I'm sorry for having created a thread that might will be locked up in a while Again, but i'm getting very annoyed and raged about the people in this forum that doesn't put the Spoiler tags between an information. I didn't see the movie yet, and i know that i should be careful, and I know that i'm not obrigated to read any of those, But our eyes start to read something and in the middle of the text there is something like "...but the bad thing is that everyone dies at the end of the movie." and we read it and now we lose the fun about seeing the film. It is just
annoying. I just entered a thread about Skyfall and saw someone saying that
The gunbarrel is at the end
And that had me pissed off. I've already read many other things about the movie; Couldn't you people have some more respect for the ones who haven't seen the movie yet? I know is such a little thing about the spoiler tag i mentioned above, but can't you guys understand that is needed some caution about those? You might put those informations without spoilers 2 weeks or 1 month after the movie's launch, your choice... I'll try to avoid as maximum the forum right now until i see the whole movie (which is what i should do) and then i'll get Spoiler free.
Please, i'll ask again, have respect and do be careful.
I didn't, i never read. I said that there are people that does everything wrong and Doesn't spoiler every detail.
Piss off. This forum has no exclusives. You, I, and everyone else can read what he writes perfectly.
How's that for English.
Thanks, friend. :)
Yes, I avoid those threads. But there is the other problem - the people don't make the right ID of the thread and let those at News or General Discussion, so I join it to see what they're talking about, and there are those "spoilers without spoilering". :(
You don't have to tell me to piss off.
We will attempt to clean up problems with spoilers, but sadly it's very difficult.
Please please everyone, use the spoiler tags