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Very fan-fic worthy.
Actually I'd say if anything it makes more sense that Travelyan utterly despises Bond. He constantly mocks him for his Britishness and devises elaborate ways for him to die for maximum suffering.
He hates him too much but we know he wanted him on his team. I think there is an unfinished business there. ;)
I'm pretty sure he was mocking him by saying that, haha. The line's more about Bond being loyal to MI6.
Like I said, fan fiction ;)
There's an element of that frustration with Travelyan. He tries it on with Natalya who is understandably repulsed by him (it comes off as him trying to 'one up' Bond for what he did to his face, which probably wouldn't do anything good for his confidence in this area). But otherwise I don't personally see anything homoerotic with the character.
Brosnan's hair in his Bond films often defies gravity anyway with how in place it always is, even after action scenes. So it makes sense.
Or their watches. which is handy in Alec's case as he got the new model about eight years early.
I don't think Trevelyan was homosexual. But I do think he had some kind of sexual kink, mostly because of the scene with Natalya.
To the victor go the spoils.
Yes, that bugs me too. I believe that is a hangover from a previous version of the script where Trevelyan was much older and a kind of mentor or father figure to Bond. I think they had Anthony Hopkins in mind to play that iteration of the character.
Yes, I think that's the only way of looking at it for it to make any sense. That's how I rationalise it, anyway. It's either that or Trevelyan has located the Fountain of Youth.
There is another. If Brosnan is the same Bond of Dr.No...
Unlikely but possible.
Wasn't the Trevelyan character supposed to be M in that early version? The predecessor if Messervy, or something. Not that I'd be very keen on that either, although I guess it sort of harks back to Kim Philby, who very nearly became head of MI5. But I struggle to imagine Hopkins a believable physical match to Bond in the final fight.