007 Property Of A Lady (A Bond story starring George Lazenby, OHMSS sequel, DAF prequel.)

edited June 2012 in Fan Creations Posts: 12,837
ok, i didnt like the way DAF forgot about OHMSS. bond started of looking for revenge against blofeld, then supposedly killed him and just forgot about him and carried on as normal. so i decided to write a story that fills the gap, in the style of my previous 007 stories. it also contains elements of the YOLT novel. enjoy.

Bond is sobbing, holding Tracie's body as a police officer looks on. The officer starts to call for help but Bond notices tyre tracks on the road. In anger, he jumps into his car and speeds of, taking every short cut possible as he followed the tracks. Blofeld and irma brunt are drving off confident that they are safe, when 007s aston martin crashes down a small hill and onto the road behind them. A car chase begins with bunt firing a machine gun at Bond, But bond, angry and fuelled by a desire for revenge, speeds up and rams the car. After a lengthy chase, Bond pulls up close and attempts to ram the car of a cliff. But blofeld veers out of the way and instead bonds aston crashes to the floor below, with Bond bleeding and seemingly lifeless as the baddies speed of into the distance.

Bond walks past moneypenny, who solmenly says "sorry for your loss James". Bond says "thank you moneypenny" and walks straight into Ms office, none of the usual flirting. M tells Bond that he understands its obviously a difficult time for him but he needs to be more careful. M says that Bond is lucky to be alive after that car crash, but he understands its a difficult time and says that bond can have a month or 2 off. Bond says that he doesn't want to rest until he finds and kills Blofeld, M tells Bond that they have no leads and that Bond should at least have a few days of to organise a funeral, Bond reluctantly agrees and leaves without saying a word, walking straight past a concerned moneypenny.

007 went straight home to his flat, he wanted to be alone and his housekeeper wasn't here today. He started drinking, alot. Pouring himself vodka martini after vodka martini until he fell asleep. Hours later bond wakes up with a small hangover, hearing the sound of an intruder. He keeps his eyes just a tiny bit open and notices a shadowy figure moving towards him, the figure draws a knife and bond leaps up and attacks. Bond punches him about 5 times then slams him against the wall and tries to strangle him. The would be assasin throws bond of and draws a gun, but bond grabs his arm, they wrestle for the gun and it flies across the room. Bond eventually kills the man by drowning him in his bathroom toilet. He calmly picks up his phone and dials "universal exports, bond here, I'd like to speak to my uncle Borris". This was a code, and the call was passed through moneypenny to M "007 what is it" asked M. "This poor fellow seems to have drowned in my toilet" bond said calmly "send somebody over to clean him up will you" then hangs up.

Bond is speaking to Q at MI6 HQ. "Now 007, this man, what did he look like" Q asked. Bond describes the man and Q sends the description to Interpol. They then fax back a picture. The man turns out to be a low level assasin called jack rodgers, who was last under the employment of Hector El Scorpio, a man who was spectre number 9 until the organisation disbanded. A dangerous criminal, Scorpio is well known for smuggling drugs and weapons all over the world. Bond is sent to Mexico where he is to investigate Scorpio. Q gives him a new aston martin DB5 with a turbo booster and oil slick, as well as a watch with a lazer in it.

007 arrives in Mexico City. He travels to a private party at Scorpios private casino, where he breaks in and pretends to be a guest. 007 sneaks around and hears Scorpio having a telephone conversation with Blofeld. He then sits down to play poker. Scorpio knows who he is and sits down to join the game. As they play, Bond seems miserable as he has done since Tracy died. Scorpio starts making conversation but Bond barely answers, concentrating on his hand. Then Scorpio asks Bond is he is married, Bond flinches. Scorpio then started talking about how sad he would be if his wife was to die, he asks ond if his wife has died recently. Bond says nothing, but Scorpio says "I know who you are Mr Bond" and Bond is grabbed by henchmen and thrown into a private room away from the guests. Scorpio follows him in and starts to quesion him, asking exactly how Bond survived his assasination attempt and how they traced it to him, how much MI6 knows, etc. Bond says how about he asks a question, why is Scorpio working with Blofeld and is Spectre reforming. Scorpio spits on Bond and tells him that he's an idiot for interfering with his work. Scorpio sees Bonds wedding ring and says that it would fetch a high price. He goes to remove it but Bond punches him then the henchmen angrily. He starts beating scorpio until the rich criminal was on the floor, covered in blood and barely breathing. Bond quickly searches Scorpio, eventually grabbing a notepad with dates and locations before firing a single bullet between Scorpios beaten black eyes. Just then, more henchmen burst in. Bond grabs his PPK and starts shooting, after a gunfight he makes it outside and speeds of in his Aston Martin.

