Hoping to clear up the air



  • edited March 2011 Posts: 50
    I can go along with much of what Tux said. And while I may have acted somewhat "covertly" over certain things regarding the alternative Tux referred to, this was borne out of a feeling of us seeming to have been treated somewhat "covertly" ourselves over the transition of MI6, not to mention seeing one friend after another walking away from MI6 and me wanting some means to remain in touch with them before they vanished. Things have been heated, there have been many questions I've wanted to ask here but have refrained from doing so as things have seemed confrontational enough over the last two days. There are obviously answers out there, but they aren't answers I'm gonna lose any more sleep over not knowing. I'd rather just try and chill out and take things as they come over this. Hopefully things can only get better from this point. I'm sure nobody needs nor wants any more hassle.
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    Posts: 13,369
    @TheWhiteTuxedo and @Lazenby.

    Nice to see both of you around and that fact that you may stay - or at least be around for a while.

    Indeed, the best way to look at all this in my view is, any change you'd like, mention in the feedback thread and in time it'll be implemented. The forum we build from here can hopefully only be better in many ways than what's gone before. And as admins have said, this software is very easy to edit, so list off some improvements and stick with us!
  • LudsLuds MIA
    Posts: 1,986
    @TheWhiteTuxedo & @Lazenby. I fully understand some frustrations, and some disappointment. This is a challenge, and as former forum veterans, if you choose to, it's an opportunity to help model a new community. Hope to see your faces around here.
  • St_GeorgeSt_George Shuttling Drax's lovelies to the space doughnut - happy 40th, MR!
    Posts: 1,699
    Quoting Samuel001: @TheWhiteTuxedo and @Lazenby.

    Nice to see both of you around and that fact that you may stay - or at least be around for a while.
    Let me echo that too. As you said, Tux, the last 48 hours have been eventful and a little bit crazy to say the least. I'm hoping everyone - and I mean, everyone - can take stock now the shock of what's happened is starting to sink in.

    Hoping both you guys stick around for more than a while too. In my humble, personal opinion, you're both great assets around here... :)
  • edited March 2011 Posts: 886
    Quoting St_George:
    Quoting Samuel001: @TheWhiteTuxedo and @Lazenby.

    Nice to see both of you around and that fact that you may stay - or at least be around for a while.

    Let me echo that too. As you said, Tux, the last 48 hours have been eventful and a little bit crazy to say the least. I'm hoping everyone - and I mean, everyone - can take stock now the shock of what's happened is starting to sink in.

    Hoping both you guys stick around for more than a while too. In my humble, personal opinion, you're both great assets around here...
    I concur.
    With great change, people need some form of continuity and familiarity to cling onto. It feels good having the familiar "faces" around.
    It does give me great comfort to see all of you/them on here (no matter if the feeling isn't mutual.) :-D
  • Posts: 11
    I may as well bite the bullet too and say the shock has settled in and I may be back - but I won't be posting as much as I used to. I would be lying if I said I hadn't been looking through the forums after I said "goodbye". Yes, I may have said some harsh things and I apologise for that (well some things anyway). I echo pretty much what Lazenby and Tux said in terms of why I was so vexed in the first place, and to be honest, I'm still not entirely thrilled at the moment either.

    But, James Page, I'll still visit the MI6-HQ. :D
  • BennyBenny Shaken not stirredAdministrator, Moderator
    Posts: 15,318
    Well there will always be a place for those who have decided not to give this forum a go a place to return to if they so wish.
    Wherever you find your feet, or as I say if you wish to return, I wish you all the best, and look forward to seeing you again.
  • CISCIS Suspended
    Posts: 52
    @FieldsMan do you think you'll ever revive your tried and true thread? You know the one I'm talking about...
  • Posts: 11
    I'm not sure yet, CIS. I'm thinking about it....
  • Well I kept getting redirected to CBN and couldn't figure out what was wrong... Didn't realize someone set fire to the old place and made a new one :O

    Had to create a new username, my old Seamaster007 one didn't want to seem to work even after I reset the password so I'll just use this one with the underscore I suppose.

