What do you want to see in Skyfall?



  • Posts: 2,107
    I dunno. I just want this one to be the defining movie for Craig's Bond. In a way of Connery's or Moore's Bond defining movie. I want them to improve from Casino Royale and make this one the movie craigmeister is going to be recognized by the public. Recognized in a good way. (that don't mean Bond 24, if he ever makes one, couldn't be as good or better than Skyfall. But now I'm just getting ahead of myself)
  • edited January 2012 Posts: 940
    I'd like to see M and Bond back in the official MI6 headquarters in Vauxhall with an exterior shot of the building again, as opposed to the ultra modern place we saw in QOS by the Barbican. I far prefer the traditional offices too.

    I'd like a decent gunbarrel at the start and not one where Bond is trying to out-run Usain Bolt.

    I'd love to see Bond in his apartment. We're getting enough of London in Skyfall so why waste the opportunity not to show him at home. Besides, we've seen M's pad in the last two movies. Mendes has previosuly mentioned his fondness of LALD (could that include the scene of Bond at home? Perhaps).

    I'd like to see Bond training at the gym (either in his pad or in MI6 with other 00's in the background). After all, the real MI6 is complete with a gym. These agents need to stay fit.

    I love YNMN but AWTD was just about on a par with Madge's disaster tune in DAD. That's 2 out of three huge flops for me. Time for a decent Bond tune. Hell, I certainly wouldn't object to Shirley returning. She can still belt 'em out! Also, lets have the Bond tune featuring in the thick of the action and they should inlcude the 007 theme somewhere relevent too out of respect for John Barry and the 50th anniversary.

    No fast edting like QOS and Bourne. The QOS PTS was shot around a stunning lake and we never got to trully appreciate this beautiful bendy road beause everything happened so quickly. The average shot of the quary was less than a second. I like to savour the cinematography when it takes place in such interesting surroundings.

    DC's Bond finally ending up with his girl. This is obviously on the cards from what DC has said in an interview. To be honest, I prefer the idea of him stealing Severine from Bardem and ending up with her but that may not happen.
    Plykshow wrote:
    I would love to see Paris Carver return (as these films are set before the rest). I think it would be quite interesting to see what happened before she was introduced in Tomorrow Never Dies. (although she would have to be played by Teri Hatcher again, I couldn't stand another actress playing her) Also, perhaps Valentin Zsukovski, another very interesting character

    That would be horrible. We don't need unnecesary reminders of unimportant charcters from the 90's. Its pointless. The producers have started afresh and gone down a new type of route with DC as James Bond. Time to leave PB's era alone.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    slyfox wrote:
    Plykshow wrote:
    I would love to see Paris Carver return (as these films are set before the rest). I think it would be quite interesting to see what happened before she was introduced in Tomorrow Never Dies. (although she would have to be played by Teri Hatcher again, I couldn't stand another actress playing her) Also, perhaps Valentin Zsukovski, another very interesting character

    That would be horrible. We don't need unnecesary reminders of unimportant charcters from the 90's. Its pointless. The producers have started afresh and gone down a new type of route with DC as James Bond. Time to leave PB's era alone.

    Not only that, but the Craig era doesn't happen before the others, it's just Bond at the beginning of his career (be kinda difficult to make 2006 happen before 1962).
  • echoecho 007 in New York
    Posts: 6,538
    A whole lotta things----
    A 2hr. running time, gunbarrel opening, Shirley Bassey with a kick ass song, Moneypenny, Q, Aston car chase, one liner quips, Daniel Kleinman titles,
    "James Bond Will Return", and.............Ernst Starvo Blofeld.

    I understand that they want to aim for a hit and will undoubtedly go for a current artist for the main titles, but they could give Dame Bassey a closing credits song.

  • Posts: 421
    Even KD Lang?! I thought Surrender was pretty cool, and a much better suited song than Sheryl Crow...
  • Posts: 632
    Shirley Bassey singing the main title!
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    JET007 wrote:
    Shirley Bassey singing the main title!

    I'd walk out of the movie.
  • Posts: 5,745
    JET007 wrote:
    Shirley Bassey singing the main title!

    I'd walk out of the movie.

    I'd be right on your heels.
  • edited January 2012 Posts: 289
    I want Javier in his very first scene to spin on his heels, draw a big pistol/revolver/handcannon (shotgun) from inside his suit and blow away someone important all in one motion. Just to show how badass and awesome he and his character is...
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    JWESTBROOK wrote:
    JET007 wrote:
    Shirley Bassey singing the main title!

    I'd walk out of the movie.

    I'd be right on your heels.

    Joining me or trying to kill me?
  • edited January 2012 Posts: 12,837
    Blofeld. And if not in this one then bond 24. Bring him back eventually.

