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  • MaxCasinoMaxCasino United States
    Posts: 4,458
    DarthDimi wrote: »
    Just finished another complete marathon of It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia. I saw most of it on Disney +, except the episodes I had to find elsewhere. Strangely enough, Disney wants to add this juicy comedy show to its list, but thinks some episodes too juicy for its audience. Really, Disney? Anyway, IASIP is one of the best TV shows ever, if you ask me.

    I agree.
  • HasanDaferHasanDafer Baghdad, Iraq
    Posts: 43
    I recently started re-watching Alias, starring Jennifer Garner, and I’m reminded of just how captivating the show is. The blend of espionage and the personal struggles of a spy makes for such an engaging and entertaining experience.

    I had forgotten that Roger Moore appears in one of the episodes. I’m currently in season one; the episodes are detailed and lengthy but still easy to follow. If you enjoy shows with a strong female lead reminiscent of a James Bond character, I highly recommend giving Alias a watch!
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