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The MI6 Community is unofficial and in no way associated or linked with EON Productions, MGM, Sony Pictures, Activision or Ian Fleming Publications. Any views expressed on this website are of the individual members and do not necessarily reflect those of the Community owners. Any video or images displayed in topics on MI6 Community are embedded by users from third party sites and as such MI6 Community and its owners take no responsibility for this material.
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^:)^ I am not worthy! lol
I'm subscribed to your channel!
That is me indeed. If you've subscribed and you have folders like that on your computer, you are definitely worthy ;) Thank you for the subscription though!
Most welcome sir! :)
I have some of your Barry stuff bookmarked! Nicely done sir!
Cool thank you! Hard to believe how popular my channel is now. Never expected it. Honestly surprised the copyright moguls haven't taken them down yet. Love posting No Copyright Infringement Intended, sort of an 'up yours' so to speak.
Thank you @00Beast! :)
No problem my friend!