    Here's what I want to see for the PTS: After bond returns to MI6 from a car chase involving a jaguar and a landrover, Terrorists attack the building. They dive from helicopters and use wingsuits to land on the roof, attacking through the vents and taking out agents. They fight their way through the corridors and plant explosives as they go. Bond tries to fight them but is blasted to the floor by a grenade. M is hiding in her office. The lead terrorist (bardem), yanks of his mask. He kicks down Ms office door and says "looks like your past caught up with you, just like this bullet" BAM! bardem shotguns dench to the face, ending her reign as M. He grabs documents from Ms safe and signals to move out. The terrorists head onto the roof. Bond wakes up and sneaks after them. They all jump into helicopters. Bond gets up in time to see bardems taking of. He fires but misses. Bardem waves at bond and pulls out a mobile. Bond looks down and see's a bomb, realising there must be more all over the building, he leaps down onto a ledge, then into the thames as there is a huge explosion behind him... begin title song....
  • Posts: 5,745
    JWESTBROOK wrote:
    JET007 wrote:
    Shirley Bassey singing the main title!

    I'd walk out of the movie.

    I'd be right on your heels.

    Joining me or trying to kill me?

    Depends. Just keep an eye out on what you say ;)
  • There's no chance of Bassey coming back for a belated fourth time to do the themes it's safe to say. People are still insistant that Blofeld should be included in Skyfall, well I for one am glad to see the character will not be back, it would be wholly inappropriate and even for subsequent releases for that matter. And how the hell would Paris Carver be able to return or Hatcher even when she was killed off in Tomorrow Never Dies, nice idea but that would be a neat trick. Oh wait, it's a series reboot with Craig isn't it so maybe anything goes but there you are. All I want out of Skyfall is a film fitting for the 50th anniversary, a marked improvement of the last entry and getting back to something like we had with Royale, I do hope expectations can be met
  • Posts: 1
    some sort of reference to sir Sean Connery
    Daniel Craig infiltrating a base (like GoldenEye 007 Reloaded).

    007 theme played during the film, not after or before

    An awesome title sequence

    Intense fight scenes

    Foot chase through London

    Aston Martin DB5 chase

    Stylish scenes

    A glimse at Bond's flat (maybe Craig entering his flat like Sean Connery did in Dr. No, but not too much of a copy)

    2+ Hours minimum of pure Bond

    Nothing to do with previous films

    Craig to wear something that is modern but also a nod to the Connery era.

    Hilarious, brutal remarks

    Nothing too cliche' as main storyline, perhaps a creepy storyline

    Stunts done with no CGI at all

    A decent Bond girl we care about, like Vesper

    All in all, stylish, packed with drama, stunts and intense action. Come on MGM, give us something we haven't seen before!
  • Posts: 11,425
    Blofeld. And if not in this one then bond 24. Bring him back eventually.

    Here's what I want to see for the PTS: After bond returns to MI6 from a car chase involving a jaguar and a landrover, Terrorists attack the building. They dive from helicopters and use wingsuits to land on the roof, attacking through the vents and taking out agents. They fight their way through the corridors and plant explosives as they go. Bond tries to fight them but is blasted to the floor by a grenade. M is hiding in her office. The lead terrorist (bardem), yanks of his mask. He kicks down Ms office door and says "looks like your past caught up with you, just like this bullet" BAM! bardem shotguns dench to the face, ending her reign as M. He grabs documents from Ms safe and signals to move out. The terrorists head onto the roof. Bond wakes up and sneaks after them. They all jump into helicopters. Bond gets up in time to see bardems taking of. He fires but misses. Bardem waves at bond and pulls out a mobile. Bond looks down and see's a bomb, realising there must be more all over the building, he leaps down onto a ledge, then into the thames as there is a huge explosion behind him... begin title song....

    Brilliant - that really made me laugh. Excellent.
  • Posts: 11,425
    Daniel Craig infiltrating a base (like GoldenEye 007 Reloaded).

    007 theme played during the film, not after or before

    An awesome title sequence

    Intense fight scenes

    Foot chase through London

    Aston Martin DB5 chase

    Stylish scenes

    A glimse at Bond's flat (maybe Craig entering his flat like Sean Connery did in Dr. No, but not too much of a copy)

    2+ Hours minimum of pure Bond

    Nothing to do with previous films

    Craig to wear something that is modern but also a nod to the Connery era.

    Hilarious, brutal remarks

    Nothing too cliche' as main storyline, perhaps a creepy storyline

    Stunts done with no CGI at all

    A decent Bond girl we care about, like Vesper

    All in all, stylish, packed with drama, stunts and intense action. Come on MGM, give us something we haven't seen before!