    I'm sure I'll get used to the new format (even if it seems a lot more like a blog than a forum :/ ), it seems akin to when facebook changes their format and the whole world goes insane for 3 or 4 days before everyone gets used to it, but I mean... I can't believe the old place is totally just deleted. Really wish it could have been archived or something in some way...

    Oh well, in 5 years I hadn't even managed 2000 regular posts (though I'm sure it was well above that if the posts in the General sections were included), so I didn't have huge running lists or anything like that I needed to save.

  • BennyBenny Shaken not stirredAdministrator, Moderator
    Posts: 15,318
    Glad you found your way here Seamy.
    It's new, and will take some getting used to, but the main thing is that we all enjoy ourselves.
    After all it is an internet forum
  • edited March 2011 Posts: 14
    No worries, I can't see myself leaving this community over a format change, I'm sure lots of others will find their way back too and once they see the familiar faces, will stick around, and things will normalize after a few weeks.

    Just discovered I can upload my own avatar, so I happily took the liberty of putting up a pic of my own watch :D These animated smileys dancing around might wear on me after a while though...

    PS - I'm assuming all the mods are the same as the old forum? This new fangled hipster blog format is all egalitarian and doesn't display member ranks/ prestigious-ness or anything :P
  • edited March 2011 Posts: 4,622
    Quoting FieldsMan:
    I'm not sure yet, CIS. I'm thinking about it....
    We could do it movie by movie maybe. Rate several scenes from one movie before moving on to another film.
    We could start with say DAF perhaps, and discuss/rate every scene in that film, before moving onto something else.
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 24,532
    I think it's time we got a little honest with each other. I'm sure some peeps out there are more than pleased with this, as re-inventing the old threads will only provide a satisfying opportunity to post like mad. We can go through all the films again, all the games and what not. I myself am looking forward to a clean start in fact. Some of the old threads were great fun - having those discussions all over again will be good too.

    The internet is written in ink they say. But our forum got lost... We oughtn't care too much about that though. Old discussions are gone, but the James Bond universe wasn't built on them. Rather they were built on the James Bond universe. Hence, they can be re-built.

    I joined KTBEU in '05, a few years since its take-off. I've always regretted not being there right from the start! Now I feel I am part of a fresh new start. Call it a reboot if you like. Six years of fun were 'lost' for me too. But do I care? No. I'm thinking of this as many more years of fun to come!

    Finally, I'd like to say thank you to Luds for the clarification of things.
  • retrokittyretrokitty The Couv
    Posts: 380
    Darth, I really do appreciate you and your views but I have to say that having the 'team' telling us what we ought to feel and ought not to feel is a bit unfair. I get that you don't care what happened... and I think it's safe to say that those of us who were shocked and hurt are pretty much over it and moving on. But to dismiss our feelings by saying we ought not care about all the stuff we shared vanishing in an instant is unfair.

    Having mods tell us over and over again that it's all ok, we shouldn't be upset and we can all move on like nothing has happened is like telling someone whose photography collection of five years was destroyed in the fire that they can take more photos ... or telling the guy whose thesis was deleted from the computer that he has it all in his head and he can write a new and "even better" one. :-D

    Whether it is or not, it feels a bit fake and a bit condescending. This was supposed to be a clear the air thread so let's do that... If we're expected to stop the complaining about the loss (which, for the most part has happened rather quickly), can we also stop the attempts at convincing us that the loss was nothing and truly just move on? I say this with all sincerity and mean no disrespect.

    I am still hoping that the powers that be can restore the archive because, for many of us, even those who genuinely love the new format, the archive matters.

