Quantum of Solace - The worst Bond flick to date

edited March 2011 in Bond Movies Posts: 27
Me and my girlfriend have just finished re-watching QoS for the first time since seeing it in the Cinema back in 2008 and i thought it would be interesting to post up HER opinion. My opinion of the movie hasn't changed much however she now thinks that it is the worst Bond movie of all. She is a big fan of the series and, like myself, thought of DAD as the worst but after tonights viewing QoS is now her least favorite. In her own words "i hate everything about it, apart from Dan Craig" Her biggest issue with the movie was how it was filmed, "It just jumps from scene to scene, you dont even know whats going on" Script was weak. "Here's the bad guy, heres the americans blah blah blah" Overall it ranks at number 22/22 for her. I thought i would bring her opinion to the forum because i thought it would be fun to debate about.


  • AgentJamesBond007AgentJamesBond007 Vesper’s grave
    Posts: 2,637
    It's not THE WORST bond film. It's a under-average Bond film, Die Another Day is much worst
  • Posts: 76
    There is no such thing as a Bad Bond Film.
    They are all BAD. That is why they are all so BRILLIANT.
  • @AgentJamesBond007 I shall quote her for you. "It's worse than DAD because DAD knew it wasn't a good movie it was outrages and played on that with its invisable cars and diamonds in the face etc, QoS however was supposed to be a good film, as good as CR but everything about it was terrible"
  • Posts: 512
    I agree that it's among the worst. Probably 5th-to-worst for me or so. DAF, AVTAK, MR and possibly DAD are worse for me.
  • I don't think QoS is anywhere near the worst Bond film. For me, it sits somewhere right in the middle. I'd much rather watch QoS than DAF, AVTAK, TMWTG just to name a few. It is true that QoS is pretty fast paced and the plot isn't fleshed out fully but the locations are great, the acting is solid, and it just has that Bondian feel to it. There are many redeeming qualities about QoS and I think it gets more criticism than it deserves.
  • HASEROTHASEROT has returned like the tedious inevitability of an unloved season---
    edited March 2011 Posts: 4,398
    i consider it middle of the road.... in my opinion, it is certainly not worse than Die Another Day, Moonraker, Diamonds Are Forever, A View To A Kill, The Man With The Golden Gun or even Tomorrow Never Dies.... it has it's faults - and the rush job on it is certainly prevalent.... but to call it the worst?? that's some mighty big words..
    Quoting Vodka_Martini: I shall quote her for you. "It's worse than DAD because DAD knew it wasn't a good movie it was outrages and played on that with its invisable cars and diamonds in the face etc, QoS however was supposed to be a good film, as good as CR but everything about it was terrible"
    I beg to differ... Die Another Day was a movie that was trying to be serious, but also play off some of the campy history that has been a part of Bond's legacy... a movie that doesn't take itself seriously is Diamond Are Forever.. that movie knew exactly what it was setting out to do - and that was have fun.... Die Another Day might come off that way too - but there is too much of a serious undercurrent of loyalty, trust, and betrayal that it also tries to take itself seriously.... While QOS might have an excuse for the writing - because they were trying to force it in under the writer's strike deadline.. DAD has none - they had 3 years, and that was the best they could do?? - I'm sorry....

  • Posts: 2,498
    nope it isnt the worse Bond movie.actually there isnt bad Bond movie.and it is somewhere at the middle
  • edited March 2011 Posts: 1,092
    It is in my Top Ten. So she is dead wrong. :O
  • 007007
    Posts: 42
    Quoting dragonsky: actually there isnt bad Bond movie
    So very true. QoS isn't the best, but it's certainly not the worst. Much more enjoyable than DaD.
  • PrinceKamalKhanPrinceKamalKhan Monsoon Palace, Udaipur
    edited March 2011 Posts: 3,262
    Quoting Vodka_Martini:
    Me and my girlfriend have just finished re-watching QoS for
    the first time since seeing it in the Cinema back in 2008 and i thought it would
    be interesting to post up HER opinion. My opinion of the movie hasn't changed
    much however she now thinks that it is the worst Bond movie of all. She is a big
    fan of the series and, like myself, thought of DAD as the worst but after
    tonights viewing QoS is now her least favorite. In her own words "i hate
    everything about it, apart from Dan Craig" Her biggest issue with the movie was
    how it was filmed, "It just jumps from scene to scene, you dont even know whats
    going on" Script was weak. "Here's the bad guy, heres the americans blah blah
    blah" Overall it ranks at number 22/22 for her. I thought i would bring her
    opinion to the forum because i thought it would be fun to debate about.
    Does she have a single sister, VM? ;-) I agree with her about the #22 of 22 ranking. Really disappointing considering CR was quite good and the best Bond film made post-TLD IMHO.
  • 001001
    Posts: 1,575
    It's the worst bond film i think.Terrible editing.
  • LudsLuds MIA
    Posts: 1,986
    Qos worse than DAD, TWINE, TND, TSWLM? Nonsense!
  • edited March 2011 Posts: 11,216
    I hate to admit it but I do think QoS is one of the weakest Bond films OF THE LOT. It's not a terrible film but it's just very...mediocre.

