Pierce Brosnan's tenure as James Bond ended 10 years ago



  • MajorDSmytheMajorDSmythe "I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it."Moderator
    edited December 2016 Posts: 14,081
    At the end of the day, Brosnan's popularity counted for no more than Lazenby/Dalton (they didn't even take him out for a meal, and tell him to his face). If it had, EON would have given Brosnan the fee he wanted, and given him a 5th film. With Brosnan adored, generally, by the audience, EON would have earned the money back spent on Brosnan's fee.

    But after 9/11 happened almost all franchises had to be rebooted. It made sense to start again, just as it does know.

    Not really. They could have brought the films back down to earth, just like they had done a number of times before 9/11, but kept the momentum going forwards. And if all other films were going all dark and gritty, Bond could have been the ray of light (not too light though) in the darkness.

    "Bond could have been the ray of light" - films back then were going dark and gritty to reflect real events.

    There was a time when Bond was a trend setter. And when all other films are doing the dark and gritty thing, wouldn't it have been better for Bond to have stood out, and offer some hope.
    Even the last of the Star Wars prequels decided to go dark to keep up with the times, after two child friendly episodes.

    I'll take your word on that. I'm not a Star Wars fan, i've only seen one, in the cinema, and it was the one released around 1999/2000.
    Another example is Harry Potter. They decided to take that series dark, after initially catering to children in the first two films. I'm not sure sticking to your guns when the whole industry is changing around you is the best bet.

    Again, i'll take your word on that. I'm not a Harry Potter fan, i've not watched any of the films.
    If you want a example of a series that stuck to its guns and was lighthearted during that period, look no further than the Fantastic Four franchise. Who the heck remembers those fondly now?

    Ah, now those I have seen. While I wouldn't put them in my top 10 comic book films list, I wouldn't write them off either. They are enjoyable films. Sometimes I think this gritty realistic take on _______ is overdone. If I want realism, i'll step outside my front door, and there it is.

    I have been waiting for a gritty, realistic, angsty take on the Telletubbies, alas, nothing yet.
  • edited December 2016 Posts: 4,622
    I find the Broz era has stood the test of time.
    For me, it now has a nostalgic appeal, much like the Rog era and Dalts interlude that preceded it.
    It would be great fun if a cinema chain were to run a big screen 4k Broz Bond fest. There is a new generation of Bond fan that did not see the Broz offerings on the big screen.
    Cigar Girl, Jinx, Onatopp, Elektra, Trevalyan, Carver,Stamper, Graves, Renard, Zao, Wai Lin, Natalya, Miranda Frost, back in all their big screen glory!
    Not to forget Wade, Zukovsky, Dench M, MP, Tanner, Robinson, and Llewellyn Q providing the last link to the classic era.
  • Posts: 2,341
    Brosnan was fired. End of story.

    His films were very popular(at the time) and made mountains of money. I never thought that he put his "all" into it and I think someone else said, "he never made the role his". I agree, he never brought anything new to the role, he looked the part but he just strutted around on camera and looking good in his tux.
    And of course he has a decent following as a whole generation of fans were introduced to 007 by the Broz. To these fans Brosnan WAS JAMES BOND and always will be as much as Sean was to my generation.

    Now about his films: GE was the high water mark. It ranked #5 on the Mi6 poll that ranked the films back in 2012. It was the highest ranking of any of his films. the other three just landed in or near the middle of the pack with DAD coming in at the bottom three. (only AVTAK and MR ranked lower)
    I just remember watching TWINE and thinking "been there, done that." Even the titles of his final three are interchangeable. TND could have been titled TWINE and DAD could have just as easily been titled TND or TWINE.
    Now that is bizarre....
    The disgusting stunt casting regarding the Bond girls and the so so writing and overreliance on machine guns and overblown set pieces and not so developed villains just brings the final three films down IMHO... GE does not suffer from any of this.
    A good Bond girl, colorful villains, good plot and set pieces. GE is the one film of his that I would call a classic.
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    Even CR would have worked perfectly with Brosnan, he and Eva Green and Mikkelsen would have been bloody fantastic together.
    The story as depicted in the film could have easily made fit Brosnan as an established 00 agent.

    You know I strongly disagree that Brosnan would fit in, but an established 00 agent is what we had in the book.
  • bondjamesbondjames You were expecting someone else?
    Posts: 23,883
    I think Eva would have eaten Brosnan alive. "Death for breakfast".

    I've lost a bit of respect for Craig's Bond run since SP, but there is no doubt that he was magnificent with Green in CR. The chemistry was palpable and they truly brought the best out of one another.
  • edited December 2016 Posts: 4,622
    Imo, all the Bonds but Sean and Rog were
    effectively "fired" ie when all was said and done, they were not wanted back by the producers.
    On the other hand Sean quit twice, and Rog was retired. He was just too old. Sean would have eventually incurred the same fate had he stuck around indefinitely and tried to push his tenure to the limit.

    Craig I think will become the the third non-fired Bond. He will probably quit after Bond25. I say quit because he probably has a 6th Bond in him and maybe a 7th, but unlike Rog I don't think he'll want to push it right to the retired limit.

    @OHMSS I can't quibble with your breakdown of the Broz era.
    I wasn't completely thrilled with the films at the time either, (I can quibble with everything post Sean) but I still really liked watching them, going back to the cinema over and over, to get my Bond fix.

    Now they have a nostalgia appeal I guess, as a 4th chapter of the Bond cinema experience, following the classic era, the Rog era, and the Dalts interlude.
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