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James Bond News • James Bond Articles • James Bond Magazine
Who is she?[/quote]
‘Yo Momma!’
Just kidding ;) Rene Russo, or course, at 71, looking amazing. Never seen The Thomas Crown Affair? 😳
True, the film is very stylish. I think that's why Brosnan suggested John McTiernan for DAD. Also, is there any Brosnan suggestion Barbara listened to? Because his Monica Bellucci suggestion for Paris in TND also fell on deaf ears. I like Barbara for sure, but I don't know what the relation between her and Brosnan was like. But since she suggested Sean Bean for Bond and Cubby picked Brosnan, you get the feeling that Barbara didn't really like Brosnan. It explains why she also started looking at Craig so early, while Brosnan was still Bond.