James Bond Car Collection

edited March 2011 in Merchandise Posts: 18
I personally felt that the James Bond Car Collections was one of the best threads on the previous boards, with approximately 200 pages of high quality discussion, news and customisations of the 2006-present GE Fabbri James Bond Car Collection.

This French website is a good alternative source for news and discussion:


I sincerely hope that, on the new forums, this thread can be continued in the same vein as on KTBEU.



  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    edited March 2011 Posts: 13,369
    Here's to a new beginning then. Indeed it was a fantastic thread but what's to be is to be.

    I should be receiving issues 100 and 101 this week after goodness knows how long...
  • Posts: 1
    I hate everything about this new look! Very boring when it was a place i looked at everyday! Me to loved the JB car collection page and i can´t belive we have to start a new one! I even had to change my nick!!
  • Posts: 26
    Is anyone getting alot of grief from the customer service team at fabbri?
    I have been told that the issues 102 103 were sent out last week but will take up to 21 days for delivery, are they walking it to my door ??? It would be good to hear from anyone who is getting treated like this as well. I can not ask for a check on it untill 21 days have passed
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    edited March 2011 Posts: 24,515
    Does anyone know which issue will be the last one? I'm presently at 79. I don't mind completing the collection but I'd hate to see this thing go up well beyond 120 or something. Need the place to store them.
  • As I understand it, the collection will continue up to number 110.

    I can't, however, help but feel that if the collection concludes within 3-6 months of Bond 23 they will expand it further to include the new film.
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    edited March 2011 Posts: 13,369
    @TrumanLodge The collection is set to end in October of this year I believe. So no worry of that.

    @DarthDimi Yes, it has been confirmed issue 110 is the final one.

    @largo Well, I'm still awaiting issues 100 and 101, which will be with Fabbri this week according to them due to a massive delay. My payment for 102 and 103 has already been taken, so I'd assume they'll be on their way very shortly after.

    I take it you (like I) are in the UK?
  • Posts: 26
    Yes on the isle of wight or alcatraz to those who live here !!
    I have enjoyed getting the cars but feel they could of done some vehicles they missed
    I wish they put all cars in the same size display box as it messes up your collection if you display them.
    Maybe they might one day do to Bond what one company did with lord of the rings magazine.
    God help our bank balance if that ever happened !
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 24,515
    Quoting TrumanLodge: As I understand it, the collection will continue up to number 110.
    Thanks for the information. I'm running out of storage space so I need to start thinking about how I'm going to fix that Bond car exposition I've always dreamed of. ;;)
  • MartinBondMartinBond Trying not to muck it up again
    edited March 2011 Posts: 869
    I'm very sad to see the old forums gone, but Let bygones be begones eh? ;)

    Anyway, here we go: Just got No's 78 and 79 today, the Merc 220 and RR Sport. Rover isn't to bad, with the correct wheels this time. I quite like the Benz, I just have a feeling the back end should have been a tád longer...

    [EDIT] Just got an email from my contact, saying that he managed to get hold of a Silcer Cloud and Bondola for me :D
  • MartinBondMartinBond Trying not to muck it up again
    edited March 2011 Posts: 869
    And while we're here, why not share the first pictures of No. 58-minus-a-door-but-plus-a truck-in-the-background issue number one hundred and ten.



  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    Posts: 13,369
    Nice car. As they're all been revealved now I have no reason as to why the issues will take so long to arrive.
  • edited March 2011 Posts: 825
    Quoting TrumanLodge: TrumanLodge March 15 Permalink Flag
    Does it mean all the other James Bond cars from Corgi & Minichamps Truman Lodge? I myself got well almost all of them.
  • Posts: 6,079
    Today, thanks to Chris Clarke, I've received three other cars for my collection: the LaSalle Hearse (some of you may remember that I have asked for this model since the beginning of the collection, and now it's in my display case), the Anglia (too bad about the movie name mishap), and the Range Rover from OP. All good cars, and fine additons to my collection.

    Too bad it stops at 110. There are cars I wanted to see included, and that will now never be (especially for LTK? woefully underrepresented).
  • Posts: 36
    102 and 103 received. The Bondola looks great, but all of the models from this point onwards look like they are suffering the CR and QoS curse, with no figures included. 104 looks very uninspired, which is the Zil from CR. I suppose we have to take the good with the bad, but it'll be worth it for the doorless DBS at the end.
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    Posts: 13,369
    Finally got 100 and 101 on Wednesday 23rd! Hopefully 102 and 103 are shortly on their way as well. With these delays this collection may not finish this year - shameful.
  • edited April 2011 Posts: 825
    Quoting Samuel001: these delays this collection may not finish this year - shameful.
    Well there a not much more to go. But it be most likely up to 120. I just gussing. The Website is www.Jamesbondcars.co.uk
  • Posts: 36
    They have confirmed it will stop at 110. Any more, and I'll probably complain. As much as I like this collection, they must decide at a point to stop and leave it there.
  • I really wish i'd collected all of these, but i never can find where they sell them i've only got issues: 65/66/67 and 69, i had to go all the way to london, just to get them, i can't find anywhere here that sells them :'(
  • Posts: 6,079
    Personally, I would have seen it going to 120, because there are important cars (or rather, cars I deem important, YMMV) that are missing: Kerim Bey's Rolls, Yip and Locque's Mercedes(s), Nekros's milk float. So I'm a bit disappointed that it doesn't go further. But on the other hand, it may be better this way, given the lack of available space in my flat, and the price it cost me to do that collection (almost 1800 €).
  • MartinBondMartinBond Trying not to muck it up again
    Posts: 869
    I take it that it's allready known, but the next No. is confirmed the Ford Galaxie Country Squire, in custom "mustang - poppy Red" from Goldfinger.
  • I have loved this collection - had to take the rough, (too many incidental Fords and Range Rovers in my opinion), with the smooth (the wonderful hearses and rarities like the Citroen from FRWL) - but like so many others here I just want it to end!
    With only 7 issues left, why is it likely to extend into 2012 if 2 are due every 8 weeks?
  • GoldenGunGoldenGun Per ora e per il momento che verrà
    Posts: 7,367
    I'm running out of money and out of place, so please put an end to it :).
  • you know what - I'm kicking myself. I bought the first car and forgot about it. I'm so envious of you guys who kept up. Any ideas where I can buy a complete collection?
  • Posts: 6,079
    Received issue 104 and 105 yesterday. I don't quite see the interest of the ZIL, but the Country Squire is a nice vehicle, even if, for this movie, I would have preferred the Koreans' Mercedes.
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    Posts: 13,369
    Still waiting (in the UK) for issues 102 and 103...
  • edited May 2011 Posts: 825
    Just to give tip look at the IMCDB (International Movie Car Database). Linked to IMDB we all as (International Movie Data base). Which also has pages on James Bond cars.

  • ChevronChevron Northern Ireland
    Posts: 371
    Received issue 104 and 105 yesterday. I don't quite see the interest of the ZIL, but the Country Squire is a nice vehicle, even if, for this movie, I would have preferred the Koreans' Mercedes.
    I'm still waiting on those issues. What is advertised as 106?
  • ChevronChevron Northern Ireland
    Posts: 371
    Numbers 104 and 105 arrived today. Number 106 is going to be the Ford Consul from Dr No. I can't recall where it appears in that movie so I'm off to check.
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