What do you want to see?



  • Posts: 825
    I want to see in Bond 23 first Q & Missmoneypenny to return. Well as Villians,Girls & Allises him to drive a company issued car with gadgets but although I hope An Aston Martin again. The end for to kiss the girl in any way. B-)
  • edited March 2011 Posts: 4,813
    All good suggestions! Here's mine:

    *I want Craig to LOSE a fight with a villain near the beginning/middle of the film, only to ANNIHILATE him at the end! I'm reminded of the attack on the safehouse in TLD.... if only it was Dalton vs Necros instead of Necros vs 'random British Agent', the battle on the plane at the end would have been much more suspenseful. Craig so far has proven to be 'too good' a fighter- and while entertaining to watch, I'm never worried for him during a scuffle.

    *Something big has to happen that results in M (Dench) getting killed. Craig and Dench had a unique growing relationship in these films and her death at the hands of some villain (or better yet- Bond's own fault) would add heavy emotion to the movie.

    *Related to above- bring in a male M. Not in a chauvinistic way- but just to get closer to the feel of the old films. BTW it has been tossed around the old boards that Timothy Dalton could play M. I'm ALL FOR THAT! He looks different enough from when he was Bond himself- and he doesn't have the celebrity status to over shadow the performance (Connery or Moore or Brosnan doing it would be too 'in your face', like "hey I used to be Bond, now I'm M, isn't this a hoot") but he's still a hell of an actor!

    * Yes, it's time to bring back Q and Moneypenny- but for Q, I don't want too much forced humor and back-and-forth bickering; but rather make him 'the guy who give Bond his equipment and sends him on his way'- and no over the top gadgets either- give him practical stuff- like the suitcase in FRWL... stuff like that. No invisible cars or laser watches. Remember the guy in Casino Royale who put the tracker in Bonds arm? In my first viewing in the theatre i figured that WAS Q. But that's the style I mean.

    *I want Bond to sleep with a woman that he already knows is bad 'just because he can' (like Bond and Rosie in LALD). Bond is supposed to be cold in that way- in recent films where the woman ends up being bad, he seems too broken up about it (I'm thinking of Bond and Electra in TWINE for example) Bond in the books was kind of an ass hole and that should find its way to the movies as well- to a point, that is... we don't want Bond to be 'unlikeable'

    *I want Bond to kill a bad guy with his bare hands just once (strangling maybe?) It's much more ruthless and personal than bullets or knives. Did he ever kill a guy with his bare hands? I can't think of a single time- lots of 'sleeper holds' come to mind, but no actual 'neck snapping' if I'm not mistaken. I guess this post is in the gray area....

    *I don't think we've seen Craig visit a Casino 'just for the fun of it' yet. I'd like to see that. And I'd like to see Bond in the midst of his 'holiday', maybe with a random girl (ala Connery and Dink in GF) only to be interrupted with an assignment.

    *I want to see Craig on an actual STEALTH mission- dressed for the part and everything (Connery infiltrating Largo's Island in TB comes to mind)- sneaking around at night

    *FInally, I want to see Craig in his Naval Commander Uniform (and better yet, I want to see him commanding people!) So far, aside from the Tuxedo, Craig has been the most 'casually dressed' Bond of them all. We missed seeing Lazenby and Dalton in their uniforms- let's see Craig

  • I most want to see moneypenny and Q in the next film. They cant have 3 films without them...its not reall Bond anymore without the whole cast
  • edited March 2011 Posts: 2
    I want to see a continuation of the last two films,I loved them.Can't wait to see more,Craig and the style of these new movies are my favorite Bond by far.Totally lost interest during the Brosnan films.
  • edited March 2011 Posts: 2
    November 9th 2012,can't wait.I watch the last two films on a loop,more more more please.Craig is a kick ass 007 I think,these new movies are so tough.Huge fan again,loved Moore as a kid,but since then the Bonds were pussies I thought.

    Personally I hope they don't change to much,those two movies worked great for me.
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 24,559
    @Terry007 Please refrain from double posting. The edit button can help you. Thanks.
  • Posts: 421
    Wow, some really great ideas. I'd know I've said this before (probably in the old forums) but I would love to see the old 1995-2006 MI6 Headquarters. It was "warm" and "modern", and in CR, you could see how they'd updated it - new phones, flat screens (?) etc. Perhaps the QOS could be the "Operations center" rather than the actual HQ. Depends if we get rid of that awful Gassner (production designer) from QOS. Nathan Crowley (The Dark Knight) perhaps?

