"Star Trek: Discovery" (CBS All Access/Netflix, 2017)



  • edited June 2017 Posts: 6,432
  • zebrafishzebrafish <°)))< in Octopussy's garden in the shade
    Posts: 4,398
    I can't help myself, but the Voyager theme is still one that comes close to the TOS theme. Overall, however, the orchestral arrangement for the themes in above Star Trek Mega Suite is very - how shall I say it - schmaltzy, heavily carpeted with strings and lacking punch and clearness over long stretches. I couldn't bring myself to not fast forward after the first three themes.
  • Posts: 11,119
    I think you like these ones better then ;-):

    "Star Trek: The Original Series" - Season 2 Theme/Titles:

    "Star Trek: The Animated Series" - Season 1 Theme/Titles:

    "Star Trek: The Next Generation" - Season 5 Theme/Titles:

    "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine" - Season 4-5 Theme/Titles:

    "Star Trek: Voyager" - Season 1-7 Theme/Titles:

    "Star Trek: Enterprise" - Season 3-4 Theme/Titles:

    "Star Trek: Discovery" - Season 1 Theme/Titles:
  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,382
    We'll have an idea on what the music will be like because the person who did the music for the original Discovery teaser is the main composer of the show. If the info I saw on Trek BBS is accurate.
  • Posts: 11,119
    Murdock wrote: »
    We'll have an idea on what the music will be like because the person who did the music for the original Discovery teaser is the main composer of the show. If the info I saw on Trek BBS is accurate.

    I'm pretty sure that hasn't been confirmed @Murdock. Even on IMDB no music teams are mentioned.
  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,382
    It was a rumor, I haven't seen anything on Trek BBS for a while.
  • Posts: 11,119
    Murdock wrote: »
    It was a rumor, I haven't seen anything on Trek BBS for a while.

    Nothing more than a rumour. Nothing has been decided yet music-wise. Although my gut feeling tells me that CBS wants to kick-off "Discovery" properly with a rousing and memorable theme. So I do expect something like "The Next Generation"-theme or the "Voyager"-theme.
  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,382
    I'm hoping for something a little more jaunty and upbeat like the Original Series theme.
  • Posts: 11,119
    Murdock wrote: »
    I'm hoping for something a little more jaunty and upbeat like the Original Series theme.

    But I think the Voyager, DS9 theme both are very uplifting. And to me a bit less cheesy than the Alexander Courage theme. Never really liked it. I am longing for Jerry Goldsmith's theme.
  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,382
    Murdock wrote: »
    I'm hoping for something a little more jaunty and upbeat like the Original Series theme.

    But I think the Voyager, DS9 theme both are very uplifting. And to me a bit less cheesy than the Alexander Courage theme. Never really liked it. I am longing for Jerry Goldsmith's theme.

    They are great in their own right but we need to have something fresh. The original series theme is anything but cheesy. Considering the theme song is what sparked my curiosity for Star Trek in the first place.
  • Posts: 11,119
    Murdock wrote: »
    Murdock wrote: »
    I'm hoping for something a little more jaunty and upbeat like the Original Series theme.

    But I think the Voyager, DS9 theme both are very uplifting. And to me a bit less cheesy than the Alexander Courage theme. Never really liked it. I am longing for Jerry Goldsmith's theme.

    They are great in their own right but we need to have something fresh. The original series theme is anything but cheesy. Considering the theme song is what sparked my curiosity for Star Trek in the first place.

    Well, I disagree. I actually think time caught up with that theme (Alexander Courage). It sounds like a 1960's soap/LoveBoat theme. Jerry Goldsmith (and to a lesser extend Dennis McCarthy) managed to make the Star Trek music much bigger, more cinematic, and especially more memorable. He's really the 'John Barry' of Star Trek really.

    What I hope for, is that "Discovery" at least gets a very orchestrated, big, cinematic theme score. I mean, "Enterprise" infused something really fresh by adding Russel Watson's song. That was a huge mistake. I really hope "Discovery" brings something that can compare itself more easily with Jerry Goldsmith's work.
  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,382
    We'll have to agree to disagree then. I really enjoy the original series theme. It's what hooked me to watch the show and become a fan in the first place. I do agree about Goldsmith though. He put his stamp on the series. I'd rank James Horner a close second as I loved his contributions to the series. I hope Discovery gets a nice orchestral score. Similar to the style Michael Giacchino brought to the modern films. Hopefully no more country or lyrical music like the abysmal Enterprise song. That didn't help me like that series at all.
  • edited June 2017 Posts: 4,717
    Happy to be corrected but, doing the maths, Horner was 29 when he wrote this (or younger), just stunning IMHO and like all great movies, I can remember the experience for the very first time
    "Spock dead in the first 5 mins what! no!"

