Roger Diamonds are Forever or The Living Daylights?



  • talos7talos7 New Orleans
    Posts: 8,393
    Without a doubt, Diamonds are Forever.
  • Dalton in A View To A Kill would have sucked. I'm soooo glad Roger did it.
    I'd like Moore in DAF, he looked more like Bond than Connery, and you could say the film was moore suited to him (sorry, that was terrible).

    But not in TLD. I think TLD was suited to Dalton and I also think Moore should have retired after OP.

    I'd put Moore in DAF, and Dalton in AVTAK.

  • Sorry but that's nonsense. Anything can be done it's a movie. Roger Moore should not only have done TLD but also LTK. A 60 something Bond would be fine. As I've said before, how is it okay for Stallone to play Rocky at 60 and Harrison Ford to Play Indiana Jones at 75, but not okay for Roger Moore to play Bond at 58? The whole thing is ageist horse shit.
    I know this was commented on before, but seriously, how can anyone have envisaged Moore in The Living Daylights ? Was this meant to be something out of the humor corner that the author put together ?

    Moore was effectively finished as Bond after FYEO, although Octopussy is in fact, a fun and entertaining adventure, but Roger was nonetheless still past it as the iconic character and really, shouldn't have featured again after Moonraker - and we've got a discussion underway as to whether Moore should of featured again in '87, and with it, take the place of one Timothy Dalton ?..

    Guess strange things will happen on these pages often enough, but for the final time, there's no chance in hell Moore could of worked for TLD, it's as though we'd want to see Brosnan in Skyfall - you got to realize, some things just can't be done

    LALD was just about the perfect introduction for Moore to make his Bond debut - I think the 60s would appear too premature, and despite Connery making a grand mess of things in DAF, would only want Lazenby instead for that particular release - I think Moore's 1973 debut just can't be beaten -

    Kind of content to just leave things the way they turned out, in retrospect

  • pachazopachazo Make Your Choice
    Posts: 7,315
    Lynsey768 wrote: »
    NicNac wrote: »
    I think you highlighted enough reasons why Rog couldn't have done TLD. <br />
    The pts and climax are great sequences and the growing relationship of the two leads is genuinely touching. Without all of these elements TLD would not work.

    I hated The Living Daylights when I was 9. All I kept saying was 'Where's Roger Moore'. It needed him to be a great movie.

    I mean, you're probably trolling (if not then perhaps you've started off on the wrong foot) but your story does bring me back in time. I was a similar age when TLD came out and I'll never forget when I first saw the preview. Mind you, I had no idea that Moore had stepped down from the role or that it was something that had been a long time coming, so I wasn't prepared for the shock of seeing another actor up there. I just kept thinking, "That's not James Bond!"

    Of course, when I finally saw the movie I found myself warming up to Dalton. He was no Sir Rog, but he was alright. Years later, I can understand the excitement and anticipation that many people felt at the time. It's been great to read all of the different accounts shared by members from that time period and all our different perspectives of Dalton at the time. If you stick around long enough, you might just learn a thing or two.
  • suavejmfsuavejmf Harrogate, North Yorkshire, England
    Posts: 5,131
    Neither. He was too old for TLD and the film was better for the more serious tone. Connery saved DAF from being a complete comedy. Moore would have taken it over the edge. LAD was a great debut and his best film. A time when he played a more Fleming Bond and not himself.
  • cwl007cwl007 England
    Posts: 612
    Ive always felt that tonally DAF was the first Roger Moore Bond anyway, it just happened to not star Roger Moore. The tone of how Bond was going to be into the 70's was set in that film, built around the funny/corny scrip of Tom Mankiewicz and the OTT plot devices/stunts. So I feel Rog would have fitted in very well, might even have been better IMO as DAF is WAY down near the bottom on top 24 chart countdown.
    I imagine AVTAK with Dalton would have been very good, again better than what we got. I imagine it with a less silly script, get rid of the stupid fire engine routine, cast a less screamy woman and bingo.
    Dalton opposite Christopher Walken would have been great. The action and fights would have been better, oh yes that would have been a much improved AVTAK.
    On a side note I have always felt that LTK was also a missed opportunity. I actually like it as a different style of entry despite it's flaws. HOWEVER if the creative team were so keen to make a tough revenge thriller, and Tracy was obviously mentioned a some point during production hence the "he was married once, it was a long time ago" line, THIS was the film to make the Tracy/Blofeld payback story. Wow, I'm getting excited just thinking about this... Oh but wait, EON had no right to use Blofeld :(
    As Charlton Heston once said 'Damn you McClory, damn you to Hell"
  • pachazopachazo Make Your Choice
    edited March 2017 Posts: 7,315
    cwl007 wrote: »
    Ive always felt that tonally DAF was the first Roger Moore Bond anyway, it just happened to not star Roger Moore. The tone of how Bond was going to be into the 70's was set in that film, built around the funny/corny scrip of Tom Mankiewicz and the OTT plot devices/stunts.

