Moonraker Radio Dramatization (1957) and other 007 Holy Grails

JohnHammond73JohnHammond73 Lancashire, UK
edited October 2016 in Actors Posts: 4,151
I've read about Bob "Blockbusters" Holness being the second actor to portray James Bond in a radio dramatization of Moonraker, on a South African radio station. I was just wondering if anyone had ever managed to listen to this at all or whether it may be available to listen to anywhere on the internet.

If anyone has listened to it, what are your thoughts on it?


  • JohnHammond73JohnHammond73 Lancashire, UK
    edited October 2016 Posts: 4,151
    Birdleson wrote: »
    I searched for awhile and gave up. My real "Holy Grail" is the episode of the television show OMNIBUS entitled THE BRITISH HERO, from the '70s, which dramatized scenes from the novels GOLDFINGER and DIAMONDS ARE FOREVER, featuring Christopher Cazenove as James Bond.

    That sounds great and not something I was aware of. Seems like the link you have posted is dead however, sorry.

    Also, I've changed the title to add ".....other Holy Grails" due to the post of @Birdleson. Seems like a good idea.

  • timdalton007timdalton007 North Alabama
    Posts: 155
    Sadly these both seem to be lost, possibly forever. In the case of the Omnibus documentary, the BBC didn't have much of an archiving policy until the late 1970s which is why a lot of the BBC's programs from before that period are hard to find (as any fan of classic series Doctor Who can tell you). Even episodes of popular shows from the same year as that documentary airing, such as Doomwatch, haven't survived.

  • DrShatterhandDrShatterhand Garden of Death, near Belfast
    Posts: 805
    The BBC probably taped over it with the snooker
  • JohnHammond73JohnHammond73 Lancashire, UK
    edited September 2017 Posts: 4,151
    Unfortunately not, despite a good search (although I am sure that some on here will know of many more places to search). Seems that we will be unlikely to find any source for them. Such a shame.
  • stagstag In the thick of it!
    Posts: 1,053
    Good thread.
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