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James Bond News • James Bond Articles • James Bond Magazine
When you're looking for suave, easy going charm, not really an actor who leaps to mind.
Plus Cavill is too old.*o2q0qs*FPAU*Mjg5OTg3NjAuMTczODI2ODY2Nw..*_ga*MjExMDA1MjI2LjE3MDkyOTYxMTk.*_ga_DNE38RK1HX*MTc0MjM1MjQxNi44NjQuMS4xNzQyMzUyODM4LjAuMC41ODA5NTY3MzA.*_fplc*bzh6d1poMyUyQjklMkJSS09yZG5RbGJDWTJjSndVRnBnaVFuY3dTOHdEaEZQZzhJVzczeWUxVTl4ZkFieHJIT21xUHVtbzA2YTJvdmN0JTJCcncwNXhUTFVDY3ZUb2VKVWhEcUdmZVl4SXVlTlU5RHd1ME9ZRHhkbFNSREFzazhnYTVBJTNEJTNE
Being handsome is the best weapon the new Bond can have!
You may not be a better actor than Craig, but you can be more attractive.
I don't need a poor man's Craig.
Oh, it's about being handsome too. It's Bond after all.
Anyway, Cavill has enough charisma. He is the devil you know.
Cavill’s ok in that general area I guess. He has a bit of charisma and star quality, but I’m not sure if it’s ever fully come out in anything I’ve seen him in. He’s a bit limited in that way as a potential Bond.
Sure, they are actors, none of them are going to be really ugly but the new Bond has to offer something different to Craig.
But going the route of Cavill ain’t the answer.
And it’s kind of a redundant statement that the new actor has to offer something different to Craig. The suggestions here don’t feel like anyone is pining after Craig 2.0.
I’m not interested at all in Amazon-Bond, but I am interested in how they put together their talent (above and below the line). Amazon has all the money in the world, but they’re about to embark on a journey that I’m guessing looked easy from far, but is far from easy.
My hopes are in the toilet. So, no where to go but up 😂.
I agree with you. I'm still quite saddened by Eon selling. I never thought it would happen.
Far from Easy would be a good title.
They are in for a big surprise, I think, about the difficulty of making a successful movie of this magnitude.
Turns out making The Avengers work wasn’t as easy as they thought, and the first three episodes shot were so bad they had to go cap in hand back to Clemens and Fennelll and ask them to return!
I wonder if something similar might happen with Bond…