    Let's put it this way...every Bond film (even the crap ones) had something that stuck out for a while afterwards. TMWTGG had Christopher Lee, TWINE had the PTS, DAD had the swordfight, DAF had a decent song by Shirley Bassett. What does QoS have that makes it Bond-like? How many scenes are there that genuinely make you go "wow, that was really cool". Not that many tbh. Take the name Bond out and you would have a fairly average action film.

    Oh and Luds the PTS of TSWLM alone TRUMPS QoS into the dust. It shows that you don't need to cut dozens and dozens of times to impress. The PTS demonstrated spectacle and filmaking at its best.
  • Not the worst, but it has earned the place in my shelf where I put DAF, DAD, TMWTGG and MR.
  • Nah. Best Bond film since the 60s is more like it.
  • saunderssaunders Living in a world of avarice and deceit
    Posts: 987
    I really like QOS, though I can understand that it's not for everyone, but let's not get carried away, no matter how bad you think any film is regardless of whether it's a Bond film or not, you should never ever say it's worse than DAD!
  • Posts: 11,216
    Quoting saunders: you should never ever say it's worse than DAD!
    It is I'm afraid. At least DAD had a well filmed, well coreographed sword fight.
  • LudsLuds MIA
    Posts: 1,986
    Quoting BAIN123: It is I'm afraid. At least DAD had a well filmed, well coreographed sword fight.
    Which was ruined by the childishness of how 13 year old Bond and Graves acted leading to it ;)
  • edited March 2011 Posts: 11,216
    I'd still say that the swordfight itself was more impressive and more gripping than ANYTHING in Quantum.
  • LudsLuds MIA
    Posts: 1,986
    I think that the action in QOS is quite spectacular, it's just poorly edited. Strike that. Extremely poorly edited
  • edited March 2011 Posts: 11,216
    Quoting Luds:
    I think that the action in QOS is quite spectacular, it's
    just poorly edited. Strike that. Extremely poorly edited
    Which in turn makes it underwelming. Editing is key to any action sequence - get that wrong and you've blown it.
  • LudsLuds MIA
    Posts: 1,986
    I agree, I dislike the editing very much, but much like the Bourne series, I think QOS has something to offer, unlike DAD which is just a B level, or even a C level big budget action movie with a guy named Bond. It's no Bond film.
  • HASEROTHASEROT has returned like the tedious inevitability of an unloved season---
    Posts: 4,398
    Quoting BAIN123: I'd still say that the swordfight itself was more impressive and more gripping than ANYTHING in Quantum.
    I'll take all the scenes from the Tosca Opera sequence over the sword fight, or anything else in Die Another Day..
  • LudsLuds MIA
    Posts: 1,986
    Quoting haserot: I'll take all the scenes from the Tosca Opera sequence over the sword fight, or anything else in Die Another Day..
    Certainly agree with that. Very strong scene in QOS compared to anything in DAD.
  • HASEROTHASEROT has returned like the tedious inevitability of an unloved season---
    edited March 2011 Posts: 4,398
    i'll even take the rooftop foot chase from QOS over anything in DAD.... it's at least certainly better than the awful CGI Bond and CGI tidal wave....... hell, Bond turdling on a toilet for 20 minutes would be more entertaining than DAD lol..
  • LudsLuds MIA
    Posts: 1,986
    Quoting haserot: Bond turdling on a toilet for 20 minutes would be more entertaining than DAD lol..
    Ditto. The best sequence in DAD is the end title, with sound off ;)
  • Posts: 50
    Nowhere NEAR the worst, IMO. I have some issues with it here and there, but it's tonally consistent and tough, has mostly strong performances and, lest we forget the dire, formulaic, half-assed "nostalgia trip" of the 1990s starring a weak, borderline-American, straight-to-video guy as "Bond", here in QOS we have a James Bond actually made of the right stuff, even recalling the legendary ass-kicking of George Lazenby on occasion here. And Camille is the best Bond girl of the Babs era, IMO. And Marc Forster, though his overall job here may be hit and miss/compromised at times, brings more style to Bond than any other director has in absolutely AGES.
  • HASEROTHASEROT has returned like the tedious inevitability of an unloved season---
    Posts: 4,398
    Quoting Luds: Ditto. The best sequence in DAD is the end title, with sound off
    normally, you can at least enjoy the few seconds of comfort that the opening gun barrel brings - but even that is ruined by the stupid CGI bullet....

    I'm hard pressed to find one redeeming quality about that movie..... maybe the "relic room"? .... but even still, it's bookend by awfulness..
  • For once could we have a discussion that does not end with the bashing of DAD? :-@
  • LudsLuds MIA
    Posts: 1,986
    Quoting RogueThunderball: For once could we have a discussion that does not end with the bashing of DAD?
    Well a thread about worst Bond flick and mentions of DAD go hand and hand. What else could we be talking about? OK, TWINE ;)
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