Polite reminder: multiposts and more

DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
edited August 4 in MI6 Headlines & Feedback Posts: 24,101
Dear members

A few polite reminders:
1) Multiposts
You post a comment in a thread. Now you want to post something else in that thread, but no other posts have been made since your latest one. You're about to 'double post' (or 'triple post' or...). Please don't.

It's hard to distinguish between accidental/exceptional situations and intentional spam (for boosting post counts or other unfortunate reasons.) Hence: the rule applies to us all.

How to avoid multiposts?
Click the little wheel in the comment window of your first post.
You can now edit said post and add the new content.

Doesn't apply when
enough time has passed since the first post, i.e. different day.
2) Posts containing only a link
Links to interesting material can make many members happy. However, please consider the purpose of the link. If it's just, say, a YouTube clip you wish to share with us, then at least add a comment.

To keep a discussion going. Some threads have become endless lists of clips without anything being said. We prefer this to be a discussion forum first.

Doesn't apply when
  • the link is posted in response to another member requesting it;
  • the link includes a big announcement or something "very hot", e.g. on the road to a new Bond movie.

3) Nothing but short posts
This is one of our oldest rules. A short post (a few words at most) every now and then is fine. But if that's your overall posting style, please change it.

Sometimes "not much more" has to be said. However, short posts rarely keep a discussion going, border on spam, and annoy members who ask for arguments and are merely given a short comment that stops the conversation rather than facilitate it.

Doesn't apply when
... uh, never? But the mod team has no trouble permitting short comments from a member who doesn't make a habit of it.
Thank you for considering the above.

Please PM a mod if you have any questions. We'll happily answer them.

This discussion has been closed.