Cut to a graveyard, where Bond is at Tracys funeral. Her dad, the mafia boss, is there, and Bond promises to him that he will not rest until Tracys killers have been bought to justice. M arrives and Bond hands him the notebook he got from Mexico, saying that he hopes this will lead them to Blofeld. After the service is finished Bond stays behind. Soon he leaves, but everybody else has already headed to the wake. 007 walks towards his car but 3 men all point guns at him and tell him not to move. They tell him to get into a coffin which has been left in an open grave. Bond starts to get in then pulls one of the men in, steals his gun and shoots the other 2. He bundles them all in and knocks a pile of dirt in with his car before speeding of, but 2 other cars chase him. Bond uses his oil slick to send one car of the road, then uses his turbo booster to fly across a small river, the other car tries to follow but falls in. Bond then drives to the wake, continuing as normal. While there he tells M about the men at the graveyard and the car chase.

Bond is told by M, bill tanner and Q that they think Blofeld is plotting to reform Spectre, and at the same time, kill 007. Bond is to travel to Germany to stop him. He will meet Felix Lieter there. Bond meets Felix, who tells him sorry about Tracy, Bond says thanks and is still miserable. Felix tells Bond that they have tracked another old Spectre operative, Luigi Dinero, to a hotel near Berlin. Bond must find and question him. Bond heads to the hotel and picks the lock to Dineros room, then he sits on a chair and waits until Dinero returns. The Italian walks in and Bond draws his gun, and starts to question Dinero, who tries to kill him, but after a fight Bond wins and Dinero reveals to Bond that Blofeld is reforming Spectre and is having the first new meeting at a castle in the german countryside Dinero gives him amap showing where, Bond then kills Dinero. Despite Felix's warning and protests over the phone from M, Q and moneypenny, Bond heads to the castle alone to kill Blofeld and the other Spectre agents.

Bond assaults the castle head on, taking out guards and planting explosives. He snapped one guards neck and planted a charge, then silently opened a door and rolled a smoke grenade in, stunning the guards inside and aloowing him to sneak up and take them out with his fists. Then he burst into the meeting room. He introduces himself as Bond, James Bond and sprays bullets everywhere, killing them one by one.. Some spectre members flee though. Bond runs after Blofeld, who ran of, but in the corridors of the castle he has to fight more and more Spectre operatives. Soon he comes to Irma Bunt, who he kills without remorse, he then heads after Blofeld into the courtyards. Bond hesitates as he is about to kill Blofeld, thinking it won't bring Tracy back, but decides to anyway because of the horrible things Blofeld has done. But while Bond was distracted Blofeld ran through two large doors, which are now locked. Bond tries to open them and they swing open from the inside, knocking bond over, and Blofeld flies of in a small, old plane, using the very big courtyard as a runway, laughing at Bond. Bond escapes the castle as it is destroyed behind him.

007 is standing looking at the buring castle wreckage, felix lieter and several goverment troops arrive. Felix asks if Bond got what he came for and Bond says despite the fact that Blofeld escaped, he did. Felix tells Bond that they have a lead to where Blofeld might be heading in Japan, Bond says he'll check it out. Felix leaves, Bond goes to follow him but before he does, he drops his wedding ring onto the wreckage. He silently says that he will never forget you (referring to tracy), and walks of.



  • feedback please
  • still waitin for feedback *secret bump*
  • Posts: 1,856
    LOVE IT!!!!!!

    This is what I would think they should of done.
  • LOVE IT!!!!!!

    This is what I would think they should of done.
  • edited April 2012 Posts: 12,837
    Thanks. Out of all the stories I've done on here this is my 2nd fave.
  • ab love this idea. I've always felt that George Lazenby deserved at least one more Bond movie following his great debut in OHMSS. Infact I would love to do a graphic novel or online comic book of this bringing a second GL 007 instalment. what do you think livingroyale? i shall post some sketches at a later date. I am a aspiring comic book writer and artist and as a big Bond fan i would love to do a bond project. It obviously would be free to all with no profit. Hope EON would grant permission to do this
  • Posts: 4,762
    That was awesome! Excellent work @thelivingroyale! I really do wish that you had been a director back in 1969 so you could have put this together!
  • AgentJamesBond007AgentJamesBond007 Vesper’s grave
    Posts: 2,637
    Great work! Maybe do an animated film to accomidate this.
  • edited February 2012 Posts: 401
    Please don't reference Rihanna.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    Dr_Metz wrote:
    Please don't reference Rihanna.

    It's his story Big Brother.
  • Dr_Metz wrote:
    Please don't reference Rihanna.

    I was struggling for song ideas, sorry :)
  • edited February 2012 Posts: 401
    Dr_Metz wrote:
    Please don't reference Rihanna.

    It's his story Big Brother.
    Why don't you just go all out with the immaturity and call me Hitler?
    Dr_Metz wrote:
    Please don't reference Rihanna.

    I was struggling for song ideas, sorry :)
    It's fine. It just seemed weird to use a song like that for a Bond story. That, and I don't like her music.
  • edited February 2012 Posts: 5,745
    Dr_Metz wrote:
    Dr_Metz wrote:
    Please don't reference Rihanna.

