QBranch's Workshop (fan art)

QBranchQBranch Always have an escape plan. Mine is watching James Bond films.
edited June 2014 in Fan Creations Posts: 14,918
To celebrate my 1,007th post here on MI6, I thought I'd start my very first fan art thread.

Besides making fan art posters, I like to spend my downtime creating 3D models and animations. I've been making stuff for about three years now, and there's still so much to learn.

One of my long term goals is to make a feature length (minimum one and a half hours) realistic 3D Bond animation. It's going to take a long time, and I understand I need a decent script before story boarding, animating etc., so while I ponder over that, there are other things I can be doing such as making props one might expect to see in a Bond film. Specifically, I've started making a lot of props for Q's lab- such as weapons, gadgets, and some other goodies from previous Bond films and games. A lot of them will just be used as background props and subtle homages. Below are some examples of what I've done over the last year or so.

plastique (GoldenEye 64)
http://i1041.photobucket.com/albums/b420/AndruG/007/007 3D Modelling Renders/PLASTIQUE.png
http://i1041.photobucket.com/albums/b420/AndruG/007/007 3D Modelling Renders/GRENADE.png
http://i1041.photobucket.com/albums/b420/AndruG/007/007 3D Modelling Renders/REBREATHER.png
mission dossier
http://i1041.photobucket.com/albums/b420/AndruG/007/007 3D Modelling Renders/MISSIONDOSSIER.png
mobile phone (GoldenEye Wii)
http://i1041.photobucket.com/albums/b420/AndruG/007/007 3D Modelling Renders/MOBILEPHONE.png
golden gun
http://i1041.photobucket.com/albums/b420/AndruG/007/007 3D Modelling Renders/GOLDENGUN1.png
http://i1041.photobucket.com/albums/b420/AndruG/007/007 3D Modelling Renders/GOLDENGUN2.png
http://i1041.photobucket.com/albums/b420/AndruG/007/007 3D Modelling Renders/GOLDENGUNBULLET.png

Here's some examples of weapons with actual photo references applied to the texture for extra
simple Uzi
http://i1041.photobucket.com/albums/b420/AndruG/007/007 3D Modelling Renders/UZI.png
simple AK-47
http://i1041.photobucket.com/albums/b420/AndruG/007/007 3D Modelling Renders/AK47.png
simple M16
http://i1041.photobucket.com/albums/b420/AndruG/007/007 3D Modelling Renders/M-16.png
http://i1041.photobucket.com/albums/b420/AndruG/007/007 3D Modelling Renders/3GUNS.png
test character with AK
http://i1041.photobucket.com/albums/b420/AndruG/007/007 3D Modelling Renders/AK47HELD.png

generic wooden crates
http://i1041.photobucket.com/albums/b420/AndruG/007/007 3D Modelling Renders/CRATES.png
http://i1041.photobucket.com/albums/b420/AndruG/007/007 3D Modelling Renders/CRATEAMMODUMP.png

Much more to come.

Are there any other 3D modellers or 2D/3D animators here on MI6?


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