    Great idea about TD being M, by the way. It's radical, but only the hardened Bond fans would now who he was, and what gravitas, too. He could be introduced towards the end of the film, after Dench's M has brutally murdered by the megalomanic supervillain.
    Just found this: http://stevehollier.files.wordpress.com/2011/02/tourist-timothy-dalton-photo.jpg - M?

    On the subject of brutal killing, it would be quite cool. However, we did see Bond kill Obanno with his arms at the end of the Stairwell fight, and State with a shard of broken glass during the Haiti hotel fight in QOS. But I agree that Bond should perhaps be a little more inventive. I'm thinking at least as inventive as the electricity + water death in the GF PTS. Positively shocking.
  • Posts: 1
    The last 2 movies Bond's dry sense of humour has vanished (along with his gadgets) I would like to more of this in next film. QOS was just another good action movie (among dozens), it was not really a Bond movie. The need Q back as well. I hope that get back to basics and made it a Bond move. Not simply another action movie
  • Posts: 421
    One other thing, we haven't seen Bond go for a long drive, i.e. to track someone down. OK, he drove off in that Range Rover to the airfield in QOS - but I'm thinking more the drive down to the south of France in the literary Casino Royale, or the long drive/chase in Kent in the literary Moonraker. Furthermore, you really get a sense of Bond's love and understanding of the vehicle he's driving. Thoughts?
  • Posts: 562
    Seems as if most of us are after the same things with the next one. I can't add much to it, but here's my simple list of things I'd like to see:

    - Actual use of the James Bond theme
    - Bond smoking cigarettes
    - Miss Moneypenny
    - Major Boothroyd (Essentially Q, but in keeping with the new tone of the films)
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    Posts: 13,372
    Quoting Agent005: - Actual use of the James Bond theme
    - Bond smoking cigarettes
    - Miss
    - Major Boothroyd (Essentially Q, but in keeping with the new
    tone of the films)
    I'd wager we'll only get the James Bond Theme but at least that is something. The bottom time will come in time and PC be damned because I doubt we'll ever see Bond smoke again.
  • M_BaljeM_Balje Amsterdam, Netherlands
    edited March 2011 Posts: 4,584
    The return of the gunbarrel at the start
    Propety Of A Lady (or Mr Kiss Kiss Bang Bang or Kiss Kiss Bang Bang) as title
    Powerfull Title song in the style of Yolt, TMWTGG, Goldeneye
    The return of M, Bill Tanner, Villiers, the goverment guy, Camile.
    Short cameo from Felix, Mr White but Bond don't meet them.
    ''No'' Q

    Finishing the storie line between M and Bond wih a element from the short story of QOS. This storie line can be yused (and re-introduced) for earlier seen chacter in Casino Royale and this chacter can later returns in Bond 24 with another name. M is Child in the water. For Both count: A pink cloud is another way to die.

    Bond 23 should end with 007 pick the train to his friend Felix in New York. (LALD movie remember.) What wil bring him to re-introduce another traditional Bond formula: The gamble with dice and life, drinking, Bond girls and a litle tricker finger should bring Bond from a asian world to the world of aces.

    I read later TMWTGG having a train scene too, but the one i have in mind in the first place be the one from DAF.

    QOS get his first set up for a water storie, first i thaught it wil bring the movie from Port Au prince and Mexico to Egypt, but later i think it going to be 1 or 2 asian country's. I think America is the next step, Bond 25 wil bring him back to Europe and also wil bring him to Egypt and Commander thing.

    Can't wait til Daniel Craig steps a litle bit in the shoes of Brad Pitt.
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 24,559
    Quoting M_Balje: Commander thing
    Why wait till Bond 25, Balje? I'd very much like it if they made Bond a 'commander' again. I'd love to see Craig in the uniform and to addressed as commander Bond. We haven't had that since DAD.
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    edited March 2011 Posts: 15,733
    Quoting M_Balje: M is Child in the water. For Both count: A pink cloud is another way to die.
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    Posts: 13,372
    Quoting DarthDimi:

    Quoting M_Balje: Commander thing
    wait till Bond 25, Balje? I'd very much like it if they made Bond a 'commander'
    again. I'd love to see Craig in the uniform and to addressed as commander Bond.
    We haven't had that since DAD.
    Don't you mean Tomorrow Never Dies @DarthDimi? I agree with the point mind, it's been quite a while and another good step of proof that Bond is Bond would be to see him in his Commander uniform once more.
  • edited March 2011 Posts: 303
    I want to see the Aston Martin DB5 used somewhere, Bond's Walther P99 (didn't use it in QoS), Some Gagets, plus maybe a Q and definately the gun barrol at the beginning -.- :')
  • 007007
    Posts: 42
    If this is Dench's last film, I would like to see her killed and it is somehow Bond's fault. I love the idea of Dalton as M. He is a fantastic actor and that would just be a real pleasure to watch.