    It's his story Big Brother.
    Why don't you just go all out with the immaturity and call me Hitler?

    'Immaturity' and 'joke' don't mean the same thing. Grow up.
  • Posts: 401
    JWESTBROOK wrote:
    'Immaturity' and 'joke' don't mean the same thing. Grow up.
    A joke has to be funny.

  • edited February 2012 Posts: 5,745
    Dr_Metz wrote:
    JWESTBROOK wrote:
    'Immaturity' and 'joke' don't mean the same thing. Grow up.
    A joke has to be funny.

    Not to everybody. I found it funny.

    Cant tell you a joke everybody would find funny. Unless it was antisemitic. ZING. jk everybody.
  • edited February 2012 Posts: 401
    EDIT: "Copyright Violation". Never mind.
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    Posts: 13,369
    Copyright alert!

    (Someone should one day make an image with 'Copyright Alert!' on. That way it may make warning others just a bit more fun.)
  • edited February 2012 Posts: 401
    Samuel001 wrote:
    Copyright alert!

    (Someone should one day make an image with 'Copyright Alert!' on. That way it may make warning others just a bit more fun.)
    Fine. Because, you know, MGM/UA is just going to go mad over images of one of the least popular Bond films on a Bond forum. You don't need to be smug about pointing it out either. I like how we can also post non-Bond images on here, yet those have copyright as well.

  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    edited February 2012 Posts: 13,369
    Dr_Metz wrote:
    Samuel001 wrote:
    Copyright alert!

    (Someone should one day make an image with 'Copyright Alert!' on. That way it may make warning others just a bit more fun.)
    Fine. Because, you know, MGM/UA is just going to go mad over images of one of the least popular Bond films on a Bond forum. You don't need to be smug about pointing it out either. I like how we can also post non-Bond images on here, yet those have copyright as well.

    It was meant in jest, as a joke. Take it easy, I was just trying to have a bit of fun. Everyone posts something along those lines, when another posts a Bond photo. Sorry for offending you and hey, I don't make the rules. If it were up to me of course Bond pictures would be allowed.
  • Let me get this straight, any actual Bond movie releases used for Avatars is not allowed, say for instance, I could have Daniel Craig having his genitals brutalized, shrink it to fit, put it out, and be in violation of copyright ?

    I've seen lots of Bond related things and pictures on here over the months that all seem fine and dandy, you never know what's appropriate sometimes, either people don't abide by the rules or they change them or they don't even exist perhaps. Hard to keep up sometimes
  • edited February 2012 Posts: 401
    Samuel001 wrote:
    It was meant in jest, as a joke. Take it easy, I was just trying to have a bit of fun.
    I'm sorry, I'm just a little annoyed by this. I was contemplating before posting that if it would be "against the rules" to post it, and it was, it seems.
    Let me get this straight, any actual Bond movie releases used for Avatars is not allowed, say for instance, I could have Daniel Craig having his genitals brutalized, shrink it to fit, put it out, and be in violation of copyright ?

    I've seen lots of Bond related things and pictures on here over the months that all seem fine and dandy, you never know what's appropriate sometimes, either people don't abide by the rules or they change them or they don't even exist perhaps. Hard to keep up sometimes
    What I don't get is how my image is less of a copyright violation than the gunbarrel sequence in the first post in this thread. That's actual footage of the film. I don't get how that's less of a violation.

  • Posts: 5,745
    Samuel001 wrote:
    Copyright alert!

    (Someone should one day make an image with 'Copyright Alert!' on. That way it may make warning others just a bit more fun.)

  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    edited February 2012 Posts: 28,694
    Dr_Metz said:  Why don't you just go all out with the immaturity and call me Hitler?

    Because you lack the stache.
  • I can't even work out who your avatar is supposed to resemble Mr Metz

    Maybe it's late and all but there you are, actually at second glance it could be Connery, but maybe you could elaborate etc
  • Posts: 5,745
    I can't even work out who your avatar is supposed to resemble Mr Metz

    Maybe it's late and all but there you are, actually at second glance it could be Connery, but maybe you could elaborate etc

    Isn't it MGW? Haha
  • Posts: 401
    Maybe it's late and all but there you are, actually at second glance it could be Connery, but maybe you could elaborate etc
    It's Sean Connery holding a book over his head. I liked it.

  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    I can't even work out who your avatar is supposed to resemble Mr Metz

    Maybe it's late and all but there you are, actually at second glance it could be Connery, but maybe you could elaborate etc

    Click on his profile. It's Sean holding his book Being a Scot over his head.

    EDIT: Redundant.
  • edited February 2012 Posts: 401
    EDIT: Redundant.
    I didn't know it was his book, your post wasn't for nothing.

  • Posts: 5,745
    This has really gone down hill.
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