    Yep, yep, yep. Think you hit it all on the head.
  • In every legend there are some elements of tradition, that you just can't change! Gun barrell scene is elementary, M (it's ok with Mrs Dench), Q's presence, humor - except courage under fire!And of course a - at least - descent theme song like the ones we used to have, not the rubish that followed QOS!
  • Getafix wrote:
    Daniel Craig infiltrating a base (like GoldenEye 007 Reloaded).

    007 theme played during the film, not after or before

    An awesome title sequence

    Intense fight scenes

    Foot chase through London

    Aston Martin DB5 chase

    Stylish scenes

    A glimse at Bond's flat (maybe Craig entering his flat like Sean Connery did in Dr. No, but not too much of a copy)

    2+ Hours minimum of pure Bond

    Nothing to do with previous films

    Craig to wear something that is modern but also a nod to the Connery era.

    Hilarious, brutal remarks

    Nothing too cliche' as main storyline, perhaps a creepy storyline

    Stunts done with no CGI at all

    A decent Bond girl we care about, like Vesper

    All in all, stylish, packed with drama, stunts and intense action. Come on MGM, give us something we haven't seen before!

    Yep, yep, yep. Think you hit it all on the head.

    Foot chase through London.. check.
    I agree on the rest!
    Besides all that I'd like to see the classic Bond introduction, where he isn't fully revealed untill he says THE line..
  • A nice action theme with the old 007 theme playing in background. Last time that was heard if i remember correctly was in 1979 in Moonraker. Was hoping it would appear somewhere in Die Another Die as part of the 40th Celebration but alas it didnt.
  • edited February 2012 Posts: 2,599
    I stumbled upon this and thought people might be interested. Of course it could be alot of garbage and I wouldn't be surprised at all if it is (hard to believe Sony would reveal a rough cut of their trailer to students) but thought some might be curious to read it none the less.

    "Just seen a very rough cut of the Skyfall Teaser trailer. I can’t remember everything from it, but it’s due to be released late February, that’s what the guy said anyway. About 20 or so were in the screening. They were all University Students, or I assume so anyway. I myself am a media student, and I assumed everyone else was. But anyway. The trailer roughly ran for about 1minute and 45 seconds. From what I saw, Skyfall looks really really really good. A lot better than Quantum of Solace was. I think it’s more on par with Casino Royale. Well that’s the vibe I got from it anyway, which is good in my book. Roger Deakins’ camera work is just phenomenal, there was so many beautiful shots. Too many to count really. Some very nice swooping shots of what I think was Smithfield market and London in general.

    The best thing about the trailer was Bonds big reveal around half way through. When it started, you don’t even realise it’s a Bond movie. If I wasn’t in a screening for it, I really wouldn’t of known. The music was really mysterious, too. From the first 30 seconds it looked like a political thriller / present day war movie.

    The first shot of the trailer, besides the opening logo’s is a really dark shot of a tall office building. I think it was China but I’m not too sure. There was a voice over from Ralph Fiennes (Love that guys voice) talking about the cold war, and it’s repercussions within MI6. This was followed by what I think was a gas attack, people were running and screaming and collapsing. Then the whole friggen set just blew up! Judi Dench appeared. She looked really old and it is revealed that she and Fiennes character are talking. Fiennes says that he’s lost too many agents in the attack (Which I assumed was before), and he needs someone to overlook the case, and find it’s source. M mentions that she has an agent in mind, or something to that degree, but he’s resigned, and they’re unable to track him down. Fiennes says that he has to be found and brought back to duty. The whole conversation with Fiennes and Dench was really heated, and it sounded as if he was blaming her, which brings me to the next part where he mentions that he’s seriously doubting whether she’s fit for duty anymore. That she’s losing her touch. There’s a few dramatic shots afterwards, of a Bond walking through a very colourful building. It looked like a nightclub, very cool. He was wearing a black jacket and gloves. Like the end of Quantum of Solace. We don’t actually see Bond until he gets in a fist fight with what looked like a Sniper. Daniel Craig looks awesome! Very cold eyes, brutal. There was one shot where everyone gasped, because it felt so real and brutal. Bond is overpowered and captured, and the next shot has Bond walking into what I assumed was his apartment. M’s standing there, and she apologises for the force she used to bring him to her. Bond says that he’s pretty much finished with the service. He’s seen loads of disturbing things and he doesn’t want to relive them. He then talks about the attacks, and M says something about her life being in danger, and Bond is the only person she trusts. She then goes on to tell him that the government is starting to collapse, and its being invaded by enemy agents. We see a few shots of Helen McRorys character, walking down a crowded street. Bond mentions that out of respect for her, and for queen and country he’ll return to duty.

    Now this is where it gets good. Massive Bond theme. A new variation, and not the one that was used in the GoldenEye and BloodStone trailers etc. Sounded really exciting. It followed the same lines as the Casino Royale theatrical trailer melody wise, but it was obviously a different mix.