    Exactly. This is the direction they had decided to move in before Moore got there, so I always feel it's a bit unfair to place all the blame on him. Now, I have no doubt that having him in the role probably heightened some of the humorous aspects of those films, but one way or the other they were going to make different films from what came before. The change was inevitable.
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    I feel that the direction they were heading in was a huge reason why they picked Moore in the first place, and not the other way around.
  • Posts: 2,408
    Diamonds Are Forever. No contest.
  • Posts: 15,409
    I don't think anybody but Sean Connery could have sold DAF and sort of make people forget it was a spoof. As much as I dislike the movie it was a necessary evil and Connery had to return for it. Somebody else playing Bond would have been perceived as another drastic departure.
  • cwl007cwl007 England
    Posts: 612
    That's an interesting point. DAF probably sailed along on the back of public goodwill for Connery and the incredible publicity having the 'proper' Bond back that was generated. It's hard to imagine now just how different and nervy a time 1971 was.
    No one knew any other Bond but Connery. EON tried to replace him and the other fella didn't cut it with the public.(not my opinion BTW)
    We are used to a new Bond now but yeah, the series could very well have died away had Connery not come back to 'rescue' it. DAF as-is with a new actor could have sank forever.
  • ClarkDevlinClarkDevlin Martinis, Girls and Guns
    Posts: 15,423
    I'd love to see Moore in Diamonds Are Forever. Clearly more his forte than Daylights.
  • talos7talos7 New Orleans
    Posts: 8,393
    I went back and looked at the PTS of DAF and think it would have been a great intro for Moore.
  • Posts: 4,813
    If my younger self could see me now, he'd hardly believe it, but DAF has actually grown on me considerably. I actually like it quite a lot and if I did another Bond ranking it would probably be in the top 15 somewhere. Connery's actually really funny in this!

    I really used to give this movie hell, lol

    Still, a Bond movie with a younger Moore is tempting.
  • ClarkDevlinClarkDevlin Martinis, Girls and Guns
    Posts: 15,423
    I've always wanted a Saint era Roger Moore as Bond in a Bond film.

  • Posts: 15,409
    I think nobody but Sean Connery could have sold DAF and save the franchise at this point. Whatever the tone of the movie Lazenby would not have carried it and neither would have Moore.
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    I've always wanted a Saint era Roger Moore as Bond in a Bond film.


    Moore definitely would have worked as the first Bond.
  • Posts: 16,372
    Ludovico wrote: »
    I think nobody but Sean Connery could have sold DAF and save the franchise at this point. Whatever the tone of the movie Lazenby would not have carried it and neither would have Moore.

    Yes. Seems the whole point of DAF was to get as far away from the approach taken with OHMSS as possible so I can't picture George in this one at all. Arguably the first Bond film to foreshadow the Moore era, yet I can't quite picture Roger in this one either (maybe in the Moonbuggy sequence though). I really can't picture any other Bond-Dalton and Craig included, taking on Thumper and Bambi.
    I actually find it more fun to speculate what DAF been like with John Gavin.

    As for TLD, I'll go against popular vote here and say I actually could see Roger in that film, and would probably prefer it to DAF.
    I can picture Roger on top of the land-rover shot from similar angles looking as he did when clinging to the plane at the end of OP. Same with the cargo net towards the end. He could easily have pulled off the cello case ride. That's a classic Moore type sequence. I can picture him in the Afghanistan attire (similar to his TSWLM moment). He could have pulled off riding the roller coaster with Kara (making his "Ohhhwrooooo" sound) as it descends.
    As for Kara herself, Roger's TLD might have had someone with a physical type closer to Cassandra Harris in the part.
    Roger looked great in 1987, closer to the way he appeared in OP than he did in VIEW. I don't think it's too much of a stretch to think that had Dalton still been too busy after the Brosnan deal fell thru, Cubby may have persuaded Moore to come back for an 8th outing at the last minute. I completely believe that would have happened.

  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    I don t think TLD as it is, suits Moore very much. Apart from Dalton, I think it is most suited for Craig actually.
  • ClarkDevlinClarkDevlin Martinis, Girls and Guns
    Posts: 15,423
    I've always wanted a Saint era Roger Moore as Bond in a Bond film.


    Moore definitely would have worked as the first Bond.
    He would've certainly. But, then again, we would've missed the super-greatness of Sean Connery. However, I certainly would've preferred had Moore taken up on the role from You Only Live Twice and onward, since Connery had lost his mojo in, around and after Thunderball.
  • gumboltgumbolt Now with in-office photocopier
    Posts: 153
    I think DAF felt very Moore-esque and he could easily have starred in it. Hardly a line would have needed changing. But TLD with Moore would have been embarrassing, especially the pre-title sequence, the Pushkin hotel room scene and the aerial fight with Necros.
    I can understand why Cubby may have kept Moore on as he advanced in years. His first four films were fine re Moore's age. For FYEO I think Cubby was keen to do something the polar opposite to MR and felt that the best way to balance the risk was to keep the star.
    I suspect Cubby and maybe even Moore felt FYEO would be his last - but the development of production of NSNA and Connery's return meant that Cubby broke the bank and Moore returned to ensure that audiences recognised OP as the "official" Bond film of 1983. To cast a new star against Connery would have been incredibly risky and potentially damaging to the series. I very much enjoy OP and think Moore just about gets away with it.
    But I remain unsure why Moore returned for AVTAK. He obviously had a makeover and surgery between OP and AVTAK. That really didn't help at all. But it shows he was keen to continue. Could he have negotiated a two film contract when he was enticed back to do OP? I cannot believe that he would have been cast in AVTAK on a stand alone basis. Dalton was always on Cubby's radar and I would be surprised if he was not considered for AVTAK. I am in a minority of Bond fans - I really like AVTAK but in spite of Moore. Dalton could have done that film and it would have been a more fun intro for his era.
  • Posts: 15,409
    Something that struck me recently: the PTS of DAF with all its flaws channels the Sean Connery of old: cold and determined. As if to make us accept more easily the more aloof attitude coming later. Again I don't think anybody but Connery could have sold at that time Bond strangling a woman with her own bikini top.
  • ClarkDevlinClarkDevlin Martinis, Girls and Guns
    Posts: 15,423
    Agreed. I also wish Connery was precisely how he was in the PTS for the rest of the film. That classic Connery and the feeling of the 60s should've been retained instead of making the film feel like a slow paced 70s caper comedy.
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