Skyfall- The World Is Not Enough 2

edited February 2014 in Skyfall Posts: 12,837
I can't be the only one to notice the similarities between Purvis and Wade's first film and their last?

TWINE was Brosnan's third Bond film, SF was Craig's third Bond film. In both films the PTS ends with Bond falling from a great height and being injured. In both films Bond also injures his shoulder in the PTS, dislocating it after falling from the balloon in TWINE and getting shot by Patrice in Skyfall.

The plots are also similar. In both films Judi Dench is featured more than usual and it's about M's past coming back to haunt her, and in both films she sort of created the villains. In Skyfall she handed Silva over to the chinese causing him to turn into a psychopath and in TWINE she told King not to pay Elektra's ransom, causing her to become a psychopath. In both films the villains want to kill M because of this.

The main difference here though is that Elektra was more ambitious than Silva. She also had the whole oil plot while Silva just wanted to kill M. Also, in TWINE, Bond managed to save M, while in Skyfall, she died for her "sins".

Also, in both films, M doesn't trust Bond and this comes back to bite her on the arse. In Skyfall, she didn't trust Bond to take out Patrice on the train, she told Eve to fire and she ended up losing the list. In TWINE, she doesn't listen to Bond when he tells her his suspicions about Elektra so Elektra is able to kidnap her.

Another similarity: both films feature a chase through an iconic part of London (the thames boat chase in TWINE, the tube sequence in SF). Also, in both films, the villain blows up MI6, causing them to relocate to a new secret location (the Scottish castle in TWINE, the underground base in Skyfall.

While the villains aren't similar, there is one similarity. Both villains have girls working for them that are scared of them. The assassin is terrified of Renard, when Bond says he can protect her she says "not from him" and blows up the balloon. In Skyfall, Severine is equally terrified of Silva. When Bond says he knows all there is to know about Silva she says "not like this, not like him". Even the lines are similar, and both girls end up dead. There is one key difference though: the assassin didn't trust Bond to protect her from Renard. Severine trusted Bond to protect her from Silva and that turned out to be a bad decision as she ended up dead.

And finally, both films feature Istanbul, London and Scotland as locations and both films refer to Bond's family (in TWINE we have the family motto and in Skyfall we have the bit in Scotland).

I think that this shows that it was a good idea letting Purvis and Wade go. I appreciate what they've done for the series and they've written some of my favourites (TWINE, CR and SF) but I think that the similarities between these two films show that maybe they were running out of ideas.


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