Bond movie ranking (Simple list, no details)



  • Posts: 4,622
    1. DAF
    2. GF
    3. TB
    4. YOLT
    5. DN
    6. FRWL
    7. OHMSS
    8. LALD
    9. TMWTGG
    10. MR
    11. TSWLM
    12. OP
    13. FYEO
    14. AVTAK
    15. LTK
    16. TLD
    17. GE
    18. DAD
    19. TWINE
    20. TND
    21. CR
    22. QoS

  • Posts: 401
    You're a fellow DAF fan timmer? That's nice to know. Although it's sad to see TLD and LTK so low on your list.
  • Today's ranking:

    1. CR
    2. TB
    3. GE
    4. TLD
    5. GF
    6. FRWL
    7. FYEO
    8. OHMSS
    9. YOLT
    10. LTK
    11. TSWLM
    12. QOS
    13. DN
    14. OP
    15. DAF
    16. TND
    17. LALD
    18. TWINE
    19. MR
    20. DAD
    21. TMWTGG
    22. AVTAK
  • Posts: 4,762
    @KlausHergesheimer: Not a big AVTAK fan? That's fine with me, I'm not trying to criticize or anything, I'm just wondering. AVTAK isn't in my top ten, but it is in my top 15 right now, because I do have some love for AVTAK, and always have. I would definitely choose it above MR, OHMSS, DAD, and GF, that's for sure.
  • edited February 2012 Posts: 152
    @00Beast: AVTAK moves around on my list from time to time, but usual I find it to be in my bottom 5. Unfortunately a lot of it has to do with Moore's age for me. I didn't even have a problem with him in Octopussy, but for some reason I just can't take Moore seriously in this movie for any of his stunts or action and it doesn't help that you can actually notice his stuntman for a few scenes and that has always bothered me.

    Stacy Sutton also was always one of my least favorite Bond girls for some reason and I never really liked May Day either. Max Zorin was a great villian and I liked Tibbet as well. There were a few good scenes for sure, but the action and dialogue kind of lacked compared to other Bond movies. I will redo my rankings once I see it on Blu Ray to see more of the fine details, but I've only ever watched the special edition and that seemed a little colorless to me.

    I honestly think that if Dalton and a different Bond girl were in this movie it could jump up about 10 spots on the list, but Moore's age honestly kills it for me.
  • Posts: 4,762
    @00Beast: AVTAK moves around on my list from time to time, but usual I find it to be in my bottom 5. Unfortunately a lot of it has to do with Moore's age for me. I didn't even have a problem with him in Octopussy, but for some reason I just can't take Moore seriously in this movie for any of his stunts or action and it doesn't help that you can actually notice his stuntman for a few scenes and that has always bothered me.

    Stacy Sutton also was always one of my least favorite Bond girls for some reason and I never really liked May Day either. Max Zorin was a great villian and I liked Tibbet as well. There were a few good scenes for sure, but the action and dialogue kind of lacked compared to other Bond movies. I will redo my rankings once I see it on Blu Ray to see more of the fine details, but I've only ever watched the special edition and that seemed a little colorless to me.

    I honestly think that if Dalton and a different Bond girl were in this movie it could jump up about 10 spots on the list, but Moore's age honestly kills it for me.

