The only time it'll STOP being great is if We The People allow an orange would-be fascist like The Donald take the reins of power, and trust me: that ain't happening.
  • MyNameIsMyBondRnMyNameIsMyBondRn WhereYouLeastExpectMeToBe
    Posts: 221

    Mr Trump Will Build a New BERLIN WALL; We All Knows what happened with the old One.

    Reagan Said; "Mr Chairman; Turn Down That Wall"-Mr Reagan was a Republican for all I know.

    Law and order starts with knowing in person (the) fundamentals that comes with it!

    More Oftenly; WEAKNESS,Death and Destruction comes with FUNDAMENTAL ignorance.

    Mr Trumps speeches shows me a lot of that. TONS of IT!

    Let The Man With The Money Win; So That The Little Ignorant Woman WILL know her Place; SEEMS To Be Mr Trumps Device..!?..

    ISIS Was Really on the map about FIVE YEARS EARLIER than Mr Trump PRETENDS..!

    Mr TRUMP Is FLIRTING with The INFLUENCE-maybe under the INFLUENCE Himself-
    and the Influence is very happy with that..Soon They WILL regret it..!

    Whatever Compassion Mr Trump have left WILL NOT BE WITH MYSELF..!

    He Is Mistaken; I quote ; "Together, we WILL..."

    "My Plan Will..."

    " But My GREATEST Compassion WILL Be..."

    (So On And So Fort..?!)

    To Copy the politics of others That You Mr Trump- claims have ' Failed ' Makes Himself an EVEN bigger FAILURE..!

    I Myself HAVE NEVER FAILED THE AMERICAN PEOPLE!..(do not let me regret that!)..!

    In all respect with the concerned.
    William Sharp.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    edited July 2016 Posts: 28,694
    It'll be interesting to do side by side comparisons of the DNC and RNC once it's all blown over. I feel it won't be a question of which convention did it better, but more like which convention was the least bad.
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 24,535
    @Mendes4Life, for the record, are you a Trump supporter?
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    Posts: 15,732
    DarthDimi wrote: »
    @Mendes4Life, for the record, are you a Trump supporter?

    He wants Turner as President. ;)

  • DragonpolDragonpol
    Posts: 18,522
    I've deliberately tried to avoid this thread in the past but I will say this...

    The Trump card has been played. The race is on for the White House and sadly this time neither of the candidates inspire me with much confidence, but better that Hillary Clinton wins than Donald Trump. Happily I don't have a vote but I wish the American voters well. May they make the correct decision in the end, whatever that may ultimately be.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,111
    You guys will feel pretty dumb once I'm surprisingly chosen as the next President in a few months time.
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    Posts: 15,732
  • Mendes4LyfeMendes4Lyfe The long road ahead
    Posts: 8,714
    DarthDimi wrote: »
    @Mendes4Life, for the record, are you a Trump supporter?

    Out of Trump and Clinton, I would vote Trump in a second. I believe he is the best outcome of this election.
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 24,535
    Actually, @Creasy47, I've known it all along. Remember, I volunteer to be your lawyer, ghost writer, pimp, drug dealer and chauffeur.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,111
    @DarthDimi, I'll draw up the contracts for all those positions! Hopefully the workload isn't too much for you.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    @Creasy47, if Dimi has that all covered, I'd like to apply for the Secretary of State position in your cabinet. It'd be the perfect way for me to do some traveling and meet some foreign chicks all the while.
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    Posts: 15,732
    @Creasy47 is actually Frank Underwood! I didn't know that until now!
  • Posts: 11,119
    Did someone read my last two posts on page 66?
  • edited July 2016 Posts: 11,119
    Apparently, both Mitt Romney, Jeb Bush and other 'less populist' Republicans are planning to endorse the Libertarian Gary Johnson/William Weld ticket. Obviously that will not result in the first Libertarian president ever, but it could give Gary Johnson a spot during the presiential debates (if he starts polling higher than 15%):

    Here's also an interview with Jeb Bush that's actually quite good. You can blame the Bush-es for a lot, but he is actually quite right on many things:
  • DragonpolDragonpol
    Posts: 18,522
    Wow, could you actually be moving to the right, @Gustav_Graves? Wonders never cease...
  • Posts: 11,119
    Dragonpol wrote: »
    Wow, could you actually be moving to the right, @Gustav_Graves? Wonders never cease...

    No, I am a centrist
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    Centrists are easily swayed either way.
  • Posts: 7,507
    Dragonpol wrote: »
    Wow, could you actually be moving to the right, @Gustav_Graves? Wonders never cease...

    No, I am a centrist

    So by US parameters you are basically a dirty, evil 'commi'! Which is more or less the same as being a muslim I think... :-? or something like that...
  • DragonpolDragonpol
    edited July 2016 Posts: 18,522
    Centrists are easily swayed either way.

    They tend to sit on the fence too.
  • Posts: 11,119
    Centrists are easily swayed either way.

    I am a radical minded centrist. NO one can sway me over to either the left or the right. NO one :-). Although I apply progressive ideology and conservative ideology that prove pivotal for me. Combining the best of both worlds is my adage...and then forcefully apply some good things of the left, and some good things of the right, to a radical centrist view.
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    edited July 2016 Posts: 45,489
    Centrists are easily swayed either way.

    I am a radical minded centrist. NO one can sway me over to either the left or the right. NO one :-). Although I apply progressive ideology and conservative ideology that prove pivotal for me. Combining the best of both worlds is my adage...and then forcefully apply some good things of the left, and some good things of the right, to a radical centrist view.

    The best from Hitler and the best from Stalin. Works wonders to produce a centrist.
  • Posts: 11,119
    Centrists are easily swayed either way.

    I am a radical minded centrist. NO one can sway me over to either the left or the right. NO one :-). Although I apply progressive ideology and conservative ideology that prove pivotal for me. Combining the best of both worlds is my adage...and then forcefully apply some good things of the left, and some good things of the right, to a radical centrist view.

    The best from Hitler and the best from Stalin. Works wonders to produce a centrist.

    Go eat a pizza man :)
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,995
    I just realized how in peril this nation is. I must have been robbed many times & blocked out the memories. Thanks Trump, for making me realize how severely AFRAID I should be! Of course I will vote for your Hittlerness!

  • Posts: 315
    Dragonpol wrote: »
    Centrists are easily swayed either way.

    They tend to sit on the fence too.

    And sometimes....only on rare occasions....being a centrist produces something magical.

  • MyNameIsMyBondRnMyNameIsMyBondRn WhereYouLeastExpectMeToBe
    Posts: 221
    chrisisall wrote: »
    I just realized how in peril this nation is. I must have been robbed many times & blocked out the memories. Thanks Trump, for making me realize how severely AFRAID I should be! Of course I will vote for your Hittlerness!


    If You Can Buy Everything; Then Everything Is Not Worth Anything.
    The Presidency Should not go to the Highest Bidder..!
    Not For Any Money In Te World...!

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