Bond Descriptions

mcmcmcmc UK
in Literary 007 Posts: 1
Interested to hear everyone's favourite quotes describing Bond in the Fleming novels (physical appearance, personality, thought processes)


  • NickTwentyTwoNickTwentyTwo Vancouver, BC, Canada
    edited October 9 Posts: 7,537
    Two under "thought processes" (I suppose?) for me:

    From Dr. No:
    "...the smoke [came] out between his teeth in a luxurious hiss. That was his 'Enemy Appreciation'. Now, who was this enemy?"

    From Goldfinger:
    "What was this ridiculous will to live that refused to listen to the brain? Who was making the engine run on although the tank was dry of fuel? But he must empty his mind of thought, as well as his body of oxygen. He must become a vacuum, a deep hole of unconsciousness.
    Still the light burned red through his eyelids. Still he could feel the bursting pressure in his temples. Still the slow drum of life beat in his ears.
    A scream tried to force its way through the clamped teeth.
    Die damn you die die damn you die damn you die damn you die damn you die..."

    EDIT: I'll add this from Live and Let Die:
    "If they were still alive when the first shark's fin showed on the surface behind them Bond had coldly decided to drown Solitaire. Drown her by twisting her body under his and holding her there. Then he would try and drown himself by twisting her dead body back over his to keep him under.
    There was nightmare at every turn of his thoughts, sickening horror in every grisly aspect of the monstrous torture and death this man had invented for them. But Bond knew he must remain cold and absolutely resolved to fight for their lives to the end."

    These are all pretty dark, but it's interesting for a character who confronts these situations with a cold, calculated exterior manner, to see what's really going on inside his head. It makes the stakes enormous, in a way the films can't, IMO.
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