    Couldn’t really get all of the shots because they were so fast (although brilliantly shot) but the ones I remember are Bond overpowering a guy driving a jeep, and nearly crashing the car. Tanner and Bond running down a London street with guns, in the rain. Protecting M. A train being derailed, and the carriage slowly missing Bond. Javier Bardem running through a busy street, Bond jumping over a wall. Lovely shot of Bond getting off a plane, reminded me a lot of Casino Royale. Car chase, a shot of Bond getting thrown against a dirty bathroom mirror, Bond head butting someone. Naomi Harris’shooting in the back of a jeep, in what looked like a desert, A car exploding. Bond on a motorbike, firing a machine gun. Bond jumping off a roof, and landing screaming on the floor. We have a break from the music here, and have Bond and Harris on a rooftop, Bond tells her that he’s totally lost faith, he didn’t say what in, just that he has no faith. This is followed by shots of a horse and carriage and loads of coffins. It goes back to Harris who tells Bond that he needs to continue to fight, for the good of the country. Bond mentions that he always is fighting, even though he has nothing worth living for. The music builds and we enter the climax of the trailer. Loads of shots, but I cant remember them all. Seem to remember Bond on a Jet Ski, Berinice Merhole walking down villa steps, Bond removing glasses, performing a 360 turn in the DB5. M getting thrown around in the DB5, Bond pressing a button in his car and… this leads into the big money shot, blowing up an obstacle and driving through it.. BUT the car kinda goes out of control, and it starts to overturn in mid air. Then the title and release date came up. Had a CGI shot of Bond walking in the rain, in slow motion, in an open necked tuxedo holding a silenced gun."


    Aside for Bond on a jet ski and the DB5 gadget that blows up an obstacle it sounds good but often this is the case until one sees the completed film in the cinema and it turns out to be rubbish.

    Personally, I'm open to watching trailers and looking at photos but I don't like to ruin a film for myself by knowing everything that happens in it.
  • Posts: 5,745
    Bounine wrote:
    I stumbled upon this and thought people might be interested. Of course it could be alot of garbage and I wouldn't be surprised at all if it is (hard to believe Sony would reveal a rough cut of their trailer to students) but thought some might be curious to read it none the less.


    Personally, I'm open to watching trailers and looking at photos but I don't like to ruin a film for myself by knowing everything that happens in it.

    There's already a whole thread on this topic.
  • edited February 2012 Posts: 2,599
    Yeah I thought this might be the case but I looked through the first page and couldn't be bothered looking anymore. It takes too damn long.

    Oh I see, the Skyfall news and spoilers part is a different section to Skyfall itself. I would delete my above post if I could.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    edited February 2012 Posts: 12,501
    I liked Valentin! I wish we could bring him back; maybe he was not really dead? Or perhaps that would not fit because of the timeline (CR being the beginning of Bond's 007 career). A younger Valentin?? I just enjoyed him.
  • I would like to see Bond as more of the sinister and mysteries type. Not as Roger Moore portrayed him, like a clown. The story lines need to be more convincing and with more depth. The villains need to look cruel and nasty with evil intent, like Red Grant and Sanchas. The Bond girl should be either an equal to Bond or some woman that has gotten herself into trouble. Bring back Miss Moneypenny and Q, but not the silly gadgets - No invisible car. Bring James Bond back to near reality and forget the slapstick from the Roger Moore era. Action sequences should be edited properly and be hard, no silly stunts like we saw in Octopusy on the train and plane. I have thought that the music should have incorporated the '007' theme which I have always liked. The title song should be the icon of the film like 'Goldfinger', 'You Only Live Twice' and 'Live and Let Die'. What have we had for the past decade? Casino Royale's song was good. I could go on.....
  • Posts: 11,425
    I'd like to see a good PTS that is a stand alone story like in GF.
  • Posts: 5,745
    Getafix wrote:
    I'd like to see a good PTS that is a stand alone story like in GF.

    In MI6's latest story on filming, they said that, well it was in a spoiler tag, so
    they said that the scene where M gets out and talks to the officer on the bridge and the explosion happens is the first few scenes of the film. That may mean PTS, or the first few scenes AFTER the PTS, which some may consider the start of the 'film'.

    Take it as you want. But yes, a PTS with no connection would be a nice comeback.
  • Posts: 11,425
    Is is a shame when they use the PTS as an intro to the main story.
  • Posts: 4
    How about some cameo roles for past Bond's! It certaintly would be nice to show respect to those past actors.
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    Posts: 13,369
    The above scene won't be the introduction to the film. This will all happen around scene 27 - 34. As we know, the PTS looks to be set in Turkey.
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