    That's understandable, and it does show in the action. AVTAK is definitely not the Bond movie I'd go to for epic action, but thankfully the climax picks the action up a little bit. As for the dialogue, I'd have to argue that point. I love the scene between Bond and Zorin upon finding out that Tibbett is dead. "Haha! You amuse me, Mr. Bond." "Oh, it's not mutual" (glaring eyebrows). What a great scene! I also like the scene at City Hall. Both of these are top notch in my book. However, you have your opinion and that's fine with me, no harm done!
  • edited February 2012 Posts: 152
    Hey, I could even be wrong about the dialogue. I haven't seen the movie in a while and I kind of gravitate towards not watching it when I pick a random Bond movie to watch, so maybe it's time for me to give it another try. I'll wait until it's out on Blu Ray though, so I can get the best viewing experience, although I'm sure Blu Ray will really highlight the wrinkles in Moore's face if this is how he already looked during Moonraker on Blu Ray:
  • Posts: 4,762
    @KlausHergesheimer: Wow! Moore looks like he's one step away from the nursing home in that photo! I've never noticed that in MR. I've always thought that his noticable wrinkles began to show in OP for the most part. A little bit in FYEO, but not enough to make a big deal. Then again, I don't have a Blu Ray player, so maybe I'm being deceived!
  • @00Beast: The difference between DVD and Blu Ray is night and day! It's amazing how many details you have never seen when watching Bond movies over the years will show up in high definition. The Connery movies look like they were shot yesterday. I would definitely reccomend watching some on BR if you get the chance.
  • Posts: 4,762
    @00Beast: The difference between DVD and Blu Ray is night and day! It's amazing how many details you have never seen when watching Bond movies over the years will show up in high definition. The Connery movies look like they were shot yesterday. I would definitely reccomend watching some on BR if you get the chance.

    Thanks! I really want a Blu Ray player, and my dad was thinking about getting rid of our old DVD player anyway. We just got a new big HD TV for Christmas after using one of those old huge back TV's for years, so now our DVD player doesn't match up in as good of a resolution as the new HD TV. I can just imagine how great Bond will look on Blu Ray! I watched TB at a friend's house about two years ago, and he had it on Blu Ray. The underwater scenes looked incredible!

  • Posts: 4,622
    Dr_Metz wrote:
    You're a fellow DAF fan timmer? That's nice to know. Although it's sad to see TLD and LTK so low on your list.
    They are not really that low. I just like the Rog films, so the Dalts films come next. The only films that are actually low are the Broz and Craig films.

  • Posts: 4,762
    timmer wrote:
    Dr_Metz wrote:
    You're a fellow DAF fan timmer? That's nice to know. Although it's sad to see TLD and LTK so low on your list.
    They are not really that low. I just like the Rog films, so the Dalts films come next. The only films that are actually low are the Broz and Craig films.

    It's a shame to see GE and TND near the bottom! I personally love the Brosnan movies, especially GE, TND, and TWINE. DAD is the worst of the Brosnans, but still has some redeeming qualities to keep it from the bottom three.
  • Posts: 172
    mine's today:

  • Posts: 4,762
    Ranked by Decade:

    1. From Russia with Love
    2. Thunderball
    3. Dr. No
    4. You Only Live Twice
    5. Goldfinger
    6. On Her Majesty's Secret Service

    1. The Spy Who Loved Me
    2. Live and Let Die
    3. Diamonds Are Forever
    4. The Man with the Golden Gun
    5. Moonraker

    1. License to Kill
    2. Octopussy
    3. The Living Daylights
    4. For Your Eyes Only
    5. A View to a Kill

    1. GoldenEye
    2. Tomorrow Never Dies
    3. The World is not Enough

    1. Casino Royale
    2. Quantum of Solace
    3. Die Another Day
  • royale65royale65 Caustic misanthrope reporting for duty.
    edited February 2012 Posts: 4,423
    Neat idea @00Beast,











    And by actor...

    Connery; FRWL, TB, DN, GF, YOLT, DAF
    Dalton; LTK, TLD
    Brosnan; TWINE, TND, GE, DAD
    Craig; CR, QOS

  • HASEROTHASEROT has returned like the tedious inevitability of an unloved season---
    edited March 2012 Posts: 4,399
    it's been about 3 months, and i figured an update of my Bond list would be in order, seeing as how some films i have watched recently, and have slightly changed opinions of..

