I have a lot of fun here, and have learned many amazing tidbits of information, but one thing boggles me a bit; why, when someone gives reasons for being a fan of a certain movie, is there always someone who feels that person needs to be reprimanded in some way? I've seen people say they love DAD shot to pieces. And qualifying it with "I know it's not great, but I still have fun with it" seems to mean nothing; you're a moron if you like it. Now, I dislike the movie myself, but I can totally understand somebody who can squeeze some high-octane entertainment out of it no matter what I think.
On the flip side, point out one of the many plot holes of Skyfall, and the heat seekers get launched. What? You can't like a movie AND acknowledge its flaws? Like my favourite Bond (TLD) has no plot holes? Seriously, I can't point out a single plot hole in Bourne Identity through Bourne Supremacy. Why? Because I just don't care enough to give any of them a second look. We pick on stuff in movies WE WATCH & LIKE.
Bottom line, before you whip out the put down list (your credibility is gone/how old are you/you're clearly daft/good taste isn't among your attributes), remember, somewhere in your closet lurks a movie that you like and many others do not, and that it doesn't mean you're an idiot for liking it, okay? I've heard reasoned arguments for liking Howard The Duck (not joking) that make sense.
Just a treat those how we wish to be treated thing. :)>-
You miss my point, how is "You're clearly daft" criticism? In my mind, criticism implies some sort of reasoning, discussion possibly, but to toss out a put down because you can't or won't argue or understand a point is the stuff of school yards. I've often heard the term "We must agree to disagree then" used, it's far superiour to "How old are you?" as parting remark conducive to intelligent conversation on future topics. B-)
I also agree on your SF point. Some things (mainly SF and Daniel Craig right now) seem immune to criticism on this site because the majority love them and can't tolerate people criticising them, but it is possible to like something but also point out flaws in it (even LTK, my favourite Bond movie, I can find flaws in).
Hey, i love TWINE. :D
The pain face's the best thing of the film hahaha
About your point; I guess that the people should reconsider the critics and make construcitve ones instead of trying to judge everyone just because of their tastes. It's just something awful, no one respects that anymore.
So much for objectivity, eh?
@=bg= I don't mind sarcasm in shots, but when it's fully automatic it's usually hiding an inability to actually argue the point(s).
You are right on that. I mean, I've been here awhile- I had well over 2500 posts or so in the previous site format, so I know how it works. It just seems the vitriol has increased.
A few other sites I've been to, namely a Ghostbuster and Metal Gear forum, had people arguing over literally nothing. People being mean spirited for the sake of being that way. I mean Ghostbusters, lets argue over the two movies and a cartoon.
Anyways, I think the only unwritten prerequisite of being on here is to be somewhat knowledgeable of what you're talking about. Some would be better lurking for a while and joining discussion posts and not starting them, until you get the feel of the site. Beside that it's all fun here.
Completely agree with both of you here.
Care to elaborate, or is it just a toss off comment to the troll I see was cleaned up?
Has some one been masquerading as you on here mate.
i am a fan of James Rolfe (the angry video game nerd) especially when he does movie reviews, and while reviewing a particular movie he made an interesting point about people (in general terms) on the internet and the way they criticize films nowadays... he mentions that today, a lot more people nitpick and judge films based solely around small individual moments or scenes, instead of looking at the full body of work - people are too quick to go "that scene doesn't make any sense, therefor this movie is terrible.".. and i completely agree... i see this all the time - not just on this site, but on countless others, and even in public.. it's how people have become today...
i've enjoyed all of Craig's Bond films thus far, even QOS... despite it's lousy shot action scenes there is still a lot of positive i can find it from the performances by the actors, some of the exquisitely shot scenes, there is enough there to keep me entertained on the whole...
the only film that i've seen get universally slammed on here other than QOS, is DAD - and rightly so IMO.. it's a steaming pile.... if someone likes it over FRWL, so be it, that is their opinion... i like QOS and LALD more than i do other Bond films, but that is just a personal preference, i am aware of their faults and why people wouldn't enjoy them as much as i do - but i try not to get into holy wars about it, because there is no point in doing so
til the CGI hit. How did they think it looked good?
That's so true about many people apparently looking at movies not as whole but as bits and pieces. Some seem to enjoy stuff like "what's wrong with such and such a movie", listing things that they think is wrong, little details, errors and such, even competing about "did you notice all the errors I noticed" sort of stuff. If I like the movie I wouldn't bother (why concentrate on that if I enjoy the whole?), if I don't like the movie I also wouldn't bother (why waste time on something I don't care about anyway?)
I thought it was okay until Madonna started singing. But yeah, the CGI. The terrible, terrible CGI. Can you imagine what that's going to look like with a few more years of age. Maybe in the Bond 100 collection they'll have a feature where they say they were really trying Bond out in a cartoon setting. :-/
To be fair, some people go crazy when you criticise goldeneye so it cuts both ways.
Not me :-\" (personally I think SF is a little better anyway)
John Barry
Daniel Craig
Pierce Brosnan
i've found that criticizing any one of the above mentioned will stir a lot of hornet nests around here..