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That reminds me of:
This Is How It Must End.
This was the message David Dragonpol put along with his flowers on the graves of his victims. It wouldn't be a bad Bond title actually!
I have not read Never Send Flowers though feel compelled to do so David Dragonpol sounds like an interesting villain.
This Is How It Must End. Would have been a fitting title under Wilson and Broccoli if they had creative control of one more film and Bond was not killed off in the previous film.
Actually, it could be seen as an honor, and respectful. Anyway, no one will be paying me huge sums over this thing. As a fan, I am moving on and looking forward.
I'd forgotten about that one! Very close to Gardner's phrase actually. Is that you singing?
Maybe the songwriters pulled the 'This is how it must end' phrase and reworked it. No that's not me.
Ah, I was going to say, "Is there no end to your talents." ;)
Yes, it's a good novel from Gardner's later run. David Dragonpol is a uniquely insane villain. It's well worth a read if you ever get a get chance to. And you can take a Dragonpol's word for it. :)
Mean't in jest. I agree, Would be a nice title for sure.
Some titles from the song...
Where Worlds Collide
You May Have My Number
One Shot At Living
From Nothing To Everything