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I like all of these ideas. Fake media is one of the biggest problems in the world now. Elliot Carver and his type of people are the Bond villains of the world now.
I like that idea, in more ways than one. However, one of the only flaws is the family themes. DC's era over did the family theme in most ways possible, that even the general audience will get tired of it. It would be an interesting origin story though. Jeffery Deaver did something similar with Monique Bond as a Soviet Spy in Carte Blanche.
An assassin targets, and succeeds, in killing every 00 agent except Bond. MI6 grievously mourns those fallen, but assigns these new 00 agents to the cases their predecessors were working on, until tragedy strikes again, with everybody except Bond perishing.
MI6 then furiously demands answers and sends Bond out to investigate deaths and going to the locations of the other cases - with MI6 deciding they will not forget whom they are pursuing, but before they need to save the world, they decide to save themselves and pause the missions they are on after no leads turn up.
Bond, meanwhile, decided to pursue and discovers the perpetrator of these murders, and his would-be assassin, and discovers it’s someone not on MI6’s radar. This person is an owner of a drug business, who uses a front for his activities. It turns out, the assassin has no ill will towards MI6, but is close with an MI6 agent recently promoted to a 00, and the killings happened to stop after these new wave of promotions.
The assassin and this MI6 agent served and roomed together in the British Royal Navy. This MI6 agent passed numerous tests, checked off lots of boxes, yet kept getting passed over for the 00 promotion. So, he decided to turn against his organization and seek out this assassin’s help in exchange for being a funder of his drug business.
Bond dispatches of the assassin, and the hunt for this new, treacherous 00, is on.
The Bond opening gun barrel and music, credits so on, return to movie it’s a young Naval officer in uniform coming a shore from destroyer or submarine, scene time travel to back 40-50 years this is young Bond he reports to his base and immediately is summoned to meeting with now stuffy people in regular suits introduced as MI6 requesting the young Bond to lead a team on ops mission in Middle East, details for mission find the kingpin of drug ring who uses Oil Barron family wealth as disguise cover for his drug operations. Of course if mission fails the government takes no responsibility. Lots of detail here to get to mission and team, part of the team is CIA agent Leiter who he meets at the mission destination. Bond is not 007.
This is the throw back development of the mission interspaced with some voice over of old Bond waxing as if he’s on that same phone call.
During the mission Bond and crew learn the interworking of the oil kings family, the whole oil riches game where the money is hidden, the graft around the politics of the Middle East, this becomes an intelligence play with his team of analysts 1- scientist( future Q)1- code breaker(future moneypenny?) all are young , Leiter and Bond. Turns out most of the oil money is being laundered through trade diamonds and gold bars ( future tie for next movies, introduce characters near end of movie), Bond is forced to kidnap the supposed drug ring leaders son of oil Barron and transport back to England …it does not go well, Bond and team are rookies, smart but crude. Communication is circa mid 80s as is the setting. They steal a Toyota Land Cruiser of the era as get away vehicle looking to find an airfield , gun fire -all that eschews in the chase, no google maps here, old bond is telling the story the lack of intell, how the crew was thrown to the wolves set up to fail…they find an airport Lear is open staircase down, of course it’s guarded, sultan of something… on board as the find their way in, bond takes the cockpit asked by Felix “have you ever flown one of these? ( take from his line in nttd), no first time” answer. Plenty of ground fire, action as plane takes off. Banter during the flight, the sultan finally ask why his rivals son is being kidnapped by British military, Felix explains with little detail, kid is asking for help from the sultan, sultan takes advantage to reveal details about the graft and the plot to build an oil consortium ( future opec with evil intentions), sultan is not what he seems , all sets up future bond 27,28…voice over “the key to the mission was Dilobi he was not what he seemed”
Bond faces a serious dress down back in England by navy higher ups, and those same MI6 guys in suits. They wonder aloud why the have a son of a oil Barron and nothing else but this story of drugs, diamonds and gold), it takes a low level mi6 agent ( future M) to breakdown what bond and crew have done, not everyone buys it, the ask Bond to find the sultan from plane for interrogation. They lost that guy when they got to England ( flashback to that moment sultan sneaks away during exit from plane at military airfield in England, somehow a truck was waiting.)
Bond works a lead from low level mi6 guy and with Felix tracks the guy down to small community in England, its tough to hide a sultan, but after some spirited discussion the sultan wants a play to gain back his position that the oil baron took years ago exchange is the true details on the drugs, diamonds, gold and underworld. The sultan is Dilobi. This leads to more intrigue and set up for Bond becoming 007.
The concept is a set up of old to new, pierce would be an ideal old bond, the voice alone would be dramatic and nostalgic, but critics abound on him, new young bond could be Aaron Taylor or if younger pierce son? This needs a lot of work, I’ve shared the idea on different string but less thought out and pre Amazon recent moves. Bringing in a new generation of Bond fans will need as much storyline, with modern hooks ensemble, world events, England and its struggles in world economics, lots to wrap up.
Ends with voice over wrapping up the mission , and young bond handed a 00 status acknowledgement.