Underrated/overrated actors and actresses

I was sure I remembered this being a thread but I couldn't find one. If this is a duplicate thread then sorry.

Are there any actors or actresses that you think don't get the praise they deserve? I can think of a few, and I can think of a few who I don't think are as good as everyone says


Giancarlo Esposito- Breaking Bad gets lots of well deserved praise but when people talk about thenperformances it's always Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul they mention. And they were brilliant, but I thought Giancarlo was equally good. Gus was such an amazing villain and a lot of that was down to his performance. Even just sitting and staring, he managed to look menacing. He wasn't flamboyant, he didn't chew the scenery, he was calm, quiet and composed, and that made him all the more threatening. Amazing villain, great actor. I'd like to see him play a Bond baddy.

Robert Carlyle- He gets his fair share of recognition over here but outside the UK he doesn't seem to get much praise even though he's brilliant. He's also one of the few actors who really blends into every part, he's a cameleon, you never think "oh look it's Robert Carlyle" when you're watching him. He's also really varied and he pulls off pretty much every role, whether he's a laid off factory worker turned stripper or a Russian terrorist who's fallen in love with the girl he captured. I think he's one of the best actors of all time.

Mark Wahlberg- I really like him. He seems like a decent bloke who isn't up his own arse like most Hollywood stars and who feels genuinly bad about mistakes he's made in the past. Great actor too. He can do action, he can do drama and he's brilliant at comedy.

Jason Statham- Again, seems like a really down to earth bloke and he's self aware, he knows what kinds of films he's making, he doest pretend they're anything other than popcorn entrrtainment. He's also the only proper old school action hero of the 21st century. A real badass and a pretty good actor (watch Hummingbird).

Roger Craig Smith- He's a voice actor so I don't expect him to be discussed much but he's still criminally overlooked. People bang on about Nolan North and Mark Hamill but this guy blows them all out of the water. He was Batman in the last game and I think he did better job than the the bloke from the first two (who sounded pretty monotone imo); fanboys just didn't want to admit it. He was also Ezio in Assassin's Creed and he gave one of the best performances I've ever seen in anything. I know some of you will laugh at this because it was in computer games but I think his performance as Ezio in all three games (and the short film where he died) was Oscar worthy.


Benedict Cumberbatch- Meh. I don't see what's so amazing about him. He's pretty good in Sherlock but not that good, he's a bit one note (Martin Freeman outshines him). He also seems like a bit of a spoilt knobhead in real life, I read an interview of his which really made me dislike him. I honestly liked Robert Downey Jr better.

Nolan North- Yeah he was great in the Uncharted games but everyone says he's the best voice actor working when I think that there are a few that are better. He seems to struggle when he has to change his voice (eg- the awful cockney accent he does in the Batman games) whereas other voice actors can do a variety of voices/accents. I do like him, just think he's a bit overpraised because people act like he's the be all and end all of voice acting.

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