    ----MY TOP 5
    1. From Russia With Love
    2. Casino Royale
    3. Goldfinger
    4. Thunderball
    5. The Living Daylights

    6. Goldeneye
    7. Live And Let Die
    8. Quantum Of Solace
    9. On Her Majesty's Secret Service
    10. Licence To Kill
    11. The Spy Who Loved Me

    12. Octopussy
    13. For Your Eyes Only
    14. Dr. No
    15. Tomorrow Never Dies

    16. Diamonds Are Forever
    17. The World Is Not Enough
    18. A View To A Kill
    19. Moonraker
    20. You Only Live Twice

    21. The Man With The Golden Gun

    22. Die Another Day

    the changes i've made, is reversing the order of DAF and TWINE, and also MR and YOLT...... i've got to say, @DaltonCraig007 might have something about entertainment factor... i recently rewatched those 4 films.. and while they are still all towards the bottom end of my Bond totem pole, I found I enjoyed DAF far more than I did TWINE - which kind of has this soap opera, mellow drama feel all over it.... it tries to be more "mature" but feels stale...... and I am shocked to say, I have bumped MR over YOLT... while I still consider MR a farce - i enjoyed it more than YOLT - which was really a snoozefest for me... Connery looked bored - and in turn, it made me feel bored watching him...

    but - that is all.... nothing drastic...
  • edited March 2012 Posts: 501
    22. Moonraker
    21. Die Another Day
    20. Licence To Kill
    19. You Only Live Twice
    18. Tomorrow Never Dies
    17. A View To A Kill
    16. Diamonds Are Forever
    15.The World Is Not Enough
    14. Goldfinger
    13. The Living Daylights
    12. Live And Let Die
    11. Thunderball
    10. Quantum Of Solace
    9. Goldeneye
    8. Casino Royale
    7. For Your Eyes Only
    6. On Her Majesty's Secret Service
    5. Dr. No
    4. Octopussy
    3. From Russia With Love
    2. The Spy Who Loved Me
    1. The Man WIth The Golden Gun
  • edited March 2012 Posts: 4,762
    1. GoldenEye
    2. From Russia with Love
    3. License to Kill
    4. Octopussy
    5. Tomorrow Never Dies
    6. The Living Daylights
    7. A View to a Kill
    8. The Spy Who Loved Me
    9. Quantum of Solace
    10. The World is not Enough
    11. For Your Eyes Only
    12. Thunderball
    13. Live and Let Die
    14. Diamonds Are Forever
    15. Casino Royale
    16. The Man with the Golden Gun
    17. Moonraker
    18. Dr. No
    19. Die Another Day
    20. You Only Live Twice
    21. Goldfinger
    22. On Her Majesty's Secret Service
  • Posts: 562
    00Beast wrote:
    Ranked by Decade:


    1. On Her Majesty's Secret Service
    2. Dr. No
    3. From Russia With Love
    4. Thunderball
    5. Goldfinger
    6. You Only Live Twice


    1. Live and Let Die
    2. Diamonds Are Forever
    3. The Man With The Golden Gun
    4. The Spy Who Loved Me
    5. Moonraker


    1. Licence to Kill
    2. The Living Daylights
    3. Octopussy
    4. For Your Eyes Only
    5. A View to a Kill


    1. GoldenEye
    2. Tomorrow Never Dies
    3. The World Is Not Enough


    1. Casino Royale
    2. Quantum of Solace
    3. Die Another Day

  • Posts: 147
    I love all the Bond movies but like some more than others.

    1. FRWL
    2. CR
    3. OHMSS
    4. GF
    5. TLD
    6. FYEO
    7. TB
    8. DN
    9. LTK
    10. MR
    11. LALD
    12. TND
    13. TSWLM
    14. YOLT
    15. QOS
    16. OP
    17. GE
    18. AVTAK
    19. TMWTGG
    20. DAF
    21. TWINE
    22. DAD
  • edited April 2012 Posts: 4,762
    1. GE
    2. FRWL
    3. TND
    4. LTK
    5. FYEO
    6. OP
    7. TLD
    8. LALD
    9. AVTAK
    10. DAF
    11. TSWLM
    12. TWINE
    13. QOS
    14. CR
    15. TB
    16. TMWTGG
    17. DAD
    18. MR
    19. DN
    20. YOLT
    21. GF
    22. OHMSS
  • Posts: 1,082
    00Beast wrote:
    1. GE
    2. FRWL
    3. TND
    4. LTK
    5. FYEO
    6. OP
    7. TLD
    8. LALD
    9. AVTAK
    10. DAF
    11. TSWLM
    12. TWINE
    13. QOS
    14. CR
    15. TB
    16. TMWTGG
    17. DAD
    18. MR
    19. DN
    20. GF
    21. OHMSS

