Hello all,
So as some of you may know, I've been running a James Bond blog,
BeyondJamesBond.kinja.com, over on Gawker Media's network of blogs (kind of like Wordpress).
Well, last month it got me a job with my personal favorite blog,
Jalopnik.com. I'm happy to say that my friends over at
Gizmodo.com, part of the Gawker family as well, checked out the Bond In Motion exhibit, and looked to me for some help.
I made sure to try and help out as many of you as possible, with the immaculate
James Bond Lifestyle getting featured a lot in Giz's post!
I just wanna say set and strive for your goals, live through your passions, and maybe write about them! Do what you love and you will love what you do.
Go check out the finished article, and I hope you all enjoy. Thanks to all of you, especially the site management, for being friendly and supportive; there's no other blog (besides the one I work for) I'd rather check in with every day!
Bond In Motion - Gizmodo
That's the Gizmodo article if you want to check it out! It's fantastic!
Also, if you are interested in publishing Bond-related work to BeyondJamesBond, feel free to send me a DM. Now with school and work, I'm looking for help to keep it running. If interested feel free to direct message me on here or email me at
jwestbrookemail at
gmail dot
Thanks again!