    I would defiantly like to see the return of the Bond theme, or even better the 007 theme. Also a much more memorable title song would be nice hopefully sing by Shirley Bassey. Hopefully the music will be a bit of a tribute to John Barry.

    Property of A Lady would be a good title. A few more gadgets perhaps and I like the idea of Craig as a Commander Bond. The DB5 would be nice if it returned. I would like to see him go to the US again. That hasn't happened for a while. Oh and defiantly the gun barrel at the beginning!! :)
  • Posts: 76
    Guest appearance by Connery.
  • Posts: 512
    Quoting 007: If this is Dench's last film, I would like to see her killed and it is somehow Bond's fault.
    Really? Don't you think there's been enough drama in the Craig reboot series already?
  • 007007
    Posts: 42
    Quoting Bond: Really? Don't you think there's been enough drama in the Craig reboot series already?
    I know what you mean, but Dench's M and Bond have always had a love/hate relationship. I think it would more interesting to see Bond somehow affected by her departure rather than having her just leave and go and live out the rest of her life somewhere. Having said that, I really like Dench as M and would like to see her stick around for a bit longer.
  • edited March 2011 Posts: 421
    Quoting 007: I know what you mean, but Dench's M and Bond have always had a love/hate
    relationship. I think it would more interesting to see Bond somehow affected by
    her departure rather than having her just leave and go and live out the rest of
    her life somewhere. Having said that, I really like Dench as M and would like to
    see her stick around for a bit longer.

    Bond being framed for her murder, perhaps? Maybe too revenge-esque, actually. But yes, she deserves an interesting departure, whatever happens.
  • edited March 2011 Posts: 107
    Quoting Johneboy: Bond's dry sense of humour has vanished
    On the contrary, it actually just became truly dry for once. But too dry for the masses, apparently.
  • i want to see this actor as the new Bond girl:

  • edited April 2011 Posts: 2,599
    "Quoting Tubes: Bond doing anything that doesn't directly or indirectly involve explosions,
    gunfire, hand to hand combat, or sparks."

    "Right you are Tubes. This needs to stop and EON need to realise what made Bond great back in the '60's. If they can do this, we may have a chance of a good film again."

    I've always hoped they would realise this but now I'm not sure that they ever will. I wonder if Bond really means that much to Eon at all.

    "I love the idea of Dalton as M. He is a fantastic actor and that would just be a real pleasure to watch."

    Love that idea!

    I won't be surprised at all if Bond 23 will be called 'Property of a Lady'.
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    Posts: 13,372

    I've no doubt Bond means the world to EON, it's their family business, I just think the main problem is they can't see a top notch action film being made any other way.
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 24,559
    Quoting Samuel001: Don't you mean Tomorrow Never Dies @DarthDimi? I agree with the point mind, it's been quite a while and another good step of proof that Bond is Bond would be to see him in his Commander uniform once more.

    Thanks for correcting me, Samuel! Yes, Bond needs the ornaments once in a while. Connery, Moore and Brosnan have all graciously worn them. With Craig being the fourth actor to reprise the role more than once, we shouldn't forget him. That said, is the Bond from CR and QOS a Naval commander? I wonder.
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    Posts: 15,733
    Quoting DarthDimi: With Craig being the fourth actor to reprise the role more than once, we shouldn't forget him.
    Dalton only played Bond once ? ;-)
  • MajorDSmytheMajorDSmythe "I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it."Moderator
    edited April 2011 Posts: 14,111
    IIRC from his dossier, Craig's Bond is ex-SAS (though given the way he acts, it's amazing they took him on / didn't drill that rebellion out of him) not a naval commander, so I don't think we'll be seeing Craigs Bond don the uniform like Connery, Moore & Brosnan. Though i'm not an expert on this, so I don't know for certain.
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 24,559
    Quoting DaltonCraig007:
    Quoting DarthDimi: With Craig being the fourth actor to reprise the role more than once, we shouldn't forget him.

    Dalton only played Bond once ? ;)
    No, but he reprised the role only once. ;;)
  • edited April 2011 Posts: 37
    Are there any Villains left that Bond has not conquered ? ? ? Maybe we can send Bond in to take out Osama. All of the other world's demons lie within... :)
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