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I had never seen this film before. It's one of those films that I hear so much about, and approach cautiously, as I have been let down by films praised to the hilt. That wasn't the case here. I knew roughly of the plot, "i'm your #1 fan", and the use of the sledgehammer*. But I wasn't prepared for how unsettling Misery was at times. I also winced with a sharp intake of breath at times too.
* The moment she held it up.... oh sweet lawd no. I clenched so hard, I might have ruptured something.
Saw it in the cinema, and to say the audience I was with were not ready for that scene is an understatement! The Sheriff you talk about was the great Richard Farnsworth, ex stuntman, who went on to star in David Lynchs wonderful The Straight Story!
Agreed. I'm even willing to throw in Rollerball as a strange but compelling side dish.