    Horner....what a talent,

    I digress
  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,382
    One of my favorite Horner tracks is the destruction of Genesis.
  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,382
    What TMP would have looked like if they kept the TOS colors for the uniforms.
  • Posts: 11,119
    Sorry, I don't like these colors too much. One has to understand that TOS was produced in the colorful 1960's. It was the age of flower power. As of 2017 space exploration has changed significantly. Fashion is still colorful, but would an astronaut on ISS really wear such impractical shiny pullovers instead of Enterprise-esque practical overalls. "Star Trek" needs to reflect the actual time we live in.

    By the way, I am re-watching "Star Trek: Enterprise" now. Just finished the first three episodes of season 1.
  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,382
    In universe I think TMP should have followed what came in TOS. It's a bit too jarring to go from colorful primary colorful uniforms to generic grey over a span of two years. And to answer your question, I don't know what astronauts of the 23rd century will wear. I don't have a time machine. Maybe they will, maybe they won't. It doesn't really matter what I think anyway. I find them appealing. As a fan of TOS I was just bridging the gap between TOS and TMP. I'm not a fan of the Enterprise series sadly. It just didn't do it for me. I'm an Original Series/Deep Space Nine guy.
  • edited June 2017 Posts: 11,119
    These are my favorite uniforms:
  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,382
    The new Beyond uniforms are my favorite. They look comfy.
  • QsAssistantQsAssistant All those moments lost in time... like tears in rain
    Posts: 1,812
    I agree that TMP uniforms are not very appealing. They're quite dull and not very imaginative. As for them not working for times I disagree. They work in the new movies just fine.
  • BondJasonBond006BondJasonBond006 on fb and ajb
    Posts: 9,020
    The Beyond uniforms are fantastic. And I will get some of them.
    I own the Star Trek 2009 uniforms.

    I always liked the look of all the uniforms. But it's true they should have kept the TOS colours for the first movie.

    One of the very strength of TOS is the colours. The lighting is fantastic in the episodes.
    Every series had its look so far.
    I love the uniforms in Star Trek Enterprise. I started re-watching the show last year and I'm stuck in season three.
    It's a fantastic show that just was coming at the wrong time when Star Trek was too much everywhere. They should have waited a couple of years.
    Luckily there are still four seasons and in a way it's a nice closure as TOS and ENT have seven season total. In a way that's fitting and I like it.

    We will see if the magic of Star Trek can be upheld in the new show. Sure looks promising but I'll wait until I have seen at least the pilot episode.

    Casting Star Trek shows and films has always been the strength in that franchise. Always. And it looks like at least that will be a certainty too with the new show.

    Michelle Yeoh and Jason Isaacs as new Captains. Well, that's at least as exciting as Scott Bakula was.
  • edited June 2017 Posts: 11,119
    These are my favorite uniforms:

    Sorry, the image did not seem to work. Again, I think the colors of the Beyond uniforms give the Trek films too much an Austin Powers look hehe. Sorry. But these are my favourites. The ones with grey upper parts (2376 and ongoing):


    Why do I like them? They are designed with a certain seriousness. In those days the Federation was in serious trouble, due to wars with the Dominion, the Cardassians and the Borg. Because of the toned down colors, and absence of velours fabrics, they also show off respect and prestige. These jumpsuits could easily be worn in today's society, and are therefore much more a product of the late 1990's and 2000's.

    And for that same reason, I am also very much in love with the "Discovery" uniforms (2243-2252). They are, like the late 2376 uniforms, elegant, comfortobale, serious and show off a certain respect and prestige due to the absence of too much colors:


    --> I think it's safe to say that "GOLD" represents moustard yellow from the TOS-era, thus representing the "COMMAND/OPERATIONS"-structure.
    --> The blue-ish "SILVER" on the uniforms must represent the light blue from the TOS-era, thus representing the "SCIENCE/MEDICAL"-structure.
    --> The "BRONZE" is most definately representing the red from the TOS-era, thus representing the "SECURITY/ENGINEERING" departments

    And a little trivia for you guys. To what year (period) do these uniforms belong ;-):

    Here's perhaps an answer to your questions:
  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,382
    I've never really liked the First Contact/Insurrection/Nemesis uniforms. I think they didn't really look good on the actors. A bit too big for them. They looked like jogging suits to me. Though I do like the Deep Space Nine/Voyager uniforms from that period. It retains the same design but keeps the colors and better fitted the actors.