    Where do you rank YOLT?
  • Posts: 4,762
    00Beast wrote:
    1. GE
    2. FRWL
    3. TND
    4. LTK
    5. FYEO
    6. OP
    7. TLD
    8. LALD
    9. AVTAK
    10. DAF
    11. TSWLM
    12. TWINE
    13. QOS
    14. CR
    15. TB
    16. TMWTGG
    17. DAD
    18. MR
    19. DN
    20. GF
    21. OHMSS

    Where do you rank YOLT?

    Whoops! I completely forgot about YOLT! I'll fix that in just a second.
  • Posts: 1,082
    Perhaps you think that YOLT is so forgettable that you forgot about it?
  • Posts: 212
    1. Licence to Kill
    2. The Living Daylights
    3. Quantum of Solace
    4. Casino Royale
    5. From Russia With Love
    6. Dr. No
    7. For Your Eyes Only
    8. Thunderball
    9. Live and Let Die
    10. Octopussy
    11. The Spy Who Loved Me
    12. On Her Majesty's Secret Service
    13. A View to a Kill
    14. GoldenEye
    15. Moonraker
    16. Tomorrow Never Dies
    17. Goldfinger
    18. You Only Live Twice
    19. Diamonds Are Forever
    20. The World Is Not Enough
    21. The Man With the Golden Gun
    22. Die Another Day
  • Posts: 4,762
    Perhaps you think that YOLT is so forgettable that you forgot about it?

    Well no, I just really forgot out of the blue, no particular reason. I've done that in previous rankings before with other Bond movies, believe me.
  • As I am new to the forum, I thought I would get a feel for the people on the forum by posting the James Bond films in order of personal preference from best to worst. See what people think

    1) Goldfinger
    2) The Spy Who Loved Me
    3) Live and Let Die
    4) From Russia With Love
    5) Thunderball
    6) On Her Majesty's Secret Service
    7) The Living Daylights
    8) Octopussy
    9) Diamonds Are Forever
    10) For Your Eyes Only
    11) Moonraker
    12) Licence To Kill
    13) You Only Live Twice
    14) Casino Royale
    15) GoldenEye
    16) A View To A Kill
    17) Dr. No
    18) The Man With The Golden Gun
    19) The World Is Not Enough
    20) Quantum Of Solace
    21) Tomorrow Never Dies
    22) Die Another Day

    Some Notes on the list:

    I am 23 and therefore grew up in the era when Pierce Brosnan/Daniel Craig was James Bond.

    Order of preference of actors: Roger Moore, Sean Connery, Timothy Dalton, Daniel Craig, Pierce Brosnan, George Lazenby

    There is not such thing as a bad James Bond film

    Did start this as a thread but it got locked so pasted it back here
  • edited May 2012 Posts: 4,762
    Trying to clean up my rankings a little bit:

    The Top 12
    1. GoldenEye
    2. License to Kill
    3. A View to a Kill
    4. From Russia with Love
    5. Tomorrow Never Dies
    6. Octopussy
    7. For Your Eyes Only
    8. Diamonds Are Forever
    9. Live and Let Die
    10. The Living Daylights
    11. Casino Royale
    12. The World is not Enough
    Middle Ground
    13. Thunderball
    14. The Spy Who Loved Me
    15. Quantum of Solace
    16. Dr. No
    17. The Man with the Golden Gun
    18. Die Another Day
    A Chore to Get Through
    19. You Only Live Twice
    20. On Her Majesty's Secret Service
    21. Moonraker
    22. Goldfinger
  • edited May 2012 Posts: 228
  • edited May 2012 Posts: 228


    16-22 (all of Moore's outings)
    I cannot rank them individually in favoring order because they simply are all a disgraceful joke to me. DAD and DAF are a disgrace as well, it was unbearable to even rank those .
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