  • BennyBenny Shaken not stirredAdministrator, Moderator
    Posts: 15,318
    I'm sure we'd all like the former forums archives to be fixed.
    Whether this can be done is something I guess we'll have to wait and see.
    I can also appreciate the turmoil that these changes have created, and the sense of loss that comes with it.
    We all had many posts and threads we'd created that were lost along the way.
    Behind the avatars
    The appreciation thread
    The rare and unseen Bond images were just some of the ones that I started, and have lost.
    I'm still upset by that, but I can also move on. Which I'm sure we're all trying to do.
    What I've found is that those who have left, have done so without trying to give this new forum a chance. There is obviously a safe haven that these members have regrouped at (judging by some of the posts), that not everyone is aware of, or have been asked to join.
    An elitist group if you will.
    That's fine. I have no desire to join multiple forums, but after so many years can we really ignore all those friendships so easily?
    The loss of posts and memories is hard to come to terms with, and like many I to am upset by this, but the rift this has caused and the seeming loss of many longtime friends is harder still.
    I really do hope that these issues can be resolved, and that within time these wrongs, right themselves.
    I don't think anyone is saying this place is better or going to be better than the old forum.
    But what's happened has happened, and as much as we'd like to get the old forum back, it isn't going to happen.
    I look forward to hearing from those who have decided to take a leave of absence in the future.
    You know where you can find me, if you ever want to talk.
    Lucky they brought along my favourite smiley
  • Thanks to Luds and all of the mods here for doing what they can. We can't really ask much more than that. I hadn't even begun to dig up some of the treasures of the old forum, but that's part of what makes a community. We have a chance at starting over that many communities don't get. And with this new version of the threads that integrate topics together, perhaps we won't get so divided into the inevitable cliques that we did when there was a fine line between categories.

    I owe it to the friends that took me in here to try and do my part to keep the community going. I think a lot of people here are forgetting that our mods have salvaged what they could when we could have lost (REALLY lost) everything. It is only by their interest in this community that they did not simply say "well piss off, it's just too hard." And trust me, they could have easily done it...I've seen that happen to a forum.

    So let's cut this melodramatic speech short and just say...I'm here :D
  • w7w7
    Posts: 4
    There was a thread titled: "Why does the old URL connect to CommanderBond.net?" A simple question asked, but no answer given. James Page locked that thread (sorry, "closed that discussion"), pointing to this thread which should "clear up the air". But still, neither here nor there, there was no answer to the question. Same with the question: Why was there no warning about the situation (so that long-standing members or in fact everyone could save the stuff they want to have saved)? Again, simple question, no answer.

    Of course one could say, would you please shut up and stop asking silly questions. One could say, if your stuff was so precious you should have saved it yourself in the first place. One could say, forget the past and let's build up a new and happy community. But the fact is that we were robbed. So who is the robber? (Oh no, a simple question again.)
  • BennyBenny Shaken not stirredAdministrator, Moderator
    Posts: 15,318
    I'm afraid I don't have an answer for you on that one w7.
    Maybe you should ask the right people that one.
    I do hope that you'll stay around and post just as you did before. Your contributions, along with everyone else are what make a forum great.
    I've seen in the last few days friends leave without so much as a goodbye, or a I'm heading here to check this place out.
    People I'd never met, but still call a friend. Someone you see everyday on the forums. Yet, as it is upsetting to see the past lost. It seems it is easy for some to forget a friendship.
    I hope it isn't a long term thing.
  • LudsLuds MIA
    edited March 2011 Posts: 1,986
    Quoting Seamaster_007: PS - I'm assuming all the mods are the same as the old forum? This new fangled hipster blog format is all egalitarian and doesn't display member ranks/ prestigious-ness or anything
    Correct, same mods. We're trying to set up all mod avatars to display the MI6 logo.
    List available here
    Also you may be able to see member rank when selecting a member profile on the left side?
    Quoting w7: here was a thread titled: "Why does the old URL connect to CommanderBond.net?" A simple question asked, but no answer given.
    Sorry @w7, we attempted to explain this. Basically the administration team from the previous forum is no longer a unit. Most of them formed this new group, however the original registrar who controls the old domains isn't, and well, still controls the old domains. As for why no notice was given, I believe had one been given, the same outcome would have happened, possibly sooner. Keep in mind though that the issue isn't entirely resolved at this point.
  • w7w7
    Posts: 4
    Quoting Luds: Sorry @w7, we attempted to explain this. Basically the administration team from the previous forum is no longer a unit. Most of them formed this new group, however the original registrar who controls the old domains isn't, and well, still controls the old domains. As for why no notice was given, I believe had one been given, the same outcome would have happened, likely sooner...
    Thank you Luds. There's the explanation I was asking for. That hasn't been said so clearly before. So, using the terminology from my previous post, there actually was a robber. Any chance to get the loot back one day?
  • LudsLuds MIA
    Posts: 1,986
    I just updated my post above as you posted assuming this would come up ;)
  • Posts: 2,107
    Glad things are back to norm.... waaaat?
    You may imagine how I reacted when I was redirected to 'that certain other site'. Words like updating database and hacker went through my mind.