    I don't really see what the problem is with colored uniforms. Real NASA astronauts wear brightly colored uniforms from Blue jumpsuits to orange space suits. Then again in terms of Star Trek. At least where the 23rd and 24th centuries are concerned, They moved past that. Technology got to a point where jumpsuits weren't really necessary anymore. The crews in those time periods didn't seem like astronauts. More like officers in a Space Navy whose focus was space exploration. While the uniforms of the Original Series might look dated or silly to some, The Original Series is what I discovered first and I like those uniforms just fine. ;)
  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,382
    The series has a launch date of September 24th!
  • edited June 2017 Posts: 11,119
    Murdock wrote: »

    fff-ing hell :-O!! I expected it to be late October. So it will be Sunday September 24th already!! Fan-bloody-TASTIC. I already made this 15-week calendar. Plus, there are new teaser posters with a more detailed view of the USS Discovery:

    --> SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 24th (MONDAY SEPTEMBER 25th Netflix): Series Opener (Episode 1.01- S01E01 & Episode 1.02 - S01E02), 120 min's pilot/two-parter
    --> SUNDAY, OCTOBER 01st (MONDAY OCTOBER 2nd Netflix): Episode 1.03 (S01E03)
    --> SUNDAY, OCTOBER 08th (MONDAY OCTOBER 09th Netflix): Episode 1.04 (S01E04)
    --> SUNDAY, OCTOBER 15th (MONDAY OCTOBER 16th Netflix): Episode 1.05 (S01E05)
    --> SUNDAY, OCTOBER 22nd (MONDAY OCTOBER 23rd Netflix): Episode 1.06 (S01E06)
    --> SUNDAY, OCTOBER 29th (MONDAY OCTOBER 30th Netflix): Episode 1.07 (S01E07)
    --> SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 05th (MONDAY NOVEMBER 06th Netflix): Episode 1.08 (S01E08)


    SEASON 1, CHAPTER 2 (2018 dates to be further confirmed, but below schedule is the most realistic one):
    --> SUNDAY, JANUARY 07th (MONDAY JANUARY 08th Netflix): Episode 1.09 (S01E09)
    --> SUNDAY, JANUARY 14th (MONDAY JANUARY 15th Netflix): Episode 1.10 (S01E10)
    --> SUNDAY, JANUARY 21th (MONDAY JANUARY 22nd Netflix): Episode 1.11 (S01E11)
    --> SUNDAY, JANUARY 28th (MONDAY JANUARY 29th Netflix): Episode 1.12 (S01E12)
    --> SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 04th (MONDAY FEBRUARY 05th Netflix): Episode 1.13 (S01E13)
    --> SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 11th (MONDAY FEBRUARY 12th Netflix): Episode 1.14 (S01E14)
    --> SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 18th (MONDAY FEBRUARY 19th Netflix): Season Finale (Episode 1.15 - S01E15), 55 min's?


    Sunday broadcasts are on:
    --> CBS Television (USA, public television-cable): Series Opener / Two-Parter Pilot
    --> CTV Television (Canada, public television-cable): Series Opener / Two-Parter Pilot
    --> CBS All Access (USA, streaming service): All remaining 14 episodes of season 1. You can try it for free for one week after you have seen it on CBS Television!
    --> SPACE (Canada-English, commercial television-cable): All remaining 14 episodes of season 1
    --> Z TV (Canada-French, commercial television-cable): All remaining 14 episodes of season 1

    Monday broadcasts are on:
    --> Netflix (all other regions, streaming service): Entire 1st season
    --> Crave TV (Canada, streaming service): Entire 1st season
  • talos7talos7 New Orleans
    edited June 2017 Posts: 8,449
    I can't wait; there are a lot of reasons to be optimistic and excited about this project.......But I still can't stand the ship's design :P

  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,382
    I'm okay with the design but I can't tell if it's just the poster image but it looks far too detailed for a Federation ship. It should be smooth like the Enterprise as seen in The Cage which was set in the same time as Discovery will be.
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