    But the good thing is that MI6 Community is back up and running. Although this new style gives me an odd feeling that I have not felt before... while browsing a James Bond , 007 fansite / messageboard.
  • edited March 2011 Posts: 2,107
    Sorry about my double post. For one reason or another, neither the first or second post I made didn't show up until I went to index page and back to this page.... Weeeird.
  • Posts: 19,339
    You'll get used to it Sharkbait - just throw yourself in and get posting !!
  • LudsLuds MIA
    Posts: 1,986
    @SharkBait I believe this is a problem some have noticed with some browsers. Feel free to post in the Suggestions thread and let the crew know which one you use. I'm on chrome and it doesn't have this issue.
  • NicNacNicNac Administrator, Moderator
    Posts: 7,587
    This community is only a part of the bigger MI6 picture. We discuss James Bond past, present and future and our discussions reflect news items from the world of 007.
    So when we see on the front page that it is Ursula Andress's birthday, we have a topic to link to and discuss.
    Without a brilliant site like MI6 reflecting all aspects of James Bond on the written page, in gaming or throughout the run of films a discussion forum simply can't exist.

    We all lost alot of great stuff I know, (although all of my film reviews exist elsewhere) but the mods were caught up in it as well. I think the word 'condescending' has been used which i don't think has ever been intended. At the same time we really don't know what to say to make it easier.
  • Posts: 163
    I like this new website. I want to move on.
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 24,532
    @retrokitty Kitty, you're right about the impact this sudden switch has had to all of us, including myself. I may not have phrased my own emotions correctly - for that I apologize. I made the post after reading some complaints from members who used to spam the old forum up the wazoo with four word posts and it got me mad. That's why I mentioned the fresh chance to spam again. It's true though that I am looking forward to reliving some of the old discussions but then, if the old archives can be restored, I'll be as pleased with that as you. :)

    I'm well aware of the fact that most mean well when they utter a sigh of regret at the loss of something we all invested in over the years. However, I've been convinced of the benefits of this new place and although I may have lacked some subtlety, I was merely trying to get everyone else over the pain and feel somewhat positive about things. You see, I think it's a good thing a lot of the old crew has returned, as I deeply respect you all. You know this, Kitty, I'm sure you do. ;-) So I was trying, albeit clumsily perhaps, to get everyone back on track and as enthusiastic as before, so we can start getting together in great discussions again.
  • edited March 2011 Posts: 114
    Quoting Benny: 'm still upset by that, but I can also move on. Which I'm sure we're all trying to do.

    What I've found is that those who have left, have done so without trying to give this new forum a chance. There is obviously a safe haven that these members have regrouped at (judging by some of the posts), that not everyone is aware of, or have been asked to join.

    An elitist group if you will.
    I think you continue to miss the mark. It has nothing to do with the old site being nuked with no warning. It has to do with how rude the head guys treated some members who simply asked a few questions about the change. Basically telling people to get out and leave.

    I don't think that is awfully nice. Neither is it when the MI6 user account, the main account on this forum, directs a smart ass message to me about the situation. If I had sent one to the MI6 account with a smart ass remark I would have been banned. I never got a real explanation about it.

    The lack of respect towards old members who wanted to give the new forum a chance, yet still had some questions is and has been the chief complaint... for me, at least.
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